Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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IIRC, in her first interrogation with DF at the Yreka police station, she went on in on about how broke she was, how she owed everyone money, her car was being repossessed, her credit cards were maxed out, blah blah blah. I think that was in the beginning when she was explaining why she had to move home.

But for a long time, I've always had the impression that she was super-cheap. I can't off the top of my head recall specific things she said or wrote, but I distinctly remember when I read or heard certain things over the years that she reminded me of a dear friend the way she put a dollar value on things, especially when she was paying for someone or buying things for someone, almost like "keeping score". Sorry I'm being so vague but perhaps others here got the same feeling or can remember examples. IMHO
She actually downplayed the repo of her Infiniti automobile by using her magical language: "gave it back to the bank". Like she was borrowing an item and kindly returning it.

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AZL mentioned something recently that I can't ignore because I gathered it was the case: JA seems to be calling the shots much more during this mitigation phase. The way I see it, it's as if her attorneys have simply given up on an effective defense and are following her wishes to impeach witnesses she has developed grudges against--this being more important than saving her own hide. Or maybe JA feels that this impeachment is somehow important to the upcoming appeal process, since it's the only hope she has now. Yet the witnesses she seems to want to impeach are the most solid witnesses the prosecution has. She cannot make a dent in these witnesses. I am new to following a trial closely and find this intriguing.

Have her attorneys not explained the logic of a defense that would benefit her the most? Is she so self-absorbed that she thinks what they say doesn't matter? Is she so involved with her sick fans that she takes advice from them rather than her attorneys?
I had a really bad dream about this case last night. While cross-examining Sky Hughes for this penalty phase, Nurmi suddenly reveals some terrible secret about Sky's family. Visible gasps are heard in the courtroom and people think it's game over for the prosecution. So annoying to dream about this case. Like I don't spend enough time and energy during my waking state.:gaah:

Thankfully I went back to sleep and had a light-hearted dream. I was at Loblaws (a Canadian supermarket) looking for Cape Cod Chips, Ginger Chews and some gourmet Chocolate. :giggle:

I had a dream the other night that JA gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Travis was in the dream and I was holding this adorable baby and telling Travis that I was so glad he looked just like him. But in the dream, I couldn't figure out why TA was back with JA. It can be looked at as a nightmare, I suppose, but I felt happy in the dream. Happy for Travis.
I've wondered why someone as intelligent as JA never got even a GED until forced to take the class in jail. Could it be that JA's focus was never on making her own way in the world, but always on being the wife/partner of someone who already had everything materially that she craved? Nothing against being a server, but why did JA limit her options, since there was apparently no learning disability? The only success she seemed interested in was successfully snaring a successful man.

It's called being a gold-digger. Wanting to get rich off someone else without having to work for it by using your sexual charms. Anna Nicole Smith did it when she married that rich old billionaire.
Re: missing engagement ring
Travis wrote in his journal dated March 18, 2008 (this is from my note, so it may not be verbatim)

Well a lot of things have been lost. I lost my journal so I'm writing in this one. I lost my I Pod, hopefully it is around here somewhere. (?.....)a diamond ring but apparently Jodi took for some reason. My roommate thinks he lost his camera but it is in my BMW. He didn't lose it but what's it doing in my BMW?....


Sounds to me like JA was loading up the car for her big getaway. I wonder if the roomates camera card was missing? IIRC he had a really nice professional camera. I guess in jodiland it is possible that all these items just fell into the car she happened to be taking with her. You know, the car that she tried to convince the estate attorney with faked emails that Travis gave her the car. Dummy, she forgot that she had already contacted Tanisha and told her that she still owed Travis for the car and needed to make arrangements to pay for it.

So let's picture this; JA was sitting in Travis' BMW, taking selfies with his roommate's camera, reading his journal, listening to some music on his Ipod, while coveting his diamond ring she took by mistake.:naughty:
Or HIS way,with all the dreams of visiting her in jail before she was released. LOL!

A little conjugal book research? :notgood:

Someone posted that there's a juror who wears boots and a cowboy hat into the courtroom.

JA was supposedly trading something like knowing glances with this 'Marlboro' juror on Thursday.

If so, let's pray he's an alternate.
The way the Jodi supporters operate, I t wouldn't surprise me if they just went in and did bad ratings. (Icould be wrong tho)

Ironically, I saw a commercial for this website for the first time last night.
Found this portrait of the erudite 'John Dixon', oil-on-canvas aficionado and curator par excellence, to hang in your gallery:

View attachment 68923

OMG -I am dying here!!! In my books, it is a tie between the two "Ts" - Truth Detector and T-4-2 as to who has the funniest posts. Thank goodness you are both here to add levity to all the sadness and horror. I am so grateful to ALL members on this forum, but you two have my heart. :)
I've wondered why someone as intelligent as JA never got even a GED until forced to take the class in jail. Could it be that JA's focus was never on making her own way in the world, but always on being the wife/partner of someone who already had everything materially that she craved? Nothing against being a server, but why did JA limit her options, since there was apparently no learning disability? The only success she seemed interested in was successfully snaring a successful man.

I suppose that depends on the definition of intelligence. ;)
Ironically, I saw a commercial for this website for the first time last night.

My curiosity on this hearkens back to my advert days...

Was it on a mobile device (phone/tablet), laptop, or desktop, please?
I took Lunesta one night then woke to discover the cats had opened the fridge, eaten half a cake, AND washed, dried, and put away the plate. It had to have been them, because I know it wasn't me. Nice of them to clean up after themselves.

Okay, T, this has to stop. This is the 2nd post of yours I interrupted my hubby's movie-watching for to quote to him. And I'm trying to enjoy a cocktail and it's hard to drink when my tummy is hurting from laughter. Lawd, I've missed you.
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