Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #3

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Good morning :seeya:

Court Minutes

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
09/30/2014 8:00 AM



MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 7h7 hours ago
#JodiArias defense has cost Co. taxpayers 2.5 Million #abc15

MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15 · 16h 16 hours ago
Just spoke 2former #JodiArias juror: seeing it all over the news is gut wrenching - same as when they were deliberating #deathpenalty #abc15

:seeya: Morning YorN !

:seeya: And Morning to ALL !

Anything on today's agenda ?

Hi everyone,

It's good to be back to WS and read all your thoughts. While I'm busy mixing your fancy drinks (dang! I just ran out of those little paper parasols), can I please share some of my thoughts about today's posts on this thread? I really, really don't intend to criticize anyone, but I'm troubled by all the criticism of Judge Stephens, in particular, and the justice system in general.

The judge has frequently been criticized as too lenient and/or too cautious. And the judicial process has been criticized as too slow. And some have even suggested Judge Stephens is therefore incompetent. But I think she's being very careful to foreclose any future appeals from the DT. In other words, she wants this trial to be concluded with no grounds for appeal. And that necessarily means a lengthy trial with drawn out and tedious processes. Shouldn't we respect that? And shouldn't we also applaud her efforts to see that JA has no grounds for appeal?

I was also troubled by the eye-rolls today about the judge's scheduling. Some here seem to assume that the JA trial is her only trial and therefore assume that she must devote all of her time to it. Others, who recognize that she is busy with other trials as well as JA's, seem angry that she "quits" at 4:00 and does nothing on Fridays. C'mon. As AZLawyer has repeatedly pointed out, much of her work is done in chambers. That is, just because she is not sitting at her official judicial bench, in her judicial robes, doesn't mean she's not working or that the legal process has the day off. In fact, I suspect she works well beyond a "regular" 40-hour week (or even a 60-hour week).

In other words, Judge Stephens strikes me as a very competent judge who knows the law and knows the legal system. She deserves our respect, not our scorn.

I didn't intend this as a pro-JSS post, but I get very troubled when citizens vacate their civic duty by not pausing to think.

Hey Becky ! Glad to see your keyboard is fixed... although it gave me many smiles throughout the first phase. Am hoping against hope for the DP this time around, but I just dont see it happening.... I hope I am wrong !
I was under the impression that it is not only 'ok' for potential jurors to believe that Arias is guilty but that they should. Or at least accept the verdict of first-degree murder. How can jurors who don't believe that Arias is guilty be expected to sentence her to death? It may be legally acceptable for the Judge to phrase the instructions so vaguely but I don't think it's sound. We'll end up with jurors who don't believe very strongly in Arias' guilt or an appropriate punishment. The last thing we need is a wishy-washy jury. I remember Judge Perry keeping a juror (in spite of objections from Ashton) who specifically stated that she could not judge others. Knowing Juan is around is reassuring since he knows everything about everything but my faith in this Judge wanes. My biggest fear, if the Judge gets to decide the punishment, is that she will go for the middle-ground (as she is known to do) and give Arias LWP (or the equivalent in Arizona). It will be a tremendous win for Arias if she is given even the remotest hope of getting out of prison one day.

I think that would make me physically ill if that were to happen...
Good morning :seeya:

Court Minutes

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
09/30/2014 8:00 AM



MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 7h7 hours ago
#JodiArias defense has cost Co. taxpayers 2.5 Million #abc15

MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15 · 16h 16 hours ago
Just spoke 2former #JodiArias juror: seeing it all over the news is gut wrenching - same as when they were deliberating #deathpenalty #abc15

We meet again ...:seeya::seeya::seeya:
Here we go... buckle up... its gonna be a wild ride...
"..."Based off the evidence I've seen and what I've heard on TV," said Maestas. "I followed this case very closely. I could not be able to make a clear, honest decision based off of evidence presented in that court because of things I've heard. Clearly, a decision has been made on my part."

"After she was sentenced, I was shocked that the first jury didn't give her the death penalty," said Mueller. "It was pretty clear cut that she butchered her boyfriend. She needs to die."..."

Ya think she sees the writing on the wall now? Little Miss Einstein had better opt out of penalty by jury and throw herself on the mercy of the court, praying that Judge Stephens doesn't have the stomach to pronounce death.
I've just sat and read through yesterday's jury selection posts. Is it wrong that I burst out laughing several times while reading about the selection of a jury to decide on the life or death fate for a convicted murderer?

How come the jury selection isn't back on before Wednesday? The way they are dropping court bailiffs will be driving around Arizona in cattle trucks rustling people off the streets to be on the jury!

:seeya: Hi there !

Let me see if I can explain this correctly:

First, there was the Trial :

Jodi was convicted of 1st Degree Murder. IIRC, 5 found her guilty of 1st Degree PRE-Meditated Murder and 7 found her guilty of BOTH 1st Degree PRE-Meditated Murder AND Felony Murder ... and PLEASE correct if wrong - TIA !

Then there was the "Aggravation Phase" :

The Aggravation Phase was where the jury had to decide if the murder was CRUEL, etc., and if Jodi was eligible for the Death Penalty. The jury voted unanimously that JA was eligible for the DP.

Then there was the "Penalty Phase" :

The Penalty Phase resulted in a "Hung Jury" : 8 voted jurors for Death and 4 did not.

So under the Arizona laws, the Prosecutor gets one more shot at the DP.

Now, this is a Re-Trial of the "Penalty Phase."

IF this jury does not reach a decision, the Judge will sentence CMJA.

ETA from Truth Detector:

If the jury being selected and seated now is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, under Arizona law the Judge is required to sentence the convict to life in prison -- either with or without parole eligibility after 25 years.

I hope this helps ... IANAL and not an expert.
IF this jury does not reach a decision, the Judge will sentence CMJA.

I hope this helps ... IANAL and not an expert.

Snipped by me.

I would add the following specification:

If the jury being selected and seated now is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, under Arizona law the Judge is required to sentence the convict to life in prison -- either with or without parole eligibility after 25 years.
Snipped by me.

I would add the following specification:

If the jury being selected and seated now is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, under Arizona law the Judge is required to sentence the convict to life in prison -- either with or without parole eligibility after 25 years.

:seeya: Thanks ... I just added it.

BBM: It will be an absolute OUTRAGE IF -- IF -- JSS sentences her to life WITH the parole eligibility ...

JMO and MOO but I just do NOT -- NOT -- trust JSS to impose the CORRECT SENTENCE for CMJA !

:moo: :moo: and :moo:
:seeya: Thanks ... I just added it.

BBM: It will be an absolute OUTRAGE IF -- IF -- JSS sentences her to life WITH the parole eligibility ...

JMO and MOO but I just do NOT -- NOT -- trust JSS to impose the CORRECT SENTENCE for CMJA !

:moo: :moo: and :moo:
I'm still on the fence.
:seeya: Thanks ... I just added it.

BBM: It will be an absolute OUTRAGE IF -- IF -- JSS sentences her to life WITH the parole eligibility ...

JMO and MOO but I just do NOT -- NOT -- trust JSS to impose the CORRECT SENTENCE for CMJA !

:moo: :moo: and :moo:

This is among the reasons that I won't follow the case in earnest like I did last time. I doubt there will be a unanimous DP verdict, and JSS' loosey-goosey courtroom control convinced me that she would not sentence JA to LWOP. Jodi's counting on it, I'm sure. :moo:
This is among the reasons that I won't follow the case in earnest like I did last time. I doubt there will be a unanimous DP verdict, and JSS' loosey-goosey courtroom control convinced me that she would not sentence JA to LWOP. Jodi's counting on it, I'm sure. :moo:

This, from the Arizona Courts website, is why I have more faith in JSS sentencing CMJA to LWOP:

Merit selection is not a system that grants lifetime judgeships. In Arizona, after an initial two-year term of office and every few years thereafter, judges appointed under merit selection are evaluated by the voters in an uncontested retention election. Voters have the power to remove or retain judges during the retention elections.

Should this jury hang, and JSS sentence her to LWP, she'd be voted out in the first retention election she faced thereafter.
:wave: Hi all!

Here are my bah humbugs for the day:

Bah Humbug #1: Since no woman on AZ death row has been executed since the 1930s, IIRC, why go through the time and mounting expense for this formality??? Though I believe JA well earned the DP if it was enforced, Lw/oP will have to do. LwP would be entirely unacceptable. JMO

Bah Humbug #2: Rather than "marking my spot" on threads, why not use the "Subscribe to this Thread" feature located at the top of each and every thread under "Thread Tools"???

I think I need that drink now - this case makes me very cranky! :notgood:
I've never smelled decomp, but evidently it's both horrible and distinctive. If I shared a house with someone and I noticed an increasingly awful smell coming from behind their locked door and permeating the entire house, I seriously doubt I'd think dead body right off the bat, if at all. I read somewhere (who knows if it's true) that the space cadet housemates thought Napoleon must have pooped in Travis' bedroom and that Travis left for Cancun without cleaning it up. Right. That sounds likely. No one would leave a pile of poop on their bedroom floor and just take off. Especially not a neatnik like Travis. And dog poop would smell less over time, not more. They have my sympathy, but they should have realized that something was way wrong in that room and gotten that door open way sooner. Maybe the toilet was backing up in some spectacular way -- that's not something you'd let continue! Maybe they did start thinking that something had died in there. Maybe a raccoon or a rat fell through a ceiling tile. But you don't just leave it there to ripen! I bet Jodi was counting on the housemates' "hear nothing, see nothing, speak nothing, and SMELL nothing" attitude -- this would buy her more time.

But that brings up another mystery: why the heck didn't she just skedaddle out of Dodge ASAP? Doesn't the Murder For Dummies book have a chapter about the importance of not hanging out at your grandparents' house for a couple of weeks post-murder? Maybe she was trying not to attract attention -- for only the second time in her life. If that were the case, she should maybe have skipped the memorial service and she should have skipped calling Det. Flores. Just not her style I guess.

Many think she's an evil genius. Wrong. Just one more example of how clueless and self-serving jodi really is. She thought her plan was brilliant and she'd never be looked at as prime suspect. Dumb dumb dumb!

Btw love your posts!!
This is among the reasons that I won't follow the case in earnest like I did last time. I doubt there will be a unanimous DP verdict, and JSS' loosey-goosey courtroom control convinced me that she would not sentence JA to LWOP. Jodi's counting on it, I'm sure. :moo:

No one has yet to be granted parole with a murder 1 LWP sentence in Arizona since a change in the law....brain fart, so I can't remember what the specifics were.

Dollar to donuts, JSS will sentence CMJA to LWOP if it gets to that point. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see CMJA is a few bricks short of a load and has no place in society. And that's putting in mildly.
Bah Humbug #3: It's only a shame that a few of the defense "experts" couldn't be sentenced to some lengthy together time with JA in her tiny cell after their performances in the guilt phase. JMO

Where's that drink? :hills:
Bah Humbug #2: Rather than "marking my spot" on threads, why not use the "Subscribe to this Thread" feature located at the top of each and every thread under "Thread Tools"???

I think I need that drink now - this case makes me very cranky! :notgood:

Thank you. I didn't know this was available. Now I can keep up with this case and not have to search. I'll join you in that drink because this case makes me extremely cranky.:furious: It should have been over a long time ago. JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS!
Hi everyone,

It's good to be back to WS and read all your thoughts. While I'm busy mixing your fancy drinks (dang! I just ran out of those little paper parasols), can I please share some of my thoughts about today's posts on this thread? I really, really don't intend to criticize anyone, but I'm troubled by all the criticism of Judge Stephens, in particular, and the justice system in general.

The judge has frequently been criticized as too lenient and/or too cautious. And the judicial process has been criticized as too slow. And some have even suggested Judge Stephens is therefore incompetent. But I think she's being very careful to foreclose any future appeals from the DT. In other words, she wants this trial to be concluded with no grounds for appeal. And that necessarily means a lengthy trial with drawn out and tedious processes. Shouldn't we respect that? And shouldn't we also applaud her efforts to see that JA has no grounds for appeal?

I was also troubled by the eye-rolls today about the judge's scheduling. Some here seem to assume that the JA trial is her only trial and therefore assume that she must devote all of her time to it. Others, who recognize that she is busy with other trials as well as JA's, seem angry that she "quits" at 4:00 and does nothing on Fridays. C'mon. As AZLawyer has repeatedly pointed out, much of her work is done in chambers. That is, just because she is not sitting at her official judicial bench, in her judicial robes, doesn't mean she's not working or that the legal process has the day off. In fact, I suspect she works well beyond a "regular" 40-hour week (or even a 60-hour week).

In other words, Judge Stephens strikes me as a very competent judge who knows the law and knows the legal system. She deserves our respect, not our scorn.

I didn't intend this as a pro-JSS post, but I get very troubled when citizens vacate their civic duty by not pausing to think.
BBM - IMO, she already handed the defense an appeal issue on a silver platter by reversing herself and not allowing this portion of the trial to be televised. The defense will say that because she allowed the guilt and aggravation phase to be televised, she denied the defendant her rights to a fair trial and whole a new trial should be granted. So, yeah, I definitely paused to 'think' about that and the potential impact of her decision to ban live cameras from the courtroom for this penalty phase re-trial. And yes, we have a right to be annoyed that the victim was killed over 6 years ago and his family is still waiting for justice to be served, thanks to the interminable delays in this case. Meanwhile, the Michael Dunn 1st degree re-trial is scheduled to conclude today and be handed over to the jury for deliberation, and that entire process including jury selection took around a week, which demonstrates that the wheels of justice don't have to turn painfully slow. With the news that this case has already cost Arizona taxpayers 2.5 million dollars and counting, I'm sure those people will also exercise their civic duty to ask why this is happening and how it could be done better in the future.
Bah Humbug #3: It's only a shame that a few of the defense "experts" couldn't be sentenced to some lengthy together time with JA in her tiny cell after their performances in the guilt phase. JMO

Where's that drink? :hills:

Is this enough? :floorlaugh:


(I might join you- even tho' I don't drink, but they look so pretty :facepalm: )
:wave: Hi all!

Here are my bah humbugs for the day:

Bah Humbug #1: Since no woman on AZ death row has been executed since the 1930s, IIRC, why go through the time and mounting expense for this formality??? Though I believe JA well earned the DP if it was enforced, Lw/oP will have to do. LwP would be entirely unacceptable. JMO

While it's true that no woman has been executed in a while, I think receiving the DP will send a huge message to JA that her peers believe that she does not deserve to live. :happydance:
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