Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I agree completely with your summary of the (conveniently) "elastic" nature of psychology, but in Arias' case, there's just so much being thrown at the wall that it's ultimately and inevitably self-contradicting - it collapses in on itself and self destructs. And that's without factoring in Arias' contradictory and documented behaviors, and complete lack of emotion in court - the final death blow to credibility.

Their "expert" testimony reflects what the defense wants the jury to think.
- "experts": Highlight the good, ignore the bad, and twist everything in between, all to paint the client in the most positive light and the victim in the most negative light. It doesn't matter what or how much ends up as contradictory.
- jury (they hope): One or two people pick out maybe pieces of the spaghetti - even if they are contradictory - and maybe spare her life. Who cares, as long as they come to the "right" decision.
I read a tweet that Geffner will on the stand for the whole week but only two days of direct. I am not sure.

The number of vague and contradictory tweets is staggering. I wish our Websleuthers were in court...we'd have the entire trial written down word for word.

There was some confusion over whether the offering was that the defense would need two days on direct, leading to four days total, or whether they would need four days for direct. To me, if the answer isn't clear, then put your money on whichever one stretches things out further. JW and Geff can easily babble for two more days.
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