Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 18

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Top photo - Arias looks far from confident.

3rd photo - I have a sweater very similar to that. Time to donate it to Value Village.

Last photo - Juan looks just as pissed today and he did yesterday.

Thank you for posting them.

:seeya: I agree, and good assessment !

:cheers: And You're Welcome !
IIRC Jodi wasn't doing well at all. I think because she had attached herself to Travis and had the mindset that he was going to support her and take her on trips. She'd thought she had it made.

If she was a working girl she sure didn't make much.

^^^Yes, killer saw dollar signs all around when she met Travis. Remember she borrowed a dress to attend the banquet, as she claimed she had nothing to wear. She also probably thought Travis would give her a centurion card of sorts so she can go shopping for herself.

Oh, how I wish he'd seen the signs early on. :(
JA was probably maxing out all of her credit cards. Taking cash off of them. Remember, it was her last ditch effort to score a guy like TA. She had to try to "impress" him in some fashion. Also, she wasn't making the house payment so she didn't have a mortgage or rent to pay. I doubt she ever paid money to the roomie in AZ. I can almost guarantee that she used something like "Care Credit" for her boob and whatever other implants she had done, never making one payment. It would be awesome to do a credit check on her for this time period, check the banking systems to see how many bad checks she wrote.


Didn't he propose to her. According to her :rolleyes:
JA was probably maxing out all of her credit cards. Taking cash off of them. Remember, it was her last ditch effort to score a guy like TA. She had to try to "impress" him in some fashion. Also, she wasn't making the house payment so she didn't have a mortgage or rent to pay. I doubt she ever paid money to the roomie in AZ. I can almost guarantee that she used something like "Care Credit" for her boob and whatever other implants she had done, never making one payment. It would be awesome to do a credit check on her for this time period, check the banking systems to see how many bad checks she wrote.

Bill Arais said she had made car payments in months. and she had ragged the car out. bald tires transmission going out. and that Travis had given her a car that got ruined.
Aren't we supposed to be back in session?
Arias in profile. She has supervisor's inspection face on this morning, scrutinizing Dr. G's testimony and references. This is in part to examine it for errors and in part because it issues from her favorite subject. JodiAnnArias but of course!
Thinking back to waiting tables in a casino steak house back in '95/'96 , I'd guess around $500/600 or so a week, plus regular check (if you counted it, I didn't as it was eaten by taxes and insurance). That was working 40+ hour weeks tho and didn't leave a whole lot of stalking time, much less the energy to care. Never did have vacation money.

I can't understand why Jodi didn't attract any men with money when she was working in Big Sur. and does anyone really believe that hard working Joid saved 12,000 bucks to help Darryl buy the house? Just how long were they in the house? Bill Arais said the payments were 3.500 a month and she was maxing out her cards to keep it. And Jodi said she owed Darryl a lot of money,
Contrast all of this sentencing phase testimony with this, the defendants allocution. Her family, her early life, her boyfriends etc:

... and then contrast her life with his- my dear friend Rafe Day!

He was born with Down syndrome and without a right foot. His father became an alcoholic (he couldn't handle his sons disability) and left Rafe's mother early in his life. Rafe was raised by a single mother without a lot of external support in a time when his disability was still not well understood and without the benefit of early intervention and all of the resources available just 20 years later, when my son was born.

Take a look:

:tyou: Thank You, Frigga, for sharing that beautiful story about Rafe !!! What a fantastic young man he is !!!

How much is it possible for a waitress - even a very, very good waitress - to make? .

Depends on the restaurant, shift, number of servers, and day of week. A good waitress at a good restaurant on a weekend night can take home $200+ in one night, cash.

She worked lunch shift at Mimi's cafe (fairly upscale) in Jan 2008. I'd guess she could average $50-75 per shift if business was good. But she only worked a couple shifts a week.

How much is it possible for a waitress - even a very, very good waitress - to make? .

Depends on the restaurant, shift, number of servers, and day of week. A good waitress at a good restaurant on a weekend night can take home $200+ in one night, cash.

She worked lunch shift at Mimi's cafe (fairly upscale) in Jan 2008. I'd guess she could average $50-75 per shift if business was good. But she only worked a couple shifts a week.
Well I am glad they wanted to shorten Lunch, maybe it will make them on time for the 1:30 session.
William Pitts @william_pitts · 1m 1 minute ago
We're back. #JodiArias
I can't understand why Jodi didn't attract any men with money when she was working in Big Sur. and does anyone really believe that hard working Joid saved 12,000 bucks to help Darryl buy the house? Just how long were they in the house? Bill Arais said the payments were 3.500 a month and she was maxing out her cards to keep it. And Jodi said she owed Darryl a lot of money,

I live in the area and frequent Ventana's for brunch quite often. It's a nice place that attracts many out of the area visitors and high end local trade (from Pebble Beach and/or Carmel proper).......I'm just going to blurt it out even though it may not sound quite right.....................................but the chance of her being sought out by a man (married or not) either staying at Ventana and/or catching a meal or cocktail would be pretty darn slim because the average customer does not view the "help" in that way.

If that makes sense.....
Depends on the restaurant, shift, number of servers, and day of week. A good waitress at a good restaurant on a weekend night can take home $200+ in one night, cash.

She worked lunch shift at Mimi's cafe (fairly upscale) in Jan 2008. I'd guess she could average $50-75 per shift if business was good. But she only worked a couple shifts a week.

And someone said she stayed on the phone (stalking Travis by phone) and if she couldn't reach him she'd take off and go to see him.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 4m 4 minutes ago
Jodi in her journal is writing about her "transgressions" with Travis #jodiarias #3tvarias

William Pitts @william_pitts · 52s 53 seconds ago
Geffner says there's no real break in the relationship. #JodiArias
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1m 1 minute ago
2/25/08 Jodi is in Vegas and she said it was great to get away. #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 23s 24 seconds ago
#jodiarias says Travis wanted her to come over and it was hard to say no so she's driving over there but she stayed an extra day in Vegas
I can't understand why Jodi didn't attract any men with money when she was working in Big Sur. and does anyone really believe that hard working Joid saved 12,000 bucks to help Darryl buy the house? Just how long were they in the house? Bill Arais said the payments were 3.500 a month and she was maxing out her cards to keep it. And Jodi said she owed Darryl a lot of money,

Oh, and Ventana has employee housing onsite. It's way rustic, but it is employee housing during the season. Darryl probably didn't live in it because he was management (at least in the begining) but she sure did. And tips would be very good there.
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