Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 32

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I think Dr D is just telling the truth. If it makes the killer seem more sympathetic, so be it. But the Dr needs to tell the whole truth. Unlike the defense docs who wouldn't give an inch, even when it made them look silly, trying to turn into pretzels to avoid conceding anything.
Everyone calm down. JM just has to ask one question: Does BPD cause you to know right from wrong? Did CMJA in your expert opinion know the difference between right and wrong when she killed TA?
It's just a poor strategy. He wants to discredit Demarte on the things she said and used to diagnose Jodi. Can't have the jury thinking she is overly attached and clingy because then they will think that's how she was with Travis and they need the jury to think she was the victim in that relationship and all her relationships. They want you to accept some of what she's saying about BPDs, like feeling neglected and invalidated, abused as child, suicidal, but the rest is hogwash. Demarte diagnosed her because of her behavior and symptoms, not what her childhood was like. They want it both ways. If they had gone all in with this BPD diagnosis it would have been better instead of trying to paint her as the victim all the time and trash Travis.

It may not matter anyway. Demarte is doing a good job of generating sympathy for her, which isn't a bad thing. She's just being honest. But if she avoids death it won't be because of anything the defense did.

I, for one, am no longer trying to figure out what the DT is trying to do. Honestly, I don't think they really have a plan other than to confuse the jury. If the scramble that is in my brain is any indication, it worked. Of course, we are only getting trial by tweet.
Everyone calm down. JM just has to ask one question: Does BPD cause you to know right from wrong? Did CMJA in your expert opinion know the difference between right and wrong when she killed TA?

Guess that is two>>>
A few different countries over the years but mostly Nepal, Maldives, Japan and India. I'm currently in India. I might move back to Canada eventually. :)

OT sorry.......It's -20c with windchill in southern Ontario. I'm scared to see what's going on in Edmonton or St Johns. They did get 6 feet of snow in NS on the weekend. Stay put for now my friend!!
LOL seriously nurmi? If you don’t care what Dr. DeMarte thinks, why are you asking her questions?
Also I'm not a death penalty fan but this trial is stretching me towards it.
OT sorry.......It's -20c with windchill in southern Ontario. I'm scared to see what's going on in Edmonton or St Johns. They did get 6 feet of snow in NS on the weekend. Stay put for now my friend!!

Stay warm, kaRN! I love Ontario and Quebec but Canadian winters are brutal... *shivers* :scared:
for goodness sake I've had a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder since I was a teenager. It's not easy and I'm difficult to live with ( ask my hubby) it's been manageable with CBT.
While I am sorry to say I can recognize some of my own personally traits in Jodi NEVER have I planned to murder a person in cold blood. Know why? cos it's wrong and I know it's wrong!! If she had an episode and picked up a cricket bat and hit Travis on the head in the moment I could possibly understand. But NO this was planned weeks in advance. Nothing to do with borderline personality disorder no no no.
It took a long time and a lot of research for me to accept this and I've never spoken about it outside my family but I had to say something here. I hope no one will think less of me for it.
I'm sorry but Jodi is just a bad un.

Thank you for being candid and sharing your experience. I think you rock! :goodpost:
Who am I to second guess a psychologist, but I did raise five children. They were never spanked, or belittled, but they did understand that they had to accept responsibility for their actions. Meaning, I think, behind all the psych babble, Arias was an over-indulged child who developed a distorted sense of entitlement, amongst other nasty traits. Just my opinion.
Agree, & she still has it. Remember the letter she wrote to her supporters on Dec., I think? Someone posted it and it went on & on about how they should insist on having a 'high sense of entitlement". Some of us were thinking she was confusing self-esteem with entitlement becoz it was such a strange post. But it was really about having high entitlement. Must have something to do with her Goddess complex. LOL
It certainly does look like she has a crush on one of the jurors. How creepy! :doorhide:

I hope that she didn't notice a juror staring at her or giving her a little smile. She seems awfully smug in that photo. On second thought, she might be doing this just to get on our nerves.
I'm sorry but this sort of argument would be laughed at here in Asia. Parenting involves lots and lots of discipline, rules and boundaries. Child abuse is something else entirely.

That used to be the case here in America too. Too many flower power folks have made us very delicate apparently.
Maybe her defense counsel sleuthed his net worth.

In related news:

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Why do I think they look alike? Same hair, similar eyes and nose....scary hands, like a spider, pale skin. Big liars. But, at least Casey was not stupid enough to get on the stand.

Added: and big lips....thin frame...long thin white arms. Very weird.
What I think is that there's this misperception that her BPD was caused by the parents. I think it is more that Jodi perceived slights in everything and every negative action. She perceives normal disciplinary action as invalidation. She perceives her parents caring for the infant child more over her as neglect. I am reminded of that article that was posted here about that child who was a psychopath who irrationally hated his younger brother. It sounds like Jodi had that same kind of hate for her younger brother, possibly stemming from his taking attention away from her.

I am also reminded of Jodi talking about running away because she was grounded and didn't want to be. In her mind, grounding her was wrong and abusive. It's a normal thing to be grounded but she reports it as if it's this great wrong done to her. She is the one who amplifies these things in her mind.

It's not all her parents' fault. It is a frustrating, vicious cycle. The more they tried to punish her and correct her the more she rebelled and resented them. It would never have worked on her. Her mom said in her interrogation "you have it in your head you had this rotten childhood. You need help." Her childhood was probably pretty normal. And she knows this, hence the :/ face at the end of her declaration there was no abuse or neglect in her childhood.
Why do I think they look alike? Same hair, similar eyes and nose....scary hands, like a spider, pale skin. Big liars. But, at least Casey was not stupid enough to get on the stand.

And has not given any interviews. I'm glad because I never ever want to hear from her.
for goodness sake I've had a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder since I was a teenager. It's not easy and I'm difficult to live with ( ask my hubby) it's been manageable with CBT.
While I am sorry to say I can recognize some of my own personally traits in Jodi NEVER have I planned to murder a person in cold blood. Know why? cos it's wrong and I know it's wrong!! If she had an episode and picked up a cricket bat and hit Travis on the head in the moment I could possibly understand. But NO this was planned weeks in advance. Nothing to do with borderline personality disorder no no no.
It took a long time and a lot of research for me to accept this and I've never spoken about it outside my family but I had to say something here. I hope no one will think less of me for it.
I'm sorry but Jodi is just a bad un.


LKN/JW/MDLR/JA don't want you to tell the jury, but so does Jodi.

And she did it anyway -- hours before grinding Ryan Burns.

And why not?

JA -- self-professing monogamist -- explained that Provo pushing RB was perfectly acceptable as she was single after all.
I remember when it was thought no one could possibly be worse than/more evil than Casey Anthony. My how times have changed.
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