Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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GA's activities that day are the ones I know the least about. CA's and even LA's I have read about. But where was GA when the police came? Was he at home? If at home, was he in the house?

If I remember correctly, and that is a big if, CA had to tell him to go to work after they got back with the car from the tow yard. He went in a little late to work. Then CA tried to call him, but he didn't get the call until he had a break, and when GA tried to call her cell and the home phone, it went to voice mail. Then GA called LA and asked him to go check on his mom. When GA got home, CA was on the phone with dispatch during the 3rd 911 call.
KC uttered one word "mom" in such a way to suggest "you know the answer to your own question Mom." Did anybody get that same impression? That happened several times during their exchanges.


I picked up on that, too. You're so right -it was said in way and tone that you would use if you were talking to someone who already knew what you were referring to - as if they didn't have to go into full detail because it was just naturally understood.

I got that feeling again at one point (I think it was during a jail interview after CA's "cameo") when KC tells CA something to the effect of "what do you mean you don't know my involvement?"

And, then there's the verbal exchanges between KC and LA where she uses the same tone.
To me, they all play high stakes poker and figure they will talk/bully/lie their way out of the consequences later.


I know someone like that. The also feel they can just plain wear someone down by the double-talk, talking in circles, and changing their story repeatedly. They bank on the fact that their audience will just get exhausted or frustrated enough to give up!
As time goes by, the A's actions following/in response to the tragic loss of their granddaughter look worse and worse to most of us. Their strange and, at times, inexplicable, behavior and statements have led many to believe they are covering up for KC. However, my question is specifically for those WS'ers who believe that George and Cindy have been covering for KC ever since the they got the car back and smelled the decomp. IOW, BEFORE the 911 call.

While it is looking more and more as if the A's did perhaps enter "coverup mode" at some point in time, it does not make sense to me that CA would have called 911 that had she known KC had killed Caylee - - - If she wanted to protect/coverup for KC that is . . . I mean, why get LE involved? Wouldn't it have been so much easier just to keep it quiet and maybe help KC to disappear/go away for a while. Perhaps till they could come up with a plan/alibi. No one else knew the poor baby was missing.

So why do you think she called 911? What was the purpose of the call/s?

[I hope my question sounds sincere because it is. I've wondered about this for a long time now - this is my first thread however :) - and I would really like to know what folks believe/theorize about this.

If Cindy knew, and was covering up/getting rid of evidence (via the cleaned trunk, washed pants, removed knife, etc.), why did she call 911 at all?

Thanks in advance guys.
i do not think cindy knew when she called 911 she probably knew in the months or days after
Didn't GA say something like "please don't let this be my Caylee" when he first got to the tow yard and smelled the decomp? I think they knew but did not want ot believe their evil child would have done this. Now it is just save KC and make as much $$ as they can, IMO.
mabey they figure they should take away caseys right to make money ... tell her its for her .. i mean after all she did rip them off for thousands of dollars while cindy worked hard to make a good home .. they shouldnt be doing this off of caylee at all but id rather see them getting it than that murderer ... they are mabey sticking it to her in a sense .. casey only seemed worried about money .. so they are taking care of that worry for her .. seems cold and twisted though .. i dont understand how people could make money off of any deceased child or person unless that person was a killer or ect ..
Didn't GA say something like "please don't let this be my Caylee" when he first got to the tow yard and smelled the decomp? I think they knew but did not want ot believe their evil child would have done this. Now it is just save KC and make as much $$ as they can, IMO.

He said to himself "Please don't let this be Casey or Caylee" as he opened the car- he knew one of them was dead when he smelled that odor, and full expected to see a body in the trunk. Once Casey was located and she didn't have Caylee with her, he HAD to know.
I lean towards the "she wanted to scare Casey" theory. Like some of you, I think that CA wanted to scare Casey into telling her the truth about what happened. Her subconscious already knew the truth (hence the clothes washing and car cleaning) and she wanted ANSWERS. However, she didn't know that in that month that Casey had gone missing, Casey had become a hardened criminal and wouldn't be giving Cindy any type of answers. I believe CA when she says that Casey always fessed up to her. Well, I believe it to a certain degree. I think CA and Casey were "best friends" in the past and it was almost a Casey and CA versus GA type of situation. They told each other things--secrets--and kept GA and LA out of the loop. So, I think, CA was relying on the old Casey to tell her the truth, not realizing that the fight they had the night/night before Casey left had irrevocably changed things forever. Like Brini said, I think that after the third 911 call came, CA realized what she had said to the operator and that's when the ephiphany came. After that, she did what has come naturally to her (in my opinion) and that is to lie and cover up for Casey. Now, I think they are living in this sort of delusional world where she believes her own lies. I think GA knows the truth but he doesn't want to lose CA. I think that's why he went to work that day. He buried his head in the sand and let CA handle everything.
What's so ironic is if Cindy wasn't covering up initially, she is a big cause of all of the deception people see at work in this case.
She originally told Greta or another reporter that they were going to be the one's to put the nail in the coffin for Caylee....but in all actuality, the behavior of both of these parent's have cause the nail to be put into Casey's coffin.
If there was originally a very small seed of doubt in my mind about Casey's guilt, they erased that long ago! I really hope they are all arrested for some obstruction or cover up, and that they eventually realize( but probably not) that by their bizarre antics and constant changing of their stories, that no one will have empathy for any of them.

If they had kept quiet at all, Casey might have had a chance at going free....
I'm quoting myself in embarrassment because I knew I had seen that information somewhere. DUH! It's on's tagline. I have accidentally repeated the obvious! You guys didn't even correct me.

Sorry, Woe

I don't care - shout it from the rooftop!

When I read that in GA's depo, I thought, now that's a true statement!

Oh, and SORT OF an understatement too.
I lean towards the "she wanted to scare Casey" theory. Like some of you, I think that CA wanted to scare Casey into telling her the truth about what happened. Her subconscious already knew the truth (hence the clothes washing and car cleaning) and she wanted ANSWERS. However, she didn't know that in that month that Casey had gone missing, Casey had become a hardened criminal and wouldn't be giving Cindy any type of answers. I believe CA when she says that Casey always fessed up to her. Well, I believe it to a certain degree. I think CA and Casey were "best friends" in the past and it was almost a Casey and CA versus GA type of situation. They told each other things--secrets--and kept GA and LA out of the loop. So, I think, CA was relying on the old Casey to tell her the truth, not realizing that the fight they had the night/night before Casey left had irrevocably changed things forever. Like Brini said, I think that after the third 911 call came, CA realized what she had said to the operator and that's when the ephiphany came. After that, she did what has come naturally to her (in my opinion) and that is to lie and cover up for Casey. Now, I think they are living in this sort of delusional world where she believes her own lies. I think GA knows the truth but he doesn't want to lose CA. I think that's why he went to work that day. He buried his head in the sand and let CA handle everything.

If I remember correctly, and that is a big if, CA had to tell him to go to work after they got back with the car from the tow yard. He went in a little late to work. Then CA tried to call him, but he didn't get the call until he had a break, and when GA tried to call her cell and the home phone, it went to voice mail. Then GA called LA and asked him to go check on his mom. When GA got home, CA was on the phone with dispatch during the 3rd 911 call.

Thanks so much, that's close to what I remember. However, do we have any proof that he was actually at work, do we know if LE verified his work hours?

I sure would love to see a thread about everything George did on that day, but is there even enough verified info on him to fill up one page? Everything so far seems to be based on what the Anthonys have said, and we all know how reliable that is.
I believe that CA was acting like a lioness protected her young at the beginning.

Here is interview CA gave Today Show October 15, 2008"
CA starts at 3:43 - the photo for the Video is Deceptive, not a good pose but in the video she looks ok.

Then someone told where to search for Caylee and DC searched the remains site November 15.

The Anthonys gave presser November 25, 2008.
Here is a slideshow from that presser:

Somewhere during this time frame CA learned the truth and then went into full cover-up mode
For a long time, Casey's lies came so freely, and Cindy seemed to go along with them. George seemed to kind of stay out of it. Then, as they started noticing things and they rec'd notice about the car, Cindy and George could not remain in their denial that the possibilities were dismal about Caylee.

Remember when George said he started to go into detective mode, wanting to follow certain people, and Cindy tried to go to the theme park because Casey had lied to Cindy saying she was going to be there with Casey and another child.

They wanted to believe Casey. But the car, Casey's lies coming more and more to light, and Caylee's non-presence got to be too much. Remember when Cindy said to Casey, (not exact words that I remember, but I'll try) "WHAT have you done??" to Casey.

What have you done? That's quite a statement after knowing your grandchild hasn't been seen for 31 days, you've rec'd all kinds of stories from Casey about why Caylee hasn't been around, and finally, the abandoned stinking car. It was zero hour at that point. At that point, Cindy and George, had to know something terrible had happened and Cindy went to find Casey with the girlfriend of Casey's showing her the way to Anthony L's apartment.

Something had to have been told by Casey once Cindy got her hands on Casey, with Cindy demanding to know the story. Also, prior to all this, that night that Casey and Cindy allegedly had a big fight at home...there seems to be something we don't know that was said and done in that confrontation.

I think all the denial about Casey's behavioral problems came to a halt once Cindy figured out that the police were involved and Casey was a suspect. Couldn't deny that Casey was a mentally disturbed, irresponsible, lying mamma/child at that point. There would be no more smoothing over big issues with big lies, such as "Casey's just been gaining weight, she's not pregnant". Ha. That was a sign of serious problems in the family with nurse Cindy saying that.

Casey never lived up to what her parents expected her to be: a high school graduate, a decent mother to Caylee, and she did not have ambition to go on to college. Instead she lied, lived precariously and put Caylee in danger, stole money, used people and ended up in jail. Mother of the year: in jail.
Cindy's July 3rd MySpace comments about Caylee being kept from her out of jealousy, makes me think that initially Cindy thought that Caylee was being deliberately withheld from her because Casey was angry - probably because of the fight between Cindy and Casey on the evening of June 15th.

When Cindy picked Casey up at TL's apartment on July 15th and brought her home, she was demanding to see Caylee and even went so far as to threaten Casey with the police, going to a closed police substation, and making two 911calls.

It was only when she overheard Casey telling Lee that Caylee had been kidnapped by the nanny, that Cindy panicked. In her panic, she picked up the phone and called 911 for the third time that evening.

I think there was a sequence to Cindy's beliefs. First she thought Caylee was deliberately being withheld from her and then secondly she believed that Caylee had been kidnapped.

On July 16th, Casey was escorted by LE to the Sawgrass apartments, other apartments where "Zanny" was said to have lived, and to Universal Studios. Casey's lies were exposed and she was arrested on charges of child neglect, obstruction of justice, and lying to the police.

In an early news story, Cindy stated that she, George, and George's sister were at home with the television on, anticipating an Amber Alert for Caylee. Cindy said someone called them and told them to change the channel to another station, where it was being reported that Casey had been arrested.

I think when Cindy learned that Casey had been arrested and that LE had investigated and uncovered the lies in the kidnapping story, is when Cindy KNEW something had happened to Caylee and Casey was responsible. That's when Cindy went into cover-up mode.

Two days later, she and George gave an interview to a local news media, and in that interview they never once made a plea for the "kidnapper" to return Caylee (they knew there was no kidnapper). They were extolling Casey's virtues as a wonderful mother. Cindy said Casey always used a shovel to dig out the bamboo shoots that came up in the yard so Caylee wouldn't hurt her feet. She talked about keeping their shed locked and the ladder out of the pool. The shed, pool ladder, and shovel, were all things that would come up later as the case unfolded.
IMO, I don't think she was already in cover up mode when she called 911 3 times............I think she was trying to call KC's bluff. MOO
I have flip-flopped as to my beliefs regarding the extent of CA's involvement. Sometimes I think something could have happened to Caylee while CA was present. Sometimes I think CA is the author of "the script". Sometimes I think KC told CA the whole story (whatever that is) and she became the author of the script to coverup for KC and that KC messed up the script by abandoning the car at Amscot (there is a friend, Steph with hearts, that is tied to Amscot). Sometimes I think they are all covering up for GA. Sometimes ........ But I agree with AD, I don't think KC handled the whole situation, from beginning to end, alone. I just don't.

In other words, I think at one point or another, the entire family knew the truth of what happened and, for some reason, will not tell it to the world. I also lean towards the belief that a friend or two may be privy to the truth as well (I hope and pray they have told LE and that they already know the truth). Why keep delaying the trial then though? - that I don't know.

P.S. Regarding the two calls to 911 and finally during the third call saying her granddaughter is missing - just as CA said herself, she wanted them to come NOW, she was tired of waiting. It evolved like that as CA didn't have a solid plan after finding the car with the smell of decomp. CA was actually discombobulated. KC uttered one word "mom" in such a way to suggest "you know the answer to your own question Mom." Did anybody get that same impression? That happened several times during their exchanges.

If I could thank your post 1 million times I would. ITA with everything you wrote from the 1st word to the last.

I have one small point to add and based on every single live interview of CA, from day 2 until now, I believe she is all about control and manipulation. She approaches the camera knowing exactly what she wants to say and to heJJ with anyones questions.She has used the media to control as much of the investigation that she possibly could.

GA, LA were her puppets, Recall the interview where she grabs GA's leg, recall her sing/songey tone when she said to KC in jail "I don't know what you mean Honey" and recall that she said Lee could always get KC to talk, so she leans against the door listening to what KC is telling him and waits to hear her explanation. CA knew she pushed KC's buttons and back KC into a corner about the stealing from GMA & GPA.

If we are to believe CA, then there was no arguement on that fateful day, while several other people have said that there was. Why would she deny it? Because something pretty darn bad happened (hands around KC's neck, choking her for example) and perhaps KC said that her solution was for both of them to be dead or 'I'll kill her before you get her'. KC leaves in a huff with Caylee, not to be seen again. CA may have even said good or perhaps there was a struggle over Caylee. I believe that CA may have hurt them somehow,
and that is why she cooled it for a bit, then wrote that email saying how unappreciative KC was. She seems like the type of person that when they push your buttons and you snap back, she becomes the victim.

During the 911 calls KC seems resigned to the fact that CA was going to do what she wanted to do and that was call the police. "Do what you have to do", sounded resigned and flat to me. KC dumping the car at the Amscot was not what CA wanted. If the car wasn't towed, no one would know anything. Remember GA said that CA told him she talked to KC daily. Lee said the same thing. They were getting their updates from CA. It seems to me there was some covering up before Caylee was declared missing. But they had to go to plan b when the tow company got involved.

Makes you wonder why LA has vitually vanished from the scene, doesn't it?
Plus, GA's wings have been clipped and the guy doesn't fly solo.
I have always wondered why Cindy didn't look for Caylee when she got to TonE's to find Casey. She didn't get frantic looking for Caylee there, going into all the rooms. I think I would have made more of a scene at TonE's if I was in Cindy's position. I'm sure I'd ask him about Caylee and when he'd seen her. For all she knew Caylee could/should have been there with Casey. Maybe she knew even then?

I picked up on that, too. You're so right -it was said in way and tone that you would use if you were talking to someone who already knew what you were referring to - as if they didn't have to go into full detail because it was just naturally understood.

I got that feeling again at one point (I think it was during a jail interview after CA's "cameo") when KC tells CA something to the effect of "what do you mean you don't know my involvement?"

And, then there's the verbal exchanges between KC and LA where she uses the same tone.

The way I hear it, that is Casey saying "Mom. How dare you doubt me? What are you thinking?" JMO
I've been following this case since it began and was reading all the released docs from foxnews, but my husband has only heard me talk of it a few times and since he was just humoring me, didn't really pay attn to what I told him LOL... after watching the 48 hours program, however, he says Casey is guilty. I expressed my "feelings" of how I cannot wrap my head around a mother hurting her child, period. I said maybe Cindy did it and he thought that might be possible but what would be her motive? I said the same as Casey's; "If I can't have her, neither can you."

Just speculation and opinion!!!!

ETA: Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee... maybe Cindy hated Casey more than she loved Caylee??
Starting with the wrong date they reported last seeing Caylee every simple thing about this case has seemed manipulated to obscure the real story of Caylee's death. Casey has done her share of lying, and the Anthonys certainly have. The goal is to confuse and hide facts to save Casey's life now.

Don't blame me. I don't believe a single thing the whole Anthony family says anymore. They are all involved now, and maybe they all were involved in Caylee's death somehow, if not, they are certainly involved in the cover-up. Some of their statements to each other even back to the very beginning sound like people in a pact.

The trial is going to be an endless revealing of their lives, and lies. The evidence in this case is going to be impossible for them to manipulate or obscure. I know CA and GA have been going to church, and Casey's been reading her Bible, so maybe they know this...The devil is the Father of Lies.

The Truth comes from the Divine and the truth can't be denied. Caylee is going to get her Justice.
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