Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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They knew something was terribly wrong when they got the car. Both of htem thought at that time that Caylee might be dead. Then on July 16th, after a night of BS and the decomp Pontiac, LE advised them that KC had not worked at Universal in over 3 years and there was no Zanny Nanny at the empty apartment - cover-up began.

I don't think they had anything whatsoever to do with killing Caylee or hiding her body.
I think they knew something wasn't right in June 2008, possibly before then, and kept making excuses and covering up for KC's lies and bad behavior and possibly helped her come up with a 'script', but something happened or someone else found out or someone did not play 'right' that was supposed to and they had to take it as it came and the lies have been flowing ever since it came to light or made public that Caylee was missing.
I think any cover up or change in their story is part of their weird reaction to shock, grief, and loss -- not a deliberate act, combined with their existing dysfunction as a family. But I certainly don't know as much about the case as many of you.

So, I say there is no "cover up." What say you? (I don't know how to do polls)

I don't think there was an concerted or planned cover-up. I think there were lies told (probably about how rosy things were at home, for example), but that's not the same thing as a cover-up (even though it's not right). I also think there was confusion and wishful thinking involved, and huge, tremendously hug pile of DENIAL.
In the interview with the police AH she said when she and CA were driving over to get KC that CA mentioned the smell in the car. AH told her that KC told her it was from a dead animal and CA said something like "Oh I didn't know that". Later when CA called 911 she told them it smelled like a dead body. I sometimes think she said that because KC lies all the time and she wasn't buying the story but wasn't really certain what the smell was. Other times I think she believed when she made the call it was from a dead animal or garbage but was so frantic that KC wouldn't tell her where Caylee was she did it to prove to KC she would do whatever it took to get her to talk even if that included telling the police the car smelled like a dead body. I have never believed they knew in advance that Caylee was missing. What they knew later on we may never know. In the beginning all I saw was two desperate grandparents pretending to believe KC was innocent in hopes she would give them one shred of hope that they would get Caylee back. Later when KC was out on bail maybe she sold them some tragic story of how Caylee died and they want to believe her instead of choosing to believe she was a murderer. It was too late to say it was an accident and they were up to their butts in alligators at this point and had to keep up the we believe Caylee is alive since by then they had painted themselves in a corner. Even after I typed all that I still think they really did not know what happened and hoped against all hope that they would be granted a miracle and Caylee would come home. Sure they did things we don't understand but I realize I don't know them and I don't see their tears when they are alone. I can barely imagine the agony they are feeling. Until they found her body I think CA and GA were praying for a miracle that just wasn't meant to be.
In the interview with the police AH she said when she and CA were driving over to get KC that CA mentioned the smell in the car. AH told her that KC told her it was from a dead animal and CA said something like "Oh I didn't know that". Later when CA called 911 she told them it smelled like a dead body. I sometimes think she said that because KC lies all the time and she wasn't buying the story but wasn't really certain what the smell was. Other times I think she believed when she made the call it was from a dead animal or garbage but was so frantic that KC wouldn't tell her where Caylee was she did it to prove to KC she would do whatever it took to get her to talk even if that included telling the police the car smelled like a dead body. I have never believed they knew in advance that Caylee was missing. What they knew later on we may never know. In the beginning all I saw was two desperate grandparents pretending to believe KC was innocent in hopes she would give them one shred of hope that they would get Caylee back. Later when KC was out on bail maybe she sold them some tragic story of how Caylee died and they want to believe her instead of choosing to believe she was a murderer. It was too late to say it was an accident and they were up to their butts in alligators at this point and had to keep up the we believe Caylee is alive since by then they had painted themselves in a corner. Even after I typed all that I still think they really did not know what happened and hoped against all hope that they would be granted a miracle and Caylee would come home. Sure they did things we don't understand but I realize I don't know them and I don't see their tears when they are alone. I can barely imagine the agony they are feeling. Until they found her body I think CA and GA were praying for a miracle that just wasn't meant to be.

That makes sense to me.

I think it's telling that the OCSD and SA are not pursuing any charges against the Anthonys. They are skeptics by nature, but they're not looking into a cover up by the Anthony family.
I think any cover up or change in their story is part of their weird reaction to shock, grief, and loss -- not a deliberate act, combined with their existing dysfunction as a family. But I certainly don't know as much about the case as many of you.

So, I say there is no "cover up." What say you? (I don't know how to do polls)

I say you've got it about right. No one could ever convince me that my son would do harm to my grandson, and if someone held my feet to the fire as to who did what on what day or who wore what on what day...well, heaven help me.

And then if the world was at my doorstep, stealing my garbage, dissecting my every word, I'd circle the wagons.

I know plenty of folks who play the GA role in their families. I know plenty of folks who play the CA role in their families. I know plenty of folks who play the KC role in their families. [And yet (thank God) this has not been the outcome.]

What we dare not admit is that this could happen to any one of us at any given time, and we need to know why and how. None of us are perfect parents or children. Some of us feel compelled to be so, some of us acknowledge that fact. NONE of us want to wind up at this point. So we view this particular case for any clue or hint as to how this family reached this point, and we hope to find some pitfalls to avoid.
That makes sense to me.

I think it's telling that the OCSD and SA are not pursuing any charges against the Anthonys. They are skeptics by nature, but they're not looking into a cover up by the Anthony family.

I think OCSD is not pursuing charges b/c they want the Feds to do it so that the consequences are harsher.
I understand that GA, as a former homicide detective, would recognize the smell of a decomposing body. But I really don't see that CA would recognize that smell. I am also a nurse, and it is not uncommon for a deceased patient to remain in a private room for hours while waiting for the family to arrive, and I've never experienced the "smell of death". I feel that it is an unfair assumption to say that CA would know what a body smells like after rotting in a trunk for a couple days in Florida heat.

Cindy has already admitted to knowing what a dead body smells like!
I think the coverup began after Cindy's 911 calls. When LA said that his mom came into KC's room and said 'What have you done?" is when she knew that KC had caused Caylee's death, whether deliberate or accidental, and she decided to save what she had left. JMO.
I think the A's cover-up began when KC was arrested-
I think when CA's bulling attack on KC to tell her where Caylee was failed- the last thing
CA expected was for KC to be arrested-or charged with negligence re-Caylee's disappearance.
When CA realized that LE was looking into KC's being charged with serious criminal act-
CA panicked- felt responsible for calling LE in first place- First few days- total confusion- then fear of losing KC-
CA knew KC was involved with something- but did not dream it was anything to do with harming Caylee-
When LE laid out what they believed to be that KC harmed Caylee and did away with her- fear, guilt, denial, and cover up took over A's.
The only way to retract a story is to tell the truth !
I am thinking more and more that it goes back to at least June with George...I am wondering if his calling the police and reporting the gas cans stolen, then not cancelling the report when he says he knew Casey took them etc. All that seems odd. And I think he gave a few inconsistent stories re the cans too.
I am remembering back and thinking about how George reported gas cans stolen, then didn't report he knew who took them and then told a number of different stories to the press about it. So...I'm thinking that was somehow some part of the cover up.
I can only go by my feelings when I first saw this story in the news. When they announced that the mother did not report the child missing for 31 days, I knew the child was gone. I know the A's have been in major denial since this occurred, but how could they have not known? Between the smell in the car, the non-existent job and nanny, and just knowing their daughter, I just don't know how they could not have known. When I saw the jailhouse video from August that was recently released, though, I am wondering if that is when it really started to sink in, because Cindy looked so distraught.
I say you've got it about right. No one could ever convince me that my son would do harm to my grandson, and if someone held my feet to the fire as to who did what on what day or who wore what on what day...well, heaven help me.

And then if the world was at my doorstep, stealing my garbage, dissecting my every word, I'd circle the wagons.

I know plenty of folks who play the GA role in their families. I know plenty of folks who play the CA role in their families. I know plenty of folks who play the KC role in their families. [And yet (thank God) this has not been the outcome.]

What we dare not admit is that this could happen to any one of us at any given time, and we need to know why and how. None of us are perfect parents or children. Some of us feel compelled to be so, some of us acknowledge that fact. NONE of us want to wind up at this point. So we view this particular case for any clue or hint as to how this family reached this point, and we hope to find some pitfalls to avoid.

Very well put!!
Do we know for sure that it was G&C who cleaned and vacuumed the car? I know CA admitted to taking out items and washing them, but I don't remember if they admitted to cleaning the car or not. Could it have been miss casey herself who cleaned and vacuumed it? I seem to remember her taking AL's car to get cleaned before picking him up at the airport. Maybe she went to the same place to clean her car. But, if they did, couldn't the motivation behind it be trying to get rid of that smell so the car could be usable again? To be honest, G&C don't seem like the sharpest crayons in the box, even if GA is ex-LE. He was in LE over 20 years ago, and for how long? A few years? And in some small town in Ohio? I'm not thinking they had too many capital cases, but I could be wrong. I think people give him too much credit because he is ex-LE and expect him to have more common sense than he has because he held this job so long ago. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past them to have been so focused on trying to save that car, and get rid of that stink, that they lost touch with common sense. At that time, I think the idea that Casey might have killed Caylee and that is what stunk up the car did not even cross their minds, until later.

I agree.....I think KC cleaned the trunk, to rid it of evidence/smell.....
but I think C & G also cleaned the car simply because both seem to be "neat-nicks".
(I have some relatives that 'busy themselves' even tho' they have received bad news.)

I think both went back to work because they had just been hit with another 500 bucks bill, to bail the car out........& CA needed time to sort thru all the KC lies she had heard in the last 30 days.

Even tho' he's ex-LE, GA doesn't seem to be too "investigative" on his own..
Never checked on KC's job, nanny, etc... never went looking for KC from June 15th-July15th.

Convincing yourself that your child has gone from lying to murder is prolly not a 'split-second' decision.
I think any cover up or change in their story is part of their weird reaction to shock, grief, and loss -- not a deliberate act, combined with their existing dysfunction as a family. But I certainly don't know as much about the case as many of you.

So, I say there is no "cover up." What say you? (I don't know how to do polls)

I am with you, Zingo. Theirs was reaction, not action... big difference.

Casey, on the other hand....:furious:
I agree.....I think KC cleaned the trunk, to rid it of evidence/smell.....
but I think C & G also cleaned the car simply because both seem to be "neat-nicks".
(I have some relatives that 'busy themselves' even tho' they have received bad news.)

I think both went back to work because they had just been hit with another 500 bucks bill, to bail the car out........& CA needed time to sort thru all the KC lies she had heard in the last 30 days.

Even tho' he's ex-LE, GA doesn't seem to be too "investigative" on his own..
Never checked on KC's job, nanny, etc... never went looking for KC from June 15th-July15th.

Convincing yourself that your child has gone from lying to murder is prolly not a 'split-second' decision.

The only thing that doesn't fit into this idea is that GA has outright admitted that he knew what the smell in the car was and was scared to open the car and trunk at the tow yard. He had serious suspicions at the tow yard before ever moving the car to their why didn't he call the police then???
The only thing that doesn't fit into this idea is that GA has outright admitted that he knew what the smell in the car was and was scared to open the car and trunk at the tow yard. He had serious suspicions at the tow yard before ever moving the car to their why didn't he call the police then???

Yes, he says this later.....

I think @ the 'tow yard' .....he's relieved to find the trash (notice the 'tow-manager also accepts the trash as the reason for the smell).

Remember, after GA 'hears' KC's stupid story, & he's had time to think things over, he also tells LE, KC's lying, & he & Cindy have searched the back yard.
The only thing that doesn't fit into this idea is that GA has outright admitted that he knew what the smell in the car was and was scared to open the car and trunk at the tow yard. He had serious suspicions at the tow yard before ever moving the car to their why didn't he call the police then???

George's suspicion was somewhat relieved when there was no body in the trunk. It provided a temporary, albeit false sense of security: "Oh, thank goodness. It isn't what I thought.."

Then he and Simon peeked in the bag of trash and words to the effect of, "here's your problem, here's what stinks" were spoken before Simon flung it over the fence. The power of suggestion that it must be this trash stinking provided more false security, even though subconsciously both men knew there was probably more to it than that.

This false sense of security carried on when George went home and reassured Cindy it was the trash/pizza. When she asked, "It's the pizza, right George?" "Yea...I think so..."

Tells me they were desperate enough to convince themselves and each other, because the alternative was unthinkable.
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