Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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But lil kid---this whole family is unstable. I bet very very few of us would go on National TV and make azzes of ourselves. We may never know the whole story. But I know where you are comin from.:blowkiss:

Yes, the whole family is unstable, but Yuri and his LE team seem to be on the ball. I think if they thought there was a coverup prior to 7/16, they would have the whole family behind bars. Someone would be talking.
I don't think the family "knew" before 7/16. But, the suspicion was growing or else I don't think CA would have said "what have YOU done?" If She thought KC had no involvement she probably would have said something like "OMG-What's happened?"
I think in the beginning it was denial mixed with suspicion. But, somewhere, and I'm not sure where yet-the family realized the truth! I think at that point-the family (probably with the help of some third parties) made a choice!
It's a choice that they are gonna have to live with and sleep with for the rest of their lives. Sometimes I think I see regret in GA's face and his words. But, then CA is right there to snap him out of it!:slap:
I don't think they knew at all any time before 7-15. I think you can hear CA putting the pieces together in her mind during the 911 calls and I am pretty sure I heard some light bulbs going on during those calls too. But I don't think they had a clue Caylee was dead prior.
But lil kid---this whole family is unstable. I bet very very few of us would go on National TV and make azzes of ourselves. We may never know the whole story. But I know where you are comin from.:blowkiss:
Oh I am pretty sure i could go on national TV and make an azz of myself with no problem at all.:)
Yes, the whole family is unstable, but Yuri and his LE team seem to be on the ball. I think if they thought there was a coverup prior to 7/16, they would have the whole family behind bars. Someone would be talking.

Fersur LE/FBI is on top of it. They knew stuff we are just now figurin out. You are right.
Oh I am pretty sure i could go on national TV and make an azz of myself with no problem at all.:)

LMAO---not me--I wouldn't go on TV. I would say--"No comment" to all of it.
I don't think the family "knew" before 7/16. But, the suspicion was growing or else I don't think CA would have said "what have YOU done?" If She thought KC had no involvement she probably would have said something like "OMG-What's happened?"
I think in the beginning it was denial mixed with suspicion. But, somewhere, and I'm not sure where yet-the family realized the truth! I think at that point-the family (probably with the help of some third parties) made a choice!
It's a choice that they are gonna have to live with and sleep with for the rest of their lives. Sometimes I think I see regret in GA's face and his words. But, then CA is right there to snap him out of it!:slap:

Yes, at that precise moment, I think CA knew KC had done something to Caylee, but KC's lie about a kidnapping was easier for CA's mind to accept.

The interviews are interesting to watch because at first they are helping LE with the knowledge that KC is probably capable of doing something to Caylee; but then they gradually go the other way. You can literally watch them making the change.
Yes, at that precise moment, I think CA knew KC had done something to Caylee, but KC's lie about a kidnapping was easier for CA's mind to accept.

The interviews are interesting to watch because at first they are helping LE with the knowledge that KC is probably capable of doing something to Caylee; but then they gradually go the other way. You can literally watch them making the change.

Yep! It's like the whole family was morphing before our very eyes! I'm so glad ya'll saw that too! For a while-I thought I was going :crazy:
The more I think about it the more it gets confusing to me.Cindy car owner,Cindy was last on video with Caylee.She picked the date June 30th.Casey took her car.Pick-up date of car to towyard.Was Casey framing Cindy?
GA gave written permission for the car to be impounded by LE. Still looking to read the warrant for it if there is one.

The problems/issues of understanding the docs is from LEs end. Each officer writes and submits their own report. YM did a general synopsis report for the arrest warrant for murder in Oct 08, but one has to go back and re-read the individual reports. The other point is these reports don't always show the time the officers were at the A compound. Some reports do show times when interviews were conducted.

So I have to go and read the synopsis, then go find the individual officers report, then go and read the depo portion that relates to the written report :crazy:. Have I confused myself enough yet ............

I would love to review the work notes more than anything and see what "personal" observations each of the officers had on their visits/interviews.

JBean--I can't get opening post countzero links to work. Only the Part 2 link works for me. Is anyone else having this problem?

BTW-I went to wftv myself to look for officers reports and ran across the report for the forensic's garage that took KC's car. It says they got it on July 16 @ 19:46, so I think that is around 7:30. Just an FYI. Posting that link just in case it isn't one countzero posted (don't know coz I can't open two of them?).

Where are you guys finding each individual officers reports? I don't remember seeing those. I read YM's report and each of the A's reports but I don't remember other officers reports. Thanks.
Cover up? It depends on what they knew, when they knew it and their pattern of dealing with knowledge of uncomfortable facts. Go back to their denial of an obvious 7 month pregnancy at the wedding in June 2005. Of course they knew KC was pregnant.

So, when did they know something was wrong? They certainly knew KC very well. They raised her and she continued to live with them after she became an adult.

They knew about the big fight on June 15, 2008. They knew every detail of their botched "intervention" about the quality of KC's parenting.

When CA denied that KC would ever abuse Caylee, the red flags went up. The opposite was more probably true. The computer searches around KC's 22nd birthday in March for shovels, making chloroform and neck breaking didn't suddenly come out of the blue from a lovely, compassionate, innocent 22 year old.

The sheer volume and vehemence of the denials by CA and to some extent GA are proof in and of themselves that they knew.

GA probably knew first when he tried to get into the trunk of the car for the tire chocks. No doubt, he probably talked to CA. After that, CA picked up the pace in trying to find KC and Caylee. After that came the web posting by CA. It appears CA knew there was a probable homicide as early as the web posting. IF KC brought a dead body into the house and laid it on the bed as some suspect, there was probably a stench in the house by no later than June 19th. CA washed the sheets more than once -- for a child who was not there. The confrontation on July 15th was just the dance this family has danced for years and years -- decades -- when they want to get the truth from KC. It was a predictable script. CA knew she was going to have to call the police as soon as they picked up the car before she ever found KC.

Themis, you are spot on ! Have you seen the picture from Uncle Rick's wedding? No way they didn't know she was pregnant! No way they didn't know it was Casey who put the duct tape on the baby, after Lee found this gem on her photobucket account, a band-aide with a heart in the middle. I hope they blow up a picture of it when the CSI expert testifies about the tape and sticker residue!


  • casey photobucket image.jpg
    casey photobucket image.jpg
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The World According...

Is there any way you can post those two pix without me having to click on them? I can't seem to open either one and am really in what you have posted.
Themis, you are spot on ! Have you seen this picture? Click on it to enlarge, no way they didn't know she was pregnant! No way they didn't know it was Casey who put the duct tape on the baby, after Lee found this gem on her photobucket account, a band-aide with a heart in the middle. I hope they blow up a picture of it when the CSI expert testifies about the tape and sticker residue!
The scanned one cannot be posted. Major copyright violation. thanks

Except for the July 3 "Caylee is missing" myspace posting....

The July 3 "Caylee is missing" was about Caylee being kept from Cindy out of jealousy. Cindy was trying to guilt KC into bringing Caylee by. Cindy lets KC know how wonderful she (Cindy) has been to KC and how shabbily KC reciprocated Cindy's generosity.

Working people get July 4 off. Cindy was squeezing to see Caylee on Firework day. KC's excuses weren't ringing true. You can see Cindy's desperation in the number of calls that day to KC. She was hoping on the holiday when KC couldn't say she was working, she could get KC to relent.

If Cindy knew then that Caylee was already dead, there would have been no reason for her to frantically call every minute of that day, leaving message after message. There would have been no reason for Lee to go out searching.

Whatever KC told Lee when she finally talked to him on the phone plus KC's promises to bring Caylee home in "one more day" (lather, rinse, repeat for a couple of more weeks) gave Cindy hope she was on the verge of getting Caylee back if she didn't rile KC.

Meant to say in my earlier post....I think LE came and went that night out the front door, and CA, GA, LA, KC did not say one word about the horrible smell in the garage....

And, I have the highest admiration about the way LE handled this case from Moment 31, since the term Day 1 definitely doesn't fit. They just wouldn't have missed the smell. I think by the time anyone arrived the garage door was down and they just ignored the earlier 911 "my car has been stolen" because they had more pressing issues with a missing child. But, how could the A family cover up that smell that night???

I assume the same-that the police came and went through the front door. This is the same door that the A's claim never to have used and the same door that the towing notice was supposedly placed upon. I have often wondered what door visitors to their home used prior to that date, since the notice had been on the front door for some days and they had not noticed it? Seems they hurriedly changed THIS protocol when it was the police coming and going, huh?

I think she said the car "smells like there's a daqmned dead body in it." And, LA said the smell was horrible.

I think KC pleaded for "one more day," and said (in the backgrouns, "you can't make me talk to them."

And, LA also asked CA to keep LE out of it." Or, rather, he said something to the effect that there was no reason to bring LE in.

So, I think they all knew the car stank. I think CA put it together after the first call.

Just IIRC.

But, one thing is clear.. Whatever the order of occurances, if CA had not made the call, we STILL might not know about the murder. The family would've covered up until the end of time.

That comment by Casey was prophetic to say the least: You can't make me talk to them! She had already steeled herself against that eventuality and has stoicly stood by her stubborn statement even unto this very day.

Yes, the whole family is unstable, but Yuri and his LE team seem to be on the ball. I think if they thought there was a coverup prior to 7/16, they would have the whole family behind bars. Someone would be talking.

Not necessarily. Once they are charged and or incarcerated then they could not be compelled to give testimony as they CAN while no charges have materialized. LE is playing this one very carefully and made a choice NOT to charge the A's so that they could put them on the stand and find out what they need to find out and also so they can expose their lies and inconsistencies right there before the jury.
Themis, you are spot on ! Have you seen this picture? Click on it to enlarge, no way they didn't know she was pregnant! No way they didn't know it was Casey who put the duct tape on the baby, after Lee found this gem on her photobucket account, a band-aide with a heart in the middle. I hope they blow up a picture of it when the CSI expert testifies about the tape and sticker residue!

Wow! I hadn't seen that before. Odd verrrry odd.
The World According...

Is there any way you can post those two pix without me having to click on them? I can't seem to open either one and am really in what you have posted.

The pic depicting a VERY pregnant Casey at Uncle Rick's wedding you can look up on the Globe, or here on WS , Casey's photo bucket thread , post 974, posted 4-20-09. It was removed from my post because of copy right. The other picture of the band aide with the heart in the middle I got off of here on her photo bucket thread as well. I hope this helps." border="0">
The July 3 "Caylee is missing" was about Caylee being kept from Cindy out of jealousy. Cindy was trying to guilt KC into bringing Caylee by. Cindy lets KC know how wonderful she (Cindy) has been to KC and how shabbily KC reciprocated Cindy's generosity.
Working people get July 4 off. Cindy was squeezing to see Caylee on Firework day. KC's excuses weren't ringing true. You can see Cindy's desperation in the number of calls that day to KC. She was hoping on the holiday when KC couldn't say she was working, she could get KC to relent.

If Cindy knew then that Caylee was already dead, there would have been no reason for her to frantically call every minute of that day, leaving message after message. There would have been no reason for Lee to go out searching.

Whatever KC told Lee when she finally talked to him on the phone plus KC's promises to bring Caylee home in "one more day" (lather, rinse, repeat for a couple of more weeks) gave Cindy hope she was on the verge of getting Caylee back if she didn't rile KC.

I agree. It's along the lines of "Look at all I've done for you and this is how you repay me"

The days leading up to July 4th there were increased texts and messages from Cindy, and also communications from Lee AND Mallory to Casey.

I also don't believe the A clan knew or thought anything bad happened to Caylee, but they(Cindy for certain) knew Casey was deliberately staying away and more importantly keeping Caylee away.
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