*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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I actually was one of the few that believed Casey was innocent, up until about November when we had that huge Document dump. I had thaught that she made some bad decisions and had gotten involved with a group , some sort of gang and that Caylee was taken by an individual that Casey had pissed off, and that she was afraid and scared and was trying to protect her child and a family. I really did. After that Doc dump I read every single thing line by line. watched all the jailhouse tapes looked over all the photo's and was like how could she? Why would she? but I finally excepted that she is to blame.
As well I have ALWAYS felt sorry for Lee, George and Cindy, but those feelings are changing now as well. My feelings for Cindy changed last week when I found out that she knew the pooh blanket was gone and didn't report it. When she told LE on Dec 12 " I sent someone down there and there was nothing there". I was holding on to hope that Lee would do the right thing but after yesterday's deposition that is now gone to. I am now even questioning George's suicide attempt or break down. It is such a shock to me that no one in that family is standing up for Caylee. I gave Casey the benefit of the doubt, I gave all of them the benefit of the doubt. My feelings for them are from their actions and their words. The only thing I feel sorry about is the fact that Caylee was born into this family!
What did a german shepard ever do to deserve that??? I bet she was a pain in the butt even as a child, practicing her bad behaviors daily, until she became the monster she is to day.
You're right. It was an inexcusable example. I apologize--to you. to all doglovers, and to my beloved canine.
I feel sad for Casey because she was so stupid as to murder her daughter for what she thought of as freedom. How could anyone do something so heinous and final for something so trivial and solvable? It is as if she is completely void of all concience, morals, guilt and remorse. And for what? She needs to go to prison for the rest of her life.
Great thread, a lot of interesting comments. I feel no compassions whatsoever for KC, but I do feel sorry for her. Sorry for her, that she will never be able to comprehend what it is that she has lost, sorry for her, that she never felt any emotional connection to her daughter. Sorry for her, that she will never know what it is to love someone more than you love yourself, nor ever experience the most pure, fulfilling, selfless kind of love that is a parents greatest gift from God.

KS1, I couldn't have said it better myself. I have always felt sorry for Casey and you expressed it so well. Casey blew it in the biggest way possible. I was never able to have children. She had a precious daughter and never knew what a gift she had. Its so sad to think someone could have truly cherished Caylee and she ended up as garbage. It breaks my heart.
When someone gets in trouble, I always evaluate, and think of the peoples backgrounds and wonder why they turn out the way they do. Depending on what they did, or if they have mental illness of course I feel sad for them.
In this case, I am mad, PO'd, fed up. So no Im not sad for KC at ALL.
I feel sad for Caylee. She had no choice.

It is time Casey was held accountable and someone said ENOUGH.
I really do feel sad for Casey. Something just snapped for her somewhere along the line, actually I think somewhere back in highschool. I think she is very attractive and had potential to do well in life. A wrong road in life turned into the nighmare she now finds herself in and theres no way out.
Nope, not at all. She is a sociopath. She has no conception of what she is unable to experience. She is someone the world is better off without--I don't want her in our midst.

While it would have been nice if she were born with the full complement of human qualities, she was not. I might say I felt bad for what she could have been--but she could NOT have been that. It'd make just as much sense to say, "I feel bad for Casey that she was not born as a German shepherd."

EXACTLY!!! And to address some of the posts about Cindy and her role in this, I just cannot find it in my heart to have any sympathy over what Cindy may have put her through. I hate to admit this, because I don't believe that in real life I am anything like Cindy. I certainly wouldn't cover up, or even appear to be covering up a murder. However, none of us know who Cindy was before KC started her antics.

I am a normal rational person when it comes to everyone BUT the sociopaths in my life (I have two! Lucky me!). The best thing to do when there is a sociopath in your life is to get them out of it as fast as possible and with as little damage to yourself and those around you as possible. However, when you have no choice but to live/deal with the sociopath, like when they are your child, or your child's other parent or grandparent, you do start to deal with them in a way that you are in total control as much as possible. It has to be done. After watching this case unfold, I realized I treat both of my sociopaths very similar to the way Cindy treats KC. This is not to say that I agree with her actions. I believe she goes too far with the covering and cleaning up (but you do that too if you have a sociopath just not to this degree if you are smart). You begin to learn that you have to do everything because they are not responsible for ANYTHING. If it is going to get done, you better do it. You hide things to avoid embarrassment. You decide which battles to fight and keep as much in your control as you can because if you slip, even just a little, make no mistake, they see it and take advantage. It is much like dealing with a two year old. I never know what to think of Cindy, but if I was going to hand out sympathy to anyone but Caylee it would be the members of this family who have such a true blue sociopath in their life.
Nope! Not one bit! Hope she gets the chair!
If you (general you) feel one ounce of sympathy for KC may you never cross the path of a person of her likeness...they'll rob you blind and in the end, they'll even blame you for your losses!
KS1, I couldn't have said it better myself. I have always felt sorry for Casey and you expressed it so well. Casey blew it in the biggest way possible. I was never able to have children. She had a precious daughter and never knew what a gift she had. Its so sad to think someone could have truly cherished Caylee and she ended up as garbage. It breaks my heart.

I agree with you KK and KS1....completely.
I can't do it. There are a ton of killers and criminals that were victimized horribly as a child that I don't feel sadness for. Take Aileen Wuornos-- her childhood was a nightmare beyond belief, can't imagine feeling sorry for her though. In some ways it is possible that Wuornos has something that makes her more human than Casey, she actually confessed, in part because doing so spared her lover pain. Casey acts like victim and watches as her family is ripped to shreds.
Just to put a spanner in the thinking.

What if Caylee had not died, but had grown up to be very much like KC.

If Caylee grown up was the perp. would you have any sympathy?
Just to put a spanner in the thinking.

What if Caylee had not died, but had grown up to be very much like KC.

If Caylee grown up was the perp. would you have any sympathy?

Interesting way of putting it, but no. It does make me pause to think about having compassion for Casey and others like her-- at one point Casey Anthony was a small child. Looking at the pictures of her then she was a beautiful child with hope and innocence in her eyes. I don't know how or why it happened to Casey or if it could've happened to Kaylee... Anyone who does what Casey Anthony did is someone I just can't feel sorry for. I could have BEFORE they did it, but not after.
Just to put a spanner in the thinking.

What if Caylee had not died, but had grown up to be very much like KC.

If Caylee grown up was the perp. would you have any sympathy?

Casey once WAS a cute little girl like Caylee. And? Eileen Wuornos, Scott Peterson, Cuoey, Susan Smith and Joseph Duncan were children too.

Regardless of physical appearance, I think there is the possibility every person who kills may have suffered something in childhood to make them what they are. But, that doesn't mean they should be out among us.

I don't believe in the death penalty. But, I do believe in consequences. Casey needs to be in jail.

I am ashame to say this, but no. I know God wants us all to forgive and love thy neighbour, I guess I am a sinner because I have not been able to feel anything for Casey. I pray for forgiveness for myself for having such ill feelings. Once I heard her child was missing for 31 days that did it for me. I can not feel sorry for someone who goes about their life as if nothing happen while their child is missing or rotting away getting eaten up by other animals. I pray that Casey will pay for any and all of her crimes as God see's fit. But, I have no sympathy for her what so ever. What about Caylee? When has this been about Caylee to the Anthony's? Caylee lived in the home 100% of the time, she goes missing and it takes a car that smells like decomposition 31 days later for someone to call authorities while she is rotting away in the Florida heat. I feel sorry for Caylee, my heart aches for her and I pray that she didn't feel any pain and God took her hand the moment she closed her eyes and took her to his beautiful kingdom to live peacefully for eternity.
Yes I have compassion for her, but only because I believe she is really screwed up. Part of me is sad for her, after all her child is gone, but I can't look past the fact that she is the one who did it. I can not even fathom how she could do that to her child. I hope she is miserable every single day of her life and at some point she realizes the full extent of what she did. If nothing more I hope someday she finds it ( in that stone cold, selfish heart of her's) to just tell the truth. Though I don't see that ever happening.
Bold is mine

Great post Gitana1, especially the bolded part!

I aways recall KC's statement to LE, "If I just wanted to get rid of her I would have left her with my mom" The choice of words are eerie! I have always thought, that deep down, KC knew the damage her mother did to her & would never have left Caylee with her permanently. I sometimes have thought, No, I can't say it.

Yes, I have felt sorry for KC at times, but only for having to live with someone like Sindy, whom I think broke her spirit & damaged her beyond description.

reeseeva, I feel the same way that you do in the part I bolded above. What KC did was wrong, but what Cindy did to KC was wrong too, so I can have a small amount of pity for KC for that.
This is the first time i post...First i want to say that i beleive KC is guilty! I do feel for KC I really beleive it was having to live with a mother like CA is what pushed her to become the way she is. Maybe in her own twisted way she beleived she was saving Caylee so that she wouldnt have to live the life she did. Now i will make a run for it so i dont get hit with anything being thrown at me...:wave:

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