*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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Do I feel sorry for Casey? One word, "NO". :furious:

She did all this to herself. I don't care how lost, sad, ect she was during that time. Gives her no right to take the life of an innocent, defenseless child.

If she was that upset about the way her life was going, she should have worked harder to make a life for herself and her daughter. She could have started by finding a job, getting a REAL nanny, moving into an apt with Amy, and maybe looked into going to school later on down the road.

The days she couldn't take the stress anymore, she could have punched a pillow.

So, no. I don't feel sorry for Casey at all. :boohoo:
Do I feel sorry for KC and what "she" is going through? NO
What I DO feel sorry about is her young life was wasted.
I feel sorry that HER child will never grow up and have children of her own.
I feel sorry that she has put her family and friends through the worst thing they will ever go through in their lives. Their lives are changed forever.

So, no I don't feel compassion for KC. I feel compassion for everyone that was effected by HER actions.
It is sad, a very sad situation, Casey made her bed, and people do have choices, she made bad choices out of pure selfishness, hate , spite, etc , I feel no compassion for her whatsoever, I do respect your Opinion David , and no you don't suck.


I don't feel sorry for her 1 bit. If she didn't want to feel like this, she shouldn't have killed her baby, OR came clean on what happened (showed some remorse and ownership of her wrong doing). She's had a lot of opportunity to make things a bit less heinous (sp?) in the public eye. A person cannot be forgiven, until they ask for forgiveness. NEVER would her actions be "ok", but until she comes clean, I (and probably most) cannot find an ounce of sympathy for her.

As far as the others involved...GA I have felt sympathy for (but think he needs to step back and take a good look at the people in his life). CA...I had in the past, but the more she speaks, seems to me to be the ringleader of insanity in that family.

With that said...if I were a juror, without a body, I could not convict for Capital Murder. I am not against the Death Penalty, but if there is even the smallest room for error, I couldn't do it.
My feelings for Casey are that 1) she should tell the truth, 2) she should be adult enough to face the music, and 3) she should be thankful her family has stuck by her side. I know my family would have beat the truth out of me -- physically & emotionally. With I have empathy for the entire family, I cannot understand how they are . . .

I cannot believe she has not broken down & told the truth! That is just plain SICK!
I only feel bad for Caylee Anthony who will never know what it feels like to go to school, or have friends and and fall in love. She will never know what it feels like to be married, to have children of her own. I can only hope that her death was a quiet death and that she did not fully understand that her own mamma was hurting her and killing her, the confusion she would have felt in seeing and feeling her mother hurt her would be too much for a 2 year old. Again, I have no sympathy for Casey Anthony, I can't feel sorry for a person who could do something like this.

I can't believe others can. You have a right to your feelings.
Shoelace, As you do, good people want to see good in others. I have a cure for what ails you though. Just remind yourself that Caylee is still out there somewhere, what's left of her that is, and her mother doesn't care. Harsh, but true.
My feelings for Casey are that 1) she should tell the truth, 2) she should be adult enough to face the music, and 3) she should be thankful her family has stuck by her side. I know my family would have beat the truth out of me -- physically & emotionally. With I have empathy for the entire family, I cannot understand how they are . . .

I cannot believe she has not broken down & told the truth! That is just plain SICK!

I agree. My family would have gotten the truth out of me and then taken me by the ear to the police department without flinching. I wouldn't expect my parents to stand by me and defend me if I harmed their baby grandson.

Casey should be counting her lucky stars to have such a supportive mother in the face of all the pushback from society. Instead, Casey won't see that. She will only think of her own feelings and be filled with self pity as usual.
At times I despise her and at times feel sorry for her. I am a very "gray" person -- right and wrong are not always easy for me to decide with confidence because I tend to look at a very, very big picture.

In my eyes, this crime took more than one generation to commit. "No man is an island" -- Caylee would be alive if Cindy and George had been a better parents to Casey and recognized that she was not normal.

I feel badly for any human being that is not "made right" and I believe that Casey is one of those. I think she is, at least to some degree, a sociopath. What can a sociopath do if no parent, no teacher, no friend, no relative recognizes their abnormality at an early age and takes steps to deal with it?

I have been reading a blog written by a man who is a sociopath and it is heartbreaking. He literally can not feel what normal humans feel. He was fortunate enough to have parents who recognized he was abnormal and received years of counseling and training to deal with his (what I am calling) disability.

Also, part of me wonders what Caylee's future would have held. Would she have been like her mother, or were the Anthony women destined to grow worse with each passing generation?
I have a sense of sadness because a young woman chose to go down this path. Sad because two lives have been destroyed. What a waste!!

While I respect the opinions of all here who have compassion for Casey, I have to say:

Casey had no compassion for cleaning her friend Amy's account out, she had no compassion the many times she stole money from her mom and her grandparents. She definitly had no compassion for killing Caylee and trying to cover it. She doesn't even have enough compassion to tell LE where Caylee's remains are so that she can at least have a proper funeral. Why anyone should show Casey compassion after she lead such a selfish life, boggles my mind. :confused:
David, I respect you for being a compassionate person, but the answer is no.

KC is a very, very dangerous woman. She lied and stole from everyone around her, including her aged and disabled grandfather, to finance a frivolous and trivial lifestyle. She did this by CHOICE, because she did not want to work to earn a living.

She allegedly coldly murdered her helpless, two-year old baby, because Caylee came between her and her men and her parties. Killing her, when her own mother, at least one friend, and any number of other people would have been more than willing to give Caylee a loving home.

Please don't be fooled by that dewey little face. There is no one home, where the murderess' soul should be.

What do you suppose might have happened, had she got pregnant again? Or, married a man with a large death benefit on his insurance policy?

KC is not any kind of victim, David. She is a predator. If you knew her, and she sensed your compassion, she'd exploit it. The devil his/herself is said to have a pleasing appearance.

But, good on you for having a compassionate nature.
"We bring them into the world. The least we can do is let them show it to us."

Debs, that is such a beautiful, meaningful quote, is it yours? I hope you dont mind if I borrow it sometime. When I think of my son, it really rings true, with him, its like seeing everything again for the first time. How any mother could not treasure that and appreciate every moment is beyond me.
Intellectually, I don't think Casey deserves true compassion, but I'll always feel a pang of sympathy-- if only for the person she could have been.

I think that's how I feel. Sad for what/who she could have been. Unlike others, I think she looked terrified at yesterday's press conference, and I think she was trying not to cry. I don't think we can judge what comment caused the one tear to fall.

Was she crying for herself? Probably. I believe that is more than Scott Peterson did.

I do think she suffered some kind of abuse because she went from a shy and quiet high school student to this cold and calculated person. Maybe she's actualy acting this way on purpose? To show her abuser what s/he made her? Maybe she was willing to do something terrible and spend the rest of her life in prison or be sent to death just to make that person feel guilty.

Don't know if any of this is true. Having been abused myself..sometimes pretty bad, I could see myself---the girl I was in my 20s, anyway---wanting to get revenge on those people by doing something self-destructive. I don't think I could have killed anyone, let alone my child, though!
I think her dysfunctional family life made her the way she is. But IMO, I left a dysfunctional family at age 17, made it on my own. Had 2 babies by 21. I never killed or hurt anyone............no I do not feel sorry for her at all. IMO, she was 22 and could of left the baby with parents or adopt her out so the baby wouldn't have to be in that dysfunctional family. Many girls support children and are not married. There is so much help out there. KC is a 'spiteful bietch'..............IMO
Being a mother is such a gift too bad Caylee didn't have a mommy who believed that.
she failed at being a basic, human being..i only feel sad for caylee
Yes, she was. I also bet there were times Casey was sweet and loving and witty and fun to be with.

Yesterday, Casey looked very young standing next to Baez during that press conference. She also looked pretty.

I've read Casey was at one time an honor roll student and cheerleader. She had potential.

The thing is...she CHOSE to plan, plot and carry out the deliberate murder of her innocent daughter. I think she did it because she was obsessed with a man and a new lifestyle. She no longer wanted Caylee and she wouldn't let her mother have her either.

Caylee has yet to be brought home for a decent burial. But, I don't believe Casey ever cried for her.

Casey is worse than the Couey's who come from societies lowest tiers. Casey wasn't among societies despised or driven by compulsions. She was blessed with intelligence and the face of an angel. She had friends and her health. She was blessed with an adorable baby. She had time to job search, transportation, a computer, a telephone and babysitters.

She CHOSE to use her gifts and resources to con and steal. She cold-bloodedly looked into the eyes of the baby that trusted her and called her mommy and took her life. Pretty face or not, you don't get more evil.

There are real victims in this story...the little girl outside exposed to the elements. The family who has to go on with guilt
and questions. The Zenaida whose life was picked apart and is the object of gossip. Casey's friends who have to live with this tragedy and have also been looked at suspiciously and had their private information picked apart. The members of LE who hoped to bring Caylee home and instead watched the gory details unfold. The searchers who risk life and limb tromping through alligator infested ditches and swamps.

The real victims don't all have angelic faces but I betcha they have shed real tears...lots of them.

I am sad because Casey is young and she threw her life away. But, Casey did it by choice.

Caylee was a true innocent. She didn't live long enough to celebrate her next birthday.

WOW. You nailed it, totally nailed it. Thank you for taking every feeling and thought I've had for these past few months about Caylee and Casey, and putting them in this very eloquent post. Thank you :)
I think that's how I feel. Sad for what/who she could have been.

Respectfully snipped.

I've been trying to figure out how I feel about this, and your simple words summed it up perfectly for me.

I feel sad for everything that Casey could've been. I feel sad for whatever made her suddenly turn so cold and make such a poor life decision. I don't feel sad for the "monster" that KC has become, but I know somewhere inside of her there is a human being, and, while it may take a long time, she will someday realize what she's done, and she will feel remorse.
C'mon Robotdog, tell us how you really feel, LOL. Thanks, you made me laugh in the middle of all the craziness- sometimes it's best to just get it out there, ya know :)

LOL next time i will try to make it more direct :)

im a forgiving person ( although i struggle with that whole concept )
but before anyone is forgiven, i think they should at least ask for it, and show some remorse and then try to make things better or for goodness sakes
try to become a better person
i have seen nothing from her, therefore i hate her

On the list of people I feel sorry for Casey comes right after Osama Bin Laden and Hitler.

Last 5 people on the end of my "who I feel sorry for" list........

Jeffery Dahmer
Jose Baez
Osama Bin Laden
Casey Anthony
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