REVISIT Does LE have enough evidence to Convict Casey on 1st Degree Murder?

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Do you think LE has enough evidence to get Casey on 1st Degree Murder?

  • Yes

    Votes: 759 77.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 8.5%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 140 14.2%

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Can someone confirm for me, my understanding with FL law, that once she was arrested for murder, that their 'speedy trial' rule comes into effect and they have 180 days till trial for murder begins.
I pray that they do have the evidence to convict her of first degree murder because this is what I truly feel she is guilty of. My fear is that, without the body, they will not be able to prove cause of death. I believe that they have all kinds of terrible evidence that will show that this baby was subjected to horrible treatment in her last hours, but I am afraid they will not be able to prove, irrefutably, exactly what the actual cause of death was. Will they be able to do this? If anyone has any insight on how they can achieve this, it would be a great relief to me. TIA
Did any one else hear on NG last night in talking with Tim Miller that he and TES are going to put on the biggest search ever to find Caylees body? To bring her home for a proper burial. Tim knows what he's doing. They'll have a body before trial.

Such a sad sad thing. I'm glad Casey will now face the music, but it's also so bitter sweet.
I pray that they do have the evidence to convict her of first degree murder because this is what I truly feel she is guilty of. My fear is that, without the body, they will not be able to prove cause of death. I believe that they have all kinds of terrible evidence that will show that this baby was subjected to horrible treatment in her last hours, but I am afraid they will not be able to prove, irrefutably, exactly what the actual cause of death was. Will they be able to do this? If anyone has any insight on how they can achieve this, it would be a great relief to me. TIA

I will quote a statement made by Rick Distaso during his closing arguments in the Scott Peterson trial.

"I don't have to prove how or why he did it". "I only have to prove he did it."

"This is a common sense case".
Can Casey be convicted of more than one of these first three counts or is it one or the other? Also, does anyone know if they all carry a possible life sentence or LWP? TIA!
lock this case up and while they are at it... lock her up until the day of injection
I will quote a statement made by Rick Distaso during his closing arguments in the Scott Peterson trial.

"I don't have to prove how or why he did it". "I only have to prove he did it."

"This is a common sense case".

Thanks Magnolia. . .feeling a little better about it now. I mean, it obviously worked for Distaso :)
I believe the Grand Jury. Had the DA not had enough evidence I do not think they would have indited on 7 charges.

I do hope they go for the death penalty, then give Casey a chance for LWOP if she discloses what actually happened and who may have helped her. I still think George may have helped her and he knows where Caylee's body is. The whole truth needs to come out.
It took them only 30 minutes to come back with 7 charges...

I cannot begin to imagine the compelling evidence they have. I'm leaning more still toward premeditation.

I have to agree, we don't know the half of it - my ONLY problem - all those pictures of Casey with Caylee - I'm having a hard time grasping it was premeditated - BUT then her actions speak much louder than words - if it were an accident she wouldn't have been out partying, shopping, stealing, lying, etc.

It's just the premeditation that I'm hung up on
I have to agree, we don't know the half of it - my ONLY problem - all those pictures of Casey with Caylee - I'm having a hard time grasping it was premeditated - BUT then her actions speak much louder than words - if it were an accident she wouldn't have been out partying, shopping, stealing, lying, etc.

It's just the premeditation that I'm hung up on

The internet searches for chloroform? The Missing Children websites she visited just before this happened? Sounds like premeditation to me.
IIRC, we've only seen the text messages that Casey sent to Amy. What about all the other text messages she sent to everyone else? I bet there's an absolute goldmine of revealing/incriminitory information in those.

The internet searches for chloroform? The Missing Children websites she visited just before this happened? Sounds like premeditation to me.

I know, I know - you just don't wake up one day and say I'm tired of this kid I'm going to get rid of her - it could be a long time coming, if the signs were there then no one picked up on them - there has to be other signs - if the baby didn't show abuse I'm just wondering what the signs were - because the friends haven't said anything OR they might not be saying anything - does that make sense?
I know, I know - you just don't wake up one day and say I'm tired of this kid I'm going to get rid of her - it could be a long time coming, if the signs were there then no one picked up on them - there has to be other signs - if the baby didn't show abuse I'm just wondering what the signs were - because the friends haven't said anything OR they might not be saying anything - does that make sense?

Yes, but I think Casey was really good at compartmentalizing her life with her friends. She didn't seem to talk about Caylee much with them, and when she did it was in a negative way (calling her the snothead or the kid), nor did she include Caylee a lot with her friends.

I think the source of her desire to get "rid" of Caylee was the increasing pressure she felt at home from her parents. She wanted the freedom to party, and have boyfriends, come and go as she pleased, etc. As Caylee got older, it became harder to do these things and keep it hidden from her parents, especially since Caylee was now probably talking up a storm, and able to tell them things Casey didn't want them knowing. Plus, she felt extreme jealousy about the attention and love Caylee was getting from her parents. I think it built up and built up, and what finally pushed her into doing what she fantasized about for months was the big fight with Cindy over the grandparents money.

So even though Casey didn't "abuse" Caylee, I don't think she had any maternal love and devotion for her either. She was real good at putting on the "face" of a loving mother, but inside I think she was resentful and bitter towards having to be in that role.
After Mr Lemar talked to the judge today and said that the GJ has seen and heard things that no one should ever hear that speaks VOLUMES to me! We dont know HALF of the things that went on im guessing!!

I've been wondering about this, any idea on what they meant?

Guessing at what types of things they saw and heard?
After Mr Lemar talked to the judge today and said that the GJ has seen and heard things that no one should ever hear that speaks VOLUMES to me! We dont know HALF of the things that went on im guessing!!

I'm really curious to know how LE decided which evidence to allow to be released to the public, and which evidence they decided to hold back.
I voted yes as I have always maintained Casey would be indicted for a death penalty crime.

If they fail to convince a jury there was premeditation, it will not preclude this from being a death penalty case.
If they find Caylee was killed during agg. child abuse...that is also first degree murder and a capital offense in Florida.

Interesting legal point was brought up by a Wser yesterday, sorry I cannot recall who.
But the Supreme Court has ruled that all 12 jurors do not have to agree on premeditation vs death during agg. child abuse for it to be a unanimous verdict.
The Court's reasoning was that both methods of causing death equate to first degree murder and hence they do not take the jury's findings into the realm of 2 different crimes so as to make them not unanimous.:)
In plain English, if 6 jurors say death during child abuse but no premeditation to kill....and 6 say it was premeditated---that is a unanimous verdict of guilty.

Sorry about the yakkety yakkety....I just found that really interesting so thanks again to whoever posted that case!:blowkiss:
I voted yes as I have always maintained Casey would be indicted for a death penalty crime.

If they fail to convince a jury there was premeditation, it will not preclude this from being a death penalty case.
If they find Caylee was killed during agg. child abuse...that is also first degree murder and a capital offense in Florida.

Interesting legal point was brought up by a Wser yesterday, sorry I cannot recall who.
But the Supreme Court has ruled that all 12 jurors do not have to agree on premeditation vs death during agg. child abuse for it to be a unanimous verdict.
The Court's reasoning was that both methods of causing death equate to first degree murder and hence they do not take the jury's findings into the realm of 2 different crimes so as to make them not unanimous.:)
In plain English, if 6 jurors say death during child abuse but no premeditation to kill....and 6 say it was premeditated---that is a unanimous verdict of guilty.

Sorry about the yakkety yakkety....I just found that really interesting so thanks again to whoever posted that case!:blowkiss:

Very good post..I say ditto
You know ... maybe I'm just really sensitive and emotional but I still can't deal with the thought that KC killed Caylee ... let alone hurt her in anyway beforehand, such as beating, strangling, etc. I guess my brain is holding off to see proof, or hear proof.

If then I do ... it will crush me I know. I can't deal with looking at videos of Caylee anymore, because I just can't handle the thought of her suffering and dying.

UGH! I hate this!
I'm leaning more still toward premeditation.

well, yeah, especially considering they mention premeditation in the indictment charge. she's screwed, IMO.
I know, I know - you just don't wake up one day and say I'm tired of this kid I'm going to get rid of her - it could be a long time coming, if the signs were there then no one picked up on them - there has to be other signs - if the baby didn't show abuse I'm just wondering what the signs were - because the friends haven't said anything OR they might not be saying anything - does that make sense?

Early in the case there was a report from one of the detectives, Yuri I think, that a hairdresser reported that she had seen Caylee with bruises and a black mark under one eye. Later, the detective interviewed one of Casey's friends who showed him a cell phone picture of Caylee and the picture showed the black mark under her eye. So there may have been some indications of child abuse.
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