Revisiting Haleigh's home

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IIRC, the dogs followed Haleigh's scent trail out the back door. Perhaps, for starters, the front door was unlocked and then the perp went out the back?

This is very possible IMO. Wish we knew what kind of locks are on the front door. I also wonder if Haleigh actually got up through the night and she might have been the one to turn the kitchen light on? My 5 yr old granddaughter gets up in the night sometimes to either get something to drink or use the restroom. My other granddaughter just turned 4 and every now and then she will have an accident and actually get up and change her own clothing and put the wet ones in the laundry is it possible that Haleigh may have had an accident and got up to change? The laundry room was by the back door, and Misty found the pink shirt in the dirty clothing that Haleigh had been wearing when she was put to bed. Maybe the perp was stalking around and saw a kitchen light on...peeped through the windows and saw Haleigh up? Tried the back door and couldn't open it? Saw one of the cinderblocks under the MH located at the back door and used one to prop it open, go to the front door, easy entry if it was unlocked or didn't have a dead bolt...went in the front, to the kitchen, grabbed Haleigh and out the back door?....OH MY, I have written a book here...sorry about that. I just wanted to agree with you theory LOL
IMO, the perp was someone who wasn't afraid of Misty catching him/her in home.
Someone VERY close to Misty and Ron! This perp knew where to go and what to do.
Knew exactly what they were going to do. Very planned out. Someone in PLAIN SIGHT......that NO ONE WOULD EVER SUSPECT...........IMO
IMO, the perp was someone who wasn't afraid of Misty catching him/her in home.
Someone VERY close to Misty and Ron! This perp knew where to go and what to do.
Knew exactly what they were going to do. Very planned out. Someone in PLAIN SIGHT......that NO ONE WOULD EVER SUSPECT...........IMO

imo too that you r on to something here!
IMO, the perp was someone who wasn't afraid of Misty catching him/her in home.
Someone VERY close to Misty and Ron! This perp knew where to go and what to do.
Knew exactly what they were going to do. Very planned out. Someone in PLAIN SIGHT......that NO ONE WOULD EVER SUSPECT...........IMO

Lets hope Ron and Misty have given LE the names of every person that are indeed close to them, and not hold any names back. Also, IIRC I think Crystal may have relatives in that area also? I honestly think this is why Misty has been going with LE for further questioning so much, to give more info on different people in their lives and also anything that may be developing with these people since Haleigh went missing. Maybe Misty is spilling the beans about certain people that Ron doesn't want to mention? I'm not accusing Ron of anything at all, but he may be fearful for Haleigh's well being enough to maybe keep quiet?...I don't know, wish we knew for certain.
IMO the missing item is Haleighs blanket....hence the overexplaining of the blankets by Misty...just sayin...

I think so, too. Hayleigh seems to have been a beloved grandchild, she would have had special blankets and other comfort items.
i thought i saw a peephole in the solid back door. is it possible to see in thru one of those or just out?
I am thinking perp took advantage of noise from washing machine covering the noise he made opening and propping the outside door.
Also NG reporter said the floors did not creak. However, she may weigh all of a100 lbs, what if the perp is 200 lbs, would the floor creak then? Yes, I know the camera man was there but we didn't see him so don't know much weight he was carrying thru there.

It's comical because as the NG reporter said the floor did not creak I totally could hear their footfalls as they walked around the trailer! Did anyone else notice this? You could hear every step; it wasn't a CREAK but definite footsteps.
I am so with you on this. Ever since I saw the video where the G-Grandma did a walk through of the place, I've been scratching my head more than ever! It doesn't make sense!

Which bathroom did Misty use? The one in the bedroom where everyone was sleeping, or the one clear across the living near the other two bedrooms?

What criminal would actually turn on a light when he enters a home? Don't they normally carry flashlights?

The storm door and the exit door being left open, one propped with a cinderblock, the other with --- LAUNDRY!!!!! So perp blocks open two doors (storm door with side door) and turns on the kitchen light, snatches the child by bending down to the floor to pick her up while two others are sleeping in the room, carries her through the kitchen (LIGHT ON) and laundry room, then exits the doorway, leaving those two doors wide open with the kitchen light still on. :eek: And no one saw him! Sounds mighty stupid and risky to me.

Me thinks the cops should drag Ms Misty back to the station and hook her up one more time.

Something's not right!

Amen. Where there is stink there must be hink.

Adding to your thoughts: When the perp entered the bedroom where an adult, and two small children are all sleeping the perp has to BEND DOWN and pick up a sleeping child (Haleigh) from a mattress on the floor (the perps butt would likely have been right in Misty or Jr's face). Crazy. The perp would also be either relying on the fact Haleigh would not make ONE PEEP and that Misty would not wake up.
IMO, the perp was someone who wasn't afraid of Misty catching him/her in home.
Someone VERY close to Misty and Ron! This perp knew where to go and what to do.
Knew exactly what they were going to do. Very planned out. Someone in PLAIN SIGHT......that NO ONE WOULD EVER SUSPECT...........IMO

I agree. Too much risk for a stranger, to walk into the master and take Haleigh while Misty was sleeping 4 ft. away. Also, RC is not accounted for(@ work), a stranger would not know when he was going to return. If it was an SO who had been staking out the house, he might know when RC returns from work, but he wouldn't know where Haleigh slept and whether or not RC checked on the kids before going to bed himself. It had to have been someone in the "inner circle" or completely random.
someone in this thread was questioning how a block could hold open a screen door that was conected to a slanted wooden ramp. After watching the interview that seiouslysearching posted, I have concluded that it is this type of block IE: Standard cinder block that was used to hold open the door... which answers your question....

Not every one of the victims (IIRC over 15 victims) in those cases came from stellar backgrounds. So yes...chances are there were rap sheets with some of the parents. I can guarantee when this perp started his 4 year terror spree that many of the people were questioned multiple times over.

You don't think Misty and Ronald have kicked themselves daily for "what ifs"?! They are acting very normal, imo. (See the "other" case for what is not normal when a child goes missing.)

The stories to the media could be off for many different reasons which have been pointed out repeatedly. I trust that LE has an accurate account by now from Misty which they are not sharing with John Q. Public. It has also been shouted to the rooftops that Ronald has not been proven to be a violent person and it is wrong to state he IS violent.

Seriously, I said Ronald is a violent person because he violently verbally attacked Misty the night of the 911 call, others say they are afraid of him, his rap sheet says so.

I'm not saying Ron and Misty are lying that Haleigh has been kidnapped, I just feel they are NOT telling the entire truth. Yes, I believe she was abducted, yes, it was either by a stranger or someone known to the family, someone even more violent than what people are saying about Ron's temper. Yes, I believe this little girl was targeted and was in grave danger even before the actual kidnapping. What I also believe, there was a moment of opportunity, either Misty was not in the home or she was doing something she shouldn't have been doing, something that distracted her from the children (friends, drugs, alcohol, something) and she's afraid to say so. Her demeanor around Ron makes me believe she's terrified of him.

It's a good thing for PCSO to keep their knowledge quiet. I have no problem with that. I just believe Misty is the key to the story because she's not telling the whole truth.

I agree with you about the "other" case. One pack of liars is enough for any child "gone missing" case in Florida. I don't believe Haleigh's family fits into that category where their girl is concerned, but there are one or two who are covering for someone's neglect when they should have been concerned first and foremost about Haleigh. Charging a 17-year-old with the duties of childcare, housekeeping, and sexual activities 24/7 is a crime in itself.

But it's all about Haleigh at this moment.
My children are the same age, and I often find lights on in the morning because they had an "accident" during the night and got up to clean up. I usually find their clothing in the laundry because they're trying to cover the "evidence". That could explain the shirt (and possibly panties) being in the laundry.

This crime may have started as a burglary (possibly related to the other rumours) but was interrupted by Haleigh, and then became a kidnapping.

One time when my son was Haleigh's age he wet the sofa while sleeping over at his dad's house. My son later told me he got up, put his wet clothes in the dirty clothes pile by the laundry, put on dry ones and went to sleep in his own bed. As far as I know, his dad never knew he even wet the sofa, let alone put the wet stuff in the pile. (Yes, my ex is not the most observant guy, :rolleyes: ) But the point of the story is that I find it totally believable that a child would change her clothes if she woke up wet.

On another note, if I were to move a child in that room, I'd drag the mattress with the child on it, out of the room, and then move the child (perhaps drag it all the way to the door before picking up the child). But maybe I think that way cause I've had little ones and know that they wake up faster if you pick them up, and likely will stay asleep if you can keep them on the blankets and whatnot.. A kidnapper might not be thinking like a mother wanting not to wake her child up as she moves the child into bed.
I agree that whoever took Haleigh out of the home must have known their way around very well, but whoever took her away in a vehicle must not have known the streets quite as well. If the dogs were correct, Haleigh was needlessly taken around the circle before heading out the correct way on Monroe then out past the rail road tracks. More than one person must have been involved. One on the inside then help arriving with a vehicle to take Haleigh away.
It's comical because as the NG reporter said the floor did not creak I totally could hear their footfalls as they walked around the trailer! Did anyone else notice this? You could hear every step; it wasn't a CREAK but definite footsteps.

So glad you said that because I could hear their footfalls, too, which is highly typical of all mobile homes because they are elevated, not supported by a slab or other type of base (subflooring) which muffles the sounds in houses or modular homes. I was quite surprised when the reporter said what she did because their footsteps DID make noise. I watched twice just to be sure. :rolleyes:

I've been saying all along, mobile homes are noisy. Most don't "creak" as people are saying, but every footstep can be heard on carpet and on tile or linoleum flooring because of the lack of solid base. It's very difficult to sneak around in a mobile home because of this. Although maybe cat burglars or child predators who are experienced know how to tread lightly, even through a trailer.

The people who mentioned kids having to get up at night because of accidents, and then changing their clothing, are correct. But still, the storm door was propped open, so it does point to "planned". Maybe Haleigh did wet herself, including the blankets near the door. Could this be why Misty mentioned the wet blanket and washing it? Could that have been the blanket she was talking about? Could she have found it upon returning from her night out, then threw it in the washer to claim she was up late after putting the children to bed, just for her own alibi? Maybe not.:waitasec:

Yes, it was a cinderblock, not a brick, holding open the storm door. Cinderblocks are much larger than bricks.


Thanks for the pic, lolype29.

Amen. Where there is stink there must be hink.

Adding to your thoughts: When the perp entered the bedroom where an adult, and two small children are all sleeping the perp has to BEND DOWN and pick up a sleeping child (Haleigh) from a mattress on the floor (the perps butt would likely have been right in Misty or Jr's face). Crazy. The perp would also be either relying on the fact Haleigh would not make ONE PEEP and that Misty would not wake up.

Yep. The guy must have had lots of gall or he knew Misty was out cold, or that Misty wasn't there.

If R jr really saw the perp, did he have to look over Misty's sleeping body, or was Misty there? Or did someone plant the picture in his mind?

I'm just having a devil of a time picturing the story as told.
Whoever took Haleigh, knew her (she was targeted specifically), knew the neighborhood, knew where she lived, which is on a short back-road, knew that Ron was not home at night, knew there were no dogs at the house, knew that the screen door needed a prop to keep it open (no door holder at top) and that the back door would not slam shut on it's own. This person lives in the immediate area or lived there, has moved and still visits friends or relatives in the neighborhood. This person knew the home and was not concerned in the least that the back door to the house was only a few yards away from the front of the neighboring house. This was not a random event, it was planned and this person was staying in the neighborhood over the weekend before Haleigh disappeared. She was apparently carried quite some distance by a perp on foot, based upon the scent trail through woods and what looks to be like back roads and yards. The perp had lived in the neighborhood long enough to know in which direction to head through the woods at night and a short cut to the RR tracks to avoid being seen. The perp had been on this path a few times before. The live scent ends at the RR tracks. I suggest this is where the perp parked his car.

I wonder if anyone saw a car parking, parked, leaving at the RR tracks that night? The train engineers would never remember even if they saw one but what about someone driving home late or someone hearing a car start up late at night at the RR track?

The kidnapping could have been timed to coincide with a train passing, to obscure any noise made in the house. Any old timer in the neighborhood will know the train's schedule and at what time it passes through.

This is a family who had conditioned themselves to sleep with that loud train noise that we heard in the many news interviews.

I doubt any noise the perp made while in the home that night could compete with that train and would explain why Misty didn't hear anything.

someone in this thread was questioning how a block could hold open a screen door that was conected to a slanted wooden ramp. After watching the interview that seiouslysearching posted, I have concluded that it is this type of block IE: Standard cinder block that was used to hold open the door... which answers your question....


These can be seen under the trailer in one photo of the ramp side. These blocks weigh 36lbs. we have them at our home and we weigh them when the question came up if Misty could carry one. Also if the block came from the yard, they make an impression, especially in the soft soil of FL. There would be crushed grass, and a block imprint in the soil. Ron said early one he never saw that block and there isn't any in the back yard. Perp may have brought it with him.
Whoever took Haleigh, knew her (she was targeted specifically), knew the neighborhood, knew where she lived, which is on a short back-road, knew that Ron was not home at night, knew there were no dogs at the house, knew that the screen door needed a prop to keep it open (no door holder at top) and that the back door would not slam shut on it's own. This person lives in the immediate area or lived there, has moved and still visits friends or relatives in the neighborhood. This person knew the home and was not concerned in the least that the back door to the house was only a few yards away from the front of the neighboring house. This was not a random event, it was planned and this person was staying in the neighborhood over the weekend before Haleigh disappeared. She was apparently carried quite some distance by a perp on foot, based upon the scent trail through woods and what looks to be like back roads and yards. The perp had lived in the neighborhood long enough to know in which direction to head through the woods at night and a short cut to the RR tracks to avoid being seen. The perp had been on this path a few times before. The live scent ends at the RR tracks. I suggest this is where the perp parked his car.

I wonder if anyone saw a car parking, parked, leaving at the RR tracks that night? The train engineers would never remember even if they saw one but what about someone driving home late or someone hearing a car start up late at night at the RR track?

The kidnapping could have been timed to coincide with a train passing, to obscure any noise made in the house. Any old timer in the neighborhood will know the train's schedule and at what time it passes through.


They also had the intent of coming in an occupied home and taking her out. I say this because, if they thought no one was home, the door would have just been kicked in, but they took the time to pick the lock and prop open the screen door so it wouldn't slam. They knew they had to "sneak in". I really believe as you, they had contact with this person, may have been only a short period of time, enough to get the layout of the house, and know Ron worked nights. I still feel it possible that Haleigh may have left her bed, due to hearing a noise in the kitchen; thinking it was Misty or Ron, saw a light and went into the Kitchen and was taken from there. The person may have lured her outside, saying "your dad sent me or Misty is right outside" something to keep her from screaming. I still am baffled by the shirt, but the car or truck/van may have been parked just a short distance from the house. One person may have been driving and another person may have entered the house. Or may have been one person.

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