Revisiting Haleigh's home

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It says it was pulled for reveiw. SO maybe they are just cleaning it up. They will put it back in a while.
It says it was pulled for reveiw. SO maybe they are just cleaning it up. They will put it back in a while.

As always, I respect the mods' judgment in keeping us from screwing up.


This is a blown up pic of the door, posted by Klass at SM

Note: No slide bolt lock


No, but it IS a dead bolt... we have the same kind on our doors, they can be unlocked with a key. These are more substantial than a sliding bolt lock, IMO, because the bolts are thicker and probably not as easy to bump open. But I have never tried, so not sure.
We were told that a neighbor saw Haleigh outside playing at 5:30 pm. Last time someone outside the family saw her.
A/C guy left at same time. Brother, neice and nephews left around 5:45 pm.
Ggm dropped some clothes off at 7 pm, and says she saw Haleigh and Jr. eating supper out on the porch.
However, it was dark by then and so her story doesn't ring true to some. But we have no known reason to distrust her at this point.
From 7pm to 3am only Misty is known to see her and Jr. unless there was a cousin in the home that evening which was reported very early in the case. If there was a cousin there, I don't know that anyone knows who that cousin is, to my knowledge. jmo :)

I understood G-GM Annette Sykes to say that she saw Haleigh & JR eating supper on the porch that evening, they had waved to her. (And oddly enough I don't remember that info being brought up until several days after the disappearance.) NOW she's saying they kissed her, and she also kissed Misty before she left....? Am I mistaken about this?
Or in another couple weeks will it be that she actually had supper with MC & the kids?:waitasec:
I understood G-GM Annette Sykes to say that she saw Haleigh & JR eating supper on the porch that evening, they had waved to her. (And oddly enough I don't remember that info being brought up until several days after the disappearance.) NOW she's saying they kissed her, and she also kissed Misty before she left....? Am I mistaken about this?
Or in another couple weeks will it be that she actually had supper with MC & the kids?:waitasec:

Yeah. I noticed too. Changing stories again. IDK. Seems to me the truth would not change but what do I know?:rolleyes:
Sorry I posted this somewhere else and no one would reply so I thought I would try here...hope this is ok. Is anyone other than me realizing that Misty said in three seperate (or more) cases, that she noticed the door was wide open when she saw the kitchen light on and that caused her to check on Haleigh. The main door WAS NOT wide open, she told 911 that the door(meaning the screen) was "bricked" open. Well how did she see that if the main door was closed, unless someone can show me different, She didnt say the main door was open AND the screen door was "bricked". She just said the door was "bricked" out on the ramp. So that would mean the screen door. In atleast two interviews she never said both or two doors. Someone please help me with this. TY
I understood G-GM Annette Sykes to say that she saw Haleigh & JR eating supper on the porch that evening, they had waved to her. (And oddly enough I don't remember that info being brought up until several days after the disappearance.) NOW she's saying they kissed her, and she also kissed Misty before she left....? Am I mistaken about this?
Or in another couple weeks will it be that she actually had supper with MC & the kids?:waitasec:
That was all on the first video we saw. She didn't add to it later.
I am just going to throw this out there..

Wonder if it wasn't a planned abduction at all? What if it was a planned burglary and Haleigh got out of bed thinking it was her dad and saw them? They are probably someone she would have known so they took her so she couldn't identify them? It would explain many things in this case.

Just a thought since nothing makes much sense in this case
Sorry I posted this somewhere else and no one would reply so I thought I would try here...hope this is ok. Is anyone other than me realizing that Misty said in three seperate (or more) cases, that she noticed the door was wide open when she saw the kitchen light on and that caused her to check on Haleigh. The main door WAS NOT wide open, she told 911 that the door(meaning the screen) was "bricked" open. Well how did she see that if the main door was closed, unless someone can show me different, She didnt say the main door was open AND the screen door was "bricked". She just said the door was "bricked" out on the ramp. So that would mean the screen door. In atleast two interviews she never said both or two doors. Someone please help me with this. TY

On Nancy Grace tonight, the walk-thru of the home showed that the back door itself would NOT stay open unless it was also propped open. The reporter doing the walk-thru said that "laundry" had been on the floor propping the door open the night Haleigh went missing. WTF??? The intruder was messy and threw laundry on the floor to prop the door open? Why didn't he/she just pull another cinder block out of their pocket? Geesh! I was actually giving Misty's story the benefit of a doubt until seeing the walk-thru tonight. My BS meter is in the red zone!
On Nancy Grace tonight, the walk-thru of the home showed that the back door itself would NOT stay open unless it was also propped open. The reporter doing the walk-thru said that "laundry" had been on the floor propping the door open the night Haleigh went missing. WTF??? The intruder was messy and threw laundry on the floor to prop the door open? Why didn't he/she just pull another cinder block out of their pocket? Geesh! I was actually giving Misty's story the benefit of a doubt until seeing the walk-thru tonight. My BS meter is in the red zone!
I don't buy that either. Another problem I'm having is the location of the bed Haleigh was supposedly sleeping on when the perp entered the bedroom, walked in between the bed Misty was in and Haleigh's, stooped or bent over almost to the floor to pick her up and carried her the length of the house out the back door. After, of course, turning the kitchen light on at some point. :waitasec:
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but this has really been bothering me tonight (along with a few other things about this case).

After seeing the layout of the house and comparing it to the overhead view of the trailer..I'm guessing that one skylight is in the master bath and the other one is either in the kitchen or the living room. Also, has anyone ever mentioned if the TV was still on in the bedroom when Misty "woke up"? I'm asking because it would illuminate the bedroom somewhat as would the bathroom skylight (full moon). So here's whats bothering and is confusing the hell outta me...

Do we know the order in which Misty did things that night? From what I understand Misty...
1)woke up
2)went to the bathroom and/or got a drink of water
3)noticed kitchen light on and back door open
4)THEN realized Haleigh was missing

If so, IMO, I just cannot imagine how she didn't notice Haleigh missing as soon as she got up. I mean Hello?!...she was in a bed on the floor,4ft away from a room that was probably somewhat illuminated from either the skylight/TV or both (the kitchen light would probably also illuminate the bedroom some...not as much as the others but a little) AND she'd be facing and/or pretty much standing over Haleigh's bed when she got up to leave the room...not to mention walking past it. My first instinct would be to look at both kids FIRST...especially if they were right there, under my nose.

Plus, we've all heard that Haleigh is afraid of the that bedroom probably wasn't pitch dark or Haleigh wouldn't have slept in there and she sure wouldn't be roaming around in a dark house by herself. Right? I just cant get past Misty not noticing her missing as soon as she got up.

There's just so many thing that don't seem right with her story, IMO.
On Nancy Grace tonight, the walk-thru of the home showed that the back door itself would NOT stay open unless it was also propped open. The reporter doing the walk-thru said that "laundry" had been on the floor propping the door open the night Haleigh went missing. WTF??? The intruder was messy and threw laundry on the floor to prop the door open? Why didn't he/she just pull another cinder block out of their pocket? Geesh! I was actually giving Misty's story the benefit of a doubt until seeing the walk-thru tonight. My BS meter is in the red zone!

LOL......I see most of us have the same questions after seeing the walk-thru of the trailer on NG last night......With Misty's changing stories my BS meter has been in the red for awhile....OR.....this is a very LUCKY perp that broke in that night.

First off this LUCKY perp 'finds' a cinder block thats both tall & heavy enough to prop the screen door on a slanting ramp......

Second, the perp pops the inside door lock (leaves no traces) & *somehow knows this door also needs to be propped & LUCKY for him there is laundry right there to do so.....

Third, this LUCKY perp makes his way into the dark kitchen & then LUCKILY find the light switch.....& LUCKY for him, turning the light on, awakes no one.

He then proceeds to a (darK ??) bedroon where LUCKILY 2 kids are also sleeping, squats down & easily (& quietly) picks up a 40lb little girl.......

(no wonder Misty continue to be questioned.....)
First off, cheers for NG for giving us the walk-thru of the house!
I have to also say that I was very proud of her for asking questions that needed answered. Great job!

After watching her show last night I think the family's routine might have been disrupted by the ac man and then greatgrandma bringing the clothes.
While Ron & Misty might have checked the lock on the door every night I think it's highly possible that the ac man or R & M left the door unlocked and no one checked it that night.

Child predators will do things you would never believe to abduct your child. An unlocked door or window is a common denominator in many cases.

Kudos to NG for highlighting this case!

Do we know the order in which Misty did things that night? From what I understand Misty...
1)woke up
2)went to the bathroom and/or got a drink of water
3)noticed kitchen light on and back door open
4)THEN realized Haleigh was missing

If so, IMO, I just cannot imagine how she didn't notice Haleigh missing as soon as she got up. I mean Hello?!...she was in a bed on the floor,4ft away from a room that was probably somewhat illuminated from either the skylight/TV or both (the kitchen light would probably also illuminate the bedroom some...not as much as the others but a little) AND she'd be facing and/or pretty much standing over Haleigh's bed when she got up to leave the room...not to mention walking past it. My first instinct would be to look at both kids FIRST...especially if they were right there, under my nose.
Thank you. That is one of the things I first pointed out when this case broke. That has always bothered me. When you're leaving a room where kids are sleeping, don't you check them as you're leaving to make sure you don't wake them up? Last night many thought she may have used the other bathroom because she didn't want to wake the kids. I just can't see her not peeking at them first then, before she left the room. It has also bothered me that she said she saw the door open and went to check on the kids. If she woke up around 3 something, wouldn't she at first think it must be RC and go check out front to see if his car is there? Maybe she just didn't explain herself well enough, but those things have always bothered me.
I watched NG last night. I have to say that I feel so bad for this family. They really show their hurt so much more than the A's ever did. T. Nieves is really hurting. It was brave of her to take NG's reporter through the home. She still believes Misty's story. Even though they only knew this girl for a short time, she's talking, unlike KC. I haven't been following this story as much as I did Caylee's. I'm really worried about the children of Florida now.

I don't like the music that NG is playing when they show Haleigh's pics/videos. It's like the music they played after we knew that Caylee was gone. Why is she doing that?

Sorry if off topic from this thread. Praying for a safe return of Haleigh but not really thinking that will happen. I hope I am wrong. I remember the day that Elizabeth
Smart was found . . . and wish for more happy endings like hers.
TN says there is always laundry on the floor, so it would not have been difficult to just "toe" a couple of items over to prop open the door. The reporter demonstrated it by picking ONE item out of the pile and dropping it in front of the door, and the door stayed open.
My heart just broke watching TN last night on NG, she was bawling her eyes out and NG asked here what was going through her mind. DUH! What did she THINK was going through her mind?!
I'm not sure what to think after seeing that walk-through. Seems like Haleigh's bed was just inside the door, so it would not have been difficult to just reach in and pick her up. But I believe Misty could have noticed the kitchen light on from the bedroom, or at least a glow from it, something that looked different than normal.
I'm not too concerned about the order in which Misty noticed Haleigh was gone, my concern is that some little noise or the light on in the kitchen didn't wake her, but then teenagers are oblivious sometimes, and sleep like rocks.
Was there a computer there? And what type of electonics and or flat screen tv in the living room?
It showed a computer on a desk in the master bedroom (didn't look like a fancy set up or anything).

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