RIP Common Sense

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Now why should we insult Tugela like this.

Nobody insulted anybody.

Tugela understands that evidence more than anything is why this never saw a courtroom.

I don't know Tugela, so I can't speak to what he/she does or doesn't understand.

I mean I understand that you think it is possible that LE could have gotten a confession somehow

I'm SURE of it! I'm SURE of it, pilgrim! Once Patsy heard that cell door slam, she would have been singing like Carrie Underwood! It's worked hundreds of times in the past, it would have worked here. If not, then why was Hal Haddon so worried about it?

but it doesn't have 1/100th of the evidence as in the Casey Anthony case.

That's a JOKE, right? It had a MILLION times the evidence against FCA! THAT'S MY WHOLE POINT!

By the way Tugela, thanks for laying out the smackdown of reality on this thread.

The reality of this thread is that pro-Ramsey propagandists encouraged, if not downright created, an atmosphere where Casey and other child murderers could walk. Period. End of sentence.

New paragraph. Forum IDIs shouldn't be blamed for that, and I don't. For PARROTING that propaganda, they should bear some blame. How much isn't for me to say.
You have a very selective memory, unless you have managed to miss most of the evidence that is factually laid out in this case.

Or perhaps you need to read up on the law: cynic can help you on that, particularly.

Murderers have been convicted without a body, without a weapon, and without a crime scene.

In this case, they had enough evidence to put Patsy Ramsey in prison for many years.

And they should have.

Finally, someone gets what I'm saying!
And the prime suspect being dead makes no difference in that regard?

I can admit that you are making somewhat of a point here. But i am telling you i know the DNA blows anything you got out of the water. And it aint from a media report. i actually try and listen to SOME RDI arguments based on inconsistant issues based on the Ramsey's.

It seems some RDI's want some discussion around here. You guys ask me to bring it. But then you get condescending and what not. It is obvious where the forum tilts. RDI wants IDI discussion or not. Decide. They don't like it when i am quiet and don't like it when I am loud.

Either way I know you are gonna be humbled. If you are game, consider what it is gonna be like if RDI were right and you can't rub some noses because the forum has banned the enemy. I am all in and I am right. And on judgement day I will probably be banned for being right and I won't be able to enjoy that you wasted a good part of your life listening to turds such as Spitz, Wecht, and whomever else.
They had to be idiots for not listenening to their attorney's.
I've said it before; there are other ways to deal with the police, and even if you don’t feel that it’s wise to be interviewed by police without a lawyer it still doesn’t justify the unprecedented action of stalling police for 4 months. The early hours and days are the most crucial with respect to solving a case. The Ramseys should have cooperated quickly and fully to allow the police to be able to clear them and focus all of their resources on finding the “intruder.” Of course, that wasn’t a concern, and the time spent stonewalling the police would pay dividends later by justifying answers such as “I don’t remember,” in eventual interviews.

"I never considered not cooperating and I never considered hiring a lawyer. We bring these children into this world and it’s our duty then to do whatever we can to protect them and that includes totally cooperating with law enforcement right down the line"
"It is only when you hire a lawyer that it becomes apparent, if not obvious that you are hiding something"
"I don't believe there was an intruder inside the Ramsey house that evening I believe the evidence as we know it is pretty clear-cut. The only logical explanation for that ransom note is if it came from within the household itself."
-Mark Klaas
[ame=""]Marc Klaas - Its Our Duty - YouTube[/ame]

I’ve posted the following information before but the contrast between a true victim and human being, and John Ramsey, is amazing and well worth seeing again.
Ramsey talks the talk, but Klaas walks the walk.
Klaas said when his own daughter, Polly, was abducted in 1993, police viewed him, too as a possible suspect.
“Statistically, parents or relatives are involved in most Child abductions,” Klaas said. “That’s why parents are suspects.”
Klaas said he cooperated completely with investigators on his daughter’s case and recalled telling them, “I’ll dance on the table naked for you if you want,” to speed the investigation.

As was standard in such cases, both Eve Nichol and her ex-husband, Polly's father, Marc Klaas, took polygraph tests. Both were ruled out as suspects.

REPORTER: What do you want to say to the killer of your daughter?
JOHN RAMSEY: We'll find you. We will find you. I have that as a sole mission for the rest of my life.
REPORTER: Mrs. Ramsey?

More lip service:

"We hope to start an organization called SHOES as an outreach of the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation, which will advocate legislation, offer resources and rewards, and establish computer databases-all focused as effective tools to both prevent violent crimes against children and to assist in the capture of child murderers.
We will use computerized tools to track pedophiles and sex offenders and also use experienced, retired detectives and top experts as resources to aid, and in some cases challenge, local police departments. We will put funds in place to offer significant rewards for information, when appropriate, to apprehend child killers.
SHOES will advocate legislation to elevate the murder of a child under the age of thirteen to a federal offense. After all, a bank robbery is a federal offense, and by law our nation treats this as a most serious crime. Do we as a country care more about our money than our children?"
"The Death of Innocence" page 390

And more lip service:

Mr. RAMSEY: We want the foundation to focus on protecting America's children against predators. I would like the murder of a child to be treated in this country as a federal offense. But there's been over a thousand children murdered in their homes since JonBenet was murdered, yet we don't know about it. We should, as a country, respond to that the best that we can. We don't today.

SHOES never happened, and the JonBenét Ramsey Children's Foundation, was essentially a sham designed to spin a little positive public relations.

Ramseys writing book on daughter's death
By Christopher Anderson, Camera Staff Writer
November 6, 1999

Proceeds from the Ramseys' book will go towards the Ramseys' legal expenses and the JonBenét Ramsey Children's Foundation.
The foundation was formed Feb. 3, 1997, with the goal of benefiting "children who are in a variety of needs," a Ramsey family spokeswoman said at the time.
By March of this year, the only known significant contributions made to the foundation came from the family itself and one of the family's attorneys
IRS records showed the foundation's "charitable activities" amounted to $769 given to Crime Stoppers "to assist their effort to obtain crime leads" and $596 for "advertising soliciting information into the murder of JonBenét Ramsey."

Now, let’s compare that to someone who is driven by a zeal for child advocacy, rather than self preservation. (Granted, I’m sure that John Ramsey’s golf commitments leave him precious little time to pursue justice.)

There are two organizations bearing the name of Klaas and dedicated to helping children. One is the Polly Klaas Foundation. It continues to work with law enforcement and the public to protect America's youngsters. Its mission statement says the organization is "dedicated to educating the public on the prevention of child abduction, aiding in the search for missing children, and acting as a means to bring the issue of missing children to the forefront." Jenni Thompson is the Director of Communications for the Polly Klaas Foundation. "We've assisted over 4,900 families to date," she related, "and have about an 85% success rate. Success is defined as kids coming home safely. Over 800,000 children in the U.S. are either missing or abducted each year. These include runaway children, children that are lost, children missing under suspicious circumstances where it is not known if they were abducted or not, and family as well as non-family abductions. Everyone in the field of missing children, not just the Polly Klaas Foundation, now use the term 'non-family abductions' because rarely is it a complete stranger."
Marc Klaas began the Polly Klaas Foundation. Since it is a non-profit group, it cannot engage in political lobbying. Marc Klaas wanted to change laws so he left the foundation to start the Marc Klaas Foundation for Children, now known as the KlaasKids Foundation. Like the Polly Klaas Foundation, KlaasKids seeks to increase knowledge of child safety issues; unlike it, KlaasKids also works for "stronger sentencing for violent criminals."
The life of pretty and talented Polly Klaas was cut short in a horrible way. However, she did not die in vain. Her loss has inspired many people to work on behalf of America's children, and that inspiration has contributed to the rescuing of other children. Quite a legacy for a child who did not live to see her 13th birthday.

Klaas uses his unsought notoriety to help other parents find their missing children, to lobby for tougher state and federal laws against kidnappers, and to promote better security against abductions.
Klaas _ who has quit his job running a car-rental agency to devote all his time to children's causes _ also has emerged as an outspoken advocate for the kinds of get-tough-on-criminals measures being debated in Congress and many state legislatures. Indeed, it was Polly Klaas' high-profile case that provided the impetus for California's ``three-strikes-you're-out'' statute, which has spawned similar efforts around the country.
- Boston Globe

In the aftermath of the Oct 1, 1993 kidnap and murder of his twelve-year-old daughter Polly, Marc Klaas gave up his lucrative rental car franchise to pursue an aggressive child safety mission. Mr. Klaas co-founded BeyondMissing, Inc., a federally funded California public benefit non-profit corporation to give meaning to Polly’s death and to create a legacy in her name that will protect children for generations to come. BeyondMissing provides America’s law enforcement community with a free and secure Website to easily and swiftly create and distribute missing child flyers via broadcast fax, email, and SMS technology.
Through federal and state legislative efforts Mr. Klaas promotes prevention programs for at-risk youth, stronger sentencing for violent criminals and governmental accountability and responsibility. Often times this advocacy takes the form of legislative testimony.
Besides his duties as volunteer president of the KlaasKids Foundation and president of BeyondMissing, Inc. Mr. Klaas sits on the advisory boards of the Center for the Community Interest; Fight Crime Invest in Kids and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

I think you are wrong and I think you will change your thinking on it. I believe that KK. So Hell is gonna freeze over.
I can't speak for KK, but I can speak for myself - I have also been either researching or following this case since the news broke in 1996. When my phone rang and my mother (who believes and IDI), says, "I told you so - have you seen the news? They arrested JonBenet Ramsey's killer!". I quickly replied, "omg, they've arrested Patsy??"...."No", she said, smugly, "they arrested a pedophile who ADMITTED he did it!". Even in that moment, I knew there was something wrong, because I knew no one outside of the Ramsey family would ever be found guilty in the death of JBR. I knew it then and I know it now.

I hung up the phone and turned on the news to watch the fiasco. Not for a moment, not even a tiny baby second, did I EVER think this news could hold water. Never. I simply waited for the other shoe to fall for the DA in Boulder. The rest is history.

There's no crow anywhere near me, so I think I'll go ahead and eat my steak :)
What happens when your "common sense" turns out to be wrong, and an innocent person gets their life ruined? What restitution do YOU make then?

There are plenty of people who have been shown irrefutably to be innocent in old cases where DNA is retested. And those are just the tip of the iceberg - in most cases where an innocent person is convicted there is not going to be that sort of evidence to exonerate them. And usually, it was mostly "common sense" that convicted those people. They will never get justice against those who wronged them. The jury, the judge, the prosecutor...they never have to answer for the wrong they have done in such situations

That is why it is so important to use EVIDENCE to convict people, not your "feeling". As bad as killing a child is, putting someone in a cage for twenty years for a crime they didn't do is far, far, far worse.

I understand what you are saying, I hate to see innocent people convicted. But if juries do not use common sense when weighing the case, what do they use? The reality is not every case has the finger print of the prime suspect on the murder weapon that killed the victim and a confession to back it up. Most cases are circumstancial. So they call for people to look at the evidence and use logic.

In the Ramsey case, I don't think there is enough evidence to convict someone or bring someone or anyone to trial. But there is enough evidence to say the Ramsey family acted very weird, and there is reason why law enforcement was looking at them early on. Their actions and behavior was weird, they lawyered up, refused to be questioned, they were caught in lies... The ransom note set off alarms, there is a ton of holes in the IDI theory... Common sense shows they were covering something up... They did a damn good job of it as well.

But in the Casey Anthony case, you got to ask why else would a woman wait 30 days to report her child missing, other than the fact she did something VERY BAD uhhhh like MURDERING the child?

The Anthony case was clear cut, and I doubt if she was convicted we would ever see a headline come out that DNA exonerated her.

We cannot throw out common sense... When common sense is thrown out we get weird juries like the Anthony jury that consider weird theories like the body of a child that accidentally drowned was put in trash bags, with duct tape over the mouth, and the mother waiting 30 days to report her missing, all because she was "grieving" the accidental death. :crazy::waitasec:

This case will never be solved unless Burke Ramsey has information that could incriminate his parents, which I think he very well may. I think that is why team Ramsey put the haults on the police questioning him recently. Got them nervous!
I understand what you are saying, I hate to see innocent people convicted. But if juries do not use common sense when weighing the case, what do they use? The reality is not every case has the finger print of the prime suspect on the murder weapon that killed the victim and a confession to back it up. Most cases are circumstancial. So they call for people to look at the evidence and use logic.

In the Ramsey case, I don't think there is enough evidence to convict someone or bring someone or anyone to trial. But there is enough evidence to say the Ramsey family acted very weird, and there is reason why law enforcement was looking at them early on. Their actions and behavior was weird, they lawyered up, refused to be questioned, they were caught in lies... The ransom note set off alarms, there is a ton of holes in the IDI theory... Common sense shows they were covering something up... They did a damn good job of it as well.

But in the Casey Anthony case, you got to ask why else would a woman wait 30 days to report her child missing, other than the fact she did something VERY BAD uhhhh like MURDERING the child?

The Anthony case was clear cut, and I doubt if she was convicted we would ever see a headline come out that DNA exonerated her.

We cannot throw out common sense... When common sense is thrown out we get weird juries like the Anthony jury that consider weird theories like the body of a child that accidentally drowned was put in trash bags, with duct tape over the mouth, and the mother waiting 30 days to report her missing, all because she was "grieving" the accidental death. :crazy::waitasec:

This case will never be solved unless Burke Ramsey has information that could incriminate his parents, which I think he very well may. I think that is why team Ramsey put the haults on the police questioning him recently. Got them nervous!

Hi Levi...I just want to jog your memory - Casey did not wait 31 days to report her child missing, she never reported her missing - Cindy Anthony reported Caylee missing.
I understand what you are saying, I hate to see innocent people convicted. But if juries do not use common sense when weighing the case, what do they use? The reality is not every case has the finger print of the prime suspect on the murder weapon that killed the victim and a confession to back it up. Most cases are circumstancial. So they call for people to look at the evidence and use logic.

In the Ramsey case, I don't think there is enough evidence to convict someone or bring someone or anyone to trial. But there is enough evidence to say the Ramsey family acted very weird, and there is reason why law enforcement was looking at them early on. Their actions and behavior was weird, they lawyered up, refused to be questioned, they were caught in lies... The ransom note set off alarms, there is a ton of holes in the IDI theory... Common sense shows they were covering something up... They did a damn good job of it as well.

But in the Casey Anthony case, you got to ask why else would a woman wait 30 days to report her child missing, other than the fact she did something VERY BAD uhhhh like MURDERING the child?

The Anthony case was clear cut, and I doubt if she was convicted we would ever see a headline come out that DNA exonerated her.

We cannot throw out common sense... When common sense is thrown out we get weird juries like the Anthony jury that consider weird theories like the body of a child that accidentally drowned was put in trash bags, with duct tape over the mouth, and the mother waiting 30 days to report her missing, all because she was "grieving" the accidental death. :crazy::waitasec:

This case will never be solved unless Burke Ramsey has information that could incriminate his parents, which I think he very well may. I think that is why team Ramsey put the haults on the police questioning him recently. Got them nervous!

Hi Levi

Firstly , I'd like to say "good job" with the radio shows, I enjoy listening when I get the time:loser:

I'd also like to ask why you think Burke knows more than he has let on so far? what makes you think that? He was after all questioned without his parents being present on the morning of the 26th at the Whites house, questioned by police after this and gave evidence to the Grand Jury. Just because he was in the house at the time doesn't mean he must know more than he has already said does it?
Be interested to hear the "why" on this.
That goes for anyone else who thinks the same,
I've said it before; there are other ways to deal with the police, and even if you don’t feel that it’s wise to be interviewed by police without a lawyer it still doesn’t justify the unprecedented action of stalling police for 4 months. The early hours and days are the most crucial with respect to solving a case. The Ramseys should have cooperated quickly and fully to allow the police to be able to clear them and focus all of their resources on finding the “intruder.” Of course, that wasn’t a concern, and the time spent stonewalling the police would pay dividends later by justifying answers such as “I don’t remember,” in eventual interviews.

"I never considered not cooperating and I never considered hiring a lawyer. We bring these children into this world and it’s our duty then to do whatever we can to protect them and that includes totally cooperating with law enforcement right down the line"
"It is only when you hire a lawyer that it becomes apparent, if not obvious that you are hiding something"
"I don't believe there was an intruder inside the Ramsey house that evening I believe the evidence as we know it is pretty clear-cut. The only logical explanation for that ransom note is if it came from within the household itself."
-Mark Klaas
Marc Klaas - Its Our Duty - YouTube

I’ve posted the following information before but the contrast between a true victim and human being, and John Ramsey, is amazing and well worth seeing again.
Ramsey talks the talk, but Klaas walks the walk.
Klaas said when his own daughter, Polly, was abducted in 1993, police viewed him, too as a possible suspect.
“Statistically, parents or relatives are involved in most Child abductions,” Klaas said. “That’s why parents are suspects.”
Klaas said he cooperated completely with investigators on his daughter’s case and recalled telling them, “I’ll dance on the table naked for you if you want,” to speed the investigation.

As was standard in such cases, both Eve Nichol and her ex-husband, Polly's father, Marc Klaas, took polygraph tests. Both were ruled out as suspects.

REPORTER: What do you want to say to the killer of your daughter?
JOHN RAMSEY: We'll find you. We will find you. I have that as a sole mission for the rest of my life.
REPORTER: Mrs. Ramsey?

More lip service:

"We hope to start an organization called SHOES as an outreach of the JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation, which will advocate legislation, offer resources and rewards, and establish computer databases-all focused as effective tools to both prevent violent crimes against children and to assist in the capture of child murderers.
We will use computerized tools to track pedophiles and sex offenders and also use experienced, retired detectives and top experts as resources to aid, and in some cases challenge, local police departments. We will put funds in place to offer significant rewards for information, when appropriate, to apprehend child killers.
SHOES will advocate legislation to elevate the murder of a child under the age of thirteen to a federal offense. After all, a bank robbery is a federal offense, and by law our nation treats this as a most serious crime. Do we as a country care more about our money than our children?"
"The Death of Innocence" page 390

And more lip service:

Mr. RAMSEY: We want the foundation to focus on protecting America's children against predators. I would like the murder of a child to be treated in this country as a federal offense. But there's been over a thousand children murdered in their homes since JonBenet was murdered, yet we don't know about it. We should, as a country, respond to that the best that we can. We don't today.

SHOES never happened, and the JonBenét Ramsey Children's Foundation, was essentially a sham designed to spin a little positive public relations.

Ramseys writing book on daughter's death
By Christopher Anderson, Camera Staff Writer
November 6, 1999

Proceeds from the Ramseys' book will go towards the Ramseys' legal expenses and the JonBenét Ramsey Children's Foundation.
The foundation was formed Feb. 3, 1997, with the goal of benefiting "children who are in a variety of needs," a Ramsey family spokeswoman said at the time.
By March of this year, the only known significant contributions made to the foundation came from the family itself and one of the family's attorneys
IRS records showed the foundation's "charitable activities" amounted to $769 given to Crime Stoppers "to assist their effort to obtain crime leads" and $596 for "advertising soliciting information into the murder of JonBenét Ramsey."

Now, let’s compare that to someone who is driven by a zeal for child advocacy, rather than self preservation. (Granted, I’m sure that John Ramsey’s golf commitments leave him precious little time to pursue justice.)

There are two organizations bearing the name of Klaas and dedicated to helping children. One is the Polly Klaas Foundation. It continues to work with law enforcement and the public to protect America's youngsters. Its mission statement says the organization is "dedicated to educating the public on the prevention of child abduction, aiding in the search for missing children, and acting as a means to bring the issue of missing children to the forefront." Jenni Thompson is the Director of Communications for the Polly Klaas Foundation. "We've assisted over 4,900 families to date," she related, "and have about an 85% success rate. Success is defined as kids coming home safely. Over 800,000 children in the U.S. are either missing or abducted each year. These include runaway children, children that are lost, children missing under suspicious circumstances where it is not known if they were abducted or not, and family as well as non-family abductions. Everyone in the field of missing children, not just the Polly Klaas Foundation, now use the term 'non-family abductions' because rarely is it a complete stranger."
Marc Klaas began the Polly Klaas Foundation. Since it is a non-profit group, it cannot engage in political lobbying. Marc Klaas wanted to change laws so he left the foundation to start the Marc Klaas Foundation for Children, now known as the KlaasKids Foundation. Like the Polly Klaas Foundation, KlaasKids seeks to increase knowledge of child safety issues; unlike it, KlaasKids also works for "stronger sentencing for violent criminals."
The life of pretty and talented Polly Klaas was cut short in a horrible way. However, she did not die in vain. Her loss has inspired many people to work on behalf of America's children, and that inspiration has contributed to the rescuing of other children. Quite a legacy for a child who did not live to see her 13th birthday.

Klaas uses his unsought notoriety to help other parents find their missing children, to lobby for tougher state and federal laws against kidnappers, and to promote better security against abductions.
Klaas _ who has quit his job running a car-rental agency to devote all his time to children's causes _ also has emerged as an outspoken advocate for the kinds of get-tough-on-criminals measures being debated in Congress and many state legislatures. Indeed, it was Polly Klaas' high-profile case that provided the impetus for California's ``three-strikes-you're-out'' statute, which has spawned similar efforts around the country.
- Boston Globe

In the aftermath of the Oct 1, 1993 kidnap and murder of his twelve-year-old daughter Polly, Marc Klaas gave up his lucrative rental car franchise to pursue an aggressive child safety mission. Mr. Klaas co-founded BeyondMissing, Inc., a federally funded California public benefit non-profit corporation to give meaning to Polly’s death and to create a legacy in her name that will protect children for generations to come. BeyondMissing provides America’s law enforcement community with a free and secure Website to easily and swiftly create and distribute missing child flyers via broadcast fax, email, and SMS technology.
Through federal and state legislative efforts Mr. Klaas promotes prevention programs for at-risk youth, stronger sentencing for violent criminals and governmental accountability and responsibility. Often times this advocacy takes the form of legislative testimony.
Besides his duties as volunteer president of the KlaasKids Foundation and president of BeyondMissing, Inc. Mr. Klaas sits on the advisory boards of the Center for the Community Interest; Fight Crime Invest in Kids and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

Hold on M KLaas said he went police station with a " friend who is an attorney and we both agreed I should speak with them!"" so he did take advice from a lawyer , John's friend was also an attorney whom he took advice from.
Just because someone hires an attorney does not mean they have anything to hide!
Hold on M KLaas said he went police station with a " friend who is an attorney and we both agreed I should speak with them!"" so he did take advice from a lawyer , John's friend was also an attorney whom he took advice from.
Just because someone hires an attorney does not mean they have anything to hide!

Marc went to the police station right away and answered whatever needed to be answered. He worked closely with the police until Richard Alan Davis was found. Marc went through the trial and then did something wonderful in his child's name. The Ramsey supporters want to talk about how those poor people went through hell due to public opinion. Whatever, I think the hell would have been having your daughter brutally murdered and knowing you never for ONE HOT MINUTE tried to find her killer.

Marc Klaas had to sit in jail while the killer of his daughter looked straight at him and said "I didn't do anything you didn't do to her". This man will never escape the hell he endured.

Common sense tells you they weren't looking for a killer because it would have been a waste or their time. Their time was better spent defending themselves and making money on ridiculous lawsuits.
Hi Levi

Firstly , I'd like to say "good job" with the radio shows, I enjoy listening when I get the time:loser:

I'd also like to ask why you think Burke knows more than he has let on so far? what makes you think that? He was after all questioned without his parents being present on the morning of the 26th at the Whites house, questioned by police after this and gave evidence to the Grand Jury. Just because he was in the house at the time doesn't mean he must know more than he has already said does it?
Be interested to hear the "why" on this.
That goes for anyone else who thinks the same,

There's a thread on this here....many have given their opinions on Burke there, just in case you might have missed it :)
Hi Levi...I just want to jog your memory - Casey did not wait 31 days to report her child missing, she never reported her missing - Cindy Anthony reported Caylee missing.

Wow. Something we agree on. :seeya:
Hold on M KLaas said he went police station with a " friend who is an attorney and we both agreed I should speak with them!"" so he did take advice from a lawyer , John's friend was also an attorney whom he took advice from.
Just because someone hires an attorney does not mean they have anything to hide!


This is where IDI and RDI really has some issues. For me, I see what much of what the Ramsey's did as logical although not perfect. But for the life of me what LE did was a crying shame. Even after not containing a crime scene, they go public with the media. And all the supposed issues between the BPD and DA's office somehow gets blamed on the Ramsey's. That just aint right and IDI and RDI cant get past this to have a discussion.

It is a central theme to this case really. And usually if you can understand why Ramsey's lawyered up it IDI becomes simple. If not, RDI becomes simple.
Hi Levi

Firstly , I'd like to say "good job" with the radio shows, I enjoy listening when I get the time:loser:

I'd also like to ask why you think Burke knows more than he has let on so far? what makes you think that? He was after all questioned without his parents being present on the morning of the 26th at the Whites house, questioned by police after this and gave evidence to the Grand Jury. Just because he was in the house at the time doesn't mean he must know more than he has already said does it?
Be interested to hear the "why" on this.
That goes for anyone else who thinks the same,
Because the Ramsey's sent him to the White's home that night, which is really weird. Why did they want him out of there? They also told LE he was sleeping, when his voice can be heard on the 911 call according to LE.

I don't think he killed JonBenet, but I do think he may know something that would incriminate one of his parents.

Why else would team Ramsey go so crazy when police want to question him, even going to his college campus to do so? If they really want this case solved, they would cooperate.

Why not let Burke cooperate?
Marc went to the police station right away and answered whatever needed to be answered. He worked closely with the police until Richard Alan Davis was found. Marc went through the trial and then did something wonderful in his child's name. The Ramsey supporters want to talk about how those poor people went through hell due to public opinion. Whatever, I think the hell would have been having your daughter brutally murdered and knowing you never for ONE HOT MINUTE tried to find her killer.

Marc Klaas had to sit in jail while the killer of his daughter looked straight at him and said "I didn't do anything you didn't do to her". This man will never escape the hell he endured.

Common sense tells you they weren't looking for a killer because it would have been a waste or their time. Their time was better spent defending themselves and making money on ridiculous lawsuits.

I don't know anything about Marc Klaas or his daughter , the first I heard of him was when I read Cynic's post. I was just pointing out that he consulted a friend of his who was an attorney. I think it's a dangerous and unfair assumption to make that just because someone retains a lawyer they must have something to hide!
Because the Ramsey's sent him to the White's home that night, which is really weird. Why did they want him out of there? They also told LE he was sleeping, when his voice can be heard on the 911 call according to LE.

I don't think he killed JonBenet, but I do think he may know something that would incriminate one of his parents.

Why else would team Ramsey go so crazy when police want to question him, even going to his college campus to do so? If they really want this case solved, they would cooperate.

Why not let Burke cooperate?

I believe Burke went to the Whites in the morning. Perhaps they didn't want him to be upset by the events that were unfolding at the Ramseys?
voice on the 911 call is exactly that "according to LE"
I agree with you about Burke being questioned now and cooperating , there is no reason for him not to.

This is where IDI and RDI really has some issues. For me, I see what much of what the Ramsey's did as logical although not perfect. But for the life of me what LE did was a crying shame. Even after not containing a crime scene, they go public with the media. And all the supposed issues between the BPD and DA's office somehow gets blamed on the Ramsey's. That just aint right and IDI and RDI cant get past this to have a discussion.

It is a central theme to this case really. And usually if you can understand why Ramsey's lawyered up it IDI becomes simple. If not, RDI becomes simple.

I can accept the reasons they gave for retaining lawyers, I do think however that the restrictions and conditions their lawyers placed on the Ramseys talking to the police didn't help the Ramseys and it didn't help the investigation.
I don't know anything about Marc Klaas or his daughter , the first I heard of him was when I read Cynic's post. I was just pointing out that he consulted a friend of his who was an attorney. I think it's a dangerous and unfair assumption to make that just because someone retains a lawyer they must have something to hide!

Cynic did a great job of highlighting several difference's in the way Mark Klaas went about things and the way the Ramsey's went about them. It's not as simple as saying seeking advise from a lawyer does not make them guilty, no it doesn't. Like with everything with these cases it's the totality of it. They did not just retain a lawyer to help them through the process of the investigation they HID behind them and in my opinion threw up every road block imaginable to hinder this case, not the actions of innocence.
A great point was made about how worried they were about how the public percived them, I ask, WHO CARES! Working with and cooperating with LE would have been number one to me, of course, I wouldn't have been guilty anymore than Mark Klass. Mark Klaas is a class act and a great credit to his daughter's memory. Sadley the Ramsey's are not, IMO.
Polly's abduction was witnessed by her two friends, so it was obvious from the beginning that Marc wasn't the one who had kidnapped her. So when he says, "I never thought about hiring a lawyer" all I can think is: Other people don't have the benefit of an eyewitness account to a crime, who can say that you weren't involved. I definitely think that Marc was in a different position with LE, from the start, compared to someone like Kevin Fox, whose daughter was kidnapped from his home in the night, and found murdered.

I do agree with him that parents of missing and murdered children should cooperate with LE from the start, so LE can clear them and start looking at other suspects.

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