Robyn Adams, Benhaida, and Derkovic Jail Calls

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Also curious what you motivation is in doing this. Helping the defense? Helping the prosecution? Helping yourself? :)

--respectfully snipped

I find that as thought provoking as the tapes. :)

Gotta say, I'm gonna go ahead and scratch the prosecution. ;)
I need people to listen to the WAV files and report if there is anything Casey Anthony related or if it is just "drivel."

Very respectfully snipped. Drivel. We have enough to convict Inmate Anthony without this, though. I do not want ANY of the inmates to testify. If I were on a jury, I would feel like the prosecution was trying to pull something over on me. Just stick to the FACTS and the incriminating evidence. This stuff, if played out, would make me doubt the prosecution. My opinion.
JMO- 4 women, convicts and ex-convicts all intertwined by jail with KC, (or related to one who served time with KC/River), National story, huge in Orlando, all with Bombshells that cannot be substantiated. I smell a conspiracy here. 2 have jumped on the bandwagon for reduced sentences, and the other 2 for drama, notoriety and possibly money. The jail tapes should be interesting. I don't believe a one of them.

But for the record, an accidental death and coverup?? Not a chance in h@ll, imo.

I agree that the accidental death and coverup doesn't stand a chance, and I personally think that the accident scenario isn't believable. (Note: I am not saying I think RHornsby isn't believable, I just happen to respectfully disagree with his opinion on this.)

I would venture a guess that Ms. Lyon will have her students listen to every bit of every phone call. If there's one crumb of something that's helpful to Casey and her defense, I would much rather see it flushed out now instead of Baez, Lyon, et al, using it at trial as a trump card. Also, finding it out now could help the prosecution counter the information or find a way to refute it. However, if the prosecution doesn't know about it till the trial, then I'm afraid they could end up with egg on their face.

I would love to help with this project but I have prior commitments on Friday. If this was the weekend, I'd be the first in line to help.
--respectfully snipped

I find that as thought provoking as the tapes. :)

Gotta say, I'm gonna go ahead and scratch the prosecution. ;)

Good. Since you have that one covered, I'll scratch the Defense and make it easy. ;)
She sounds smart to me, too. And, I am at the same "not so fast with the outing/bodyslam party" as you are. :) I just want the SA to be very, very careful and not be blindsided at trial. I want to know everything that could possibly come up to discredit Melich or any other LE investigator in advance. My mind is wide open.

I was just pointing out that the FDLE investigator stated in his summary that he found her to be truthful. So, if we can find out otherwise, I want to do it now. Oh, and I know her first statement to FDLE was not sworn, however, when she sat down for the 2nd interview after consulting her attorney, I am pretty sure that she was sworn in. So, that makes your point even more valid. Because the only thing I see she could really get in trouble for is lying to an LE officer, especially under a sworn statement.

BBM Nope, that isn't illegal in Florida. The Anthony's have all lied to LE and not one thing has happened. Lying in Florida is apparently a okay.
BBM Nope, that isn't illegal in Florida. The Anthony's have all lied to LE and not one thing has happened. Lying in Florida is apparently a okay.

Casey Anthony is the State's main target right now, but after they finished nailing her away, don't be surprised when you see them move down the list of the rest of the Anthony clan.

They have plenty of time. Priorities, you know. :)
Actually, I think they are all "romantically" interested in each other. But that is a working hypothesis and I am not to be held to that by anyone.

okay wow thanks for that.

now get Gaga's new video outta my head please. :banghead:
The point is that the things she wrote are not very helpful to the prosecution--the things she supposedly said to Robyn are helpful. So if Robyn is lying about being able to have in-person conversations with Casey, then it seems unlikely that Casey told her things about blankets with the body, drugging Caylee to sleep, Zanny not existing...

Here are some instances in the letters where KC refers to "talking", not just writing letters. After reading these I am confident that KC and Robyn had plenty of opportunities to actually talk person to person. What was actually said only the two of them know. But it is a possibility that KC did tell Robyn about the blanket being found with the body before those facts were actually released and also that KC relayed that she did use "stuff" to get Caylee to sleep while she could party, etc.

Like I stated, nobody knows, but the possibility does exist. Robyn's motives, who knows.

The first two letters appear to have been written in Dec. 08.....reference to Sandy Claus near the bottom of the second letter.

The fourth letter there is a reference to it being the 1st week and a half into December....2008....just prior to Caylees body being found. There seems to be "talking going on then".


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Like others have already said, would Robyn really admit to her father on the phone during a conversation that they both know is being recorded that Robyn and Casey are breaking the rules by talking in person with one another?!? So Robyn told her dad that she hasn't spoken to Casey.......just means to me that she didn't want to get herself and Casey into trouble, along with the officer that allowed it.

As far as a "romantic relationship" between the 4 women.........really???? Not sure how that would have been possible. I guess the officer could have let all of them out together to do their thing but I just don't see that happening. Sorry Richard.

Casey loves to talk, write, text, etc. Robyn "listened" and showed an interest in Casey. So I can believe that Casey told her some things that Casey slipped up about. After all, it's difficult to keep track of all of her lies so eventually she was going to get caught in a lie again.
Page 49 - Casey letters

I crashed right after I watched you beeline upstairs. Thanks for the laughs/entertainment.

Proof that they were allowed to get together and talk?
I am not saying that Casey is not a liar (she is) or that Robyn is completely lying. I only think Robyn is exaggerating, embellishing, or lying about specific issues to make her story more believable so she can get that Rule 35 reduction down the road.

I get that RA could be lying...but I always like to find out the why? To me, if she was going to lie she would have made the details a little more exciting. I agree with a previous poster that said if she was going to lie, why not say KC confessed to her? Also, why not tell LE about this BEFORE her sentencing and before they came to her asking questions? What is she really gaining from this lie? Why would she want the repetation of a jailhouse snitch while she is still serving time? I don't get it? If anything she has more to lose then gain. I do think she befriended KC to set her up, which to me is even more of a reason to embelish her story.
--respectfully snipped

I find that as thought provoking as the tapes. :)

Gotta say, I'm gonna go ahead and scratch the prosecution. ;)

I need free labor and thought I would let all of you get involved since you are "WebSleuths".

And as I have stated before, my motivation is to expose any jailhouse rat. Because what COULD really affect Casey Anthony's case on appeal would be if these rats testified against Casey Anthony at trial; and then a few years later came forward and recanted their testimony saying they were trying to do it for X reason.

Such stories are in the news all the times, so why so surprised it could happen now?
Mr. Hornsby,
Do you know if a professional graphologist's testimony could be used for the prosecution? Casey's handwriting reveals she is an immature liar who can control her emotions.
The free labour I get and am happy to don't have all those students at DePaul University at your disposal, but,

Why don't you file a complaint against Baez and help get him kicked off the case thereby leaving the way clear for a more competent attorney (hornsbyRUs?) to come in and provide effective counsel and hopefully head off any appellate issues?

This can't just be all about exposing jail house snitches? You have a bee in your bonnet about something and possibly an underlying agenda.

As the wonder-kid defense attorney that you are I don't suspect we are going to find out anytime soon.
While I agree that these tapes may show that she is just a jailhouse snitch wanting to get out, I don't think that her denying that she could talk with KC is proof of that. Why would she admit to breaking the rules??? Does anyone know if she had a prior record? I got the feeling this was her first offense but haven't looked into it.
Very respectfully snipped. Drivel. We have enough to convict Inmate Anthony without this, though. I do not want ANY of the inmates to testify. If I were on a jury, I would feel like the prosecution was trying to pull something over on me. Just stick to the FACTS and the incriminating evidence. This stuff, if played out, would make me doubt the prosecution. My opinion.

No worries-We are going to see a different case in the courtroom than the one we may put together here. We have a lot of information (as do LE and the rest of the public) that is not even going to be admissable. Perhaps including these tapes (lots of hearsay objections, I imagine).
Not to stray too far off topic, but I believe LKB will be the star attorney in the trial portion of this case. Forensics is going to be a lot bigger than the other "drivel,"....having a body opens up a whole new avenue for the defense and the prosecution, and either side then would not have to draw from fringe circumstantial stuff.
I believe that KC is guilty of covering up an accidental death. I also believe that law enforcement are so desperate to pin her with a murder wrap they are tripping over themselves to try and catch her in a slip up.

Yuri Melich is an amateur, that is why FDLE was called in. But you notice they did no follow up to verify anyone's story.

Did they pull the jail calls - No.
Did they collect the other letters sent to the corrections officer - no.
Did they check Robyn Adams dad's computer (you will understand tomorrow) - no.
Did they consult with Hornsbydamus - no.
Did they consult with suspenderdamus - probably, thus why they did so bad.

What about the duct tape? How does that figure into the accident scenario?
I heard that on Fox 35, and my first impression was (she hesitated slightly before answering) - she was lying to her father. As she knows that these calls are recorded, and that being found physically talking to Casey would get her in a boatload of trouble, she lied to her father.

And didn't Slivia corrobate that the two did talk, just not for the lengths of time that Robin claims she did?

I think it's important to keep in mind that the girls might not have been absolutely straight in these calls, knowing they're recorded, and that certain things stated could get them in trouble, on the inside, and have privileges taken away.

Exactly. I don't think this negates Robyns testimony at all. Either way, one can't deny the letters and the letters in themselves are damning to one extent or the other. Nor do I care what her motive was or might've been.
What happens to Baez if it's true he was in fact passing letters back and forth between Casey and her parents?
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