Ron. C. #13

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I missed something, concerning the cummings posters/bloggers whatever. We have confirmation here at websleuths and or another internet site? Not that I mind, as long as their not bashing, attacking any others including the honest respectable posters and their opinions. No agendas, and I'm always "Kool". the Today Show interview with Meredith Vierra--Misty looked lost on a question and seemed, to me, to be looking to Ron for guidance on how to answer...very strange...MOO etc...

ITA, this was a HUGE red flag to me. I've had the feeling she was being "coached" from the get go. In broader terms, the whole area of Satsuma, Palatka and the outlying areas seems to be rampant with drugs. It's a world all their own and they protect that cancer like it was a prize possession. Haleigh, I believe is caught up in it and I don't think the relevant info to help find her is going to happen unless people start giving up that part of their lives. It's a sad thing to think they would protect their little drug world at the cost of a child that should be home with people that love her. Haleigh has paid the highest price in all of this.

If MC was so "out of it" that night, I would want to know why. What had she taken into her system the previous 3 days that would have caused that? What was it and where did she get it from? To me, those are pertinent questions that should point LE in the general direction of where to actually look. Then again, that may be what is happening here with the drug arrests of Dad, brother and Mom willing to stoop so low for funds to get what the family feels they need.
Helplessly, do you mean that the Cummings have bloggers on boards like this to represent their side of this whole thing?

If that is the case, maybe it's time to start posting as though they were one of the posters all the time. We might actually come up with some REAL answers.
I missed something, concerning the cummings posters/bloggers whatever. We have confirmation here at websleuths and or another internet site? Not that I mind, as long as their not bashing, attacking any others including the honest respectable posters and their opinions. No agendas, and I'm always "Kool".
Kool, do you mean the posters/bloggers that are/were putting out the false info. to try and sway opinion about RC and family? This was confirmed in the bar docs that it was a concerted effort by KP and others, is that what you mean? Just trying to undestand your post. :)
Thanks A! Those statements tell me that they have no evidence of a crime occuring inside the mobile home. If there had been they would never have mentioned her "wandering off" or being abducted. It would have been a murder investigation from day 1. Moo.

I agree with you, Curve. I believe the crime happened elsewhere. But a crime indeed was committed. Now it goes to who had control over where the child was. She was supposed to be in her bed. Since we both believe the crime was committed elsewhere, where did Misty or Haleigh's father take her? Both state she was at home in bed, but we both believe that to be a lie.

So both of them are lying, and I'd love to know why Ron Cummings would lie about a crime perpetrated against his child.
Please post the link where LE said RC was leading them toward a stranger abduction. TIA.

I don't think "the public was on to him", I in no way feel like that and neither do many others. IMO, the "public" does not think RC nor CS had anything to do w/ their child's disappearance.
Like I said he stopped because there was nothing to learn, either she doesn't know or she can not be broken, period. So there was no reason for him to keep her around, she knows nothing or is unwilling to tell it. By the same token, if she was hiding something he did, he would have never divorced her, she said SHE did not want a divorce, he did. Very telling, imo.

Somebody did steal her, she's gone.

Many many people believe Ron C is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance and we don't believe anyone stole her either...
I agree with you, Curve. I believe the crime happened elsewhere. But a crime indeed was committed. Now it goes to who had control over where the child was. She was supposed to be in her bed. Since we both believe the crime was committed elsewhere, where did Misty or Haleigh's father take her? Both state she was at home in bed, but we both believe that to be a lie.

So both of them are lying, and I'd love to know why Ron Cummings would lie about a crime perpetrated against his child.

IMHO. It is because he is responsible for the crime that was perpetrated against his child.. He and those covering for him are all NOW directly or indirectly involved and none of them want the TRUTH revealed because they know they will all be held responsible for their actions...
Initial Indicator for me, IMO only:

I've give my life to have Haleigh's "life" back. Within 24 hours of Haleigh's disappearance, that statement came out of her father's mouth. All anyone knew at that point was she had been knowledge of whether or not her "life" had been taken......RED FLAG.......from day one.

I know there are several people that believe he had nothing to do with her disappearance but to say that the "public" doesn't suspect some knowledge is a pretty broad statement. I don't KNOW either way but many actions and statements made by him have made me plenty suspicious. I think Misty was used as a pawn in this whole thing. I also think the robbery of her purse and personal injury was a further warning to her to keep her mouth shut. the Today Show interview with Meredith Vierra--Misty looked lost on a question and seemed, to me, to be looking to Ron for guidance on how to answer...very strange...MOO etc...

You know I can't remember what that question was but I remember thinking whatever she asked her Misty was answering it by looking at Ron. I need to go back and look at that video. It was like she was telling Meredith.....That Guy.
ITA, why shouldn't Ron be questioned and anything about him sleuthed? Isn't this why this web site exists? He is Haleigh's father and one of the last people to see her. Until this case is solved and Haleigh found and the perp who took her is caught and tried, everyone, and I mean everyone is open for discussion and if need be, disection to get to the truth. Ron Cummings is not exempt from being sleuthed.
Sorry so long :angel:
This is only what HaLeigh deserves. None of us know who committed this crime against HaLeigh.

I have never understood the side taking in this case. It was apparent when this case started that these families had a history of drugs,domestic violence and criminal tendencies. It has been heart wrenching for me to read all that has been wrote about HaLeigh and Jr.'s parents,grandparents and other family members. IMO they all have become victims and all at the hand of this individual that put all this in motion that february morning.

I sit here this morning and ask was the motive as simple as they just wanted HaLeigh? ??????????
I have tried to understand the SO angle and the reasoning to pass on the 17 year old laying feet away from HaLeigh. IMPO it was not a SO family or SO friend.

The drug angle is interesting and possible, but, the truth is Ron does not DO drugs now, nor months before HaLeigh went missing. PDM does hair drug testing before hiring and random afterwards. So that does leave Misty's drug use to be questioned. Nay Nay stated Misty's drug of chose is weed and I have never heard of a pot head committing a crime because they where under the influence or being a danger to others. Now if Misty is a pain killer abuser like her brother and father I can see a motive for the events that could of possible led up to HaLeigh becoming missing.

LE did keep the Cummings home for awhile and they did search in areas in that home ( under master bath and the water heater closet) that can be interpreted as looking for drugs or HaLeigh, but IMO if drugs where found we would of know by Ron and Misty's arrest in February.

The reasoning that Misty hurt and killed HaLeigh by accident in the home is also a possibility, but, again the evidence found in and outside the Cummings home and the circumstances Misty was in (no car and phone was turned off after 8:30 pm that Monday night) does not truly support this theory IMO.

The theory that cousin Joe and Tommy did this is hard for me to swallow also. IMO the claims that Misty leveled against these two in the beginning made them POI. IMO Misty understands the difference between playing doctor as a child and being sexually assaulted (a young man is now in jail for his sexual assault against Misty). IMO if the incidents that Misty alluded to where child on child (playing doctor KWIM)and IMO it does not mean that Joe and Tommy are now adult pedophiles that would pray on a little 5 year old child. JMO
Not to mention LE has stated Joe was cleared.

Now the Croslins have our attention, but, IMO this dysfunctional Family will not be of any help in locating or discovering what happened to HaLeigh. Tommy was not helpful, Lisa was of no help and now Hank Sr. is expected to share something! What could Hank know that no one else has shared? The night HaLeigh was abducted he was in the hospital. Hank was in a wheel chair upon his release and soon there after was using crutches to get around. Hank has since this accident abused his pain meds (remember the attempted OD he blamed on RON and then recanted that claim) and been caught shopping around for prescription meds not abducting, hiding or harming HaLeigh.

Tommy did place himself at the mobile home that evening. He claims he knocked on the door and looked in a window, was there any evidence to support these claims?

If Tommy was there why would they lower his bond and allow him to be bailed out? The big question is why would he suggest to LE that Misty was not home? After 9 months I would assume if Misty (Haleigh and Jr.too) was not home that evening he would know for sure and not just suggest it because no one answered. My thoughts are those that where in the Croslin home that night knew nothing about Tommy going over to the Cummings home that evening nor the fact that he suspected that Misty was not home with the children or that the children where with her

IMO if Misty had left the home that evening after GGS stopped by and her last conversation with Ron after 8:30 she had to have an accomplice ( a ride) and I do not believe it was Tommy since he was available for Ron's call and claims he went to the Cummings home after 10 pm.
If Misty had left with the children Jr. would of shared that the first time he was questioned by LE specialists. IMO ( since we have not heard it has been confirmed since that day) there has been no confirmation from Jr. that he and HaLeigh where taken any where with Misty and they returned without HaLeigh. Jr. also would of shared information that would of confirmed if HaLeigh had played outside after school and that she ate dinner and watched a movie and then went to bed.

So, 9 months (291days) has passed and we have no idea what is the truth and what is a lie, who is guilty and who is not nor why was HaLeigh taken and hidden so well, IMO to never be found.

NO MOTIVE has been proven IMO concerning the above mentioned nor has anything came to light that would collaborate any of them to have had an opportunity and ability to commit this crime. IMO
I could be wrong and am willing to examine any evidence that has been revealed that would justify this theory aside from a family abusing prescription drugs after the fact that Haleigh was abducted.

I still find the fact that HaLeighs maternal family has been involved in questionable activities from day one and the fact that they solicited money from the community that HaLeigh was abducted from and all those that have come to care about this missing child and are wanting to help find HaLeigh through their donations. I and many others have questioned the amount of money donated and its use when no mention of the reward fund being increased or legitimate search groups being the recipients to these collected funds to search for HaLeigh.
If the families (all three) involved know what happened and why and the who, I have to ask why the close to the vest investigation, why has it taken so long to solve this mystery? Why hasn't one of them came forward with that missing piece to the puzzle. Are all of them covering their askes or just the ones that did it? :banghead:
You know I can't remember what that question was but I remember thinking whatever she asked her Misty was answering it by looking at Ron. I need to go back and look at that video. It was like she was telling Meredith.....That Guy.

"So, help me out, Misty......why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time, and one thing another?"

"um.......(glance at Ron)........................I don't know."
"So, help me out, Misty......why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time, and one thing another?"

"um.......(glance at Ron)........................I don't know."

Question prior to that one was: You do admit there have been inconsistencies in your story, right? Misty answers, "Yes".

Then later on on the NG show, Ron is asked: How do you reconcile the inconsistencies in her story? Ron's answer: I don't think there are any inconsistencies.

Question prior to that one was: You do admit there have been inconsistencies in your story, right? Misty answers, "Yes".

Then later on on the NG show, Ron is asked: How do you reconcile the inconsistencies in her story? Ron's answer: I don't there are any inconsistencies.


What kicks me in the rear is that they sold their wedding video for that show, then complained that's all anyone wants to talk about is his personal life, like Haleigh had some sort of secret personal life that put her at risk!! yeesh.
"So, help me out, Misty......why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time, and one thing another?"

"um.......(glance at Ron)........................I don't know."

Yeah that was it, I took it as she was saying with her eyes Ron was the cause of the inconsistencies. After all how could he help her answer it since he was at work.

He also blamed Crystal in that interview for making up the story Jr told about the men in black. So he was attacking Crystal a month into it.
Sorry so long :angel:
This is only what HaLeigh deserves. None of us know who committed this crime against HaLeigh.

(snipped for space)

That is true. None of us know who committed this crime against Haleigh which is why were here texasmmommy. Haleigh deserves it.

While I understand it's based on what we've learned, I appreciate your analysis of so many aspects of this case, but she just didn't up and disappear on her own. Someone knows something. It could be the least likely person in this group of characters that knows exactly what happened and until every stone has been overturned, no one is going to be willing to chalk it up to a "cold case". Going on 10 months now and LE isn't any closer to a resolution? I suspect they've (LE) got a few more stats to fill in the blanks than we do, so I wouldn't try to eliminate too much with only what we've been allowed to know. That could be very little compared to what they have.
Yeah that was it, I took it as she was saying with her eyes Ron was the cause of the inconsistencies. After all how could he help her answer it since he was at work.

He also blamed Crystal in that interview for making up the story Jr told about the men in black. So he was attacking Crystal a month into it.

:waitasec: I don't recall Ron attacking Crystal
To Texasmommy: (in red)

Do we have verification of these statements?

The drug angle is interesting and possible, but, the truth is Ron does not DO drugs now, nor months before HaLeigh went missing. PDM does hair drug testing before hiring and random afterwards. So that does leave Misty's drug use to be questioned.

Nay Nay stated Misty's drug of chose is weed and I have never heard of a pot head committing a crime because they where under the influence or being a danger to others.
:waitasec: I don't recall Ron attacking Crystal

Meredith: "Michelle just referenced your son...Your 4 yr old son and the fact that he said that somebody....a man dressed in black had taken Haleigh out of the trailer that night she disappeared. Did he tell that to either one of you? Misty you were there at the time, did he say that to you at the time?

Misty: "hmm umm, nope."
Ron: "me either. I think this is some of the garbage that Geraldo and Crystal the mother made up. But I'm just gonna leave that at that."

Meredith: "Oh, so you don't even believe that ronald jr said that at all."

Ron: "I don't know I wasn't at home I was at work. I can't say honestly."

So, he accused Crystal of making up stuff in collusion with Geraldo. That is an attack. Just for clarity's sake.
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