Ron. C. #13

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Do you mean it is awful this rumor keeps getting repeated?

If you re-read my post and take note of the part I bolded within the texasM post I was quoting, you will plainly see my statement was aimed at texasM being called "dumb as a box of rocks."
Come on, you know that was what I meant as being awful. I never mentioned anything about a rumor. Are you trying to get me into hot water? LOL
Can't it just be assumed that both families have prescribed meds for stress? Why this constant "Please provide a link?" stuff. Most people would need anxiety meds for all that is happening when their child may be dead. Top it with media LE and maybe all the stuff they read on the boards.....assumption should be placed. Most people only need these type of meds for short periods but with this crowd and the fact that Haleigh is not found, it could be indefinite.
If you re-read my post and take note of the part I bolded within the texasM post I was quoting, you will plainly see my statement was aimed at texasM being called "dumb as a box of rocks."
Come on, you know that was what I meant as being awful. I never mentioned anything about a rumor. Are you trying to get me into hot water? LOL

She was never called that in a post on this thread i saw. I have been here all day and the post have been very respectfull so I wasn't sure what you were refering to.
Here is why I think it is important to know how far in school Ron went. If a note was left would ron or misty even know what it said.
I apologize that this is again off topic, but, felt I needed to explain. I have no intentions of outing this member, and no it was not posted on WS. I am sure that the member here that chose to start her own site never imagined that this dumb texasmommy would read the unkind words that where wrote about me and many others here. As dumb as I appear to be I am not as dumb as they thought since I have known who they where for awhile ( was following their tweets). My heart hurts for the hateful things that where said about many innocent individuals here by a few members here that participate in the PL.
I have tried to not wear my heart on my sleeve, but, it is who I am.... a tender hearted, caring person.
I LOVE THIS PLACE and I respect everyone here and will enjoy visiting and reading all of y'alls thoughts and theories in the future. I wish all had the ability to overcome their difference in opinions, it would be most rewarding IMO and just might find HaLeigh.
Mods please delete if necessary and I hope I have not burned my bridge here as a member.
how far DID rc go in school. TN was glad to give us the information on Misty's education, somebody should ask her. Does anyone here know how far he got?
I apologize that this is again off topic, but, felt I needed to explain. I have no intentions of outing this member, and no it was not posted on WS. I am sure that the member here that chose to start her own site never imagined that this dumb texasmommy would read the unkind words that where wrote about me and many others here. As dumb as I appear to be I am not as dumb as they thought since I have known who they where for awhile ( was following their tweets). My heart hurts for the hateful things that where said about many innocent individuals here by a few members here that participate in the PL.
I have tried to not wear my heart on my sleeve, but, it is who I am.... a tender hearted, caring person.
I LOVE THIS PLACE and I respect everyone here and will enjoy visiting and reading all of y'alls thoughts and theories in the future. I wish all had the ability to overcome their difference in opinions, it would be most rewarding IMO and just might find HaLeigh.
Mods please delete if necessary and I hope I have not burned my bridge here as a member.

Thanks TM for saying that. Nobody should ever say anything like that and I am glad it did not come from WS and don't trust those other sites people have been known to use good sluethers names on them and post nonsense.
She was never called that. I have been here all day and the post have been very respectfull so I wasn't sure what you were refering to.

Dr., thanks for an explaination, however, since you claim you weren't sure what I was referring to, why not just post a question asking what I meant?
Have I mentioned that my patience with this forum is pretty much GONE?

Here is the link with instructions on how to put someone on ignore.

Best Practices Dealing with your fellow posters - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Rather than frustrating yourself beyond the planet earth put a poster that drives you nuts on IGNORE. You will find out how much smoother your time at will be.

If you post that a certain poster said something, or indicated something, HAVE THE PROOF. Don't accuse them and expect the mods to try and find out what you are alerting about.

I am not here to protect you if you get your feelings hurt. The mods are hear to make sure everyone is decent and TOS is observed.

Once again I must say:

Crystal is being silent? Do we know this or is she staying active with the investigation unknowing to us?

You see, IMO, either you're telling the truth or you're not. Misty knows the difference and it has nothing to do with her education and how well she can articulate. When you speak the truth, there's a passion about what you're saying, even if it's in a foreign language. I see and hear a monotone voice in Misty consistently that doesn't give my gut a positive feeling because what she has claimed doesn't make sense unless you view it as someone that is covering.

I would still like verification on the questions I asked regarding RC, PDM and NayNay.

There have been at least a couple of interviews conducted with Misty where she has no problem at all begin articulate. Example: Misty in the airport (with Donna) being questioned by reporter. Misty after becoming engaged. Misty during the poly and the voice analysis. Misty on the 911 call when she was robbed and roughed up while trying to buy drugs. Misty appears to have opposing personalities. Her little, poor little me, I'm only 17 act and then when she is confident and having no problem with communication. I agree, Misty speaks much better when not coached on the story.
I apologize that this is again off topic, but, felt I needed to explain. I have no intentions of outing this member, and no it was not posted on WS. I am sure that the member here that chose to start her own site never imagined that this dumb texasmommy would read the unkind words that where wrote about me and many others here. As dumb as I appear to be I am not as dumb as they thought since I have known who they where for awhile ( was following their tweets). My heart hurts for the hateful things that where said about many innocent individuals here by a few members here that participate in the PL.
I have tried to not wear my heart on my sleeve, but, it is who I am.... a tender hearted, caring person.
I LOVE THIS PLACE and I respect everyone here and will enjoy visiting and reading all of y'alls thoughts and theories in the future. I wish all had the ability to overcome their difference in opinions, it would be most rewarding IMO and just might find HaLeigh.
Mods please delete if necessary and I hope I have not burned my bridge here as a member.
Oh, sweetie, they talked about me on that site too and several others here. They just don't like it because we don't back down. We ask for links and proof and don't let rumors just slide on by. Please don't let that bother you chicky! Maybe they thought the board was private, or maybe they wanted us to read it, either way, keep on doing what you do! :)
TM39 I respect your posts. These boards on the web are rough and it is hard for people who have soft hearts or haven't been exposed to situations or jobs where they must work with human beings who are criminals, insane or worse.

Sounds like your feelings are hurt and you are tired. It happens. Try not to take anything personally. Easier said then done, I know.
In my very strong opinion, I can't understand for the life of me why anyone thinks anyone is being "attacked".....
We are all supposed to be grown ups here, and should be able to handle differences of opinions.
Sorry, but to me, it seems as though the accusation of "attacking" is being done as a direct attempt to get this thread shut down yet again.
(not to mention that every other post in this thread is mentioning Crystal when she has a thread of her own)

IMO, it's simple...If people do not agree that Ron should be sleuthed, why not stay out of this thread if it is so bothersome?

Texasmommy, if anyone called you a name such as the one you mentioned, that is totally uncalled for and I hope you alerted the mods to that post.

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Take a bow.

If there is name calling you need to alert us. Be adult. Don't alert because your feelings have been hurt by what you thought someone was implying in their post. I can't protect you that much.

We are here to have an adult discussion and agree and disagree. If you think this thread is too much then please do not post here anymore. I am not going to act like your big brother and beat the crap out of someone that made you feel bad.
Originally Posted by texasmommy39
I apologize that this is again off topic, but, felt I needed to explain. I have no intentions of outing this member, and no it was not posted on WS. I am sure that the member here that chose to start her own site never imagined that this dumb texasmommy would read the unkind words that where wrote about me and many others here. As dumb as I appear to be I am not as dumb as they thought since I have known who they where for awhile ( was following their tweets). My heart hurts for the hateful things that where said about many innocent individuals here by a few members here that participate in the PL.
I have tried to not wear my heart on my sleeve, but, it is who I am.... a tender hearted, caring person.
I LOVE THIS PLACE and I respect everyone here and will enjoy visiting and reading all of y'alls thoughts and theories in the future. I wish all had the ability to overcome their difference in opinions, it would be most rewarding IMO and just might find HaLeigh.
Mods please delete if necessary and I hope I have not burned my bridge here as a member.

Dear TM,

This is a totally different situation that what I am talking about gong on at WS. I am so sorry you are going through this. It is not right nor fair.
No, I am not going to remove this. It is important for everyone to see the lengths people will go to to harm others when they can hide behind their keyboard.

TM, if this person had to post their picture, their address and their name before they did these things to you you can bet this poster would never utter a negative peep about anyone. Total cowards.

Hang in there. I have my P.H.D in being attacked on the Internet. I can help you. :)

Re #1 and #3, IIRC we have to provide links for facts here, otherwise it's rumor.

#2 - JMO, I wouldn't call Nay Nay a reliable source, that's also a rumor.

Fair enough Flossie re: 1 and 3

Re: #3........well, if we are using video and interviews for backup, whether Nay Nay is reliable or not, it is documented.
I apologize that this is again off topic, but, felt I needed to explain. I have no intentions of outing this member, and no it was not posted on WS. I am sure that the member here that chose to start her own site never imagined that this dumb texasmommy would read the unkind words that where wrote about me and many others here. As dumb as I appear to be I am not as dumb as they thought since I have known who they where for awhile ( was following their tweets). My heart hurts for the hateful things that where said about many innocent individuals here by a few members here that participate in the PL.
I have tried to not wear my heart on my sleeve, but, it is who I am.... a tender hearted, caring person.
I LOVE THIS PLACE and I respect everyone here and will enjoy visiting and reading all of y'alls thoughts and theories in the future. I wish all had the ability to overcome their difference in opinions, it would be most rewarding IMO and just might find HaLeigh.
Mods please delete if necessary and I hope I have not burned my bridge here as a member.

I read that thread too. ;) But you know what? I could care less what they said about me because it reflects on the type people they are and no reflection on me. :)
OK, let's get back on topic here on Websleuths. This thread is about Ron C.

We are up to number 13. I wonder what number the thread will be when Haleigh is found. She will be found. She has to be.

For people who use drugs or used in the most recent past.....getting clean is difficult. One needs a great support system to overcome the desire to stay off of them. I see nothing like that in RC's environment. He seems to live in a drug world down there. He picks girls who abuse and it is very likely he abused alcohol/drugs/prescriptions, whatever. I think it would be silly to assume that he just got clean the moment he took the kids and became a dad. We know that is not likely because he did have arrests after the fact. The children may keep him a little more grounded and having a significant other seems to be his great need, imo and he may know that the children will help him because he may be at home instead of out driving around.

However, it is my opinion that he does abuse something. We do not know how alcohol affects him either. Some people become violent, some has yet to be found out; we have never heard from one friend that he went to school with or grew up one.
... We do not know how alcohol affects him either. Some people become violent, some has yet to be found out; we have never heard from one friend that he went to school with or grew up one.

To scared to utter a peep?? That'd be my guess!
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