Ron C.

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You know, this isn't about Ronald and what he did two months ago even...this is about Haleigh. How do those past charges figure into what took place in that home on Feb. 10th? Is a muzzle loader part of the abduction? Was there a traffic citation which played into this? Seriously...there is nothing that indicates a tie to this case unless we can connect them.

:clap::clap::clap: I tend to agree with you... a lot! LOL I always enjoy reading your posts. :bowdown:
You know, this isn't about Ronald and what he did two months ago even...this is about Haleigh. How do those past charges figure into what took place in that home on Feb. 10th? Is a muzzle loader part of the abduction? Was there a traffic citation which played into this? Seriously...there is nothing that indicates a tie to this case unless we can connect them.

SS the point is when you are involved with this kind of activity, (DRUGS, HEAVY DUTY ONES), one may attract the wrong kind of people. And people who can't afford to get their drugs sometimes do desperate things. No?
"HALEIGH CUMMINGS DOB: Aug. 17, 2003."

2004-11-16 1 ARREST REPORT - PCSO EDGAR (ARREST 11/12/04)


Well, then. I stand corrected.
I don't know how much my little brain can take. :crazy:
Thanks, Kiki!
You know, this isn't about Ronald and what he did two months ago even...this is about Haleigh. How do those past charges figure into what took place in that home on Feb. 10th? Is a muzzle loader part of the abduction? Was there a traffic citation which played into this? Seriously...there is nothing that indicates a tie to this case unless we can connect them.

If Ron hasn't been ruled out by police it makes him a potential suspect also. I'd think that LE would have said by now they've ruled Ron & Misty out as potential suspects??? something weird in that they haven't.

the leaving the scene of an accident & trespass, for me, correlates to his propensity and ability to take matters into his own hands in the event of an accidental death or unintended death. Much like you might leave the scene of an accident to avoid drunk driving or possession charges - you might fake an abduction and hide a body to avoid manslaughter charges.

the trespass & hunting related charges bring to light he would obviously know his way around the back country - at night - and have no fear of entering into those type of areas alone in the dark. As opposed to Misty who I could see accidentally hurting the child but not taking a body and going out into the FL bush to dispose of it.

of course they are not accused of a crime at this time, and until LE says otherwise they are "Victims" but in my mind this must be considered because the REAL victim Haleigh needs to be found.
At this point, Ron is a victim. We are a victim friendly forum so take care in your discussion.
Calling names and making accusations are not acceptable at this point.
Keep that in mind when posting.

I hope it's not me JB as I don't believe in calling anyone names. I'm trying to point out the potential dangers of drug dealings and associations. But if it is my posts, please let me know. I haven't been posting much re: this case, afraid of crossing the line and not sure where it is really.
RC is a fighter,you can see scars all over his face in the closeups in yard interview.You look at people's eyes mainly,but look at body language. When GR confronted him,RC saw it was a threat,like,"Why are you in my face?"Watch his hands and arms,it's a stance steet fighters will use.He wanted to pop him,who wouldn't?LOL
Actually,he did tell him to get out of his face.But,he stayed pretty much in control and has gotten very good at looking right in the camera and talking to it.I felt he looked irritated,but frightened at what GR was saying,like who would have told you this,while I'm looking for my daughter.You should be here to help.But,he's definitely a scrapper.
When a 5 year old child goes missing and is in danger, both sides of this family will be looked at. And so will their backgrounds. Traffic tickets, hunting infractions, and the whole ball of wax in it's entirety. IMO.
RC is a fighter,you can see scars all over his face in the closeups in yard interview.You look at people's eyes mainly,but look at body language. When GR confronted him,RC saw it was a threat,like,"Why are you in my face?"Watch his hands and arms,it's a stance steet fighters will use.He wanted to pop him,who wouldn't?LOL
Actually,he did tell him to get out of his face.But,he stayed pretty much in control and has gotten very good at looking right in the camera and talking to it.I felt he looked irritated,but frightened at what GR was saying,like who would have told you this,while I'm looking for my daughter.You should be here to help.But,he's definitely a scrapper.
My son has a few scars, too. He is definitely not a fighter, but played baseball, football, and soccer for many years. He also took a few dives while playing as a youngster.

When Geraldo was in Ronald's face it WAS a threat. He intended on provoking Ronald. I am glad Ronald didn't fall for it. He showed GREAT restraint, imo. If Ronald had a hair trigger temper as we have been told...he could not have held back with the emotional state he is in at this point.
I don't find any of those charges bad enough to consider them a factor in custody and neither did a judge who awarded custody to Ronald.

Considering both sides, I think it must have been really challenging for the judge to decide in this case. In reading the documents, it seems Ron had advantange over Crystal in that he was living with his mom at the time--a respectable and obviously responsible woman in the community. Ron also listed an aunt who helped with the children's care. This would clearly be a safety net for the children, IMO, and a much safer option.

I'm not sure the same decision would have been made if Ron was living on his own or with Misty at the time custody was awarded. Perhaps the children would have been turned over to Grandma's custody?
I've known a couple verbally/emotionally/physically abusive men - and they do not respond the same way to someone who can hit them back (a grown man), as to a defenseless child or woman. So I don't think his response proves anything one way or another. just sayin
ok from RC arrests....the arrest on 11-16-2004 what does this charge mean??

Maintaining a drug vehicle...
ok from RC arrests....the arrest on 11-16-2004 what does this charge mean??

Maintaining a drug vehicle...

googled it and found this article:

Gainesville man arrested for 'maintaining a drug vehicle'

By Karen Voyles
Staff Writer

Published: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 11:21 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 11:21 a.m.

Gainesville Police arrested a man Wednesday evening for allegedly using his car as a rolling drug outlet. Following his arrest, the man reportedly mentioned to officers that he had been arrested on similar charges a few weeks ago.
My son has a few scars, too. He is definitely not a fighter, but played baseball, football, and soccer for many years. He also took a few dives while playing as a youngster.

When Geraldo was in Ronald's face it WAS a threat. He intended on provoking Ronald. I am glad Ronald didn't fall for it. He showed GREAT restraint, imo. If Ronald had a hair trigger temper as we have been told...he could not have held back with the emotional state he is in at this point.

All of the players in this case know that their actions/reactions are being recorded and that LE is watching. It's probably safe to say that nobody is reacting the way they would normally in these situations.

We have to keep in mind that a guilty person would want to maintain a facade of innocence and that an innocent person would make sure they didn't take the focus off of finding their child. In either case, Ron's reactions would be consistent.
I've known a couple verbally/emotionally/physically abusive men - and they do not respond the same way to someone who can hit them back (a grown man), as to a defenseless child or woman. So I don't think his response proves anything one way or another. just sayin
I do know what you are saying that abusive men are usually cowards when approached by another man threatening them.

I am not seeing this in Ronald. I didn't see him as being afraid or backing down from Geraldo, but he held back his anger showing restraint.
WHY!! why are all his drug charges being dropped, does anyone know?

I know I have been asking that question, I have never seen someone that had that many charges against them, and not have jail time at all?

I have found a total of around either 11 citations/arrests/ from 2001-2007.. I know this doesn't make him guilty of anything involving Haleigh, but him having drug charges from 2002, 2004, and 2005 all of which seem to have either been dropped, or disappeared. I have never known anyone with that many drug charges not serve some amount of jail time......Unless they gave info about who they got the drugs from.
Again, this is really about Haleigh and what has happened in the present. What happened in the past 30 days which could have a bearing on where she is and who took her?

We have investigated the rap sheet and there are no answers to those questions. We have pages upon pages of theories about why Ronald's charges were dropped etc. Do we have to keep going through it?
I wonder if this was why their car was taken in by LE?Another thing I've been thinking,asthma could be really worse by inhaling pot smoke and why they say she has really bad problems with asthma and in the hospital three times.
The last four years of continuous charges could have everything to do with this,the more people do,the better at it they get and wiser.
I do know what you are saying that abusive men are usually cowards when approached by another man threatening them.

I am not seeing this in Ronald. I didn't see him as being afraid or backing down from Geraldo, but he held back his anger showing restraint.

He did back down from GR and, even more interestingly, visually asked for assistance. RC turned his head to one side and his father or step father immediately intervened. The father/step father kept saying something like "this is my son, this is my son" while walking in front of RC and toward GR. GR turned away and RC's mother, Teresa, berated GR and waved her arms around. RC's parents were very protective and he was obviously used to appealing to them for help. I wonder how many scrapes they have gotten him out of in his lifetime ?
I wonder if this was why their car was taken in by LE?Another thing I've been thinking,asthma could be really worse by inhaling pot smoke and why they say she has really bad problems with asthma and in the hospital three times.

Oh, how sad. I had not heard she has asthma. I just keep praying she is with someone who is taking care of her.... I just keep getting a bad feeling this is not the case....
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