Ron C.

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My adopted Daddy would have knocked him into the next life!:crazy: BTW - we just had boudin balls this weekend.

Awww, that poor ol' boudin, losing his balls. :crazy:
That is one thing I didn't get to eat when I went home this past summer, but I made up for it with other things.

Sorry, for the OT Ms. Bean. :)
Oh,thank you so much,I would assume this was because of the GR show.It was stated that RC told Chad he was 75% sure who took her.So,they were probably questioned on that.I wonder what that paper was,though?

I'm wondering about the paper also. It looked pretty worn- not like a brand new sheet of paper he had just made notes on. Did you get that or am I just imagining things?
Yes,I just looked at the video again and it was really worn,maybe it is what he's been working on of who he could suspect or something,very well worn.Looks like it has been folded and folded alot.Poor TN,she always looks so sad and the other Grandma looks so angry.Just saying..
Why does everyone keep saying Ron has not gotten an attorney yet? Just because he has not announced that he has one, or had one step up to the cameras and act as a spokesperson, does not mean he is not in frequent consultation with one. With the multitude of drug charges, gun violations, assault, etc. in addition to the child custody proceedings, it is almost a sure thing that he has had an extensive amount of contact with any number of attorneys in recent years. I hope it is ok to state those charges here, as they are public record and there are links on this forum to the documents!
If he had an attorney, he would not be readily accessible to LE for interviews at any time as we witnessed today. ;)
It's very hard to tell what that piece of paper is that RC gave to LE today. All that can be said is that it looks like it's a standard 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper.

I suspect that RC and CG were probably questioned today about the allegations made that RC told CG that he was 75% certain who took Haleigh.

That video did confirm that CG is the step son of MG.

Edited to add...............if RC still doesn't have access to his home, then that piece of paper must be something he carries around in his wallet or in his vehicle.
JBean, I have used the term 'snitch' and 'ratting out' in some of my posts. I will go back, find them, and edit them if I can still edit.

Thanks for the warning.

LOL I remember hearing Ron using one of these expressions which begins with 'w' and couldn't believe he said that. It was during a live interview as I remember when the case was only days old. Bad Boy ;}
If he had an attorney, he would not be readily accessible to LE for interviews at any time as we witnessed today. ;)

OR....the attorney could be meeting them there for questioning which is why they are making very little progress...or it seems as if they are making little.
And...for anyone who thinks this is not a serious violation of gun laws...we had a local case recently where someone shot at geese from the right of way during the DAYTIME and killed one of three young men who were inside the fenced area of the field hunting the same flock of geese. It is highly illegal and very, very dangerous and anyone who knows anything about hunting knows it is illegal. Thankfully, the other two young men got a description of the truck and the man who killed this young man was caught and convicted.

This is such a sad story. The person who shot this person I hope served a-lot of time.

BTW this type of hunting is not done during daylight hours which is the legal time to hunt animals. It is called "jacking" deer. You shine the flashlight in the bucks eyes, they freeze and you shoot. It's illegal in all states.

Now how I know this? I am from upstate NY (way upstate) and this is a normal happening. Usually from the poor looking for meat for their families. My dad was a hunter and hated these people for doing it.
OR....the attorney could be meeting them there for questioning which is why they are making very little progress...or it seems as if they are making little.

It's possable but I think if he had a lawyer we would have heard it by now.

LE and RC by the dock at river where dogs hit.
See at end where RC gives a paper to LE.

Oh My, Looks like Misty is back, was seen walking to the loaner camper. And Chad, fiancee of Crystal, is her stepbrother by marriage. Is that right?

About the paper, that really could be anything and very innocent don't you think?

Thanks Passionflower for all your input here. I just get little sneaks in this time of day due to work. xox

ETA: I know we hafve a map of the area showing the pond. I'm wondering where that landing is in relationship to Ron's trailer and don't remember seeing a river. Ta
Here are my thoughts (besides the fact that both supposedly passed the lie detector tests -- I have not heard that from the mouths of LE).

Ron Cummings has a history of violent behavior and drug use. What if HC wet the bed (as Misty said) the night before and dad goes ballistic. He hits her one too many times, and she's gone. This would explain the loss of body fluids on the bed (or even asphyxiated her).

He and Misty put together a kidnapping story for the following evening, while during the day they dispose of the body (just what were they doing before he went to work). RC goes off to work, la la la la.....

Then Misty just happens upon "noticing" HC is not in her bed "just before" RC comes home. He acts like the angry grumbling father, while she calls 911. She has changed her story a couple of times since then.

Nope - I'm not buying the kidnapping story. Just where did they put HC??


I thought Haleigh was at school that day though?? ^^ (someone picked her up from school)
At this point,the only victims I see is Haleigh and Jr.

I have to disagree. Even though I don't agree with many of the players lifestyle, habits, or how they have handled this case they are all hurting because this little girl is missing.
I thought Haleigh was at school that day though?? ^^ (someone picked her up from school)

Most schools get out around 2-3:00. I'm sure there's a timeline between the time she got home and the time RC left for work.....I hope.

Like I said - those are just my thoughts. No actual fact. I just think there's more to the story than we're hearing...which gives me tons of time to speculate!


on the 911 call he can be heard calling his girlfriend a b*tch...after I heard that the first time right after it came out I had a feeling his girlfriend was probably being abused by him....then it came out that his wife said he had hit her and Haleigh...I'm really sorry for whats going on in his family and I know it would be devestating to lose a child this way or anyway..but I dont think hes such a great guy...theres something off about him. I dont think he did anything to her but I think his lifestyle maybe the reason Haleigh is missing.
He paused just for a few seconds like he was stunned to be asked if he was an informant..kinda like how did you find out....
and if he is..Geraldo should have never asked that question on camera because if he is....his whole family is in danger now
Totally agree.

It makes me wonder if they believe she was killed in the trailer and the reason they are holding it as a crime scene. I have never known a missing person's home to be held indefinitely like this. Drew P., Scott P., and Craig S. did not have their homes taken over and not released by LE. What makes this any different? How are they legally holding it?
Excellent question!
Totally agree.

Excellent question!

Why is LE still holding the house? We can already assume there's urine evidence, as Misty mentioned HC wet the bed. Otherwise, why are they keeping this family out in the rain for 2 weeks? Searches do not take that long! When they did the Caylee (3rd search I believe) it was 3 days that George and Cindy were out of the home.

This is all baffling to me. Searching a home for 2 weeks!!!! I sure would like to know what LE has their hands on.


Most schools get out around 2-3:00. I'm sure there's a timeline between the time she got home and the time RC left for work.....I hope.

Like I said - those are just my thoughts. No actual fact. I just think there's more to the story than we're hearing...which gives me tons of time to speculate!



I did read a post today where someone mentioned maybe he was late for work that day (they were thinking his work schedule is 3 to 3 but he left for work at 3:27 or something like that)... things that make you go hmmmmm.
Pastor says that RC joined his church about 3 years ago. He doesn't seem to be taking either side, saying he's hoping Haleigh will be returned and both parents will reconcile and share her.
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