Ron C.

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Shutterfly, I have had the same question. Some here think that a dcs manual was provided and possibly explained in detail to Ron, and others, like myself, think there may have been some "issues" with disliplne in the home. I found it intersting thah Ron adamantly denied hitting Haleigh, or any woman, and then said "we have an agreement" I dont know what to hink--I mean think anymore.
Two sayings come to mind...

Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Let he is without sin cast the first stone.

Seeing as how I am an admitted sinner, I think it's time to agree to disagree.

As far as the link, I was just proving that this "subculture" is much more the norm than many people would like to believe, and stretches across ALL age groups and ALL walks of life.

Oh, not_my_kids, please know that I am not judging, and I am certainly not without sin.

There are laws, and when anyone breaks a law he/she is judged in a court of law. The operative word here is judged.

We can respectfully agree to disagree, :).
I'm a little curious to know, after watching GR's latest interview with Ron, why it is that Ron knows so specifically HOW he is permitted BY DCF to discipline his child. That sounds to me like something you're told on the tail end of an incident in which you were reported for improperly disciplining your child. KWIM?

In the State of FL at least back in 1998 the courts in St. Johns county had you take classes in custody issue, for all reasons and yes spanking was one of them.
Shutterfly, I have had the same question. Some here think that a dcs manual was provided and possibly explained in detail to Ron, and others, like myself, think there may have been some "issues" with disliplne in the home. I found it intersting thah Ron adamantly denied hitting Haleigh, or any woman, and then said "we have an agreement" I dont know what to hink--I mean think anymore.

I am with you on this one, kellync. I thought the statement really oddly worded, and it makes me wonder. :confused:
In the State of FL at least back in 1998 the courts in St. Johns county had you take classes in custody issue, for all reasons and yes spanking was one of them.

That is certainly good to know!

I just wonder, Indiana, does it cover having an 'agreement' with your child?
You are right, SS. But the record has nonrelated (not drugs) infractions dated as recently as 2008. IMO, Ronald has a disregard for laws. Albeit a hunting infraction, it is still on his record.
I jaywalked yesterday. :eek: And tomorrow, I am considering spitting on the sidewalk...
I don't think at all that Ron had anything to do with Haleigh physically going missing. However, I do think that it is the way he is with his relationships that was the direct cause of what happened.
I jaywalked yesterday. :eek: And tomorrow, I am considering spitting on the sidewalk...

And just the other day, I did not come to a full complete stop at a stop sign. :eek: It was almost a complete stop, tho!

I also get in a hurry and have been known to speed. Then I notice and slow down, LOL.

Surely spitting on the sidewalk is not against the law, is it? LOL
That is certainly good to know!

I just wonder, Indiana, does it cover having an 'agreement' with your child?

agreement not at that time in 1998. They showed you ways to discipline a child, time out, how long, and so on. The one thing they always said and i still stick to to this day no two children are alike, one punishment may work for one child but not the other. time outs are as long as the age 5 yrs = 5 mins so on

Also DFC may be involved do to many days missed at school, they will tell you everything include how to handle a spanking
agreement not at that time in 1998. They showed you ways to discipline a child, time out, how long, and so on. The one thing they always said and i still stick to to this day no two children are alike, one punishment may work for one child but not the other. time outs are as long as the age 5 yrs = 5 mins so on

Also DFC may be involved do to many days missed at school, they will tell you everything include how to handle a spanking

Thank you for the information, Indiana!
Off Topic: Actually, in some places like Nashville, is illegal to spit on the sidewalks. LOL

Tulsa, OK has a law against alligators being allowed downtown. Hahahaha~ Guess I won't be walking my Gator today.

On Topic: I guess my point is a hunting infraction is a dime a dozen in areas where hunting is a way of life. I know tons of hunters who at one time or another have been caught doing something they shouldn't over the years (usually when they were young and dumb).
Ron's place of work has given him an alibi. He was not at home. The "we" refers to Misty, Haleigh and Jr.

RC said he left at 3:45 that day of the disappearance.

(snipped) All that has been confirmed by LE to my knowledge is that dad did report to work at some point that day. Not at what time he reported, for how long he stayed, whether any breaks were taken nor what time he left. JMO ETA: Dad had only begun the nite shift five weeks prior.

teh got a ticket for no fishing license....*hangs head in shame. Do you know how much 1, I SAY 1 striper over the limit is? (And no I did not know the limit was 5, guess if I had had a license I would have known that.) $475.00. I now have A license and know the limits................
Ron reminds me of my brother who also had children with 3 women (possibly he had more kids with more women that I don't even know about). The oldest boy stayed with his mother who was a good mother. The next two children were passed back and forth between him and his ex-wife on a constant basis. The last one he abandoned and left with another ex-wife to run off with yet another woman.

While he had custody of the middle two kids (a girl age 2 and an infant boy) he was (as usual) constantly drunk and on drugs. Unlike Ron he did not womanize at all--no girlfriends live in or otherwise so I did my best to help him out and provide a mother figure for the two babies. You'd think he'd be grateful but he wasn't. He was petty and critical and jealous of anything I did if it resulted in the kids showing affection towards me. It was almost as though he viewed their loving me as some sort of rejection of him.

Needless to say a person with a substance abuse problem is often extremely verbally abusive as was my brother. Not only vulgar language but constant physical threats against anyone including the two babies as they grew older and did things that annoyed him. When the boy Jack was 3 he came to my house with a bruise fading just under his eye, I naively thought he'd just bumped into something. My mother phoned me and told me to ask Jack how he got the shiner. Both he and his sister at the same time said "Daddy hit me (him) in the face with a metal serving spoon."

I have no idea if my brother was sober or high or if he was aiming for Jack's behind and he boy moved the wrong way...what he'd done appalled me. My mother and I reported him to CPS who said they investigated but we were never contacted and nothing changed except my brother cut me and my mother completely out of the two babies' lives forever.

The bottom line point I wish to make is that I have absolutely NO doubt my brother loved his kids. He said he did often and I could see he sincerely meant and felt that he did BUT his love was not normal. It was toxic, dangerous, possibly lethal. I thank God neither of those kids died in his care but I don't know how else they may have suffered at his hands (and at his cruel and nasty mouth) after he cut me out of their lives.

So when Ron says he loves his kids I believe this BUT at the same time I believe his idea of love is not normal or what normal people view as love and loving behavior and I would never defend him in anything he's done based solely upon his declarations of love for his kids.

ITA. Thank you for sharing this. I am sorry, what a painful thing to be cut out of their lives, when ironically it sounds as if you were the one person in their lives who truly loved and looked out for them and had their best interests at :heart: :blowkiss:

"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." -Michael Levine

Shutterfly, I have had the same question. Some here think that a dcs manual was provided and possibly explained in detail to Ron, and others, like myself, think there may have been some "issues" with disliplne in the home. I found it intersting thah Ron adamantly denied hitting Haleigh, or any woman, and then said "we have an agreement" I dont know what to hink--I mean think anymore.

Bolded by me
Perhaps he meant that they have rules and she knows what she gets 'spanking's for and what she doesn't - an agreement. Maybe that is how he worded it to her: "I'll make an agreement with you; you won't get a spanking if you don't -whatever-" :) I'm just guessing though.
Off Topic: Actually, in some places like Nashville, is illegal to spit on the sidewalks. LOL

Tulsa, OK has a law against alligators being allowed downtown. Hahahaha~ Guess I won't be walking my Gator today.

On Topic: I guess my point is a hunting infraction is a dime a dozen in areas where hunting is a way of life. I know tons of hunters who at one time or another have been caught doing something they shouldn't over the years (usually when they were young and dumb).

Touche', SS! I give up on the debate, but not the opinion!

Bolded by me
Perhaps he meant that they have rules and she knows what she gets 'spanking's for and what she doesn't - an agreement. Maybe that is how he worded it to her: "I'll make an agreement with you; you won't get a spanking if you don't -whatever-" :) I'm just guessing though.

This is the way I took it too. My daughter & I have an agreement regarding punishments too. Ex. on phone too late on school night = cell taken away for a week, etc. Maybe she was just warned in advance what bad behavior would result in a spanking :confused:
Bolded by me
Perhaps he meant that they have rules and she knows what she gets 'spanking's for and what she doesn't - an agreement. Maybe that is how he worded it to her: "I'll make an agreement with you; you won't get a spanking if you don't -whatever-" :) I'm just guessing though.
I can go with that.....I could go either way, actually.
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