Ron Jr.'s Fate

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Do you think Florida Social Services should remove Ron Jr. from his father Ron Sr?

  • Yes

    Votes: 140 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.9%
  • Put him in Foster Care

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • Let him live with stable family members!

    Votes: 80 26.9%

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ITA Betsy, I do not believe that Junior's being at his GGM's house is an indication of RC and MC's fitness as parents.

It is also my opinion that Junior belongs with Crystal, his mother that he adores.

I would imagine Junior "adores" both of his parents.

Junior has lived with his father since he was 6 months old. He only sees his mother 4 days per month - and NO, I am not judging her at all for that, I am just stating a fact. Point being that Junior has lived with his father his entire life that he can remember (unless you feel that he remembers before he was 6 months old?) I'm sure he is VERY bonded with Ron. Just like I'm sure he loves his mother. Children love both parents.

Do you know presume to know how Junior feels about both parents? Or that he prefers one over the other?
I would imagine Junior "adores" both of his parents.

Junior has lived with his father since he was 6 months old. He only sees his mother 4 days per month - and NO, I am not judging her at all for that, I am just stating a fact. Point being that Junior has lived with his father his entire life that he can remember (unless you feel that he remembers before he was 6 months old?) I'm sure he is VERY bonded with Ron. Just like I'm sure he loves his mother. Children love both parents.

Do you know presume to know how Junior feels about both parents? Or that he prefers one over the other?

And also lets just pause for a moment and remember here that Junior has been robbed of his Mother just as she has been robbed of her Son. Suffer the children.
Is it also then fair to say that the children of single mothers who fought for custody and won have been robbed of their father, and the father of their children? Or do only children of single fathers get robbed?
Is it also then fair to say that the children of single mothers who fought for custody and won have been robbed of their father, and the father of their children? Or do only children of single fathers get robbed?

I was sticking to the cast of characters in this case.
And also let just pause for a moment and remember here that Junior has been robbed of his Mother just as she has been robbed of her Son. Suffer the children.

Sorry Radio, I can't agree with that statement.

Junior has a mother. Crystal has made a choice as to what kind of mother to be to Junior and HaLeigh. We can go in circles all day about the custody hearings, but I've read the documents, and the hearing was fair, IMO.

Crystal also had an attorney when she filed for "Motion for Rehearing & Objection to Findings of the Magistrate". Ron had no attorney. The case has also been reviewed by several judges. They all agreed that Ron having residential custody was the correct decision.

Crystal could have stayed living closer and fought for more visitation. She could have gone back to court if she felt the kids were in danger and fought for custody. She didn't. She was the mother she CHOSE to be to HaLeigh and Junior. We all make choices in life, right or wrong. There really isn't a point to going in circles about that, though, huh? We could debate these things all day and probably never come to a consensus. :)

I'll say this - I think we can agree on this point -- I absolutely believe that she loves both of those children. There is no doubt in my mind.

ETA -- I do not believe that Junior is going anywhere. Custody will remain with Ron. (MOO)
Sorry Radio, I can't agree with that statement.

Junior has a mother. Crystal has made a choice as to what kind of mother to be to Junior and HaLeigh. We can go in circles all day about the custody hearings, but I've read the documents, and the hearing was fair, IMO.

Crystal also had an attorney when she filed for "Motion for Rehearing & Objection to Findings of the Magistrate". Ron had no attorney. The case has also been reviewed by several judges. They all agreed that Ron having residential custody was the correct decision.

Crystal could have stayed living closer and fought for more visitation. She could have gone back to court if she felt the kids were in danger and fought for custody. She didn't. She was the mother she CHOSE to be to HaLeigh and Junior. We all make choices in life, right or wrong. There really isn't a point to going in circles about that, though, huh? We could debate these things all day and probably never come to a consensus. :)

I'll say this - I think we can agree on this point -- I absolutely believe that she loves both of those children. There is no doubt in my mind.

ETA -- I do not believe that Junior is going anywhere. Custody will remain with Ron. (MOO)

I agree with some of what you posted and some not. I think Crystal balked and cowered, maybe even took the easy road, I don't know ... I just don't really think she ever wanted or intended to be a bad mother as viewed by many including my self at first. I don't think RC ever intended to look like a bad father to many, including myself.

I'm not concerned about the custody issue so much as I am concerned about their missing daughter. And I know the same resonates for you.
I agree with some of what you posted and some not. I think Crystal balked and cowered, maybe even took the easy road, I don't know ... I just don't really think she ever wanted or intended to be a bad mother as viewed by many including my self at first. I don't think RC ever intended to look like a bad father to many, including myself.

I'm not concerned about the custody issue so much as I am concerned about their missing daughter. And I know the same resonates for you.

I agree that she didn't intend to be a bad mother. I think she did the best job she could. She was a young mother.

You're absolutely right -- I'm not concerned about the custody issues - I believe Junior is safe right now otherwise he would have been removed immediately from Ron's care. I wish the custody issues were never brought up. I wish the focus had stayed solely on HaLeigh. I can't help thinking had that happened, maybe the mainstream media would have stayed interested in her story. I know the "what if" game is pointless and we'll never know. I just can't help feeling HaLeigh was robbed of precious airtime that may have helped bring her home. Makes me so sad for her and everyone that loves her! When I think of how much I hurt thinking about her, it pains me to realize it can't even compare to what her family must feel. :(
I agree that she didn't intend to be a bad mother. I think she did the best job she could. She was a young mother.

You're absolutely right -- I'm not concerned about the custody issues - I believe Junior is safe right now otherwise he would have been removed immediately from Ron's care. I wish the custody issues were never brought up. I wish the focus had stayed solely on HaLeigh. I can't help thinking had that happened, maybe the mainstream media would have stayed interested in her story. I know the "what if" game is pointless and we'll never know. I just can't help feeling HaLeigh was robbed of precious airtime that may have helped bring her home. Makes me so sad for her and everyone that loves her! When I think of how much I hurt thinking about her, it pains me to realize it can't even compare to what her family must feel. :(

JVM gave her some time tonight. Thankfully. I didn't watch - but saw the thread posted here. No air time being given for anything much now.
Oh, how I wanted to put in my two cents here. But I will play it safe and just say "Hi!":innocent:
Oh, how I wanted to put in my two cents here. But I will play it safe and just say "Hi!":innocent:

Well, how'do, LFlorida! I watched the new generation in my family today playing together and enjoying themselves. I realized how sad it is that there is discussion on the FATE of a child, rather than the FUTURE of a child. Jr's FUTURE. May it be filled with love and laughter.
Well, how'do, LFlorida! I watched the new generation in my family today playing together and enjoying themselves. I realized how sad it is that there is discussion on the FATE of a child, rather than the FUTURE of a child. Jr's FUTURE. May it be filled with love and laughter.
I agree debs. FATE sounds so negative.

I pray that Junior has a wonderful FUTURE. :rose:
I couldn't vote. Without the knowledge that DCF and LE have in this case, and the ultimate solving of Haleigh's fate, poor little JR is in limbo. He is another reason this must be solved asap. His life could hang on the decision.
we can all speculate and attempt to make a decision..but poot jr is going through enough ....he misses his sister....lets not make the poor baby miss the rest of his family.
It is my understanding Crystal is having her normal summer visitation with Rj right now. At the end of the six weeks, I will be anxious to see if she gives him back to Ronald willingly or if the police will have to come take him back home. It will be interesting to see it played out and see who has his best interests in mind at that time.
How terribly sad this is for Jr. Not knowing where his little sis is at and not knowing why mommy and daddy are not happy with each other. I can only pray, because I have NO FAITH IN Florida Social Services OR Any other state. Nobody will ever really know what happen to Haleigh and what all Jr. has gone through. I pray that Jr. will be put in a safe, loving, nurturing, educational, stable and permanent home. That is a lot to ask for sad to say and may never happen. We really should all say a prayer for Jr. and all children in this world that are going through such complex situations.
I would be interested to know what thought prcess was behind the shaving of little butterbean's head? Anyone have insight?
Fourtunately RC will get to be with RJ every other weekend during this six visitation, hopefully things will run smooth and the courts will not have to get involved.

It is my understanding Crystal is having her normal summer visitation with Rj right now. At the end of the six weeks, I will be anxious to see if she gives him back to Ronald willingly or if the police will have to come take him back home. It will be interesting to see it played out and see who has his best interests in mind at that time.
I would be interested to know what thought prcess was behind the shaving of little butterbean's head? Anyone have insight?
Many people shave little boy heads for the summer heat. Most boys love to play outside and they get very hot. It is also less expensive and less trouble than taking them in for cuts since hair grows so quickly.
I would be interested to know what thought prcess was behind the shaving of little butterbean's head? Anyone have insight?

My son is African-American and we shave his head like that all of the time!....:)

He likes it!
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