Ron & Misty Married 2009.3.12 ~ appeared on the "Today Show" 2009.03.13

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I don't think I could stomach watching the giggly child bride and Haleighs dad enjoying their "honeymoon" in NY. Nope....can't stand the thought of it.

I'll say a prayer for Haleigh, instead.
I think I may have to switch channels tomorrow. I don't begrudge anyone happiness, but, come about a little delayed gratification here. The minute I heard they were coming to NY to honeymoon I knew they were doing so on someone else's dime. I don't know, but there's something about this case that gnaws at me. Something is just not right...besides Hayleigh being missing.
Am I the only one that feels Misty and RC are actually to happy???
sorry, I feel they know ALLOT.........
I am not saying they did anything, but they know what's happened.

I'm glad CS has Kim P (lawyer) because Kim will get to the legal bottom to some
Kim will have her own PI's...........we might get more out of this web of lies! IMOO

Well, IMO it is totally wrong and suspect to have a "joyous" wedding while "deep in grief". I think it is due to Child Services so Ron's home will look legit. Otherwise he is a 25 yr old man sleeping in bed with a 17 year old girl and his kids in same bed/bedroom!!
And it seems Ron is following the path of Casey, and OJ...looking for his child in NY and getting a tattoo like Casey looked in the clubs and got a tattoo and OJ looked on the golf courses!! The only element missing is the slow chase.
I noticed that Mark Lundsford and Welch, and Klass behaved much loving dads and no tattoos, IMO.

I am glad that Crystal may finally get her "day in court" so to speak. When I read the court records dealing with the custody in 2005 and Ron's police record it was clear that she was not treated equally nor fairly by the court, JMO.:furious:

Does anyone know about the seizure of the back door? Was it because of findings of one of the investigators that Crystal's atty hired?
Regarding the idea that it keeps Haleigh in the news: JMO, but I wish the sacred oath and commitment of marriage would be taken more seriously than to be justifiable as a publicity tool. :no:

Especially when it means taking that oath with someone at this age, maturity, and experience, and after only having been together for less than six months - not to mention at such a time as this.

We've come a long way from wearing black and not going to parties for a year at times like this. :eek:
Yep...if its true I swear I heard her say that. I tried to find more info. but my comp. hates when I go to Greta's site!
And tomorrow being Friday the 13th!! :eek:

I just watched it and she did say that. I think she just has her facts mixed up. The one guy's notary was expired but they found someone to marry them anyway.
I don't think I could stomach watching the giggly child bride and Haleighs dad enjoying their "honeymoon" in NY. Nope....can't stand the thought of it.

I'll say a prayer for Haleigh, instead.

That's why I'm on the fence...if its all about Haleigh's abduction and nothing else, then fine BUT if they're on there acting all happy and lovey I may puke or throw something at my TV.
Mark Lunsford seems to be the exception to that thought though. Look what he's done for all children after little Jessica was murdered. :)

Remember when Jessica first went missing and people talked terrible about Mark and his parents? Mark was trailer trash...he had been at his girlfriend's house overnight when Jesse went missing...he had long hair and rode a motorcycle and on and on. It all came down to Mark being different. People were eating their words later.
Remember when Jessica first went missing and people talked terrible about Mark and his parents? Mark was trailer trash...he had been at his girlfriend's house overnight when Jesse went missing...he had long hair and rode a motorcycle and on and on. It all came down to Mark being different. People were eating their words later.

I don't think it is the trip to the show as much as it is the marriage/honeymoon bs.
I do not know where I can post on what I have heard from news I do not want to get in trouble, or cause any grief I have to 2 things she said 1. at 11 on first coast news they will have some pics of wedding.
2. fox30 news said that Crystal has a PI and he says that to expect a big break in case soon

Now wouldn't that be interesting if this PI just happened to find Haleigh? Right when mom is taking dad to court for custody. I wonder if Crystal thinks the back child support will go away if she gets custody of the kids? Wrong Crystal. It will be interesting to see just how long it takes for Haleigh to be found now that Crystal has an attorney and someone to handle the media for her and a PI all for free. Maybe someone will drop Haleigh off at a mall or something like that :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Ive been saying since Day One this was done for $$$ and noteriety - fame and fortune
Same Day of Caylee's Memoria Feb 10th just different times...

I am SO MAD About this case because I KNOW in my heart this is why it was done
And the worse thing ?

These people think everyone else is so dumb that when Haleigh miraculously turns up - that we are not all going to KNOW it


IF they had not accepted the honeymoon and so on and so forth then MAYBE Just MAYBE i might have been persuaded to change my mind...MAYBE

Now - No way

I don't think this will be a big honeymoon. It sounds like it will be tonight in New York so they can be on the show tomorrow morning unless they are doing more then one show in New York. Many people with missing children have been on the same show...not just the Anthonys and Ron and Misty. Josh Duckett...father of Trenton who was never found...was in New York for a couple days or more on Nancy Grace. He took his girlfriend and another couple with him. They stayed in beautiful motels...had nice dinners out...took in some sights and had a good time while they were there. I don't recall anyone running him down for doing that. Why shouldn't Ron and Misty go on the show and talk about Haleigh like Josh did Trenton and others have about their missing kids. The show always pays for the trip..motel...meals.
I don't think it is the trip to the show as much as it is the marriage/honeymoon bs.

Even before the marriage most people didn't have a good thing to say about Ron or Misty. That is what bothers me. There is no proof of anything yet people are determined that they or at least one of them is involved in the abduction. It is just like Mark Lunsford was treated for awhile there. Nasty things were said about him and people were just sure that he was involved or that his parents were. It was terrible. It seems that people are believing everything that Crystal says even though nothing has been checked out for fact. I would suspect Crystal before I would suspect Ron. She doesn't have custody of the kids and she owes a ton of back child support. If Haleigh suddenly appears in a mall or flags will go up here...if Crystal should somehow get custody of the kids she wouldn't have to pay support. Ron would have to pay it. She would still owe the back support though.

It just bothers me when people are blamed for something as horrible as child abduction when there are no facts to back that up. How would it feel to be a parent who is blamed but hasn't done anything wrong. I've heard Mark Lunsford talk about it and it is awful. I just think it is wrong when there is nothing that points to anyone yet.

I wouldn't have gotten married if my child was missing but these kids are young and not thinking right with everything that is going on. I don't think they are doing anything for money or notoriety. People are to fresh from the Anthonys and think everyone is the same when they aren't. Although if it would keep my children from being taken away from me I would get married. It hasn't really changed anything...they are just married instead of living together. Maybe Crystal should follow suit. Isn't she shacked up as some people put it?
Why is that by the way? Why do some cases get so much more coverage, while others just quietly disappear?

Also, I have to question the responsibility of journalists in paying for these types of events. IMO that isn't responsible journalism.

I know - like Adji :( When I was watching NG I heard the newly married couple were honeymooning in New York. Just about fell out of my chair. Then I heard they were taking the talk show circuit -- so maybe that's the "honeymoon".

Me - I think the wedding is a load of crock -- but who knows.

And as far as other children -- it only seems the white children get the most attention. I'm not racist, matter of fact I'm as white as white can be. It just bothers me why Adji isn't getting this kind of coverage. I'm almost suprised they are covering the HC case because they live in a trailer. Our media is so darn bias!!!!

For example:

We all know who Jon-Benet Ramsey is, a pretty blonde girl who was murdered in Colorado. You probably don't know the name of Cynteria Phillips, an attractive 13-year-old black girl who was abused as a child, neglected by the state and was raped and murdered in South Florida.The killing of Cynteria, though heinous and shocking, did not ignite the hyper-charged media frenzy of the cases of Jon-Benet Ramsey, Jessica Lunsford, Samantha Runnion or Danielle Van Dam.

What does the mainstream news media coverage of these cases say about how black kids are valued in our society? And why don't black kids get similar coverage? Is it racism? Classism?

An adorable 7-year-old black girl named Alexis Patterson disappeared around the same time as Elizabeth Smart, a blonde girl crowned America's missing child. Alexis was last seen on the playground at her school in Milwaukee. Somewhere between there and her classroom, she disappeared. Alexis' case has received little publicity outside of Wisconsin, except for one feature on America's Most Wanted. It was not close to the daily media updates that the Elizabeth Smart case received.

I could go on and on - but my belief is:

I don't believe women, or blacks, or hispanics, or ANY other "minority" group trump anyone or everyone because they happen to be born a certain way. I believe in equality; NOT special treatment.

We're all in this together, regardless of race or sex!

For ALL the missing children....

I know right...

Church tells ya no
Funeral director/Pastor-notary expired
Have to search for someone new
Finds someone in Welaka to perform the ceremony
that person's notary is also expired

If all that's true, karma is trying to make an appearance. IMO, it shouldn't be that hard to get married...if it is..someone or something is trying to tell ya something.

Who knows - maybe they'll get legally married on the Tele tomorrow. I still can't figure out if they are legally married or not!

A free trip to new york, eh? Fancy hotel? Nice dinner? Hmmmm....doesn't that sound familar? Will they be on Dr. Phil next, remove the trailer, and build a 1/2 million dollar home (referring to the unemployed, 14 children octo mom). I have 1 child, work hard, and could NEVER afford what this woman has been given. Nor could I go to New York in these economc times.

Oh Lord, please help me figure this out!

Great question! That was my first thought!

Please correct me if I'm wrong - but they can testiify any information that occurred BEFORE the marriage. I believe after the marriage doesn't count.


I am sure Ron and Misty did not call the Today Show and say hey we would like to come to NY for a honeymoon can we be on your show so you will pay for it. People have been upset that Ron hasnt been talking to the media, if he declined to go when the Today Show called and offered an interview people would be throwing rocks saying he doesnt care about Haleigh he is turning down interviews that would get Haleigh coverage.

Do you think the media would still be out there covering this story as much as they are if Ron and Misty had not gotten married. Would they be asking for interviews? For 3 days now headlines have been Ron proposed, Ron & Misty getting married, Ron & Misty got married, and Ron & Misty honeymooning in NY. There has been two other headlines I can think of and that was the search that went on today, and Crystal hiring a lawyer and PI. Why not blame the media for taking the focus off Haleigh, media is going to put stories on that bring viewers and the drama brings more viewers than a missing 5 year old child, which is truly very sad.

I hope and pray this little girl is found soon, she is what I am thinking about.
Just saw the wedding video.

I don't know what I think... but I do know what
I feel... and that is I feel sorry for Misty. I know she is
no shrinking violet in all this - but she is still a child. In
way over her head. No doubt she is thrilled at getting married
and having her own 'place' .. doesn't seem her parents were
all that great either and now I just feel she has married into a
really bad deal for her. Maybe Ron will be good to her - I hope so!

Where in the World is Haleigh!!!
2 things...

Annette Sykes told First Coast News the couple got married because they are happy and love each other.Sykes said they would be even happier if Haleigh came home. its because they are happy. I don't even know what to say about that.

The couple flew to New York City to appear on The Today Show on NBC Friday morning, right after Good Morning Jacksonville. Sykes says they will also use that time for their honeymoon. Ronald Cummings' son will stay with his mother through the weekend while the couple is away.

Sounds like they've went to Jacksonville for an appearance & flying out of there to head to NY then staying through the weekend. I don't know what that last sentence Jr staying with Ron's mother or Crystal?
2 things... its because they are happy. I don't even know what to say about that.

Sounds like they've went to Jacksonville for an appearance & flying out of there to head to NY then staying through the weekend. I don't know what that last sentence Jr staying with Ron's mother or Crystal?

With Crystal IM pretty sure
Even before the marriage most people didn't have a good thing to say about Ron or Misty. That is what bothers me. There is no proof of anything yet people are determined that they or at least one of them is involved in the abduction. It is just like Mark Lunsford was treated for awhile there. Nasty things were said about him and people were just sure that he was involved or that his parents were. It was terrible. It seems that people are believing everything that Crystal says even though nothing has been checked out for fact. I would suspect Crystal before I would suspect Ron. She doesn't have custody of the kids and she owes a ton of back child support. If Haleigh suddenly appears in a mall or flags will go up here...if Crystal should somehow get custody of the kids she wouldn't have to pay support. Ron would have to pay it. She would still owe the back support though.

It just bothers me when people are blamed for something as horrible as child abduction when there are no facts to back that up. How would it feel to be a parent who is blamed but hasn't done anything wrong. I've heard Mark Lunsford talk about it and it is awful. I just think it is wrong when there is nothing that points to anyone yet.

I wouldn't have gotten married if my child was missing but these kids are young and not thinking right with everything that is going on. I don't think they are doing anything for money or notoriety. People are to fresh from the Anthonys and think everyone is the same when they aren't. Although if it would keep my children from being taken away from me I would get married. It hasn't really changed anything...they are just married instead of living together. Maybe Crystal should follow suit. Isn't she shacked up as some people put it?

(bold mine) So it bothers you when people cast suspicions w no facts does it... :waitasec: And funny, but I don't remember ever personally having concerns re Mark Lunsford or his parenting prior to Couey being charged... :confused: There are also some here who stop short of implicating immediate family directly but expressing concern re risk factors discovered to have existed in the environment from which Haleigh suddenly disappeared.

I know - like Adji :( When I was watching NG I heard the newly married couple were honeymooning in New York. Just about fell out of my chair. Then I heard they were taking the talk show circuit -- so maybe that's the "honeymoon".

Me - I think the wedding is a load of crock -- but who knows.

And as far as other children -- it only seems the white children get the most attention. I'm not racist, matter of fact I'm as white as white can be. It just bothers me why Adji isn't getting this kind of coverage. I'm almost suprised they are covering the HC case because they live in a trailer. Our media is so darn bias!!!!

For example:

We all know who Jon-Benet Ramsey is, a pretty blonde girl who was murdered in Colorado. You probably don't know the name of Cynteria Phillips, an attractive 13-year-old black girl who was abused as a child, neglected by the state and was raped and murdered in South Florida.The killing of Cynteria, though heinous and shocking, did not ignite the hyper-charged media frenzy of the cases of Jon-Benet Ramsey, Jessica Lunsford, Samantha Runnion or Danielle Van Dam.

What does the mainstream news media coverage of these cases say about how black kids are valued in our society? And why don't black kids get similar coverage? Is it racism? Classism?

An adorable 7-year-old black girl named Alexis Patterson disappeared around the same time as Elizabeth Smart, a blonde girl crowned America's missing child. Alexis was last seen on the playground at her school in Milwaukee. Somewhere between there and her classroom, she disappeared. Alexis' case has received little publicity outside of Wisconsin, except for one feature on America's Most Wanted. It was not close to the daily media updates that the Elizabeth Smart case received.

I could go on and on - but my belief is:

I don't believe women, or blacks, or hispanics, or ANY other "minority" group trump anyone or everyone because they happen to be born a certain way. I believe in equality; NOT special treatment.

I've noticed this as well--even disparity between Anthony case and this one eg. I've also recognized some of this isn't due only to race, but also to other inequities ie socio-economic status, available resources, etc. I agree this should not afford one child more media coverage than another but sadly it does. :( JMO

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