Routier case is the first for David Camm

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I was reading Darin's trial transcripts today, and I thought I would post this part of it over here for TellTheTruth.

So the Jaguar needed about $3,000 worth of repairs and Darin had $3,200 in his bank according his own testimony at the bond hearing.

Yeah, I realize this was 18 years ago, but even then, a transmission for a Jaguar was about $800? Nice try Darin. I just replaced my transmission, in a Ford, and it was $4500. Even with inflation, he was so far off it's ridiculous.

But then, that is what the Darlie fans have been doing since day one. Lying. What else can you do when your heroine is gulity as sin?

What's getting annoying, simply because it has been going on too long now and Darlie should be meeting up with that needle pronto, is that they keep finding a new generation of "believer's" to buy the lies.
I think you guys are missing the point here.

The case of Camm had sufficient evidence to warrant three separate trials in a very short space of time - it was on the prosecutor (Henderson) who seemed hell bent on getting Camm convicted. A down right rejection of being wrong (which isn't really new in America now is it).

Camm was finally found to be innocent of the crime he was said to have committed.

I don't live in America, so excuse me of my ignorance, but are people still perceived to be guilty even after they've been found to be innocent?

That sound rather odd.

There is no verdict of Innocence in American law. He will always be Not Guilty.
They are not the same - legal or morally. Just physically.
This is a perfect example of the twisted methods the prosecution used to convict her. Blame the victims family for not conducting their own investigation and apprehending a criminal.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Not one person on the investigative or prosecution team blamed, faulted or in any way encouraged the family to investigate or apprehend anyone. They wouldn't...they knew they had the killer.

Unless that's your, somewhat convoluted, not listening to the family and being convinced of Darlie' s innocence from a purely emotional basis, the investigation and prosecution team's forced the family to investigate on their own :floorlaugh:

I'd personally like a few minutes in room with a phone book and Detective Patterson's son. Even if I got a confession on tape it would not stand up in court

What in the world.....??? Are you crazy? Was nothing learned from the Glen Mize debacle? You don't go around making groundless accusations like that!
I think Cathy R is claiming that the posters and forum members who don't support Darlie are the ones who are "blaming the victims family for not conducting their own investigation," not the investigators.

The Darlie supporters are angry that the investigation didn't reveal someone else as being the perp. They insist it just could not be Darlie. Why, I don't know, but she just cannot be the perp of this brutal murder.
I think Cathy R is claiming that the posters and forum members who don't support Darlie are the ones who are "blaming the victims family for not conducting their own investigation," not the investigators.

The Darlie supporters are angry that the investigation didn't reveal someone else as being the perp. They insist it just could not be Darlie. Why, I don't know, but she just cannot be the perp of this brutal murder.

....I just don't agree with your interpretation of Cathy R's statement.
The number of Darlie supporters is really mind boggling. Many of those supporting her innocence base it on photos of her bruises. If you haven't read the trial transcripts, the photos ARE very convincing. The problem with the bruises is they do not match any of her changing stories and do not match her court testimony. She never said somebody was beating her with a blunt object and she was warding off the blows with her arms. She never said she was beaten at all, just that she woke up and followed an intruder, not even knowing she was cut. On the 911 call she said she was stabbed, not beaten. If she was warding off a knife attack she'd have slashes on the outside of her arms, not bruises. If the intruder was holding her down, it wouldn't cause bruises like that. And the convenient amnesia story came much later, only when the other stories' inconsistencies started to trip her up.

So the bruises just don't make any sense. Darin couldn't have caused them. He arrived during the 911 call. And they were gone by the silly string video a few days later, which is also really odd. I really think the long one looks exactly like blood drainage from an improper IV. That is very common.

Not to belabor the bruises, but that does seem to be one main reason she has so much support, controversy and people like Camm taking her cause.
Anyone with half a brain cell can see Darlie is guilty. The fact she is surrounded by her family who happen to be the biggest enablers on earth doesn't help either. JMO
Darin has not remarried.

Post a link to a marriage license if you have one?

A little late for a response, but, yes, Darren has remarried. Her name is Cindy Black. They live in Lubbock and are in the process of building a home. The also own a business together installing security systems. If you are on Facebook search for Cindy Black in Lubbock TX. There are lots of pics of her and Darren together. Darren and Cindy actually dated before Darren started dating Darlie.
I think David Camm is probably a little bit biased against Tom Bevel and blood spatter evidence.

Tom Bevel has been proven to have used wrong testing methodology and has testified falsely in many trials. If anyone is unaware of his reputation at present, you might want to read up on what his status as a blood splatter expert is at the present time, and how this is affecting convictions based upon wounds, patterns, overlays, etc. The state of Texas was one of the first to denounce him because his results are just not able to be duplicated in a majority of cases
Tom Bevel has been proven to have used wrong testing methodology and has testified falsely in many trials. If anyone is unaware of his reputation at present, you might want to read up on what his status as a blood splatter expert is at the present time, and how this is affecting convictions based upon wounds, patterns, overlays, etc. The state of Texas was one of the first to denounce him because his results are just not able to be duplicated in a majority of cases

The "State of Texas" has not "denounced" Tom Bevel and almost all of the claims he "falsely testified" come from supporters of murderers who have NOT been proven innocent.

I'll grant he was probably wrong in the Camm case. The Masters case is one that gets him a lot of criticism but anyone who reads up knows that nothing Bevel said was wrong in that case; it was prosecutors and police who falsely connected Masters to the murder, NOT Tom Bevel. All Bevel did is testify as to the blood and he's not been proven wrong, though he does claim the prosecutors withheld evidence from him. How that's Bevel's fault is beyond me. Besides that, the Bevel hate on the internet comes from people who went down the list of cases where he testified and declared the defendants innocent. It doesn't work that way in real life.

What a defense attorney says in court to try and disprove the states case, including Tom Bevel's analysis, is not fact.

Bevel has not been "denounced" by any court and is still in good standing as a blood spatter expert and his reputation is solid despite attempts to discredit him from defense attorneys and advocates of convicted murderers who believe every person in prison is innocent.
For example- Warren Horinek = guilty as sin. Jason Payne = guilty as sin (though his conviction has been overturned - not b/c of Bevel). Darlie Routier = guilty as sin.

All three of these are high profile cases where Bevel testified and a google search will bring up tons of sites that claim Bevel came to bad conclusions.

Except they're all guilty, Bevel's not been disproven in any of them. Sure, the defense CLAIMS he was wrong but that's how defense attorneys work. It doesn't mean they're right.

But the claim Texas or any other state has denounced Bevel is just not true. His reputation may have been soiled by advocates of murderers but their claims don't stand up to scrutiny.
For example- Warren Horinek = guilty as sin. Jason Payne = guilty as sin (though his conviction has been overturned - not b/c of Bevel). Darlie Routier = guilty as sin.

All three of these are high profile cases where Bevel testified and a google search will bring up tons of sites that claim Bevel came to bad conclusions.

Except they're all guilty, Bevel's not been disproven in any of them. Sure, the defense CLAIMS he was wrong but that's how defense attorneys work. It doesn't mean they're right.

But the claim Texas or any other state has denounced Bevel is just not true. His reputation may have been soiled by advocates of murderers but their claims don't stand up to scrutiny.

You forgot David Camm = guilty as sin. With our without the blood spatter.
But back to the point of the OP.

Is Camm still interested in her case and exonerating her?

If so, why did Darlie Kee have to create donation sites to come up with a measly few grand for the new testing?

The new testing IS being paid by the state but Darlie's defense wants their own experts present. Pretty common. But why isn't David Camm's organization chipping in if they believe in her innocence?

ETA: websleuths seems to think go FUND me is dirty language that needs to be edited :)

Good Lord, if this case wasn't so tragic that would be downright laughable.
Kind of like having OJ Simpson investigate Casey Anthony's case.

No bias there, just one murderer investigating another.:scared:

WORD. I am jawdropping here.
Tom Bevel has been proven to have used wrong testing methodology and has testified falsely in many trials. If anyone is unaware of his reputation at present, you might want to read up on what his status as a blood splatter expert is at the present time, and how this is affecting convictions based upon wounds, patterns, overlays, etc. The state of Texas was one of the first to denounce him because his results are just not able to be duplicated in a majority of cases

If this is the case then surely Darlie would be there like a shot using this as an appeal, seeing as his testimony was so compelling in her trial. The fact that she isn't shows that the defence aren't confident that his evidence is weak.
Since no suspect besides Camm has ever been named in his OWN case, it is simply going to muddy the waters having him look into the Routier debacle. It may even seal her fate as evidence may come forward that conclusively proves her guilt.

No suspect other than Camm??? WHA??? Do you really know that little about that case?? Look up Charles Boney. ALL the evidence points to him and ONLY him. None points to Camm. And if anyone believes Boney's story or thinks he isn't involved at all, they are, quite frankly, braindead. Boney left his sweatshirt at the scene, had a foot fetish (leaving the shoes on top of the car made no sense until they discovered this fetish), told multiple, ridiculous lies, and now says Camm actually committed the crime (forget about those 11 eye witnesses that saw Camm somewhere else at the time of the murder, they don't matter I guess) and he was just there. Right. Forget also about the fact that there is NOTHING showing Camm ever met or knew of the existence of Charles Boney. Are people really that much in denial that they would see this mountain of obvious evidence against one man, they would still refuse to exonerate a man whom has been proven to be somewhere else went this crime occurred? What happened to common sense??

Oh, also, that "evidence" that Camm was molesting his daughter was discounted for good reason. There was ONE traumatic injury to her vaginal area, and there is no way the medical examiner could pin down a time as to when it occurred like she claimed to. I'm a medical professional and I can tell you that trying to nail a time within several hours of an injury is lsimply guesswork. For example, some folks bruise faster and their blot clots differently than other people. The tones of their bruises then would be different than the norm. That said, Jill was shown to have tearing, not neccessarily bruising, which is even harder to pin a time to. The fact that Boney was a sexual sadist and had been violent towards women before tells me HE caused this injury (or it could have been accidental, which is not at all uncommon), not Camm. Nothing corroborates sexual abuse by Camm. He was a cheater, a bad husband and rather arrogant. But was he a murderer? All of the EVIDENCE says no.
Camm has now backed off his support of Darlie.

David Camm @DavidRCamm Oct 12
As for the Routier case I'm not convinced 100% either way. And it's not my place to judge anyone, that's Gods job.
Camm has now backed off his support of Darlie.

David Camm @DavidRCamm Oct 12
As for the Routier case I'm not convinced 100% either way. And it's not my place to judge anyone, that's Gods job.

Wow, pretty bad when one baby killer can't even get support from another.

Maybe he can work on exonerating Jeffrey MacDonald instead.
Wow, pretty bad when one baby killer can't even get support from another.

Maybe he can work on exonerating Jeffrey MacDonald instead.

aaaaaaaaaahahaha yeah why not have a go, everyone else has, LOL
She was convicted on evidence not thoughts or feelings. They are not now, nor have they ever attempted to find the alleged intruder. I believe about 17 years ago I heard of a reward being offered, but.... All of the DNA hasn't cleared her. Unless someone came and confessed Darlies just sentencing will soon be carried out. #JusticeServed.

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