RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I had a letter from Richard Leonard, Anna's case manager at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He had heard from Sgt. James Gilletti, who said he had recently checked with the coroner and that there was no update on the bone fragments. Rich Leonard said the last he heard, the backlog at the California Department of Justice was about nine months. Sgt. Gilletti said "I know it is frustrating for all involved and time even drags slower when waiting for results such as this, but I've been reassured that I will get any news as soon as the Coroner gets it."

sounds like they could hire a few more people or something.....
I had a letter from Richard Leonard, Anna's case manager at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He had heard from Sgt. James Gilletti, who said he had recently checked with the coroner and that there was no update on the bone fragments. Rich Leonard said the last he heard, the backlog at the California Department of Justice was about nine months. Sgt. Gilletti said "I know it is frustrating for all involved and time even drags slower when waiting for results such as this, but I've been reassured that I will get any news as soon as the Coroner gets it."

So Richard is under the understanding that the speciman is at the DOJ? :doh: I hope that is an error on his part and he simply misspoke, forgetting that the DOJ sent the sample to a private lab. Since this sample is at a private lab, I'd think the backlog with the DOJ shouldn't have any effect on our wait. I wonder what the backlog is at the private lab.
I know it's frustrating, very frustrating to wait. All we can do is hope answers come soon. :please:
It certainly makes one wonder why this could take so long. I don't know the procedure however I guess they are very busy at the private lab.

Cubby, what is a DOJ?

Thank you!
DOJ is the abbreviation for Department of Justice.

So Richard is under the understanding that the speciman is at the DOJ? :doh: I hope that is an error on his part and he simply misspoke, forgetting that the DOJ sent the sample to a private lab. Since this sample is at a private lab, I'd think the backlog with the DOJ shouldn't have any effect on our wait. I wonder what the backlog is at the private lab.
I know it's frustrating, very frustrating to wait. All we can do is hope answers come soon. :please:

I think he probably didn' t remember about the private lab, but even so, the department in charge is still the DOJ.
It may be a situation where the private lab develops the profile, but the DOJ does the analysis (pure speculation).
It sounds like something is terribly "broken"! BELCH. This is taking FAR TOO LOOONG.
It sounds like something is terribly "broken"! BELCH. This is taking FAR TOO LOOONG.
Really, I feel like giving up, but I don't want to let you guys down after all the time and love you've put into this search.

I keep reminding myself long suffering/patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We just have to continue being patient as frustrating as it may become at times.

I wish the coroners office would correct the NamUs case file and correct the dna information to read: Samples Submitted - Tests not complete. They've been aware of the error indicating dna is available long enough to have corrected it. Sorry, that inaccuracy shouldn't bother me but it does.

Additionally, I remind myself each time they test a portion of a sample and are unable to obtain a viable DNA strand, the portion tested is destroyed in the process, no longer useful for future tests. With such a limited amount to work with, I would much rather endure the long wait than run out of viable material to test, never to have an answer.

So we wait.... and pray and wait and pray and wait and pray. Eventually we'll have an answer (and I am still pretty sure it will be before the Cubs win a world series. ;) )

I check in several times a week, sometimes more than once a day. But have only recently joined the site. I know it seems like the answer will not come, but I have read these threads in their entirety and with fresh eyes. I really think the answer is out there. I'm very anxious for the refocus 2013, just around the corner. I have several ideas!

If it's okay, I'd like to start a thread. Because I am new, I have a few thoughts and observations that may have been overlooked--overlooked only because there may have been so many things to consider at the time.

Please let me know . . .

Also, Annasmom, you don't know me, but I'm around. If you need me to send letters, contact anyone, do some work on your behalf, please let me know.
Welcome to WS BobbieA and thank you for your interest in Anna's case.

I don't know how many posts you need as a new member to start a thread. Please feel free to look around to see if a thread already exists. Please don't wait for the refocus thread to change to 2013. Additionally, you can always go down to the game room (members only area) and play a few games to bump your post count enough to start a new thread.

Thank you for taking the time to join us!

The rule outs on NamUs were ruled out by means other than DNA. Dr. Doogie, Annasmom, NCMEC and the detective in charge of Anna's case have all confirmed there is no dna on the UID.
The rule outs on NamUs were ruled out by means other than DNA. Dr. Doogie, Annasmom, NCMEC and the detective in charge of Anna's case have all confirmed there is no dna on the UID.

Please explain Cubby, no dna on the sample sent to the lab? or?
As I mentioned above (or I thought about doing so), I think the correct status on the NamUs UP 9597 for DNA should read, 'Samples submitted, tests not complete'. I think that is the correct status for indicating samples have been submitted to extract viable dna, but testing for a viable strand is not yet complete.

We know from the dentals the #14, six year molar was present. It was likely dentals which excluded those listed on the rule out list, as most of those rule outs were appx 3 years of age, far too young to have a 6 year molar present.

I hope that is more clear. I need to remind myself not everyone reading here follows cases in the UID forum, so I need to be more clear in how I explain things. Sorry for not doing so in my previous post.
The following are the options for DNA information in NamUs.

Sample is currently not available (Explain in comments box below)
Sample available - Not yet submitted
Samples submitted - Tests not complete
Complete - Insufficient DNA for profiling
Complete and entered below

NamUs case UP 9597 indicates 'Completed and entered below', which we know is not true because the coroners office stated that was wrong and there was no dna for this UID. We were told back in January of this year, the sample was going to a private lab for extraction of a viable dna strand. We are still waiting for further updates to the status of that attempt to extract viable dna.

I would think if the private lab tried and could not obtain DNA, the status of the UID UP 9597 would be changed from 'Complete and entered below' to 'Complete-insufficient DNA for profiling'.

So we are still in limbo. Also, please note, all NamUs case files begin with UP or MP for unidentified persons or missing persons. There is a case number 9597 for both an unidentified and missing person. Hence the UP or MP prefix. I never really paid too much attention to that previously, but I suppose we should because there are two NamUs case 9597's, one being our UID and the other a different MP.

hth and thanks everyone for hanging in there. The wait is long and excruciating but I have to say I think it is worth it considering there is so little sample to test, the lab has to be far more careful in this case than they would others.
Phew, the following is information I have been following in another partial remains UID case in CA.

The following NamUs UP 6788 is partial remains. The sample, which is larger than our sample (leg bones) were sent to the CA-DOJ in April of 2010. DNA was updated on the case file in October of this year, giving a time frame of appx 30 months. This was done through the state, not a private lab afaik, and there was no rush afaik.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #3

I'm just adding this as an example that just because it has been approximately 10 months in this case it means dna can not be obtained. It can take quite a long time...
Phew, the following is information I have been following in another partial remains UID case in CA.

The following NamUs UP 6788 is partial remains. The sample, which is larger than our sample (leg bones) were sent to the CA-DOJ in April of 2010. DNA was updated on the case file in October of this year, giving a time frame of appx 30 months. This was done through the state, not a private lab afaik, and there was no rush afaik.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #3

I'm just adding this as an example that just because it has been approximately 10 months in this case it means dna can not be obtained. It can take quite a long time...
30 months! Really? That's almost three years! What on earth could take three years?

Any news at all?
30 months! Really? That's almost three years! What on earth could take three years?

Any news at all?

I think there is a very large back log in trying to obtain DNA from older cases. They often have to make several attempts to obtain a viable strand and that can sometimes take years. I've seen cases where it took 5 years to obtain a viable dna strand. I think it has to do with age of the remains, technology available and priority. Cases going through the court system and being prosecuted are always going to take priority over those which are just waiting identification. Add to that we are talking about a very small sample here, so each attempt to obtain DNA which is unsuccesful leaves less and less available for future attempts at a viable strand.

The wait continues. I can't believe we've been waiting almost a year. In about a month it will be one year we've been waiting.

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