S.B.T.C ... The real meaning ?

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If she fell or was pushed off the staircase she would almost certainly have other bruises and/or broken bones.
I agree. It's one thing to have an accident that IS an accident. You don't know how bad it is, and you call for help. It's another thing altogether to directly cause a terrible injury, even without intention. Because then it's YOUR fault. "I did that." But, as I think happened in Patsy's case, you're too self-absorbed or just too much of a perfectionist to admit it, to anyone else or yourself. You don't think she's still alive or that there's any hope. And even if there is, what kind of life will she have from here on? A wheelchair-bound invalid unable to feed herself for the rest of her life? She'll never win any pageants that way. And you could have a recurrence of cancer any time. And what if she does regain consciousness? What if she blabs what happened?
Add to that finding out that your baby was broken in another way, which adds a practical reason for a coverup.

I didn't mean to get so graphic, but I had to speak my mind.

Exactly, SuperDave. When I watched the footage of the staircase and the description that it was a metal staircase with padded steps, I got a sinking feeling. The only reason not to call an ambulance is because her fall and blow to the head was caused by an aggressive action by someone in the home (my guess, Patsy). She would not call for help for all reasons you listed. Probably why they could live with themselves because they think it was an accident and wanted to cover it up. They must have been running on extreme emotions and no sleep and the note and staged abduction was their best idea.

I agree with your characterization, INTN. But it doesn't jibe with me, and not just because of the lack of injuries from a fall down a flight of stairs. I did consider what you said about an aggressive action and why they could live with themselves, but it would have looked like an accident, so why go through all the rest of it?
Folks, I'm reading a book about J.R.R. Tolkien.

Early in his career, he & C.S. Lewis & other writers meet in a teahouse, and called themselves the Tea Club.

They moved their get-togethers to another restaurant, known as Barrow's Store, and used the name Barrovian Society.

Before too long they were using the initials T.C.B.S.

Was anyone in the household known to be a Tolkien fan???
This may have been mentioned before but I am leaning towards, She Belongs To Christ. The other that has been mentioned time and time again, Saved By The Cross, is also so plausible. Or She Bares The Cross (PR referring to herself). With "victory" being involved at the end it has to be something absolving PR of her "sin" or somehow justifying her action in the murder/coverup in the eyes of God.
P.S. I'm a long time lurker/reader. I do not have a lot to add...it's all been hashed out pretty amazingly. Can't wait to see the sh**show on DP. ;)
Folks, I'm reading a book about J.R.R. Tolkien.

Early in his career, he & C.S. Lewis & other writers meet in a teahouse, and called themselves the Tea Club.

They moved their get-togethers to another restaurant, known as Barrow's Store, and used the name Barrovian Society.

Before too long they were using the initials T.C.B.S.

Was anyone in the household known to be a Tolkien fan???

Strange minds think alike, Laughing! I posited that idea more than ten years ago on a different forum. But it's never come out if anyone in the house liked Tolkien. That Tea Club of the Barrovian Society stuff sure sounds like something Patsy would go for, though.
Thanks, Dave!

Dave, Frigga, Tadpole, et al, head over to the Lori Ruff threads, please, hers is a case that could be solved...warning, another serious time vampire!
My puters and network are named after LOTR & Hobbit characters. I learned to love reading because of those books. Sorry to be off topic.
Stand by to cry
Search by the cellar
Stairs by the cellar
Stand before the cellar
Searched by the cops
Sold by the corporation
Sacked by the ceo

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I see Search By The Cellar as a contender.
I honestly just think it's "Some Body (sic) That Cares." I think it's a closing like saying "your secret admirer." or how sometimes in newspaper columns they don't use real names, they'll say "A Concerned Resident." Either because this person in their own sick way believed they cared about Jon Benet or because they were saying that they cared about John, but in an ironic mocking way.

I think it goes without saying I'm not in the "family did it" camp. Just so much evidence pointing away from that and very little pointing towards.

I think John Douglas was right that this isn't a very sophisticated person. This is someone who watches a lot of movies, who has a vivid fantasy life, to the point where I think he has trouble sometimes separating fantasy and reality. I also think it is someone who was in the family's circle, but not close. They know that John used to live in Atlanta. (southern reference), but don't seem to know that he was born in Nebraska and went to college in Michigan - they assume he was just raised in the South.

I was able to find a note that was signed this way (somebody who cares/ someone who cares, etc.) It was written by someone who had put pipe bombs in mailboxes in Illinois and Iowa in 2002. The notes were shorter than this one, but of a similar tone. I'm not at all saying that these cases are related, but I am saying that that pattern of violent conduct/tone of note/vague signature could mean something - perhaps that both offenders had delusions of their own importance or were the type to hold grudges, etc. I might try to run this down more later.
So we're looking for an unsophisticated daydreamer who watches a lot of movies? Amazing Randi has taught me to be skeptical of generic descriptions. Psychics play the generic description game all the time.

Who decides the level of education (social or otherwise) that makes someone sophisticated? Isn't someone who's striving to be an olympic athlete (even if they don't have a snowball's chance in hell) someone who can't separate fantasy from reality? What about the people who go to Vegas believing they'll win big? Don't those people have trouble separating fantasy from reality? Doesn't that description describe many, many people? There are even people who spend more on lottery than they can afford because they believe they'll win.

This description is a ruse. It might sound good on the surface, but is full of a psychic's tricks. I think we need to approach such generic descriptions with skepticism.
The references to films are the weirdest part about the note. Would Patsy have time to be making cinematic references in a note just after the death of her daughter?

I think she wrote the note before she premeditatedly murdered and sacrificed JB.

Hey, just passing by after hearing of this month's media coverage but want to say Doris5's and murder_servant's Crimson Tide posts are the most interesting info in a long time. :rocker: I always and firmly believed S.B.T.C. meant saved by the cross, as it was a frequent exclamation of glory by my religious evangelical/Pentecostal sister, back in the 1970s and 1980s. But now.....hmmmmmm...........

Crimson Tide is on YouTube so I'm going to watch it now and see if there are anymore ransom note references.
So we're looking for an unsophisticated daydreamer who watches a lot of movies? Amazing Randi has taught me to be skeptical of generic descriptions. Psychics play the generic description game all the time.

Who decides the level of education (social or otherwise) that makes someone sophisticated? Isn't someone who's striving to be an olympic athlete (even if they don't have a snowball's chance in hell) someone who can't separate fantasy from reality? What about the people who go to Vegas believing they'll win big? Don't those people have trouble separating fantasy from reality? Doesn't that description describe many, many people? There are even people who spend more on lottery than they can afford because they believe they'll win.

This description is a ruse. It might sound good on the surface, but is full of a psychic's tricks. I think we need to approach such generic descriptions with skepticism.

I get that you are responding to my paraphrase of Douglas, who himself was offering for public consumption a very simplified summary of a more detailed profile.

But these are good questions. In the sense I used it above, sophisticated has nothing to do with one's level of formal education, one's social class, etc., in the same way that when profilers talk about organized vs. disorganized offenders, they aren't really using those words in exactly the same way that you or I would typically use them.

These qualities can actually exist in the same person. Ted Bundy is a good example.

If you think profiling is akin to psychics, I'm not sure you understand how profiling works, or how it came to be. Profilers sought out convicted offenders - many offenders over many years, and interviewed them at length about their motivations, their tactics, and why they made many of the choices they made. That is what informs the work of Douglas and others. It's not foolproof, but even the misses in profiling usually can teach them something new that they hadn't known before about offenders. It is a very different process than psychic divination.
I was, as a matter of fact, commenting on your paraphrasing.

And my point is that you still need to look for the profiling details that are generic or have no measureable means. That's exactly what you communicated.

'Unsophisticated' means different things to different people. I can say that someone's unsophisticated to audience and everyone in the room will understand what I meant. But that changes when you take those audience members out one by one and interview them on what they think I meant. We all have an idea of what it should mean, but it doesn't convey a means of measurement.

Profiling is also one of those sciences where we hear more about the successes. They get to go back afterwards and look at what they got right and downplay what they got wrong. The whole thing is a probabilities game...an educated guess. Unfortunately, what they do is actually very similar to what good psychics do and the language used is very similar. Haven't you noticed that?

Someone who can't separate fantasy from reality 20 years later would either be in prison, the grave or in an institution.
Could this be the real meaning of S.B.T.C?

The ransom note concluded with the single-word exclamation "Victory!" and was signed "S.B.T.C." Investigators are looking into whether those initials may stand for "shall be the conqueror." Other explanations have been proposed for those initials, including that they were a reference to the Subic Bay Training Center, a now-closed naval base where John Ramsey was stationed.

The ransom note clearly mentioned the word," A small foreign faction".
The Subic Bay Training Center, was located in the Philippines

Superdave has posted an excellent link,
Compare the Ransom Note and Patsy Ramsey's handwriting, and be your own judge.

That is a pretty good guess.

I started to think of the BTK killer and was wondering about

Sex Bind Torture Conceal or
Sex Bind Torture Control

But the small faction thing makes me think the Subic Bay Training Center from the Philippians is an even better guess. It fits along with the long RN. Someone who writes an essay for a RN would likely want the letters to mean something and that fits nicely.
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