S.B.T.C ... The real meaning ?

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Olivia, I would say with almost 100% certainty that you are correct. The fact that the bible was opened to that psalm is more than a coincidence in itself, but the fact that JB's present to one of her parents was found with that bible shows that one of them probably sought solace in that bible that night. They might have read several passages that night but they ended on psalm 35 which seems to be a message about rising up against those who would try to bring them down. The card, the bible and that psalm tell a very clear story about what happened that night.

If the dictionary was in fact opened and a corner folded over to point to 'incest', it starts to look like someone was intentionally leaving clues.
If the dictionary was in fact opened and a corner folded over to point to 'incest', it starts to look like someone was intentionally leaving clues.

Or unintentionally. Many people have a Bible and or a dictionary, and wouldn't think twice about these items being in their home and seen by LE. It's only a dictionary. It's a harmless Bible. Nothing the police would be interested in, right?
Hi OliviaG1996, This is from Patsy's June 1998 interview (thank you FFJ) regarding Christmas 1996 presents from JonBenet.

11 TOM HANEY: Big ones, we have the Nintendo
12 and a bike.
14 TOM HANEY: How about for you, what did --
15 PATSY RAMSEY: I got a bicycle.
16 TOM HANEY: Okay. From John?
17 PATSY RAMSEY: From Santa Claus.

18 TOM HANEY: Do you remember anything else?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: JonBenet gave me a little
20 thing she made at school. I haven't been able to find
21 it yet. I hope I find it. It was a little thing that
22 said, the best Christmas present is me. There was a
23 little picture of her on it.
24 TOM HANEY: That is something that they made
25 at school, okay. Was it for you, for you and John
1 or --
2 PATSY RAMSEY: She gave it to me.
3 TOM HANEY: Okay.
4 PATSY RAMSEY: She had one also, I think, for
5 John.
6 TRIP DEMUTH: JonBenet made that?
7 PATSY RAMSEY: Yes. I haven't seen it.
8 TRIP DEMUTH: Does it have a picture of her
9 on it?
10 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, I think (inaudible).
11 TOM HANEY: We might have that. We might.
12 PATSY RAMSEY: Really? Okay.

Thank you, Cranberry!

BBM: Did anyone tell PR that this was supposed to be a serious interview?
Thank you, Cranberry!

BBM: Did anyone tell PR that this was supposed to be a serious interview?

What if Patsy was trying to hint them to John being the Santa who was going to pay JonBenet a secret visit after Christmas?
What if Patsy was trying to hint them to John being the Santa who was going to pay JonBenet a secret visit after Christmas?

Good thinking, icedtea4me. I'm actually surprised PR didn't try to throw in Santa Bill McReynolds's name in this part of the interview. The Ramseys sure do love playing the blame-game.
If the dictionary was in fact opened and a corner folded over to point to 'incest', it starts to look like someone was intentionally leaving clues.

I'd never heard anything about a dictionary. Do you have a source for that?

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I'd never heard anything about a dictionary. Do you have a source for that?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682474/First Floor


•Opened to Word "Incest." "When we checked the photos from a big manila envelope marked as evidence item #85KKY, I almost fell out of my chair, and Peck inhaled in sharp surprise. A picture showed Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary on a coffee table in the first floor study, the corner of the lower left-hand page sharply creased and pointing like an arrow to the word incest. Somebody had apparently been looking for a definition of sexual contact between family members" (Thomas 2000:293; quote and source provided by Internet poster tylin.

•Was Thomas Accurate? Internet poster sue says that in the ninth edition of Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (published in 1991, the last version published before the 10th edition in 1998), the word "incest" is the very first word at the top of the left hand column on a right-hand page (p. 609). This would render Steve Thomas's account impossible; however, an earlier edition of the dictionary might well have shown the word in the right-hand column of the preceding page, in which case this in theory would fit Thomas's description. Thomas also may have misremembered since sue speculates he would not have had direct access to the evidence anymore while writing the book.

•Photographic Resolution? Others have questioned whether a photo that had sufficient detail to show that the book was on a coffee table in the first floor study could possibly be magnified enough to read the print on the dictionary's page. Unfortunately, Thomas's description is not precise enough to deduce whether he knew the dictionary's location from that particular photo or from other descriptive matter/notes contained in the same envelope. If investigators thought this particular dictionary significant, it does not seem improbable that they would include a close-up of the dog-eared page among the many hundreds of crime scene photos taken.
http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682474/First Floor


•Opened to Word "Incest." "When we checked the photos from a big manila envelope marked as evidence item #85KKY, I almost fell out of my chair, and Peck inhaled in sharp surprise. A picture showed Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary on a coffee table in the first floor study, the corner of the lower left-hand page sharply creased and pointing like an arrow to the word incest. Somebody had apparently been looking for a definition of sexual contact between family members" (Thomas 2000:293; quote and source provided by Internet poster tylin.

•Was Thomas Accurate? Internet poster sue says that in the ninth edition of Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (published in 1991, the last version published before the 10th edition in 1998), the word "incest" is the very first word at the top of the left hand column on a right-hand page (p. 609). This would render Steve Thomas's account impossible; however, an earlier edition of the dictionary might well have shown the word in the right-hand column of the preceding page, in which case this in theory would fit Thomas's description. Thomas also may have misremembered since sue speculates he would not have had direct access to the evidence anymore while writing the book.

•Photographic Resolution? Others have questioned whether a photo that had sufficient detail to show that the book was on a coffee table in the first floor study could possibly be magnified enough to read the print on the dictionary's page. Unfortunately, Thomas's description is not precise enough to deduce whether he knew the dictionary's location from that particular photo or from other descriptive matter/notes contained in the same envelope. If investigators thought this particular dictionary significant, it does not seem improbable that they would include a close-up of the dog-eared page among the many hundreds of crime scene photos taken.

BBM: The fact that the page was creased on the lower left-hand side of the page seems even more strange to me. When someone wants to mark a page, don't you usually crease the upper left/right-hand side of the page? Or, obviously, use a bookmark? This seemed intentional.
BBM: The fact that the page was creased on the lower left-hand side of the page seems even more strange to me. When someone wants to mark a page, don't you usually crease the upper left/right-hand side of the page? Or, obviously, use a bookmark? This seemed intentional.

Interesting piece of evidence that. You have to wonder who in that house would have the need to look up that word? John and Patsy would obviously be aware of its definition, but the children probably wouldn't have. So maybe Patsy catches the kids in the middle of something and lashes out saying something like "thats incest, thats disgusting and you should be ashamed". My guess that JB is still too young to navigate a dictionary, so it would have to have been Burke that looked up that word wouldn't it? It wasn't John, it wasn't Jonbenet and it wasn't Patsy. It had to be Burke. Now the question is why would he be looking it up?
Interesting piece of evidence that. You have to wonder who in that house would have the need to look up that word? John and Patsy would obviously be aware of its definition, but the children probably wouldn't have. So maybe Patsy catches the kids in the middle of something and lashes out saying something like "thats incest, thats disgusting and you should be ashamed". My guess that JB is still too young to navigate a dictionary, so it would have to have been Burke that looked up that word wouldn't it? It wasn't John, it wasn't Jonbenet and it wasn't Patsy. It had to be Burke. Now the question is why would he be looking it up?

If it was indeed BR who had looked it up (which I think is a strong possibility), maybe he thought to look it up to make sure PR wasn't just saying incest was looked badly upon, that maybe it really was. It's likely BR thought JBR was the favorite child, and from Dr. Bernhard's observations, he thought PR didn't have much control of what went on in the house. It could be BR didn't believe PR if she said incest was inappropriate and wrong, so maybe he wanted to see for himself. JMO.
BBM: The fact that the page was creased on the lower left-hand side of the page seems even more strange to me. When someone wants to mark a page, don't you usually crease the upper left/right-hand side of the page? Or, obviously, use a bookmark? This seemed intentional.

In coming across this detail mentioned here and there I assumed the page was folded at top and 'incest' happened to coincidentally be a word on the page. I thought maybe Patsy found out something was going on with the children and wanted to confirm if this would be considered incest. A Bible opened to a passage that could connect to SBTC reminded me of the dictionary so I looked for more detail and I was surprised that that page was said to be folded to POINT to the word. If true, that makes me think one parent wanted the other to see it, or someone wanted detectives to see it?
Interesting piece of evidence that. You have to wonder who in that house would have the need to look up that word? John and Patsy would obviously be aware of its definition, but the children probably wouldn't have. So maybe Patsy catches the kids in the middle of something and lashes out saying something like "thats incest, thats disgusting and you should be ashamed". My guess that JB is still too young to navigate a dictionary, so it would have to have been Burke that looked up that word wouldn't it? It wasn't John, it wasn't Jonbenet and it wasn't Patsy. It had to be Burke. Now the question is why would he be looking it up?

I think an adult could be unsure if something is a molestation, or incest. Burke hearing the word is a good possibility, too.
If it was indeed BR who had looked it up (which I think is a strong possibility), maybe he thought to look it up to make sure PR wasn't just saying incest was looked badly upon, that maybe it really was. It's likely BR thought JBR was the favorite child, and from Dr. Bernhard's observations, he thought PR didn't have much control of what went on in the house. It could be BR didn't believe PR if she said incest was inappropriate and wrong, so maybe he wanted to see for himself. JMO.

I was somewhat on the fence as to whether the injuries from the paintbrush attack were and effort to mask a previous sexual assault, or simply to point to a sexually motivated intruder. Now I am certain that something happened in that house that night between Burke and Jonbenet. Burke probably looked up incest. Jonbenet didn't fare quite so well.
I think an adult could be unsure if something is a molestation, or incest. Burke hearing the word is a good possibility, too.

BBM. I think sexual activity between brother and sister would quite obviously be incest in the eyes of well educated John and Patsy. No need to go to a dictionary on that one. If it was between fourth cousins, I could see your point, but this is pretty clear cut.
I was somewhat on the fence as to whether the injuries from the paintbrush attack were and effort to mask a previous sexual assault, or simply to point to a sexually motivated intruder. Now I am certain that something happened in that house that night between Burke and Jonbenet. Burke probably looked up incest. Jonbenet didn't fare quite so well.

At one point, I wondered if the motive for the head bash (if BDI) was because of the assault with the paintbrush (while it was still intact), but I've heard from various sources that the assault was at/near the time of death because of the lack of blood. Either way, in my opinion, something had to have happened between BR and JBR that night, whether it was incestual or just violent.
Makes this picture all the more creepy...

I don't understand why any parent would want a picture like that of their children. There's not even a hint of a smile or happiness on either one of their faces.

Nope, more like a "someones getting lucky" look on Burkes face and an "I'll do anything for my man" look on JBs. Weirdest photo I have ever seen. Anyone got a date on that one? Must have been right near the end no?
Nope, more like a "someones getting lucky" look on Burkes face and an "I'll do anything for my man" look on JBs. Weirdest photo I have ever seen. Anyone got a date on that one? Must have been right near the end no?
Not sure of the month, but it's from the same photo shoot by Judith Phillips (1996) that included the well-known one titled "The Salute". The photographer has written about the circumstances around this photo shoot at FFJ where she posted under the username "Cookie".

The Salute1.jpg

(Reminds me of the Addams Family.)
Not sure of the month, but it's from the same photo shoot by Judith Phillips (1996) that included the well-known one titled "The Salute". The photographer has written about the circumstances around this photo shoot at FFJ where she posted under the username "Cookie".


(Reminds me of the Addams Family.)

You're right, otg, that photo totally screams Addams Family. Did Mrs. Phillips say why JR was absent in this photo?
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