S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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Sep 24, 2008
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With the reports today, what are the feelings that JB might be looking for a plea agreement?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4247688&postcount=7"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.10.05 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***[/ame]

Ya gotta adore Mr. Sheaffer and his suspenders and also his logic in all of this.

Personally I want to see if KB waits at the door of the SA to see if JB arrives anytime soon.
Well, well....did someone finally realize that he is in over his head with this case?
I don't think he is looking for one at all. IMHO Baez wants this to go to trial so he can be on national tv more and more...
If he can spend at least 2 months in front of cameras each and everyday through trial, it gives him 2 months of free advertising!
With the reports today, what are the feelings that JB might be looking for a plea agreement?

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.10.05 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

Ya gotta adore Mr. Sheaffer and his suspenders and also his logic in all of this.

Personally I want to see if KB waits at the door of the SA to see if JB arrives anytime soon.

I think it might be possible that JB's trying to let the SA know that they might entertain a plea deal. They're trying too hard to get the DP off the table. And I think the defense team got SOMETHING in the last round of discovery that has sunk any any all avenues for their defense strategy. Call it a gut feeling. But this last media blitz was a calculated move.

But if the "dream team" is waiting for a plea deal, I certainly wouldn't hold my breath if I were them. I think the SA wants to take this to trial.
Hmm . . . I just read the article on WFTV. I seem to be reading it totally differently than you are.

I don't get the impression that JB is LOOKING for a plea deal. What I'm understanding (maybe incorrectly) is that he is admitting that KC could accept one if it's offered. The signifigance of this statement is not the he/she expects or hopes for one, but that he has not denied the necessity of a plea deal because his client is INNOCENT. In the past he has stuck to his guns on her innocence, and this time he isn't. He's not saying "guilty" either.

His position actually seems very neutral, but compared to his past words & performance, this seems unusual for him.
BION, I think JB would go for the plea, and I further believe that AL would advise for the same.

The problem lies within this specific portion of JB's statement: “Well, that’s not my decision to make. Umm, that, any plea that would ever be taken would have to be taken by Casey and she would have to accept a plea, if one were offered,”

Casey would not accept a plea, nor would CA 'allow' her to. It would negatively impact the money-making and offend their sense of entitlement. Aside from the financial aspects, a plea would require a full disclosure of the circumstances that lead to Caylee's murder and you know that isn't ever going to happen.
I think it might be possible that JB's trying to let the SA know that they might entertain a plea deal. They're trying too hard to get the DP off the table. And I think the defense team got SOMETHING in the last round of discovery that has sunk any any all avenues for their defense strategy. Call it a gut feeling. But this last media blitz was a calculated move.

But if the "dream team" is waiting for a plea deal, I certainly wouldn't hold my breath if I were them. I think the SA wants to take this to trial.


Seems like a pretty good possibility. It's an interesting development, to say the least.
My impression was that Baez was signaling that they would be receptive of a plea deal.
I think it might be possible that JB's trying to let the SA know that they might entertain a plea deal. They're trying too hard to get the DP off the table. And I think the defense team got SOMETHING in the last round of discovery that has sunk any any all avenues for their defense strategy. Call it a gut feeling. But this last media blitz was a calculated move.

But if the "dream team" is waiting for a plea deal, I certainly wouldn't hold my breath if I were them. I think the SA wants to take this to trial.

I am right there with ya, JSR! I think Baez might have used Geraldo (prearranged, of course) to begin laying the path to save face when KC takes a plea, and I do think it is possible (wouldn't have said that 6 months ago).

Baez' only concern would be saving face in the public eye after repeatedly stating that his client was innocent, won't consider plea, etc.....and if even he is now thinking that others may be influencing her to at least save her life, he doesn't want to walk away with egg on his face ("You said you could PROVE she was innocent and now she is telling us she DID IT!") as opposed to laying groundwork that he had some hand in convincing her to "tell the truth", so he turned to his buddy Geraldo and said, "And I want you to ask me about....."

BION, I think JB would go for the plea, and I further believe that AL would advise for the same.

The problem lies within this specific portion of JB's statement: “Well, that’s not my decision to make. Umm, that, any plea that would ever be taken would have to be taken by Casey and she would have to accept a plea, if one were offered,”

Casey would not accept a plea, nor would CA 'allow' her to. It would negatively impact the money-making and offend their sense of entitlement. Aside from the financial aspects, a plea would require a full disclosure of the circumstances that lead to Caylee's murder and you know that isn't ever going to happen.
Guess we don't have to worry about CA not allowing since she hasn't visited her since ............ shoot I don't remember. And it's still not clear whether JB is now allowing KC to receive snail mail from the A clan.

Obviously JB didn't consult with CA or BC on this latest blurb he made. CA must be foaming again and getting a presser ready.
i am right there with ya, jsr! I think baez might have used geraldo (prearranged, of course) to begin laying the path to save face when kc takes a plea, and i do think it is possible (wouldn't have said that 6 months ago).

Baez' only concern would be saving face in the public eye after repeatedly stating that his client was innocent, won't consider plea, etc.....and if even he is now thinking that others may be influencing her to at least save her life, he doesn't want to walk away with egg on his face ("you said you could prove she was innocent and now she is telling us she did it!") as opposed to laying groundwork that he had some hand in convincing her to "tell the truth", so he turned to his buddy geraldo and said, "and i want you to ask me about....."

but i want to see a trial!!

ding ding ding we have a winner!!!:innocent:
Baez has his hands tied here. He knows that his client is guilty. In my opinion, he tried to get KC to agree to a plea deal long, long ago. But KC said no way, I'm innocent. As her attorney, he can do nothing more that regurgitate (sp?) what his client says. As you can see, he has difficulty doing that with conviction.

Now that Caylee has been found, poor baby, Baez knows he doesn't stand a chance in court. The best he can hope for is that he can convince a jury not to fry her. Until KC realizes that though, I don't think there is a chance in you know where, that a plea deal, if offered, would be accepted. Not gonna happen.


Guess we don't have to worry about CA not allowing since she hasn't visited her since ............ shoot I don't remember. And it's still not clear whether JB is now allowing KC to receive snail mail from the A clan.

Obviously JB didn't consult with CA or BC on this latest blurb he made. CA must be foaming again and getting a presser ready.

IIRC. Last we heard CA was pi$$ed that KC wasn't getting communications from them and JB was indicating he wasn't covertly carrying any. CA was going to go direct.

There may be two faces here, one where CA supports the Defense strategy and partners with them; the other more realistic reality that KC is guilty, CA does NOT trust JB and, wants to at least save KC from DP.

Finally, AL had publicly stated that the A's should be allowed to visit KC in jail but we never heard anything more about that. Was that just talk?
My thoughts about the events of the last few days....

You remember AFTER the Oj trial, when we were inundated with press interviews, books, mag articles from the highly esteemed members of the Dream Team about what was REALLY going on behind closed doors between them? I think that is where we are right now in this case....(and when someone from THIS case from the defense writes a book about what REALLY went down, I AM BUYING!!)

AL: I find it very strange that she has still not filed any type of motion, nor taken any legal motivations to try to get the DP taken back off the table. The last DP attorney did it, successfully, shortly after he got involved in the case. AL has had plenty of time to review this case (heck, it takes one of us about two days to read from beginning to end) and still nothing....

I think she originally got involved in this case based on big promises ($$$) by Baez and perhaps really did think there was a chance that KC could be innocent (based on Baez personal comments about case) but after reviewing the discovery they have received, she has basically lost her motivation and is actively pursuing those DP cases that she truly believes in. I think she may be one who is trying to convince KC that a plea for a lesser degree may be her best option. I think AL has basically abandoned Baez (especially after seeing some of his behavior in court and in media)

Macaluso: I think he is a little busy with other things right now! (And how come every time I say his name, the Macarena song is playing in my head!!)

LBK: I think she may also be disgruntled that she is not getting the control in the case as she sees fit (think OJ case again). Haven't seen much fire and gusto from her either, and imagine that the defense is not getting the positive attention from the media, and instead, is kinda being viewed as a joke, and that is not good for her reputation! I think there also may be some financial agreements playing into this.

Between the three of them, I think they have realized that there IS no good defense and the best they could hope for is to attack the "junk science", but have realized that that is also going to be difficult at this point (look at how the media is pointing out the defenses errors!) Keep in mind....none of these players have any interest in trying to save an "innocent" defendent. I think they, like most of us, believe she is guilty, guilty, guilty, and their only interest is the payoff personally, and I don't think they see one anymore.

I think they have all jumped ship and are barely hanging on, but that relations between them and Baez are at an all time low, and Baez is now "lone man standing", feverently clutching his tattered copy of "Fla Law for Dummies" and turning to the only people who he thinks can help him now....the media. And that ain't workin so good for him either...
He also is operating on a solely selfish "how will it affect me" attitude, and now is wanting to slowly ease into saving face when KC considers a plea deal. Remember when they were trying to request a private meeting at the jail with her parents? They all may now be convinced that a plea with 30 years is the best she could hope for??
I am right there with ya, JSR! I think Baez might have used Geraldo (prearranged, of course) to begin laying the path to save face when KC takes a plea, and I do think it is possible (wouldn't have said that 6 months ago).

Baez' only concern would be saving face in the public eye after repeatedly stating that his client was innocent, won't consider plea, etc.....and if even he is now thinking that others may be influencing her to at least save her life, he doesn't want to walk away with egg on his face ("You said you could PROVE she was innocent and now she is telling us she DID IT!") as opposed to laying groundwork that he had some hand in convincing her to "tell the truth", so he turned to his buddy Geraldo and said, "And I want you to ask me about....."


Hmmmm. On the one hand I would say that KC is so vehemently focused and stubborn about never fessing up on her mistruths that she'd go to the needle still affirming her story -- however -- at the last motion hearing KC seemed very emotional. While some of that was acting for the future Jury, I think reality was starting to slap her in the face.

As the discovery is released, while they can look at certain pieces and feel that they can take them on or eliminate them -- the amount of circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. Poking microscopic holes in a mountain.

While KC can choose to believe she will one day get off, at her low times she must be fearful of the DP --- it has an emotional and pyschological impact/weight. I would not be surprised while the last thing KC wants is LWOP it is so much better than the DP. As confidence peaks and troughs and AL pours cold water on it all -- KC must realize her best/only option is a plea.
I believe JB said on Geraldo last night that if a plea deal was offered that it would be up to KC to accept it, not him. I guess he's leaving the decision entirely up to KC according to his statement.
I'd rather see Plea accepted than trial.

Trial: Long, drawn out. Results in Death Penalty that never gets enforced as appeal after appeal is filed, mostly paid for by tax dollars, and we never get the truth.

Plea: KC gets life without chance of parole (same end effect as DP, but cheaper for the public), and we get a full confession which lets us finally know what really happened, and possibly use such knowledge to help prevent future crimes.

On "The Early Show", co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez asked Macaluso and fellow Casey Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez how they will "explain the fact that Casey did not report her daughter missing for a month, that she was out partying when Caylee was supposedly missing, and that she lied to investigators trying to help her find Caylee?"

Baez responded, "We feel that Casey has a very compelling reason for her actions, and we plan on laying them out at trial. That's the proper place for us to lay out a defense."

A compelling reason? She has a freakin' "compelling reason" for not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days?! O please let this go to trial. I just gotta hear the "compelling reason."
My thoughts about the events of the last few days....

You remember AFTER the Oj trial, when we were inundated with press interviews, books, mag articles from the highly esteemed members of the Dream Team about what was REALLY going on behind closed doors between them? I think that is where we are right now in this case....(and when someone from THIS case from the defense writes a book about what REALLY went down, I AM BUYING!!)

AL: I find it very strange that she has still not filed any type of motion, nor taken any legal motivations to try to get the DP taken back off the table. The last DP attorney did it, successfully, shortly after he got involved in the case. AL has had plenty of time to review this case (heck, it takes one of us about two days to read from beginning to end) and still nothing....

I think she originally got involved in this case based on big promises ($$$) by Baez and perhaps really did think there was a chance that KC could be innocent (based on Baez personal comments about case) but after reviewing the discovery they have received, she has basically lost her motivation and is actively pursuing those DP cases that she truly believes in. I think she may be one who is trying to convince KC that a plea for a lesser degree may be her best option. I think AL has basically abandoned Baez (especially after seeing some of his behavior in court and in media)

Macaluso: I think he is a little busy with other things right now! (And how come every time I say his name, the Macarena song is playing in my head!!)

LBK: I think she may also be disgruntled that she is not getting the control in the case as she sees fit (think OJ case again). Haven't seen much fire and gusto from her either, and imagine that the defense is not getting the positive attention from the media, and instead, is kinda being viewed as a joke, and that is not good for her reputation! I think there also may be some financial agreements playing into this.

Between the three of them, I think they have realized that there IS no good defense and the best they could hope for is to attack the "junk science", but have realized that that is also going to be difficult at this point (look at how the media is pointing out the defenses errors!) Keep in mind....none of these players have any interest in trying to save an "innocent" defendent. I think they, like most of us, believe she is guilty, guilty, guilty, and their only interest is the payoff personally, and I don't think they see one anymore.

I think they have all jumped ship and are barely hanging on, but that relations between them and Baez are at an all time low, and Baez is now "lone man standing", feverently clutching his tattered copy of "Fla Law for Dummies" and turning to the only people who he thinks can help him now....the media. And that ain't workin so good for him either...
He also is operating on a solely selfish "how will it affect me" attitude, and now is wanting to slowly ease into saving face when KC considers a plea deal. Remember when they were trying to request a private meeting at the jail with her parents? They all may now be convinced that a plea with 30 years is the best she could hope for??
and what happened to the high profile experts that were brought in.We saw a little bit of Henry Lee,what do the others have to add?I think they also,told JB it didn't look good for KC.
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