Saddam Likely to Be Hanged Before New Year, U.S. Military Officials Say

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richandfamous said:
same here...said server was busy try again later...but it posted anyway..
Guess I'm not the only one, that makes me feel better:)
richandfamous said:
this is what they mean by "shroud"

Oh! :doh: Thank you, I DID see that picture on drudge then, but it wasn't that big.

Tom'sGirl said:
Trying to post it took so long for some reason, just like last night everything started running slow..........crap, and I have DSL now :doh:

ETA: Tried sending again another post and it comes up with server too busy at times, am I the only one?
It's been real slow here on my end, too - so you're not the only one! I haven't gotten the error message, though, mine's just reallllly slow!
Jeana (DP) said:

Saddam Hussein's body has been taken to his hometown of Tikrit and will be buried next to his sons there Sunday, reports from Iraq say.
Wow, I bet all of his victims families would have liked to be have their loved ones flown home after they were murdered by Saddam. I never realized just how much I detest(ed) this man!
SieSie said:
Oh! :doh: Thank you, I DID see that picture on drudge then, but it wasn't that big.

It's been real slow here on my end, too - so you're not the only one! I haven't gotten the error message, though, mine's just reallllly slow!
There is another one that is a video not a still, of the shroud scene. i just can't find it again.
I am glad it is over. His life is still not worth 3,000 American lives. He was a brutal dictator and what it takes to take him down or the Duncan's of the world should be as quick. Glorifying him in any way takes away from every victim of the brutality done. I just see this as divine karma for so much hurt.

As far as retribution, it would be done because the sand shifted if you want to be criminal. Never be afraid of bullies as they win if you are.
MedEditor said:
Check out and you will find the picture with the shroud and the cell-phone video of SH "swinging." The video is very grainy and Drudge has the *graphic* disclaimer along with it.

Thanks. This is the one that was taken with a video camera.

Dec. 30, 2006 - Ali Al Massedy was 3 feet away from Saddam Hussein when he died. The 38 year old, normally Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's official videographer, was the man responsible for filming the late dictator's execution at dawn on Saturday. "I saw fear, he was afraid," Ali told NEWSWEEK minutes after returning from the execution. Wearing a rumpled green suit and holding a Sony HDTV video camera in his right hand, Ali recalled the dictator's last moments.

This is stated in the link below;

MAN WHO FILMED SADDAM'S DEATH: 'I Saw Fear, He Was Afraid'...
From the Seattle Post Intelligencer: a guard shouted to Saddam;"You have destroyed us. You have killed us..We live in destitution because of you. God Damn You."---Saddam replied "God Damn You'---Saddam then started reading from the Quoran,but after a few sentences the trap door swung open---his neck became elongated and his head turned impossibly to the right, a grisly reminder that the great dictator was indeed dead
I have given up for now, loads up the video screen but nada.

Loaded up the google viewer, nada.

System overloaded, nada.

downloaded the fix.exe thingie, nada.

Turned off the graphic blocker,nada.


Peter your quotes were graphic, an elongated neck, ewwww.

What horror and fear the Iraqi people suffered under his 'reign'.

Can we even imagine the traumatic emotions the Iraqi people are going through now, and not understanding what real freedom can be.

To give ones life to attain freedom for another person or people is not being understood totally by all who reside and are part of a freedom loving American population.

To have your life taken because of the murdering and killing of your countries peoples who merely wish to live quietly and enjoy their daily pursuits is quite another matter for consideration.

Saddams management skills were sadly lacking in concern for all people.

There is a video someone took with a cell phone of the full hanging. It jumps alot but you can see him fall and people were taunting him. One version was translated and while being taunted Saddam says something like "Please don,t...." and the rest is unintelligeable.

Ebaumsworls has a video of the crappy cell phone video.
Becba said:
There is a video someone took with a cell phone of the full hanging. It jumps alot but you can see him fall and people were taunting him. One version was translated and while being taunted Saddam says something like "Please don,t...." and the rest is unintelligeable.

Ebaumsworls has a video of the crappy cell phone video.
Yes, the link was posted, it is a crappy video, but considering, better than most could have done being pushed and shoved I guess. Here's the link that has been posted so many times.........:)

Happy New Year!
I heard on the news that the place that Saddam was hung in was his former torture and execution center.

It also states it on this link;

Peter's right! Only his tough skin was holding that big head to his corpse. And he only dropped 3'. The rope was not taught when he fell. Guess I don't understand the mechanics of hanging. I am sure it was him, seeing his head snapped back at a 90 degree angle from his body, swinging back and forth. And I guess the blood was from the rope whapping his face as it became taut. Grissly!~
Finally got to see the video. Wondering why there was so much of it that was just black and Flashes of the real thing in good color.

That quick noise and drop, I jumped.

He is a goner now, who will take his place, hmmm.

I recall seeing pictures at the end of WWII of the war criminals that were hung. Just danging at the end of their respective ropes, on the front pages of all the newspapers at that time.


Actually Camper,,Saddam died way too easy--He should have died like those Nazi mass-murderers--all of their hangings were botched,thank God, and they all slowly strangled to death--Should have been Saddam's fate also----Saddam's last diatribe was pretty funny,yelling and cursing--reminded me of Star Trek II where KHan is dying but hates Kirk so much that he says "From my last breath I spit at Thee!"-- lol too funny
Friday night when Saddam was executed we were down at Gayna's Pub here on Tybee. The bartender had CNN on one television and when the announcement was made that Saddam was dead there was absolutley no response from any of the 50 or 60 people there. People just looked up at the television not really sure how they were suppose to feel. There was no celebration, no high fiving, no cheering. I realized that most everyone there felt exactly like I did. Saddam is dead along with 3000 American Soldiers and countless thousands of Iraqy civilians and I along with most everyone else cant figure out WTF we are doing over there.

Many, myself included have loved ones over there and our biggest fear is it will increase the danger and threat to them.

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