Saudis Behead, Crucify Convicted Child Molester, Murderer

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Lovejac dear, I know you've seen my other posts regarding my position on child molesters & those who also kill children.

I do not support humane outcomes to those who commit inhumane things.

He got exactly what he deserved. I strongly believe our pendulum has swung FAR TOO MUCH in the criminals rights and not even close to what victims deserve. Child rapists/killers do not deserve their life - ever ever ever! I hope he's visiting the utter pits of hell which he will never, for all eternity ever escape. Maybe that's a good start for justice to this little boy & his dad.

If that makes me a heartless barbaric person, so be it. I can confidently face my Lord with my head held high. My husband and I give far more to the world than we take from it. To see these same freaks allowed to live disgusts me to the core. Sorry if that makes me come across as hateful, I am not. I'm all for protecting our children and if having this happen to the criminal is what it takes to keep EVEN 1 CHILD safe... I'm in.

I don't support a great part of the middle east judicial decisions or way of life, but I feel they made an intelligent decision in this case.


I am right there with you. I am willing to bet that Suadi and and other middle eastern countries have FAR LESS child molestors and pedophiles than our western civilization does. So I am all for it. I truly think that we need to start implementing this style of punishmnet on all the convicted child molestors we have here in the US and maybe they would stop doing these things. Am I willing to sacrifice a child molestor/ pedophile rights and priveliges for the safety and well being of my children/ Absolutely !!!! Obviously our legal system that we have in place for dealing with this scum doesn;t work. So we have to change it. Well if it WORKS in the Middle Eat, then I am willing to try that here. These pedophiles would think twice before they hurt one of our children again.


I am right there with you. I am willing to bet that Suadi and and other middle eastern countries have FAR LESS child molestors and pedophiles than our western civilization does. So I am all for it. I truly think that we need to start implementing this style of punishmnet on all the convicted child molestors we have here in the US and maybe they would stop doing these things. Am I willing to sacrifice a child molestor/ pedophile rights and priveliges for the safety and well being of my children/ Absolutely !!!! Obviously our legal system that we have in place for dealing with this scum doesn;t work. So we have to change it. Well if it WORKS in the Middle Eat, then I am willing to try that here. These pedophiles would think twice before they hurt one of our children again.

Girl Forced to Marry at Nine Murdered After She Sought Annulment
Pedophilia Plagues Middle East

If you research age of consent for middle east countries you will find that the vast majority do not have a minimum age. If her father says she is marriable (a requirement for legal sex) then she is old enough. The countries that do have a minimum age for marriage (13 for girls) is the minimum age without parental consent. With consent there are no restriction.

The man killed in this case that we are discussing was most likely handled the way he was because the sex was of a homosexual nature. A crime that is punishable by death. They consider him to be a pervert for different reasons than we do.

Again, one less pedophile is always a move in the right direction to me, but the Middle East is really not where we should look for inspiration IMO.
impatientredhead, your thoughts are so well written, thank you for giving something to think about.
For me this issue wasn't even about a middle east justice system.

Like others have said here, Pedo's serve no purpose on earth. They cannot be cured and most children that die at the hands of a pedo are from pedo's with a PRIOR criminal history of raping kids. If they were put to death immediately after their 1st KNOWN rape of a child, they clearly could never harm another. How many children a Pedo harms would shock you all.... never the 'small' number it comes up as.

I don't necessarily believe that the DP would be a deterrence for someone as sick as a child molester, but it's not about detterance. IMO it's about protecting the most innocent / our children. I was very disappointed when the Supreme Court overturned the decision regarding NOT killing pedophiles who rape but DO NOT KILL children. Because they left the child alive makes their act any less horrific? I don't understand their decision at all.

I'm equally thankful to be able to write my opinion about the Supreme court... in the middle east, that could never happen.

These people have no reason to exist - in my eyes, they are not human. There's nothing human about a beast who takes, rapes & tortures, often kills violently a little helpless child for their own self gratification & enjoyment. The pain inflicted on that child prior to their death... there is no justice in the world that would ever equal what that child went through.

Coming from Canada (no death penalty) to a state where they 'hang 'em high' Texas, I feel more at home here than I ever did in Canada. At least here, I have the right to go on the internet, add in my zip code and see the creeps & their faces around me. In Canada, heaven forbid law abiding parents of young children could ever do anything like that. IT'S AN INFRINGEMENT of the Pedo's privacy. :sick: :rolleyes:

So it comes down to what matters the most... our children. If legally killing a lousy stinking low life scum of the earth pedophile will SAVE other children from harm, again... I'M IN! Where do I sign?
He got what he deserved!!

I mean really.. what USE is any child molestor/killer?

they will never change..

Just rid of them all... nasty people
I think it was a beautifully fitting punishment for the crime - he would have learned a valuable lesson from that one!
I believe he got what he so dearly deserved. Our system in the USA has failed the children. I think all child molesters deserve the DP. We spend too much time monitoring them and not enough time speeding up their death sentences. They will never change.

At least this was done quickly and the monster was put to death. I may not agree with how it was done, but he no longer can harm a child.

I have mixed feelings about the DP for convicted sex predators of children, however, this problem is getting more rampid or the media is exposing more and more of this problem. It seems NO ONE is protecting our children and the other day when Grady Judd arrested 45 kiddie *advertiser censored* and broke up the ring.... it is clear these sickos have no FEAR of their actions. My boyfriend is an atty and my first comment was all of these men should be shot....or course I was lectured as too why this will not happen and should not happen because of our laws.

When I was younger a girl in our neighborhood was abducted...he was caught before anything happened to this little girl. This was back in the 70's and this perv had been castrated previously, I do not know the circumstances I was to young, but this did not stop this creep with the urges.

Since Obama is closing should be kept open and place all the convicted child molesters there. If the space runs out....hang em' all. As far as the Saudis, the punishment for this man was fitting, even if it seems barbaric.... the treatment of the poor children is a lot worse. I have nightmares over the Judd interview when I read one of the little victims was screaming....Daddy make it stop being heard on the film of the kiddie *advertiser censored*...
Lovejac dear, I know you've seen my other posts regarding my position on child molesters & those who also kill children.

I do not support humane outcomes to those who commit inhumane things.

He got exactly what he deserved. I strongly believe our pendulum has swung FAR TOO MUCH in the criminals rights and not even close to what victims deserve. Child rapists/killers do not deserve their life - ever ever ever! I hope he's visiting the utter pits of hell which he will never, for all eternity ever escape. Maybe that's a good start for justice to this little boy & his dad.

If that makes me a heartless barbaric person, so be it. I can confidently face my Lord with my head held high. My husband and I give far more to the world than we take from it. To see these same freaks allowed to live disgusts me to the core. Sorry if that makes me come across as hateful, I am not. I'm all for protecting our children and if having this happen to the criminal is what it takes to keep EVEN 1 CHILD safe... I'm in.

I don't support a great part of the middle east judicial decisions or way of life, but I feel they made an intelligent decision in this case.

Pattycake, excellent, excellent, post. I couldn't agree with you on a deeper level.
Well, I am not sure I have a whole lot of faith in the SA justice system...given the fact that rape victims can be stoned etc.

I struggle with the DP in general-I think if we are going to aspire to being a humane society we need to be humane across the boards. However, I am irked by the idea that folks who are unable to live their lives without maiming and or killing others will be given 3 squares until their natural life runs out when there are millions of innocents who live below the poverty line....I would rather give the three squares to them.

I don't know. But back on topic, lol, I do not think that beheading a convicted killer and molester and then displaying the body is any real deterrent truly. I think I would need to see some proof that it does. The guy had been convicted of other crimes in the past and whatever punishment meted out to him then didn't stop him from escalating.

It's the ULTIMATE deterrent for him;)
Much as I hate to admit it.....when I read the headline....I kinda hoped that they crucified him before beheading him.

And that is SO not a lost indie thing to think or say. I just get so angry and frustrated when children are victimized.
Swift justice. He raped and murdered a child and the child's father. We can be 100% sure that he will not re-offend.

Be-heading makes me sick but not when the convicted raped and murdered a little boy. He knew the law and the consequences of his actions, that is why he killed the daddy who came looking for his son.

Our problem with SO's is that we are entirely too lenient and despite the fact that we know they can not be rehabilitated, we continue to release them into society and put the onus on the citizens to inform themselves of the locations of the RSO's and to protect themselves. It is a social experiment that has proven to be a failure time and again.

A mouse in a maze will change course when there is no cheese at the end of a known path.,2933,523364,00.html

I would like to hear some opinions about this.

I'm not ever down with the public or private torture and murder of sentient matter how much I think the sentient being "deserves" it.

I want to make different choices from someone who rapes and murders. Joining the Darkness will never bring more Light into this world.
I think there has to be some balance, but I also think that we've intellectualized ourselves right around a circle and back to stupid.

Since our society started to be more compassionate to criminals, crime has increased, so how can you think that not engaging in some dark stuff doesn't help from time to time? Can you give me an example of how our lean toward the attitude that doing such horrible things puts us squarely in the same shoes as the perpetrator has helped us?

A spiritual person I admire once told me that we all have an evil side. It's OK to use your evil side for good. Hmm. In other words, if you have to do something that would be considered evil in another situation, it could still be a good thing for many in another totally different situation.

I agree that we have to try and stay in the light as much as possible, but the darkness is inevitably there and perhaps a combination of dark and light is the only remedy in certain cases. A pacifist will eventually be destroyed if he doesn't learn how to fight for self defense. I admire those Chinese monks who are spiritual and deadly all the same. They understand the need to use a violent power for good.

We can't view all acts the same.

Society should have the right to punish, even if it's considered inhumane or evil and I don't think that makes it in any way equal to the act of the perp.
I LOVE it! They should start doing it here and televising it!

Televise executions would do what? It would not be a deterent against violence, but (imo) would desensitize the public to death and punishment. We need more empathy in our world, not less. How many people have complained that games we allow ourselves and children to play have already taken away what it means to die??? It is not, nor should ever be, considered punishment entertainment. The Saudi's, as well as other countries, have laws that many times we have made noise about. Many an American have felt to be atrocities against the person vs the crime they committed.

I do not, in ANY way, shape, or form, believe pedophiles deserve a slap on the hand or a pass to repeat the heinous acts that they do to any child. However, there must be a way to make it Law, across all of the States, regarding such crimes that these people are taken away from others. No safe crossing the State borders where the laws are different and they receive no more than the minimum and some ankle bracelet.

FWIW, I support the death penalty for pedophiles, who repeat their crimes against children over and over even after having served sentences. I say two or three strikes and your out.

I haven't commented about the beheading because I don't have an opinion one way or another about Saudi laws on this topic but I do respect the opinions that have been posted here.
I think there has to be some balance, but I also think that we've intellectualized ourselves right around a circle and back to stupid.

Since our society started to be more compassionate to criminals, crime has increased, so how can you think that not engaging in some dark stuff doesn't help from time to time? Can you give me an example of how our lean toward the attitude that doing such horrible things puts us squarely in the same shoes as the perpetrator has helped us?

A spiritual person I admire once told me that we all have an evil side. It's OK to use your evil side for good. Hmm. In other words, if you have to do something that would be considered evil in another situation, it could still be a good thing for many in another totally different situation.

I agree that we have to try and stay in the light as much as possible, but the darkness is inevitably there and perhaps a combination of dark and light is the only remedy in certain cases. A pacifist will eventually be destroyed if he doesn't learn how to fight for self defense. I admire those Chinese monks who are spiritual and deadly all the same. They understand the need to use a violent power for good.

We can't view all acts the same.

Society should have the right to punish, even if it's considered inhumane or evil and I don't think that makes it in any way equal to the act of the perp.

You make fine points, ziggy, and I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree. I do not think crime has gotten worse as humans have gotten more "compassionate." I think our world today is "better" than it ever has been before and I hope we keep growing that way. So, perhaps it all boils down to perspective.

I don't have any brilliant answers. I personally don't care at all about punishing a crime - I have no connection to that emotionally or spiritually - it's meaningless to me personally, though I understand and respect that others feel attachment to the concept.

I do get that for the greater safety of our society, some people need to be taken out of the mainstream. I have no problem with this. I have no problem with taking them out of the mainstream sooner (after the first crime) and keeping them out of the mainstream longer (for their entire life if you wish).

I do not view all acts the same, but in the end I do not believe that I (or any human being I am currently aware of) have the perspective or wisdom to effectively judge and mete justice. Again, I appreciate the desire to find and render justice - I appreciate that we care enough to take it on. But I think it's safe to say we're not truly up to the task - we don't have the "power" to be up to the task.

If my child is raped and murdered and then someone rapes and murders the perpetrator in the name of justice, how is anything balanced out? My pain is not ameliorated; my family is not made whole; the world is not brightened in any way. Society cannot offer me any real justice, so it serves up the only thing it can offer - bloodthirsty revenge. That works for some, but not for me.

Not many things are black and white for me - I am all swirled up in the beautiful shades of grey Life here presents. But this is simple for me - no higher purpose is served when a human tortures and murders another human.
Well, I am not sure I have a whole lot of faith in the SA justice system...given the fact that rape victims can be stoned etc.

I struggle with the DP in general-I think if we are going to aspire to being a humane society we need to be humane across the boards. However, I am irked by the idea that folks who are unable to live their lives without maiming and or killing others will be given 3 squares until their natural life runs out when there are millions of innocents who live below the poverty line....I would rather give the three squares to them.

I don't know. But back on topic, lol, I do not think that beheading a convicted killer and molester and then displaying the body is any real deterrent truly. I think I would need to see some proof that it does. The guy had been convicted of other crimes in the past and whatever punishment meted out to him then didn't stop him from escalating.

Maybe the punishment meted out to this guy didn't work, I bet the last punishment meted out to this child predator worked.
respectfully snipped :blowkiss:

If my child is raped and murdered and then someone rapes and murders the perpetrator in the name of justice, how is anything balanced out? My pain is not ameliorated; my family is not made whole; the world is not brightened in any way. Society cannot offer me any real justice, so it serves up the only thing it can offer - bloodthirsty revenge. That works for some, but not for me.

I'm going to borrow one of your sentences above.

If my child is raped and murdered and then someone rapes and murders the perpetrator in the name of justice, how is anything balanced out? I, personally would feel justification knowing that the perp is dead and no other family will go through the same pain (at least from that ) Not to mention that most pedo's (and I'm using that b/c were talking about someone raping a child) have offended before and quite possibly, if that pedo had been stopped before, my/your child would still be alive. KWIM, anyhoo just MPO!

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