DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Pocono Sleuther said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yikes! I definitely think PR is way craftier than anyone gives her credit for. I'm still a bit on the fence, but this one rings true to me.

Great catch!!
thank you! i've been saying that all along. she was very creative-look at how creative jbr's acts on stage were and i think patsy was very very intelligent. she knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted out of life! being in the running for miss america and marrying john were no accident.
look at all the crafty things she did for the kids at the house.
hell, i would have had fun at her house doing all that fun stuff.
rashomon said:
Imo the reason why Patsy and John got away with manslaughter followed by obstruction of justice (I don't think it was murder) was not their intelligence, but the BPD's stupitity, and later the DA's cowardice.

I'll second that.
miles407 said:
About the same as a year book from 20 years ago containing the phrase "Shall be the Conqueror" written by a young man who would go on to become insane and claim to be JB's killer.
Yeppers I like the idea that sitting at a desk writing the ransom note, and coming to the end of it, reflecting on the matter staring at the telephone and thinking.

Further I liked post #21 as follows:

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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 940
A PIN number?

I wonder what the PIN number for her ATM is/was?

--->>>I do believe that she could have put the equivalent of her pin number at the bottom of the letter. SBTC was one of the very FEW bits of info that PR gave to the 911 Dispatcher. WHY?

I use different passwords online depending on what I am using them for. OFTEN I sit and stare at the computer key board searching for 'something to use' that I will remember.

IF IF 'PATC' was a PIN number for her, then she could have easily done what our brilliant new poster did to arrive at SBTC.

ONLY BIG question now is WHAT does the PD do with this thought OR anyone else for that matter?

Still and also, IF IF she wrote the note, it does not mean that she killed her daughter.

Camper said:
Yeppers I like the idea that sitting at a desk writing the ransom note, and coming to the end of it, reflecting on the matter staring at the telephone and thinking.

Further I liked post #21 as follows:

Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 940
A PIN number?

I wonder what the PIN number for her ATM is/was?

SBTC was one of the very FEW bits of info that PR gave to the 911 Dispatcher. WHY?

Because the dispatcher asked her "does it say who took her?" Twice!

I don’t know. Just found a note a note and my daughter is missing
911: Does it say who took her?
PR: What?
911: Does it say who took her?
PR: No I don’t know it’s there...there is a ransom note here.
911: It’s a ransom note.
PR: It says S.B.T.C. Victory...please
4sure said:
Because the dispatcher asked her "does it say who took her?" Twice!

I don’t know. Just found a note a note and my daughter is missing
911: Does it say who took her?
PR: What?
911: Does it say who took her?
PR: No I don’t know it’s there...there is a ransom note here.
911: It’s a ransom note.
PR: It says S.B.T.C. Victory...please
Well, unless S.B.T.C. is your "small foreign faction", then Patsy is directly subconsciously implicating herself with this answer.
First of all why wouldn't a mother read every scrap of that note, and why wouldn't she even MENTION that the note said to NOT call anyone or they would behead JonBenet?

Every good story needs a good ending, SBTC.

The What = JonBenet is/was gone, kidnapped.
The Why = Cuz they donut respect JR's business.
The When = 'They' will call tomorrow.
The Where = In actuality - the basement.
The Who = SBTC

LinasK said:
Well, unless S.B.T.C. is your "small foreign faction", then Patsy is directly subconsciously implicating herself with this answer.
I am completely flabbergasted by this statement. Please help me out LinasK. Why would answering the dispatchers question implicate her in any way?
Very clever work Miles!
Now tell us, can this theory be used for the numbers 407 behind your name?
Just wondering.
Camper said:
First of all why wouldn't a mother read every scrap of that note, and why wouldn't she even MENTION that the note said to NOT call anyone or they would behead JonBenet?
Camper, I read through many of the past threads concerning this matter and I greatly enjoy reading your thoughts.
Could the answer to your question be sheer panic by a mother confronted with a missing daughter and a three page ransome note that she cannot concentrate enough to read through? You know true panic is something few of us go through and are even less 4sure about how we would react while it permeates.
"I am completely flabbergasted by this statement. Please help me out LinasK. Why would answering the dispatchers question implicate her in any way?"

Because she claimed she didn't read the whole thing.

"Could the answer to your question be sheer panic by a mother confronted with a missing daughter and a three page ransome note that she cannot concentrate enough to read through? You know true panic is something few of us go through and are even less 4sure about how we would react while it permeates."

But that's not the issue. Either she DID read it or she didn't.
Well here comes my shoulda, woulda, coulda theory.

PR coulda been reading the note while JR was calling the BPD.

OR JR coulda read the whole note while PR was calling their friends.

Having been a secretary for a number of attornies over time, and secretaried for an impressive list of CEO's, I doubt any of them would have hopped to the phone to cry, 'The sky is falling', unless they knew where the sky was going to land.

The note 'WAS THEIR DAUGHTER', it was telling them HOW to get her, WHY NOT read the note no matter what?

WE have hashed this over for so long, as a CEO handling corporate matters, why wouldn't JR have called security for their company ASAP and asked for advice on WHAT to do? I would have thought that he would perhaps have had a cooler head at that moment in time.

Its over for all of us here. UNLESS a person with an alibi can have it cracked, imop.

SBTC four letters many possiblities on a phone including -

S - low
B - oat
T - o
C - hina

one of our very own posters on this tread.
4sure said:
Camper, I read through many of the past threads concerning this matter and I greatly enjoy reading your thoughts.
Could the answer to your question be sheer panic by a mother confronted with a missing daughter and a three page ransome note that she cannot concentrate enough to read through? You know true panic is something few of us go through and are even less 4sure about how we would react while it permeates.
But then, if Patsy was in a total panic, wouldn't at least John, who is a pretty cold-blooded type and as a CEO, used to a making decisions, have gone through the info in the ransom note? Can you imagine a man not wanting to try to take matters into his own hands in such a situation? I'd be interested in male posters' opinion on that. Imagine your wife is in a total panic and doesn't have the nerve to read through the ransom note, and you would leave it at that, and not read the note either? No way imo.

But here we have both Ramseys, who, despite the RN's threat that their daughter would be 'beheaded' if they talked to as much as a stray dog, called both the police and their friends over to their house, as if they had nothing to fear from the kidnappers. And indeed, they had nothing to fear from kidnappers because they knew there were no kidnappers.

I think Patsy was indeed in 'sheer panic'. Not because she was confronted with a missing daughter, but because she was confronted with a dying daughter whose death she herself had caused. Jmpo.
Quote by 4sure:
"Could the answer to your question be sheer panic by a mother confronted with a missing daughter and a three page ransome note that she cannot concentrate enough to read through? You know true panic is something few of us go through and are even less 4sure about how we would react while it permeates."

Exactly 4sure. But it doesn't matter,because to some,no matter how or which way the Ramsey's handled any situation,it was either wrong or done for some sinister reason.
"Can you imagine a man not wanting to try to take matters into his own hands in such a situation? I'd be interested in male posters' opinion on that. Imagine your wife is in a total panic and doesn't have the nerve to read through the ransom note, and you would leave it at that, and not read the note either? No way imo."

It's not just you. In one of their interviews (can't remember which) right now, one of them says that it was John's idea to have her call 911, even though she was "in sheer panic." The cop listening to this responds, and I agree, if it were his wife, he wouldn't do that. He'd do his best to keep cool and call himself.

Interestingly enough, in other statements, Patsy claims it was HER idea.

The plot thickens...
From DOI, pb, pg 11 - 12:

John runs down the main stairs and into the back hallway. I grasp my stomach and run after him. By the time I get to him, he is down on his hands and knees, staring at the sheets of paper spread out on the floor in front of him. He is examining the ransom note, under the ceiling lights of the back hall. The note reads:


"What do we do?" I stammer.
He shouts, "Call the police!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Call them!"


So here in DOI Patsy is saying John tells her to call 911. With the note spread out in front of him, plus him already being on the floor reading it when he tells Patsy to call police, I don't see how he could not have seen the threat to his daughter's life before he told her to do so. He absolutely had to have seen it before she screamed, "We need help!" after hanging up on the 911 operator and started calling their friends to come over.
Because she claimed she didn't read the whole thing.

But that's not the issue. Either she DID read it or she didn't.
I would disagree SD. When asked by 911 she may of simply skimmed the note to the end to see if it was signed. Also SD, if she wrote the note it would seem to me the more logical answer to the dispatchers question would be "a small foriegn faction".
4sure said:
I would disagree SD. When asked by 911 she may of simply skimmed the note to the end to see if it was signed. Also SD, if she wrote the note it would seem to me the more logical answer to the dispatchers question would be "a small foriegn faction".

--->>>A mother would have READ the note. IT was the ONLY link to her baby.

A mother does not pitch her baby into the umbrella rack like Carol Burnett used to do on her TV show, it was a grandbaby on the show, but the same ho hum, itsa baby deal. Nope, NEVER, one or the other would have TOTALLY READ IT.

PERHAPS PR did holler for JOHN then went to the phone before he got downstairs. A regular Dumb and Dumber deal, imop.


YOU would NEVER see this plot in a well made movie, ONE of the main characters WOULD have read the note. Poorly made movie if no one totally read the note. THEN THEN when the unsuspecting reader found the part about NOT calling anyone, no PD, no anyone, the reader woulda nudged and shaken the caller person and said HANG UP, it says here they will behead her IF IF we call. Whatt'll sp? WE do?

Sweat sweat and shake here, start pacing the floor etc. Lights action camera, close up of panicked parent.

"When asked by 911 she may of simply skimmed the note to the end to see if it was signed."

I can't remember if she was asked.

"Also SD, if she wrote the note it would seem to me the more logical answer to the dispatchers question would be 'a small foriegn faction'."

I don't know. I'd have asked more specifics than that.

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