Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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The girl on the left is one of the "friends" Jennifer O the one on the right was not at MB she was someone from JO's past when she lived in NC. This pic is from a year or 2 prior to the MB trip Britt disappeared on.

Sorry in advance but who are these friends? Which one is JO? They look like they belong on Jersey Shore! I wish just one would call DD and apoligize for how rude they have been to her in the last 4 years. UGH.....4 years since she has been missing...this month. It's just not right.
Just wanted to share with you all!

A few weeks ago, I was listening to one of those true crime radio shows, like the ones Susan Murphy Milano used to do. This particular show had Brittanee's aunt (Keri D.) and paternal grandmother (Linda) as their guests. The segment was something like two hours long...even though I skipped around a little, there was still a lot of interesting information they talked about.. mostly Brittanee's childhood along with the days leading up to her leaving for MB. Her stepfather, Dawn's ex-husband Chad, first met Brittanee when she was about two years old, and then legally adopted Brittanee when she was five after he and Dawn got married, and was pretty much the only Father she ever knew until she got older. The birth father is apparently Turkish, and his family didn't approve of him being with any woman that was not of the same nationality, and they definitely didn't approve of having a child with someone who wasn't the same race. They don't clear this up 100%, but I think that they tried to keep the adoption thing a secret from her, because obviously finding out her real Father wasn't interested in being a part of her life would hurt her. Her Grandmother says that by the time Brittanee reached age 16, Dawn & Chad were in the process of separating, and then the real father just pops out of the blue and decides he wants to be a part of her life, which caused even more issues and confusion for Brittanee.

No wonder she was depressed! It seems like everything happened at once.. Parents separating, breakup off and on with the boyfriend, the real Father showing up randomly.. that just sounds like so much to handle.

There were a few points that stood out to me: When her Aunt is explaining the last text messages that were sent/received between Brittanee and her boyfriend, she says that Brittanee and John had been in contact 99% of the time while she was there. She did say though that Brittanee seemed to cut the conversation(s) off a few times, presumably while she was either hanging out with that college kid that took the video of her, Peter, or whoever else she could have met while there. And she says "and the texts.... they weren't good conversations", then says that she doesn't really want to go into detail.

Brittanee and the rest of the group she was at MB with had went to a restaurant at some point, and the waiter who served them told Law Enforcement that Brittanee was actually the only one out of the group who was respectful and polite, and the rest of them were acting like fools and seemed to be drunk and very rude.

She also says that as far as she knows, Brittanee didn't have plans to go out that night. Supposedly, on the afternoon of April 25, 2009, Brittanee had been at her own hotel that she was sharing with the other girls she traveled with. I think she had been sleeping on one of those Murphy Wall beds (The ones that fold up inside the wall).. She was either sitting or sleeping on the Murphy Wall bed when one of the girls came over and pushed the button that causes the bed to fold up for storage, and Brittanee pretty much got slammed into a wall. Apparently that was the last straw for her, and this is what caused her to start walking down to Peter's hotel to hang out.

Here is the link if anyone is interested in listening!

I added some screen shots of texts & times from the Disappeared show-I think those would be more dependable. Honestly I think most of what KD-I'd ensure to get validated from another party, jmo. I have heard the Murphy bed story though before. I do believe that Brittanee was seeking out her father on her own, again jmo, once her parents started divorce proceedings. I guess my point is while most of this may hold some truth-if you're on DDs FB you'd know that KD unfortunately has been known for drama & causing issues for not just DD but CD as well. I believe the stress of the situation has just caused a divide in the family & for some to be mislead from seeing what truly could help Brittanee. Again JMO.
the sizes are way to different for it to be the same top look how baggy it is on the girl in this pic britt was ALOT smaller and it wasn't as baggy on her so it maybe both girls owned the same shirt and didnt want to wear it out on the same night?

Believe it or not JO was a very tiny girl. I think in this photo she doesn't appear to be because of how close it was taken, but I've spoken with someone that has see. Her face to face & they described her as child sized. She may be large chested but she is petite, under 5ft & small framed. I wouldn't be shocked if it was the same shirt, moo.
Thanks C4M for the screen shots; they were sad to view too bad they cut off the earlier ones and any after. Do you think a text went back to Britt's boyfriend John at anytime that might not have been from Brit? I always wondered. IMO I have always thought there was.

I added some screen shots of texts & times from the Disappeared show-I think those would be more dependable. Honestly I think most of what KD-I'd ensure to get validated from another party, jmo. I have heard the Murphy bed story though before. I do believe that Brittanee was seeking out her father on her own, again jmo, once her parents started divorce proceedings. I guess my point is while most of this may hold some truth-if you're on DDs FB you'd know that KD unfortunately has been known for drama & causing issues for not just DD but CD as well. I believe the stress of the situation has just caused a divide in the family & for some to be mislead from seeing what truly could help Brittanee. Again JMO.
there are so many things that just dont add up with this case but what really stands out to me is that with this WHOLE group not ONE person seems even the least bit sorry for her or concerned about helping, not one of them??? I find it hard to believe that a group that size dosent have at least one person in it with any concern or sympathy for her or her loved ones it seems to me like that is normal when a group is scared of something so i guess what i am getting at is who or what might they be scared of that is keeping them from acting like they care at all or are they truly just all heartless horrible ppl?
there are so many things that just dont add up with this case but what really stands out to me is that with this WHOLE group not ONE person seems even the least bit sorry for her or concerned about helping, not one of them??? I find it hard to believe that a group that size dosent have at least one person in it with any concern or sympathy for her or her loved ones it seems to me like that is normal when a group is scared of something so i guess what i am getting at is who or what might they be scared of that is keeping them from acting like they care at all or are they truly just all heartless horrible ppl?

I think and someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I think I heard DD say in some radio interview or TV show that 2 boys from this group stayed behind when everyone else went back to Rochester and helped the boyfriend John G post missing posters around the MB area. I do not know their names though. I would agree overall not a whole lot of concern from these folks.
Believe it or not JO was a very tiny girl. I think in this photo she doesn't appear to be because of how close it was taken, but I've spoken with someone that has see. Her face to face & they described her as child sized. She may be large chested but she is petite, under 5ft & small framed. I wouldn't be shocked if it was the same shirt, moo.

another issue with the shirt: in that interview I posted, around the 51 min. time stamp, you hear KD and the talk show host talking about Brittanee's clothing the last time she was seen, the blue/white shirt, black shorts and white flip flops. KD explains to the host the one way they were able to positively identify this person seen on surveillance footage as being Brittanee was because the grandmother had purchased that blue/white shirt for Brittanee. However, in the picture posted above showing JO wearing that same shirt, that picture was taken at least a year or two prior to Brittanee's disappearance.. either Brittanee borrowed the shirt from JO and the Grandmother/KD are confused, or it's one he** of a coincidence for the both of them to pack the same exact shirt to take on their trip. The clothing doesn't seem baggy on Brittanee, and judging from other photos of JO, she doesn't look to be much bigger in size than Brittanee.

And I don't understand why they were asking her what she was wearing.. Brittanee said that she was on her way back to HER hotel, never mentioned any plans of meeting up with them rather than just walking back to the hotel. She knew where her hotel was, it's not like she was walking around lost. The only way that them asking her what she was wearing would make sense is if they were out driving and had agreed to meet her half way or something to spare her that long walk, and asked what she was wearing so they could spot her easier... but this still wouldn't make sense, she still would have had to go inside and change into her own clothing.
I think and someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I think I heard DD say in some radio interview or TV show that 2 boys from this group stayed behind when everyone else went back to Rochester and helped the boyfriend John G post missing posters around the MB area. I do not know their names though. I would agree overall not a whole lot of concern from these folks.

I think I remember DD saying that there were a couple of guys that traveled from Rochester to MB to help JG with flyers and what not. DD did say that when she got to MB, two of the guys from the group Brittanee was with (AL, JO, etc) came to her hotel room and "had tears in their eyes" and seemed concerned/upset about Brittanee missing, but told DD that they couldn't stay in MB to help and that they had to go back home.
as far as the shirt goes it's very possible that both girl had the same shirt there have been lots of times that me and my friends have wond up buying the same shirt without knowing. in fact this style shirt is pretty popular with girls i have a friend that has a shirt that is very similar to this one ironically she wore this weekend i probably wouldn't have thought twice about where she got it had it not been for this case but she said she believes it came from jc pennys or macys we live all the way in TN so there is no telling how many people could have a similar shirt
I am a little late here catching up on posts, its been awhile since I've checked in. I just wanted to touch on a couple posts on the last page about the radio interview that KD & grandmother did. That interview was May of 2011 I believe, almost 2 years old. At the time, and still, there was a lot of animosity between DD and CD, KD and the rest of their family. At that point, neither KD or her family were privy to a lot of the information on this case. IIRC, DD even posted an open message stating as such on Britts webpage (she lated edited the message to remove their names). Anyways, I'm trying to say that a lot of what they said in the radio interview should be taken with a grain of salt. Some of it I even thought was inappropriate to discuss, and had nothing to do with her disappearance). I remember listening to it live and yelling at them thru my computer! lol If any of you have gone to or are going to listen to it, just keep that in mind. Me personally, I only really listen to what comes directly from DD.

As an aside and kinda OT.....I was hopeful with Susan Murphy-Milano's involvement, especially when she wrote that blog calling out the friends. I went searching a few months back to see if she had written anything else about Britt and found out that she was diagnosed with cancer soon after and she passed away. Her blogs about her illness were very interesting...sad but hopeful. I spent hours caught up reading her stuff.
Thanks C4M for the screen shots; they were sad to view too bad they cut off the earlier ones and any after. Do you think a text went back to Britt's boyfriend John at anytime that might not have been from Brit? I always wondered. IMO I have always thought there was.

Imo, They were released this way as LE only wanted those specifics released. That last text was Brittanees last text sent. You can see JG freak out after & threaten to call DD if she doesn't respond. I've always thought it was Brittanee responding then no linger because if it were a perp when JG flipped wouldn't they have responded again? Maybe told him she decided she'd take his advice & go out so as not to raise his suspicions? Again MOO. :moo:
another issue with the shirt: in that interview I posted, around the 51 min. time stamp, you hear KD and the talk show host talking about Brittanee's clothing the last time she was seen, the blue/white shirt, black shorts and white flip flops. KD explains to the host the one way they were able to positively identify this person seen on surveillance footage as being Brittanee was because the grandmother had purchased that blue/white shirt for Brittanee. However, in the picture posted above showing JO wearing that same shirt, that picture was taken at least a year or two prior to Brittanee's disappearance.. either Brittanee borrowed the shirt from JO and the Grandmother/KD are confused, or it's one he** of a coincidence for the both of them to pack the same exact shirt to take on their trip. The clothing doesn't seem baggy on Brittanee, and judging from other photos of JO, she doesn't look to be much bigger in size than Brittanee.

And I don't understand why they were asking her what she was wearing.. Brittanee said that she was on her way back to HER hotel, never mentioned any plans of meeting up with them rather than just walking back to the hotel. She knew where her hotel was, it's not like she was walking around lost. The only way that them asking her what she was wearing would make sense is if they were out driving and had agreed to meet her half way or something to spare her that long walk, and asked what she was wearing so they could spot her easier... but this still wouldn't make sense, she still would have had to go inside and change into her own clothing.

I am a little late here catching up on posts, its been awhile since I've checked in. I just wanted to touch on a couple posts on the last page about the radio interview that KD & grandmother did. That interview was May of 2011 I believe, almost 2 years old. At the time, and still, there was a lot of animosity between DD and CD, KD and the rest of their family. At that point, neither KD or her family were privy to a lot of the information on this case. IIRC, DD even posted an open message stating as such on Britts webpage (she lated edited the message to remove their names). Anyways, I'm trying to say that a lot of what they said in the radio interview should be taken with a grain of salt. Some of it I even thought was inappropriate to discuss, and had nothing to do with her disappearance). I remember listening to it live and yelling at them thru my computer! lol If any of you have gone to or are going to listen to it, just keep that in mind. Me personally, I only really listen to what comes directly from DD.

As an aside and kinda OT.....I was hopeful with Susan Murphy-Milano's involvement, especially when she wrote that blog calling out the friends. I went searching a few months back to see if she had written anything else about Britt and found out that she was diagnosed with cancer soon after and she passed away. Her blogs about her illness were very interesting...sad but hopeful. I spent hours caught up reading her stuff.

as far as the shirt goes it's very possible that both girl had the same shirt there have been lots of times that me and my friends have wond up buying the same shirt without knowing. in fact this style shirt is pretty popular with girls i have a friend that has a shirt that is very similar to this one ironically she wore this weekend i probably wouldn't have thought twice about where she got it had it not been for this case but she said she believes it came from jc pennys or macys we live all the way in TN so there is no telling how many people could have a similar shirt

First, I want to apologize for not responding sooner. I've been trying to think of how best to say this & not come off to annoying or offensive.

Second, thank you RochNYchick for saying what I really wanted to but couldn't find the words. I was really fighting listening to the blog again but knew I had to. After seeing what the family & others had been put through by KD-including CD I didn't want to get into all that again but I did listen again. There were so many things inconsistent with the case even at that point & I'm thinking that is what led to the release of the letter from DD on Britts site. But I have a feeling there was more to CDs absense on that show.

Third-I know for a fact that the shirt Britt went missing in was not hers, it belonged to JO & she was texting her asking her what she was wearing because they were going out to that night & she wanted to wear the shirts. There was a discussion earlier about Brittanee borrowing JOs clothes but not all of the outfit was asked for permission to wear. So the questions about what she was wearing were to find out what she had on -this is what I was told from someone that talked directly to JO about it. (Yes DD has this info) Not to be too over the top but I think the baggy factor comes from JO being a very busty but petite girl were Britt was petite but not overly busty.

Lastly, Susan Murphy Milano was an amazing woman that did wonderful things. I only wish she could have had the chance to complete her plans with the blog for Britt, I truly hope that someone takes the info she had & restarts it. Because IMO she wasn't done with it. If I'm right, I'm sure in the least those "friends" would be shocked at what people know about them.
Has anyone seen this yet? Looks like it was done after the videos were uploaded to YouTube.

I've found info stating on 4/29 he was already a suspect & had obtained a lawyer. While I know he did obtain Perinello prior to be labeled a POI I was trying to find media links that would show it. No such luck just yet....
Thanks C4M for the screen shots; they were sad to view too bad they cut off the earlier ones and any after. Do you think a text went back to Britt's boyfriend John at anytime that might not have been from Brit? I always wondered. IMO I have always thought there was.

Confused here. Where are the screen shots?
another issue with the shirt: in that interview I posted, around the 51 min. time stamp, you hear KD and the talk show host talking about Brittanee's clothing the last time she was seen, the blue/white shirt, black shorts and white flip flops. KD explains to the host the one way they were able to positively identify this person seen on surveillance footage as being Brittanee was because the grandmother had purchased that blue/white shirt for Brittanee. However, in the picture posted above showing JO wearing that same shirt, that picture was taken at least a year or two prior to Brittanee's disappearance.. either Brittanee borrowed the shirt from JO and the Grandmother/KD are confused, or it's one he** of a coincidence for the both of them to pack the same exact shirt to take on their trip. The clothing doesn't seem baggy on Brittanee, and judging from other photos of JO, she doesn't look to be much bigger in size than Brittanee.

And I don't understand why they were asking her what she was wearing.. Brittanee said that she was on her way back to HER hotel, never mentioned any plans of meeting up with them rather than just walking back to the hotel. She knew where her hotel was, it's not like she was walking around lost. The only way that them asking her what she was wearing would make sense is if they were out driving and had agreed to meet her half way or something to spare her that long walk, and asked what she was wearing so they could spot her easier... but this still wouldn't make sense, she still would have had to go inside and change into her own clothing.

Or they wanted to know what she was wearing so they could pick her out of a crowd and have her kidnapped.
I guess I just wanted to add that I have never trusted these so called friends of hers. I think someone knows more than they are saying. Their actions seem not normal to me.
Or they wanted to know what she was wearing so they could pick her out of a crowd and have her kidnapped.

Thanks for saying this. It sure does seem unusual for that girl to ask her to describe what she had on. This "issue" has been raised many times as a possible scenario, but this was the first time I heard that a text "allegedly" was sent to Brittanee asking her to describe her outfit. Really if I could, I'd want to ask these "friends" if they have any regrets about that trip. Do they feel sorry at all about Brittanee's disappearance. Do they really have so much animosity and mean spirit in their hearts that they could never speak cordially to DD and at the very least say they were sorry her daughter is gone. I also want to know if any of them have returned to MB in the past 4 years for a "leisurely vacation". If any of them did this, did they think about Brittanee and wonder what happened to her.

I was so hopeful about Susan Murphy taking such an interest in the case and am very saddened that she lost her life to cancer. She had seemed so determined to, at the very least, get these girls to tell what they know. Seems like there have been so many hopes for an answer, only to get shot down in the end. Bless her for wanting to help DD and get an answer for the family. So sorry for Susan Murphy's family and loved ones.
I guess I just wanted to add that I have never trusted these so called friends of hers. I think someone knows more than they are saying. Their actions seem not normal to me.

I absolutely agree with this statement. Although to be fair-I don't think they were the ones that did anything-possibly set her up, sure. Know whose responsible, sure. Saw something that they thought was nothing & could be essential-ABSOLUTELY.
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