SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #10

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Any RSO could have had motive, means and opportunity that night. Heather was surrounded by them. We all are, ugh.

I want to know specific specifics on the phone activity. How many calls were there total, how long were the conversations, who called whom when, etc etc.

As to the phone records, me too!
Her contact with OMM could be incidental.
Oftentimes I'm on my way out the door, someone will call, I continue the call while I'm headed wherever. It's good I always come back because the last person I spoke to usually has nothing to do with where I'm headed.

In this case, It was of course an unusual time of night to just go out--well for most anyway--but maybe not for her if she was used to getting off work at 2 or 3 then doing things. That may translate to 6 or 7pm for those who work daytime hours so who knows.
Right now things seem to point in a certain direction due to the limited information that was released but HE could have talked to anyone. Maybe LE released this info for a reason. Maybe while all of our heads are turned toward PTL there's someone doing a jig in another part of the county and only LE is there to see it??
This case makes my head hurt.
The most likely answer is usually the correct answer but I also realize we do not have all the info.

Police records discuss phone calls between Heather Elvis, older man as late as 6 a.m. December 18

“I don’t remember her receiving any calls unless someone called her and she just silenced it,” Shiraldi said. “I know she didn’t answer any phone calls.”
Shiraldi said he’s known Elvis for years because they both attended St. James High School – he graduated a year before Elvis – but they didn’t speak much until they started communicating on social media a few weeks before their first date.
While Shiraldi and Elvis were on their date, she was in a good mood, he recalls.
They also both worked at TK if you check her SM you will find a reference to him but not by name...unusually habit he has..
just had a thought...maybe Heather's name is listed as "Bob" on OM's phone...and someone hit redial...ugh..night everyone.
I don't know if she did or didn't post them, but Tumbler can be set to post 300 posts in advance, so you can have 300 posts, one each day, on your Tumblr after you die if you want, or 50 posts for 6 days after you die if you want. Or any combination thereof. In addition, if anyone had her password or hacked her account (not as difficult as one might think), they could have posted those on a different day and changed the date. Since no one was thinking HE was missing until late on the 19th, it could happen.

And, if anyone has any computer saavy at all and had access to her account, they could change the time zone, which would change the time, then post, then change the time zone back. It might or might not show up in any Tumbler records, but we don't know if LE has looked at those or not.

I have my doubts this would work. Post times most likely are based off of the time on Tumblr's server, not the time of your computer.
I hate that I can't remember what I can say...
Let's go with this theory for a minute. She is still into OM and he is not. She is trying to call him and he says leave me alone. She is pissed and decides I will get him back, but isn't sure how so she tells her roomie he is leaving his wife for me, while upset and crying (if he was leaving to be with her, why would she be upset and crying, never got that one), and hangs up with roomie. She calls him and then go back and forth and then at some point drives her car to a place she has been many times (ref twitter, Nancy Grace, everywhere and 1 mi from her parents). Now maybe she is depressed because he wouldn't continue to see her and many things point to this, sm over the several month, crying on the phone, other things I can't say and the fact that she is 20. So she decides to do something about it. Or she runs away.
Fair enough, two were mentioned in article about the police report, neither by name. But we know of only one who was her last contact, so...that is curious.

both were named in report..I'm playing catch up here ..reading posts so excuse me if this was covered already
Okay, I'm gonna try and say this in a way I don't get a poke with a needle from Bee. (or I guess a slap on the wrist from Salem?)

Do not discount what is mentioned on the police report as far as two different men. There is a reason they are on the report. I'm not saying one of them is for sure guilty, or both are, or anything. I am saying that there is a reason that the police, as well as Heather's family, gave a name to them in addition to BW. By discounting one of them as a "cover" for the other you may be doing Heather a disservice.

I don't know why I keep thinking about this but could SS (date) be a cover person for who Heather really went out with Tuesday night?

Well, this is weird. I didn't see your post before I posted.
Still, I wouldn't discount any theory and discussing various possibilities doesn't cancel out other (more likely) possibilities.

People who sneak around get good at thinking up alternative reasons for going out. I once had a gf ask me to be her 'cover'. If her husband was to call, I was supposed to lie to him, call her, and she'd get back to him. When I told her no, I lost a friend.
Her husband was a hothead and would whip off her panties any time he wanted. My instincts kicked in and I didn't want to mess with him or be an enabler to her. She wanted someone (the other guy) to treat her nicely but I knew her decisions were dangerous. She had a little baby too.

Diverging a little bit here, but something I've noticed that may be problematic is that Heather looks very different in some candid pictures like this than she does in her SM posts and most of the photos I've seen released (i.e. the ones on her Missing Person's poster). She's practically unrecognizable in the photo taken by her date where she's learning to drive a stick shift. I hope this doesn't come across as insensitive but it does look like she may have gained some weight recently, which at her height could change her appearance pretty dramatically. She's a beautiful girl regardless of her size, I just worry that if, as we all hope and pray, she's still alive, people might not recognize her.
If that were accurate wouldn't he have failed a polygraph?

I don't know. For all I know he could have told LE the truth but we're not privy to the arrangement he had with HE.

Maybe that's why he doesn't know what time he dropped HE off at her apartment. I mean he says he does, but it doesn't fit the timeline exactly.
Maybe HE told her mom she was going on a date with SS (as per my example from my own life experience above) because she kept the identify of her married man on the downlow.

For all we know, his wife was out of town. Or do we know for a fact that she wasn't?
Keep in mind too these peeps have children which really is tough imo.
Per the article, "Horry County police records are focusing on telephone activity that occurred as late as 6 a.m. Dec. 18 between Heather Elvis’ cell phone and a man with whom she had a relationship history, according to documents obtained by the Carolina Forest Chronicle."

She was talking to her roommate around 2am. Although, the date says he dropped her off after 2am. The posts were made between 1:53 a.m. and 2:09 a.m. The timeline fits perfectly for her to be posting and talking at the same time, right when she arrived home.

So, people who don't think she posted them....
Do you think that while she was on her phone and then later talking to OM, someone was posting them, giving her plenty of time to see them?
Or someone was fancy enough to post date them, but keep in mind people are on there all the time and someone may notice it being backdated?
Or a thir option?

That has stuck out to me since that article was posted. There was activity, but do we really know if Heather was using her phone or if someone else had access to it by that point in time?
IMO Heather had a very complicated personal life, and I doubt her parents really knew much about it, as so often is the case.
I don't know about that but, he surely seems to be in a space-time continuum IMO.

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Yes, that's what's nagging at me.
So, why would LE clear him so easily and quickly?
One reason COULD be that SS was never out with Heather to begin with on Tuesday night.

Plus, what's his alibi? He arrived in MI at around 3:00 a.m. Is that it?
But you, PeterThomasFan, posted that it doesn't take that long to drive from HE's apartment to MI at that time in the morning.
So, what's up with that?
Yes, that's what's nagging at me.
So, why would LE clear him so easily and quickly?
One reason COULD be that SS was never out with Heather to begin with on Tuesday night.

Plus, what's his alibi? He arrived in MI at around 3:00 a.m. Is that it?
But you, PeterThomasFan, posted that it doesn't take that long to drive from HE's apartment to MI at that time in the morning.
So, what's up with that?

Perhaps he has a roommate(s) or lives with his family? He could have stopped off at a friend's place after dropping Heather off at her condo.
It seems as though he was cleared right off the bat.
I was referring to the information about the phone calls in the police report published on myhorrynews. The phone call information mentioned in the police report was information Mr Elvis provided and was not based on information LE obtained after the initial report was filed.

" Entity 1 stated that he contacted his cellular provider (T-Mobile), who provided him with call history for the victim's phone
and he advised me that the last phone calls were at approximately 0600 "

As I said before, myhorrynews appears to have the "ear" of LE or the family and I believe the information regarding possible changes to Heather's SM posts was included in the article for a reason. I believe LE or the family has evidence that , at the very least, suggests changes have been made to her SM accounts after whatever time they have established Heather would of been able to access her accounts.

Does it say specifically that the SM sites of HE looked to be tampered with?
Playing devil's advocate again for a minute...wondering if redial, butt dial, dial in a panic/struggle etc. could explain the 6am call. How many calls were there, and how long was each call? How much time lapsed in between calls, who called whom, etc etc. How long did the call last at 6? Those to me are the million dollar questions. And even then, unless any specific content is revealed...

All very good questions whose answers I feel will give us a better understanding and present a clearer timeline to events.
Yes, that's what's nagging at me.
So, why would LE clear him so easily and quickly?
One reason COULD be that SS was never out with Heather to begin with on Tuesday night.

Plus, what's his alibi? He arrived in MI at around 3:00 a.m. Is that it?
But you, PeterThomasFan, posted that it doesn't take that long to drive from HE's apartment to MI at that time in the morning.
So, what's up with that?

It's only about 13 or 14 miles, at that time of night it would only take 20 minutes on Hwy 17 Bypass.
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