SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #19**ARREST**

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I couldn't rest cuz I am just so damm sad and angry.

I too had wondered back a thread or two if SM really was planning on leaving the wife for Heather. SM isnt looking like he cared at all-not one bit. You do the pay! He has had plenty of time to confess.

It is far past time for SM to tell everything he knows-Now!
Where is Heather???

I dont only think SM is a spineless coward, I think he is a sick, evil, warped looser!
TELL LE WHERE HEATHER IS. He gets no pity from me.

May the Elvis family have their beloved child home.

I couldn't rest cuz I am just so damm sad and angry.

I too had wondered back a thread or two if SM really was planning on leaving the wife for Heather. SM isnt looking like he cared at all-not one bit. You do the pay! He has had plenty of time to confess.

It is far past time for SM to tell everything he knows-Now!
Where is Heather???

I dont only think SM is a spineless coward, I think he is a sick, evil, warped looser!
TELL LE WHERE HEATHER IS. He gets no pity from me.

May the Elvis family have their beloved child home.


I agree Wide.

I just don't care for either of them. They disgust me. Their posts on fb make me sick. I wanna, well to the moon Alice! That's all I can say. Lot's of thoughts for the family & law enforcement helping to find Heather. Many prayers.
Another thing I wanted to bring up in relating to the age gap between Heather & SM...

I live in South Carolina.
The age of consent here is 16 and apparently there is no age gap limit. A child can consensually be intimate with a 38 year old, a 45 year old or a 60 year old with no crime being committed. If anyone can find info to the contrary please pass it along to me. Please.

Folks, check your state law on the "age of consent" you may be surprised. Teach your children and teens about these predators. I have recently become close to a situation where this is happening. I am livid. 2 sixteen year old girlfriends having relationship with a 38 year old coworker-I'm beyond understanding.

I apologize for the off topic.

Now I am off to try and get some sleep, again...

Another thing I wanted to bring up in relating to the age gap between Heather & SM...

I live in South Carolina.
The age of consent here is 16 and apparently there is no age gap limit. A child can consensually be intimate with a 38 year old, a 45 year old or a 60 year old with no crime being committed. If anyone can find info to the contrary please pass it along to me. Please.

Folks, check your state law on the "age of consent" you may be surprised. Teach your children and teens about these predators. I have recently become close to a situation where this is happening. I am livid. 2 sixteen year old girlfriends having relationship with a 38 year old coworker-I'm beyond understanding.

I apologize for the off topic.

Now I am off to try and get some sleep, again...


Evidently, it depends on the parents to press charges if the age difference is more than 6 years between the 16 yr old(s) and the other person.
HE was not a child; she was over 18 and of legal age. That said, getting involved with someone married is always dicey, and this time it appears fatal. Sad case all around.
Thank you SnowyOwl for taking the time to post time pertinent posts from

That is NO easy task sifting through the mountains of self-serving statements & likely B$ ( :moo: & pardon my French) for the merest mention of anything case- &/or timeline-related.

:highfive: :sleuth:

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once the second appearance and trial begins, they will be going through the legal track together

It is still unclear how or if these charges are in any way connected to the disappearance of Heather Elvis.

I assure you heavier charges are coming,

a hold was placed on both Moorers, so neither can leave the detention center

A hold has been placed on both Sidney and Tammy Moorer pending additional charges, meaning neither can post bond to be released tonight.

Police did not release any specifics into what the surveillance video showed, only adding that it did help investigators move towards making these arrests.
Thank you SnowyOwl for taking the time to post time pertinent posts from

That is NO easy task sifting through the mountains of self-serving statements & likely B$ ( :moo: & pardon my French) for the merest mention of anything case- &/or timeline-related.

:highfive: :sleuth:

It's the least I can do to help bring Heather home. Like the Oscars I'd also thank the supporting cast without whose braggadocio might not have allowed for all this to happen ;)
Since I'm a stickler for deatails,it's a good exercise in research, It's made easier since it's Disney-I couldn't stomach any cootch photos or....;)
I hope it's these little things that help bring Heather home.
Snownyowl Why all the copy and paste and bolded quotes?

What's your point?

at over 20+ pages of boards I've picked out pieces that seem to stick out according to our discussions on WS-bolded by me to emphasize points.
I've been following along for quite a while and hope 1 little deatail of the psyche involved might point to a clue or a time frame or even a location of interest. If someone is suspected,quite often they fall back on past behaviors or favorite locations.
Copying and pasting from other sites is not allowed. If you copy/paste, your post will disappear. Please paraphrase and link.


Copying and pasting from other sites is not allowed. If you copy/paste, your post will disappear. Please paraphrase and link.



even if only a very small percentage of posts?<1%
I'm not copying the whole of anything & I'm leaving the link intact so ppl can reference.
THat site has a HUGE volume of posts/pics/etc.
I thought the 10% rule applied??
Thanks for all your interesting posts SNOWYOWL.

What I can't understand is the charge of obstruction. Obstructing what?
Was Tammy advertising her wares on sex sites? Can't get my head around taking photos of her having sex and then distributing them. In my opinion she is very insecure
in her marriage and keeps having to prove that it is a really hot relationship.

Obviously it was not if he strayed. He has probably given her reason to be jealous in the past and this is why she has to be in control. JMOO
Thanks for all your interesting posts SNOWYOWL.

What I can't understand is the charge of obstruction. Obstructing what?
Was Tammy advertising her wares on sex sites? Can't get my head around taking photos of her having sex and then distributing them. In my opinion she is very insecure
in her marriage and keeps having to prove that it is a really hot relationship.

Obviously it was not if he strayed. He has probably given her reason to be jealous in the past and this is why she has to be in control. JMOO

I try to help. Having been in my 40's decades ago I recall it's usually a time of insecurity. If married a while that's when males start straying *sometimes* and when women don't look as good as they used to after chilbirth and their 20's. You start to think it's all over & you might do desperate things to bring back your youth like Botox,plastic surgery,cougars,cheating. Even your workplace starts discriminating against you. It's a rough road until you hit your 60's, at least from what I've seen now that I'm on the other side of the fence!
even if only a very small percentage of posts?<1%
I'm not copying the whole of anything & I'm leaving the link intact so ppl can reference.
THat site has a HUGE volume of posts/pics/etc.
I thought the 10% rule applied??

10% applies to MSM, allowed blogs and the like. There is no copy/paste allowed from social media and the Disney sites would be considered social media. I know you did a lot of hard work there and I hate to unapprove the posts :(

In the morning, I'll take another look at the posts and see what I can salvage. For future reference - give the link, paraphrase and tell others how to find it. Say something like post #?? says TM called SM - just info so other members can go to the link and find what you are looking at. You can also say - I think this means.... or do you think she's talking about? and discuss it somewhat.

Hope that helps,

I couldn't rest cuz I am just so damm sad and angry.

I too had wondered back a thread or two if SM really was planning on leaving the wife for Heather. SM isnt looking like he cared at all-not one bit. You do the pay! He has had plenty of time to confess.

It is far past time for SM to tell everything he knows-Now!
Where is Heather???

I dont only think SM is a spineless coward, I think he is a sick, evil, warped looser!
TELL LE WHERE HEATHER IS. He gets no pity from me.

May the Elvis family have their beloved child home.



I don't think he was.

When I separated from my ex and decided to try dating again, I went on a few dates before I met a guy I really liked. We clicked, he made me laugh, etc. I really liked the guy. I was SO naive! He was married. And it took me months to figure that out. :facepalm: That was the end of that. But he did try to convince me to continue to see him.

I learned a thing or two about married men that cheat on their wives. They want to keep the status quo. . .apparent happy family at home and a piece of *advertiser censored*s on the side to stroke their ego. They want their cake and eat it too. If SM wanted to leave his wife, he would have. He didn't. He just wanted to have a young mistress on the side. Any threat to his status quo is a threat to him. I think we are giving SM too much credit here.

In my situation, I didn't know the man was married. HE knew SM was married. Also, I was in my mid-forties and not some young, 20yr old girl. I imagine HE might have gotten impatient with SM, because I am sure he was telling her that he wanted to leave his wife. . .or whatever he thought she wanted to hear so he could continue to see her, and mainly continue to have sex with her.

I'm sure something changed. . .whether HE was getting too demanding or TM found out. It's hard for me to decide which. But I can see possible scenarios where SM is the culpable one here. Not defending TM. There are definite scenarios where I imagine she could be the culpable one too. Maybe it was both, HE becoming demanding and TM finding out. SM would have been under a lot of stress in that situation.

I do think whatever happened, the other knowingly chose to help the other cover-up. I have a hard time giving SM any slack here. If this ends up being a scenario where TM followed him and killed HE in a jealous rage, SM didn't immediately call 911, kwim?
since my posts seems to have been erased I'll paraphrase..;(
apologies for there will be quite a few......
apparently TM is a late sleeper waking up at noon implying she might be out and about in early morning hours-like when Heather went missing..
also the search warrants were executed at 7AM means LE would likely catch them off guard & in bed. That would also explain her disheveled appearance (maybe an LE tactic to catch her off guard or intimidate)? In a previous Dis post TM mentioned she DID like guns so maybe LE figured it was safest to avoid a confrontation?
I wonder who watches the kids while asleep??Since they live on TM parents property I wonder if they have any real assets?? Might that make them more likely to risk actions considering they seem to have a backup safety net in her folks and IF sued for distress NO ASSETS?
If they're BOTH doing late nite hours it seems feasible they'd be out and about in early morning hours-just like Heather who was a hostess and kept late hours by virtue of her job.
Since all parties involved seems to keep late hours,it seems only logical that any incidents that might have happened (boinking,working,activity,disappearance) might occur at those late nite/early morning hours....

I'm also a late nite person & find quite often day timers don't understand or appreciate my hours. There seems to be an inherent bias to nite-owls because day ppl can't wrap their heads around "different hours" hence some of these "I'm going to bed posts & I hope everyone else does". I've seen it all my life like my friends calling up at 10AM,surprised I'm "still in bed" after my nite shift ended at 4am. Many of us are across the world as well as nite ppl.
This is especially relevant to this case where all the seemingly involved people have different schedules than the majority of "civil" society... :twocents::banghead:
10% applies to MSM, allowed blogs and the like. There is no copy/paste allowed from social media and the Disney sites would be considered social media. I know you did a lot of hard work there and I hate to unapprove the posts :(

In the morning, I'll take another look at the posts and see what I can salvage. For future reference - give the link, paraphrase and tell others how to find it. Say something like post #?? says TM called SM - just info so other members can go to the link and find what you are looking at. You can also say - I think this means.... or do you think she's talking about? and discuss it somewhat.

Hope that helps,


gotcha-but I tend to be verbose and didn't want tp pick at every deatail. Duly noted & thanks for putting up w/everything. It's a tough job & I'm glad you're doing it!
Exclusive new details on Heather Elvis case come out

"his own prime suspect based on phone records from the original police report. He confirmed what's in that report: months ago, Heather was romantically involved with a married man she met while working as a restaurant hostess. Terry says Heather's roommate told him it ended more than a month ago. Yet, according to witness statements to police and those same phone records, there were several calls back and forth between Heather and the married man the morning of Heather's disappearance. That same roommate told police Heather was talking to the man again, and that night, he called to tell her he was leaving his wife and wanted to be with her."

apparently in MSM report stated Heather & SM "boinked" SM "months ago" which ended "more than a month ago" (I guess that would be NOV,about the time Heather moved in w/roomie BW?
Apparently BW told police she was talking to SM again and "called to tell her he was leaving his wife and wanted to be with her."
IIRC this seems to be the same time frame that SM returned from his CA trip (prolly Disney) and maybe SM was coming to terms w/the fact that he was stuck w/the "OLD LADY" (TM)
or maybe he was pulling a fast one and would say anything to Heather to get back in the sack w/her?
IMHO, I bet TM was unaware of these statements & prolly stumbled across a text/convo? Maybe that made her upset ,especially so close to Xmas?? Maybe SM got her a Xmas gift & arranged to meet Heather "for old times sake"? What better way to try & get someone back than w/a XMAS gift?
I bet neither of them (TM/SM) counted on the fact she's keep her BFF (roomie BW) informed of any developments?? or Maybe TM might have enlisted the aid of others to do the dirty?? Since ex worked at HOB & TM,by her own admission on Disney boards,frequented that place-maybe they knew each other? Since Heather also worked there maybe that's where she FIRST ran into SM and when he did some work at TK she started posting all these comments on Twitter about SM? She DID know he was married.
Maybe after the 1st breakup she went private on Twitter,moved in w/roomie & left violent ex? She did seems to have lots of various bruises in some of her pix. While ex listed as violent in PR he still hasn't been ruled out according to LE as far as we know.
OUCH-my head hurts now!
Hoping this can come to a quick resolution B4 more get hurt.
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