SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #25 ***ARREST**

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I'm sad to say that I truly fear this going to trial. With as many theories as everyone on this site has, I can't imagine a jury would see it any differently. The lawyers are going to have a field day pitting them against each other, regardless of the evidence.

It has seemed to me lately that maybe there is a media campaign being orchestrated behind the scenes to sway public opinion. I guess that happens in high profile cases though.

It's pretty hard to say how the jury will see it when we don't know any of the evidence yet. It's all speculation at this point. LE don't usually make an arrest until they have some pretty strong evidence though, IMO.
bringing this over:

I wonder if Heather & Sidney were in touch during the trip... TM finds out.... it would certainly explain a burst of energy. bc you're so right, heck, a trip to the grocery with one kid wears me out.

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You know what else would explain a burst of energy? Drugs.

JMO, again.

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Just a thought;
Social media provides nice focus groups for defense attorneys to take the temperature of a group. Very little time or effort and much feedback. JMO
It has seemed to me lately that maybe there is a media campaign being orchestrated behind the scenes to sway public opinion. I guess that happens in high profile cases though.

It's pretty hard to say how the jury will see it when we don't know any of the evidence yet. It's all speculation at this point. LE don't usually make an arrest until they have some pretty strong evidence though, IMO.

I don't think it would be hard at all for a PR team to convince the public that a lynch mob formed in this case, that LE arrested them because of all the public pressure, etc. Especially since the evidence against the M's might not be made public until the trial.
I'm sad to say that I truly fear this going to trial. With as many theories as everyone on this site has, I can't imagine a jury would see it any differently. The lawyers are going to have a field day pitting them against each other, regardless of the evidence.

Although I understand your thoughts...I believe in our system of Justice. The amount of speculation and theories on this board will never be heard in a courtroom. The courtroom breathes a sense of justice and lends itself to all those that walk into the courtroom to listen to the law. I believe in our system and think the facts once presented in court will tell us what happened to HE and she will get justice. JMO
I don't think it would be hard at all for a PR team to convince the public that a lynch mob formed in this case, that LE arrested them because of all the public pressure, etc. Especially since the evidence against the M's might not be made public until the trial.

I respectfully disagree. I don't think in this day and age a judge is going to okay arrest warrants w/o certainty. I think the jury and the sitting judge would realize that. Or hope so anyway..
I don't think it would be hard at all for a PR team to convince the public that a lynch mob formed in this case, that LE arrested them because of all the public pressure, etc. Especially since the evidence against the M's might not be made public until the trial.

That's the sense I've gotten lately.

I just have to be confident that they have some strong evidence and will show their hand when the time is right.

I definitely feel like social media is being used to cast doubt. And I think prosecutors in this day and age need to spend time explaining what doubt actually means in trial.

I actually saw one explanation as DNA may have been in the Ms yard from someone that may have driven by and thrown a rock at their house. I can't believe it but some people seemed to buy that explanation. JMO
I have felt all along that TM killed Heather, with or without SM's direct (actual killing) assistance. Clearly, SM played a significant role in whatever happened, whether he lured Heather to PTL, was part of planning the murder, helped TM clean up or cover up, spun lies...etc. So, in my head, I'll admit that all this time, I have had more anger & hatred for TM, picturing her as the actual killer. (I also hate the cruel vitriol she spewed online against Heather & the grieving Elvis family.)
But, the more I think about things, the more my anger at SM begins to match my anger at TM. I really doubt this was a spur of the moment murder, or in the heat of passion, etc. LE believes there was malice aforethought & I absolutely agree with them. At any time (likely over days or weeks or even months, NOT just on the night Heather disappeared), SM could have warned Heather that his sociopathic wife (IMO) was on the war path. He could have called LE & said, "Help! My wife is on the way to kill my lover!" He could have told Heather he felt she was in danger & that he had to stop seeing her for her own safety (to alleviate TM's anger).
Unless TM literally held a gun to SM's head & forced him to help her or she would kill him, too, then he, like her, is indefensible.
TM was a victim, ***for a moment.*** But, the moment she turned her hurt or angry thoughts into a plan to steal away Heather's life, she stopped being a victim & began traveling down her path to becoming a murderer.
I have been cheated on & it sucks. However, murder or even physical assault never even crossed my mind. I chose to break things off with the man who cheated on me, packed up his things, & told him to have a nice life with his mistress. (This sounds like something many women here on WS have experienced, sadly.)
At any time, TM could have kicked cheating SM out on his cheating butt, but she didn't. She lives on her family's land, in a house likely paid for with her family's money, so she definitely held the power to send him packing.
Tammy failed to make a better choice. Sidney failed to make a better choice. They HAD choices they could have made.
Heather had NO choice in losing her life. Her family had NO choice in having their daughter & sister ripped from their family. Her roommate had NO choice in losing her best friend.
I say, let them both hang. Either one of the Moorers could have stopped the 'murder train,' but they BOTH chose to let it continue down the track.

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On the Disboards, TM referred to "our house" in Columbus, NC. Perhaps a vacation home of TM's or SM's relatives? Said it takes six hours to drive but she hadn't been there since before she became a mom.

Could Heather's body be somewhere in that area? It's northwest from Myrtle Beach toward Tennessee, up near the mountains. They could've been there and back before Heather's car was even reported abandoned.

ETA: Although I imagine LE already would've caught on to a trip like that, unless they left their phones at home. NVM.
It is strange that TM is not listed as an inmate at GTown. It is even stranger that she is still listed as an inmate at Horry. I can see one place not updating, but both?

My thoughts exactly.... I have been checking that too.... makes one wonder if that was just a tactic....
I don't think it would be hard at all for a PR team to convince the public that a lynch mob formed in this case, that LE arrested them because of all the public pressure, etc. Especially since the evidence against the M's might not be made public until the trial.

I think they were arrested because of their own actions, evidence collected and investigations since HE's disappearance. The authorities IMO have kept things close to their vest and continue to do investigations as to what happened to HE, whether to seek more information or to collaborate information. For me, that is always a sign of a confident investigation. They got this.
in my experience it is not the community that gets probable cause for a search warrant.. it is EVIDENCE.. like just enough to get the sw served. Previous articles state (see media thread) that they have been on these people for a while and that recent ccvid was part of the basis for the recent searches and that all the parts equalled the whole.

(re: evidence found at multiple scenes over time)

this case is not related to what the public wants imhoo..
I'm sad to say that I truly fear this going to trial. With as many theories as everyone on this site has, I can't imagine a jury would see it any differently. The lawyers are going to have a field day pitting them against each other, regardless of the evidence.

The good news is that LE has a lot of information we don't know. I'm sure once the evidence comes out, most of our ideas and theories will be moot. The only reason we are able to theorize so widely is because of such the limited amount of info we have: we don't know what they found during their search warrants, we don't know why they believe Heather was kidnapped/ murdered at PTL... All I know is if they had enough evidence to get a judge to agree to the charge, there must be a lot we are in the dark about. LE has done a great job keeping this case guarded. As much as I want to know info for my own peace of mind, I believe they are doing right by the case.
Just to clarify: I am not saying they were arrested because of public pressure; just that if they had the money to afford a PR team, the PR team could convince many in the general public that they were.
From thread 24
posted by MOTHER OF 5
Just posting this in case anyone was wondering.

The warrants for the Moorers claim the coupled murdered Heather Elvis with "malice forethought." Those two words have big meaning for the Moorers. Under the South Carolina penal code: "The killing of any person with malice aforethought" has a minimum punishment of 30 years, and a maximum of life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Solicitor Jimmy Richardson says he probably won't seek the death penalty in this case.
Just to clarify: I am not saying they were arrested because of public pressure; just that if they had the money to afford a PR team, the PR team could convince many in the general public that they were.

a PR team would only really have influence at this point on a possible change of venue etc (even if that would be the case). As for the money well we really cannot go there. In missing persons cases a lot of people step up and assist families. We have an entire section here at websleuths on resources for families of missing persons.
I am in no way saying TM is innocent. I say victim only in that SM cheated on her.

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I've been gone since I had my sweetie Grandaughter since yesterday 8 ys., and we had to watch a baby eagle break its shell(how she find she sites I have idea, but she takes over my puter and I seen real life birth.:facepalm::loveyou:

I had to skip 20 some what pages, it was just down, I still read it.Heather in her young age never ever xcpected this would happed.

When you go to meet someone you like/love/trust do you EVER expect to die

Bless you Heather
Feel free to be blatantly honest. Is it weird, stupid or strange to submit a specific location to LE for them to look for the body? I've never submitted anything before and I'm not "psychic" but having very vivid dreams. I don't want to look like an *advertiser censored*, it was hard enough to post this on here :)
I'm sure once the evidence comes out, most of our ideas and theories will be moot. The only reason we are able to theorize so widely is because of such the limited amount of info we have: we don't know what they found during their search warrants, we don't know why they believe Heather was kidnapped/ murdered at PTL... .

Agree with you on the above portion. Exactly why I believe speculation with such a wide area of any possibility or imagination is actually harmful to those that are really trying to find the truth. It kinda muddies the water and is a, we all know this site is open for all to view. When a case has limited information leaking out ...I actually feel better about justice.
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