I'm blown away by how many YouTube videos he has posted despite having little to no views on any of them. That's a lot of work for something that obviously wasn't paying off...
TK's prolific online postings seem to indicate that he thought he had tons of fans and customers hanging on is every word. His FB friends seem to be mostly not real friends, just polite responses. He posted constant listings for houses on FB that no one was interested in. I think TK interpreted the amount of material posted with having a booming real estate business, which wasn't the case.
Did the Sheriff say TK didn't provide motive for the Superbike murders, OR was the Sheriff saying they were not disclosing the motive, OR was there no specific motive except to kill?
Motive on the superbike case??? Did he have engine work he wasn't pleased with? Did he rob the store? Was one a competitor against him in races? Just what was the motive to walk into that store, in broad daylight, execute each of the 4, and walk out?
The bike shop murders seem to be a different scenario than chaining up a woman for two months. Most of the time serial killers have an MO. They kill similarly. If he is just indiscriminately out there killing folks for any old reason he sees fit, there could be many, many, more.
Here is an excerpt from the
Superbike criminal profiler: "The motive for the crime wasn't some kind of drug deal gone bad. There is no reason to believe drugs were ever at the business nor hidden in motorcycles coming in and out of the business, so this isn't a falling out over drugs.... Nothing was taken from the business, so this wasn't a robbery. Nothing was damaged in the business, so this wasn't retaliation... The way the shooting went down shows me that the murders were personal and the was a specific reason the four were shot in the order in which they were shot. Also, because nothing was touched in the shop shows me that the murders were not about money.
This was the crime of a psychopath who had a falling out with certain people at the business."
From what we already know about TK, this sounds bang-on accurate!
The sketches do look like him. He bought the Windsong address in Feb., 2007 w/a mortgage from Citizen's First, for $130,600. That mortgage was cancelled October, 2012. The farmland was bought in 2014, for over $300k. That bank robbery was in 2003. If there are others, that could be one way he's been helping to finance his fairly comfortable way of life.
I don't think he was the Citizen's Bank robber. It would not surprise me if TK was "a" bank robber, due to his outlandish spending, but I don't think he was the Citizen's First robber. The sketch from 2003 is being compared to what he looks like
now, but he probably looked closer to his mugshot in the orange shirt, from 1998-99 I believe, which doesn't resemble the sketch. The orange shirt picture did resemble the Superbike sketch!
And where the heck did all his money come from???
Was he from a rich family? Just wondering how afforded his first property and whether he got the funds through commiting robberies?
I wonder if TK might be a bank robber as well? He seems to have an awful lot of disposable income, especially for someone who spent time in jail.
Plus a second college degree from 2003-2007.
And another reason I don't get all the spending is because he was 2 years out of prison, and has NO credit, so how is he getting mortgages and buying property? I think a closer look in is background will find this is all a facade and something sketchy was going on.
Someone mentioned TK had power of attorney over several real estate clients. This might be how he ended up with so much property. Also there was mention that he was a day-trader, but I think that is more recently.
I don't get why they couldn't request that current realtors were also checked for previous offences as well as new realtors, when the law changed? How many others are out there with the same sort of background?
According to the lawmaker: "Sen. Ronnie Cromer, R-Prosperity, sponsored the law two years ago. He said lawmakers talked at the time about making it retroactive, or at least requiring a background check at renewal, but says there was opposition. But he says lawmakers might now try again next year because of Kohlhepp’s current case."
He just completely omits the rape - did they even look into his actual background? This makes me so angry!!!!
It does make you angry, that they are just taking people's word to self-report their criminal backgrounds. I think after this a lot of things are going to change