SC - Parents force teen to woods for eating pop-tart

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"Two South Carolina parents were arrested this week after forcing their 14-year-old daughter to live in a tent in the woods because she ate a Pop-Tart without permission, authorities said."

Unbelievable. A 14-yo doesn't need permission to eat a freaking Pop-Tart! And if you're so against the kid eating something in the house, don't have that food in the house! Get rid of the Pop-Tart box, not the child.

I really, really hate issues between parents and kids that are about food.


Unbelievable. A 14-yo doesn't need permission to eat a freaking Pop-Tart! And if you're so against the kid eating something in the house, don't have that food in the house! Get rid of the Pop-Tart box, not the child.

I really, really hate issues between parents and kids that are about food.


Snipped by me: I think this about more than just food. Google parents' names.
I havent googled the parents yet but I live in SC and can not imagine the fear that this child experienced while out in the woods. The boar are terrifying, let alone the bugs. The heat and rain thunderstorms have been miserable. This makes me so angry and the child is probably permanently scarred. Those people should never be around children, IMO. Thank goodness the grandparent had the sense to call this in to LE.

Snipped by me: I think this about more than just food. Google parents' names.

I understand there are other issues at play here. It's just that conflict involving food in the family is frustrating to me - I just put a personal comment in there.

Happy eating. :)
I apologize.

I was thrown by the notion of banishing a child into the woods for what seems so commonplace (a snack).

I was also very thrown by the parents' previous actions (not involving children), and not sure if I could link the story I found.
I keep trying to come up with different possibilities and always come back to WHY would they choose this punishment for ANY reason? Maybe it was all about a Pop Tart, maybe it was something else entirely, or maybe there was a combination of different factors, but don't they realize how ridiculous they sound, and how cruel this punishment was?

Clearly, IMO, if previously she'd spent days locked outside from 8am - 6pm she wouldn't have snuck a Pop Tart and risk it again.

I'm afraid this is something really awful. :(
So the parents are all into working out and sell meal plans online etc? That's what I got out of reading. .but the little girl has been in trouble with them before over eating a protein bar. .the parents are overly strict imo and don't need children. .I also won't be surprised if one of them is a step parent. .they both remind me of Zahra bakers messed up family.
To me on the surface, the parents seem eating-disordered and probably inflict their obsession on the teen. I can't even fathom why putting someone out in the woods even would come to mind, and that also speaks to a disordered mind. Poor kid.
Isn't it strange, weird, whatever descriptive word you like, how parents can single out one child to abuse? I cannot pretend to understand it, but I have read about it over and over.

And to make a big deal about such a small thing! If you have 5 children under 18, your grocery bill and amount of food coming into the house is gynormous!! No, it is something in the minds of the parents, it was not and won't ever be actually about a poptart. I wonder if this young lady is the bio daughter of both adults?

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