SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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Thats brilliant and makes total sense! Notice how he talks so freely and is an open book about ‘taking drugs’. He wants the jury to see how transparent he is, that he was on such a high amount and how bad he was for sneaking around, hiding and causing stress for everyone!

“Been clean for 531 days” It’s all a facade to deflect attention from trafficking. Look at me I’ve done everything I’m supposed to because I know how bad I was and how it hurt the people I loved. “I was so so bad”. He is repetitive and over board on the details of his use. He wants everyone to look in this direction over here so he is going all out in a confession.

The medical commentators are pointing at the amount he was supposedly using and laughing at him because if he took as much as he said he would be dead.

CW asked if he was taking 60 a day, he said yes and sometimes more than that.
CW said how much more, and he kept painting it darker. (the above 60 daily amount is paraphrased).

ETA: I failed to mention what you pointed out “this is for lesser charges”
Has AM ever been hospitalized for overdose? Seems to me that someone who took the number of pills that AM claims would have ended up in the emergency room, maybe more than once. AM claims to have taken an exorbitant number of opiates, yet never passed out or had to be rushed to the hospital for an overdose? Friends and colleagues never noticed that AM's demeanor was peculiar when he had so many pills in his system? Horse hash! JMO
Same here. Documentation from rehab, proof from where & who supplied the drugs. I don’t think he has been asked where he purchased the drugs-the source, manufacturer, fake storefront, middle man, guy on the street corner, etc.

Considering the amount he claims to have taken there should be a genuine concern of the origin of the drug ring supply. If he were stopped in the airport he would have been faced with all sorts of inquiries.

Where is the DEA??

“Breaking Bad”
the defense pulled curtis smith (AM cousin and failed assassin) into the mix by accident it seems and then the roadside incident was admissible. which led to: CS was buying drugs for AM (paid via cashier checks, checks in evidence) and that AM was further paying not only for the pills but for CS's skimming off of his supplier. <---so AM says
My concern is not just that they were crying, because I agree with you that the jury may weep over the hideous nature of the murders.

My concern is more about a juror handing Alex a tissue. That makes me think at least one juror IS in fact feeling sorry FOR Alex.

That seems to me like a very personal gesture, even a bonding moment, and I was under the impression that a jury is not supposed to physically or verbally connect with the defendant in any way.

Also this new misdemeanor charge inclines me to believe Alex is sure he’s in charge of that courtroom. A longtime practicing attorney, even though he was a civil lawyer and not criminal, would know that a relative cannot sneak contraband to a defendant. IMO he didn’t care, or still is under the impression that as a Murdaugh, he’d get away with it.

Reminds me of Breaking Bad… a “criminal” lawyer. Unlike Saul Goodman though, Alex is accustomed to having his way at home, in his career and because he was a Big Man in Town.

I think that possibly the juror handed him a tissue because snot was running down his nose and it was disgusting watching a grown man be so concerned with his performance that he would not wipe his nose. If he hadn't handed it to him, there may have been a dangerous puddle on the floor and he could have had a slip and fall out of the witness stand and a big delay. If AM had no tissue he could have asked for one or used his hand and wiped it on his pants or something. Crying children wait to have their nose wiped...not grown men. jmo
Watching the most recent testimony, I think the state should have gone with the drug angle. Alex murdering his wife and son in a drug fueled rage seems much simpler to believe rather than an elaborate scheme to coverup his financial crimes.
IMO it was a planned murder about money, not a drug fueled rage.

Maggie had the power to deny him from using their primary assets (Moselle, which she owned 100%) and Edisto Beach (which she half owned) as collateral.

His father (who he offered up on June 3 as a possible co-signer for a $600k line of credit) was dying.

The legal fees for the criminal and civil boat cases were a financial drain.

It appeared that he would not be able to settle the civil case unless he gave Tinsely his financial info -- and that would open a big can of worms regarding his client and law firm thefts.

Jeanne S confronted him on the day of the murders about missing money.

I believe that he asked both Maggie and Paul to come to Moselle that day.

Did Paul and Maggie usually go to the kennels at that time of day? Was it just routine to go and feed the dogs at that time? What was the issue with the dog's tail?
There was a caretaker to tend the dogs twice a day…he was a state‘s witness. He had been to the kennels and gone before the murders happened. The dogs tail looks to me like he was starting a ”hot spot”…an area of infected skin. Cant see much, but seems like thereis one part of the tail that has an oily, greasy appearance to It…
There was a caretaker to tend the dogs twice a day…he was a state‘s witness. He had been to the kennels and gone before the murders happened. The dogs tail looks to me like he was starting a ”hot spot”…an area of infected skin. Cant see much, but seems like thereis one part of the tail that has an oily, greasy appearance to It…
Thanks. Was that the reason Paul went there?
I posted this on Thursday :

"He didn't make many friends of SLED agents today. He ain't gettin any special privileges for a loong time."

I have to think that the contraband charge has something to do with AM's criticism of SLED!

Characteristics of Family Annihilator
1. Paranoid
2. Financial difficulties
3. Recently lost a job
4. Drug abuse or substance abuse
5. Saving Family from loss of status
6. Threat of family breaking up
7. Attempting suicide after murdering Family.

Winner winner chicken dinner for Bubba.
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If you die with just a will, the will has to be probated. If you die without a will, the standard legal principles of your state will apply and the estate has to go through probate.

If you die with a will and a trust (in which the will references the trust), you do not have to go through probate. While individuals can sometimes get themselves through probate without hiring legal counsel (I helped my cousin do this - it was something of a nightmare for us, even with my years of being a paralegal and having a couple of lawyers/estate administrators that we could ask).

That's when I realized what a favor my parents did me, when they put everything into trust. Now we have wills, a trust and all of those end-of-life papers all executed. Kids will not have to go through probate.

In most states, if you have a will but no trust, it goes through probate.

IANAL, maybe a lawyer will weigh in - it does vary by state. IMO.
I'm with you on that explanation. We too have wills and a trust and all the papers to make it easier when we're gone and all the POAs in the event we can't speak for ourselves. I was answering the OP that said if you didn't have a trust the state would divide up your property. I'm sure they'll see your explanation and be even more enlightened. It's good to see you back in the threads..missed your posts.
From October 2021 when AM’s lawyers were all over the National news trying to sell his story of paying someone to kill him due to his
“ addiction “. Media got his records including tox reports

Wow -- surprised to read AM was positive for barbituates after previously reading AM's drugs of choice opiates and benzos.

Appears barbituates are also used in a medical detox setting to treat withdrawal symptoms. I wonder if AM was a doctor shopper who received detox Rx from a medical professional (with the approval of MM) while also consuming whatever Cousin Eddie could deliver.

My dislike for this dude grows daily. MOO
Thanks. Was that the reason Paul went there?
To look at the tail of his friends dog, he made a video to send to him
we live on a small ranch I don’t think it’s unusual or difficult to say hey come to the barn with me or let’s go look at the chicken coop, etc. or would be thought of as a strange out of the ordinary request. I’m not sure that we need to know exactly what the why was because we do know that all three of them were there.moo
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My concern is not just that they were crying, because I agree with you that the jury may weep over the hideous nature of the murders.

My concern is more about a juror handing Alex a tissue. That makes me think at least one juror IS in fact feeling sorry FOR Alex.

That seems to me like a very personal gesture, even a bonding moment, and I was under the impression that a jury is not supposed to physically or verbally connect with the defendant in any way.

Also this new misdemeanor charge inclines me to believe Alex is sure he’s in charge of that courtroom. A longtime practicing attorney, even though he was a civil lawyer and not criminal, would know that a relative cannot sneak contraband to a defendant. IMO he didn’t care, or still is under the impression that as a Murdaugh, he’d get away with it.

Reminds me of Breaking Bad… a “criminal” lawyer. Unlike Saul Goodman though, Alex is accustomed to having his way at home, in his career and because he was a Big Man in Town.

Or maybe the juror just didn't want to see the snot dripping from his nose anymore?

Also Alex can think what he wants, but the charge makes it clear to him he is not in charge of anything and maybe that is why the charge came now vs waiting for the trial to end. It sends him a message that he might have reworded the questions and talked in circles like lawyers do.. but he is not in control of that court room.
Irony is that Paul, the less loved son, appeared to be exactly like AM.

I tend to think that PM favored his mom in his nurturing side as many people describe him to be someone who would do anything for you. Unfortunately, it sounds like his ability to cope and handle drugs/alcohol are more of his father. AM mentioned that he had ADHD and it is not surprising. There seemed to be a whole lot of self-medication going on for AM and possibly PM. Too bad, PM never had the chance to own his behavior and grow beyond it. Sounds like he might have been trying.
I’ve been suspicious of his awkward and clumsy use of tissues that he seemingly retrieves from his own pockets, not a tissue box. I think he has been sneeking pills.
Yea I agree with the sneaky tissues!

hopefully they drug tested him with the new misdemeanor charge yesterday (sister slipped him the book).

You know, all those stored up snacks, chips etc in his jail account (and any $/credits in his jail account)—-those are valuable for inmate trading. Drugs are rampant inside jail walls (sometimes easier to get there as opposed to on the streets!).

This case just gets nuttier literally by the minute! Obviously—- I am squirrelly about it lol!
I just finished watching the day 2 cross.

I'll reiterate my previous thought - which I feel despondent about.

The prosecutor was a word salad and terrible - for a murder trial, he very infrequently directly confronted AM about the murder, and AM played him.

If you're as astute as WS members, you see the holes in AM's testimony.
But, the signal-to-noise was so low in that cross, that I think that many average jurors will miss those holes.
I may be wrong. I hope so.

But, then mix in all of those saccharine-sweet, faux Southern mannerisms - I wonder if those were orchestrated to appeal to fellow Southerners.
I freely admit I don't know about rural SC, except for the fact that it was among the last bastions of the Confederacy (which makes me suspicious, I will admit).

But, why not repeatedly say, loud and clear - "Mr. Murdaugh, you are a murderer. The evidence is the technological record which you cannot refute..." Over and over.... Over and over... Over and over....
If I'm a non-attentive juror, I'd commend the prosecutor for proving that AM was a liar.
But, that wasn't the goal.

My prediction - hung jury. Sadly. Maybe my faith will be restored.
He did stay. Hotel extended it to 1:00 p.m. and he was there till 1:50 p.m. when he texted and said they were kicking him out.

Maggie had also in a text referred to that Alex wasn't feeling well.

So apparently he didn't have pills with him on Sunday afternoon. I wish there was testimony about where he would have got them by Monday night. He didn't go anywhere other than the office. Though he could have had Curtis bring some to that hotel and that's why he was waiting in the room.
Didn't one of Miss Libby's caregivers say that Alex and Maggie came to see RM3 Sunday night 6-6. Maggie brought him his favorite donuts....AM could have had a stash of pills at Almeda or he could have just helped himself to some of his dad's pain medication to get him through until he could safely access another one of his stash locations at Moselle.
From October 2021 when AM’s lawyers were all over the National news trying to sell his story of paying someone to kill him due to his
“ addiction “. Media got his records including tox reports

With AM's self reported extreme opiod use, it is surprising that the link above has a creatinine level within normal limits, especially since he said he took upwards of a 1000mg/day over an extended period of time. Are there any medical people who also see this as odd?
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