SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #32

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The Murdaugh MOB! Either he has ;stuff' on Them, or he has just always been the Boss, perhaps after his Father?? HIs Father was well respected, and his grandfather, so I have to wonder if criminality has always been a way of life, and people allowed it, because it benefited them in some way, Or people were Afraid of this Mob Family. I can only imagine.
When I lived in NJ, there was a Mafia family that lived in the town I lived in and the one over. One time a Teen, my age was dating one of their family, and when she broke up with him, he (17 yrs old) attacked her parents house, Shooting at it. Some Cops drove Corvettes, which let us citizens know they were on the take. Not All, but some. There are all kinds of Mobs out there. MOO
I must agree with MOB mentality. Every town ( mine too) has a wealthy family with ‘old’ money and reputations that has fingers everywhere. It’s all in who you know! Especially small towns. They are the law and rules do not apply to them. The younger generation is deplorable too. Their great grand dads would flip over in their graves! JMOO
But he specifically said during redirect that he did not believe he impeded the investigation by lying because he knew he wasn’t the killer. The only way that lie impedes the investigation is by misdirecting attention away from him.
It misdirects, IF he's innocent, LE's investigations onto him not away. If you know someone is straight up lying, that's suspicious and guilty-looking behavior. So AM perpetuating just that one HUGE lie, of not being at the kennels moments before his wife and son were murdered, hindered greatly the investigators looking elsewhere. All this confessing in his brand spanking new telling of events. I don't believe his new version one iota.
The incident where Alex's sister tried to give him a Grisham book happened a couple of weeks ago. Are these new charges related to her actions weeks ago, or is this something new and different?

"Online jail records from the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office reveal the following: “Warrant: Misdemeanor Arrest warrant 2023a1510100048 issued by Colleton, SC; Arrest Date 02/24/2023; Additional Hold for South Carolina Law Enforcement Division; Arrest Date 02/24/2023.”​
Citing unnamed sources, the Post & Courier reports that the charge involves contraband related to a book.​
Murdaugh may have received some sort of contraband material from a loved one this week in the course of the trial, according to FITSNews. The news outlet also noted that Murdaugh’s lawyers met with their client on Thursday in a lunch meeting."​

IRRC it was reported AM was drug tested after that incident. Perhaps he flunked that test.
I agree that the Murdaugh name hindered this investigation at least in its initial stages. But there were a few things that are just head-scratchers for me.

For example, not using a faraday cage to preserve the GPS data on Maggie's phone. Or not using booties at the crime scene. Also, it never seemed to occur to the investigative team that AM could have been wearing the blue shirt and khakis (from the tree video) during the murders. The team was focused on the white t-shirt and green shorts that he put on later. It took until November 2022 until they finally seemed to make the connection even though they had that tree video from Day 1.

Again, I know it's easy to criticize. And there are a lot of things I give them a pass for, like not searching the Almeda property since they didn't have probable cause. But they really did make some unforced errors I wouldn't have expected from a state-level agency.

I can't remember a recent investigation where a Faraday cage was used or where booties were worn at a rainy, outdoor scene, maybe someone else can. I may have a hint of a memory of a Faraday being used back in the olden days of technology. The other points I think go to his power.
Interesting about the misdemeanor. I would bring it on rebuttal through van drivers or whoever busted him. It goes to credibility/impeachment. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this man has no regard for truth or the law which entrusted him with fates of innocent people some of who died on his watch. Don’t let him fool you, while he looks you in the eye, and says “I would never”. He would and he did.” And ladies and gentlemen- as you sit here doing your civic duty, being respectful of the court’s authority, arriving on time, giving your full attention to the witness, and as this trial extended longer than anticipated keeping you away from your loved ones, this man who took the stand, and took an oath, was actively violating the law while in custody, trying to wield his influence over law enforcement, to gain an advantage because the hounds are at the door again, and it’s who this man is, seemingly above the law or is the law with his badge and blue lights. Do not think for one minute that his performance on the stand about what he did and didn’t do between 8:44 and 9:06, and the story about why he lied to law enforcement and impeded the investigation into the MURDERS of his wife and child, has any factual basis. He thinks he can Murdaugh his way out being accountable for what he did on June 7. Don’t let him intimidate, manipulate, ingratiate or distract you, or warm you like he is used to doing when he feels threatened. All that behavior you just saw on the stand is why he got away with all the deceipt in the past. No one wants to think anyone is capable of that level of depravity, but facts are facts, and they can’t be ignored because he calls his son paw paw for you benefit and sympathy. It is an act, so please as you consider the overwhelming indisputable evidence about what happened at the kennels while he was proven to be there, and find this man guilty.”
the first interview IMO is always the key. his demeanor in describing in detail how and why he touched the bodies (in between the snorting and "distress') and can clearly explain PM's cell phone and his interaction AND thoughts about PM's phone...that detail is a red flag. considering the horrendous crime scene.

the "ever ready to lie AM" made sure he mentioned the phone in his first LE interview IMO because of where/how the phone was discovered.

that trailing off in the first LE interview about discovery of the bodies, he tells how he tried to turn paul over and cell phone popped out. then says: quote: "started to trying to do something with it thinking maybe...but then I put it back down really quickly". didnt finish his maybe sentence.

....well....reasonable questions: thinking maybe what???? do what with it???? when the video/audio surfaced he concocted a 'new story' concerning his whereabouts and tried a round peg square hole story. leaving Paul's phone: did he forget about the audio/video and the possibility his voice was on it? why take MM phone and not both?
Lied testifying over and over, about what he said to the Caregiver, and Blanca, twisting those conversations. Lying about not telling the 911 person that he touched both bodies, Which he Did Say!! He told the same to SLED in the vehicle interview. Lies, Lies, Lies! I hope and Pray Jurors will remember Those details!
Not to Diagnose, but I have known people with Borderline Personality Disorder(Lord knows he has a ton of all kinds of Disorders, IMPOV), and like some politicians have also done/said, If you repeat a story enough times, people will believe you, But in BPD, the person repeats the story over and over in their own head, because they must in charge of the Narrative, refuse to accept Any responsibility for the actions they have taken, the pain they may have caused.
AM Is often convincing to whatever audience he is talking to, often because he has convinced Himself of the veracity of his LIES!
I think the Jury will deliberate a Long time, as a few will believe him, but by the end, I also hope those who paid close attention will convince them of a Guilty Verdict. NO way a Not Guilty Verdict, but the rest...
Too many horrible Murder cases in recent years:(
I agree that the Murdaugh name hindered this investigation at least in its initial stages. But there were a few things that are just head-scratchers for me.

For example, not using a faraday cage to preserve the GPS data on Maggie's phone. Or not using booties at the crime scene. Also, it never seemed to occur to the investigative team that AM could have been wearing the blue shirt and khakis (from the tree video) during the murders. The team was focused on the white t-shirt and green shorts that he put on later. It took until November 2022 that they finally seemed to make the connection even though they had that tree video from Day 1.

Again, I know it's easy to criticize. And there are a lot of things I give them a pass for, like not searching the Almeda property since they didn't have probable cause. But they really did make some unforced errors I wouldn't have expected from a state-level agency.
I could be wrong but I don't think they had the tree video from Day 1. LE obtained it from Nathan Tuten sometime before August 11, 2021 (the day of the third LE interview of Alex when they showed him a still screen shot from the video and asked him about his clothing) but I don't think they had it on Day 1. Paul's phone was locked for a long time and LE could not access it for several months. Paul apparently sent the video to Nathan Tuten on the day of the murders. JMO.
The incident where Alex's sister tried to give him a Grisham book happened a couple of weeks ago.....
....The book -- John Grisham's "The Judge's List" -- was later confiscated.
Feb 10, 2023
He did stay. Hotel extended it to 1:00 p.m. and he was there till 1:50 p.m. when he texted and said they were kicking him out.

Maggie had also in a text referred to that Alex wasn't feeling well.

So apparently he didn't have pills with him on Sunday afternoon. I wish there was testimony about where he would have got them by Monday night. He didn't go anywhere other than the office. Though he could have had Curtis bring some to that hotel and that's why he was waiting in the room.
In that list of AM phone calls that CW showed on cross where AM repeatedly called RM, JMM over and over, and tgen some of his lawyer buddies too. I did noticed there was one call with Curtis Smith stuck in there all by itself. I think but I'm not sure that it was around 9-something pm. I just don't remember what date those list of calls were on? Whether they were right after the murders or right before or after the faked suicide?
From what I'm seeing online, when someone goes to detox from opioids, the doctors usually wean the patient off the drugs rather than having them go cold turkey. I can't imagine you could go from 2,000 mg a day to nothing in the seven days he said it took. The addict story doesn't hold up for me, which makes me wonder what he was doing with all those pills. Selling? Dealing?

I have a friend who is the doctor running the local outpatient opiate detox clinic. They use methadone. Then they lower the levels of methadone over time. Some never get off the methadone. Some use suboxone strips and tapering. Some get suboxone injections.

Methadone is the community standard of care here in SoCal (although the wealthy have other options - suboxone is apparently expensive). Some people remain on a low dose of methadone through decades of abstaining from opiates. A doctor needs some kind of special certification to do all this (federal certification for buying methadone).

I was kind of surprised AM said that. Why say out loud what the prosecutor is only implying, but not saying out loud?

Aside from that:

“I can promise you…”
”And THAT’S a fact…”

We often heard these assurances pass AM’s lips. To be honest, given his overall folksy persona, I’d have expected more folksy language in his assurances.

Something like, “you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.” I guess, given his documented scheming with Lafitte, I can understand why he might avoid saying, “And you can take that to the bank.”

Edited because I initially excluded my primary reply but only posted my aside. Sorry! Typing slower than my thoughts.

“I promise, that’s a fact” just like the “iron clad alibi” he claimed.
Watching the most recent testimony, I think the state should have gone with the drug angle. Alex murdering his wife and son in a drug fueled rage seems much simpler to believe rather than an elaborate scheme to coverup his financial crimes.

I think it's both and not elaborate at all. His mind snapped and it was the financials that worried him - because that was also his pill supply. The two are connected. He was finally hitting rock bottom. Jig was up. No money. No pills.

Like every addict, regaining access to his drug supply was paramount. I think he thought Paul and/or Maggie had some of his pills. They may have denied it. Maybe they flushed them down the toilet. That would make him mad.

It's all inter-related.

To me, the drug angle is very much in the mix.

YES! Also, some men who have owned companies, like Trash, Oil, etc have lost their licenses because of bad/illegal practices-not allowed to be in whatever Business they were, so started up the same business in their Wife's name, as they could control her. Protection from Liability. The Mob you know...
AM and family absolutely know all the jail and Court protocals.
He’s been locked up a long time. There’s a jailhouse call with him and his sister whining about being able to give him books. They were told that one way was to donate books to the jail library.
I’m sure they prefer to do it THEIR way.

His sister LMG works as a Victim Advocate for cripes sake!

Remember the group text between family about visiting Handsome in the hospital and she replied “ I’ll be in Court all week “

Thanks alot for this, I've wondered about the back story!
I believe it is without a will the probate court will distribute your estate. If you set up a trust, in your will you leave everything to the trust. Not everyone has a trust.

If you have a "Living Trust" most will also have a "pour-over Will" which is very popular for privacy reasons.

Essentially, with a Trust, the personal rep or executor of a decedent's estate does not have to file an estate inventory with the probate court (i.e., a list of the estate assets), a public document, because all of the decedent's assets not already titled in the name of the Living Trust, pour over to the Trust which is deemed private and not subject to public disclosure at death.

I'd like to think every WS member, young or old, has a Living Trust-- not only to avoid probate but for privacy reasons alone!

You can bet MM wished she had a Living Trust so that her probate inventory, disclosing she only owned an interest in two leveraged properties, a Mercedes SUV, and $56 at the time of her death would not have been public information. JMO

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