Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case had/has more evidence?*POLL ADDED*

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Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case has/had more evidence in favor of the prosecution?

  • Casey Anthony

    Votes: 645 90.1%
  • Scott Peterson

    Votes: 71 9.9%

  • Total voters
I agree with all the other posters who said that there is more evidence against KC than against Scott Peterson. To this day, I still don't know exactly how he killed Laci, and that drives me crazy. IMO, it is obvious that he is the one who killed her and the baby.

In this case, I think there are several reasons why the death penalty is not currently "on the table". Perhaps one is that the state feels that it wants direct evidence (an eyewitness to the actual murder) before it seeks to jump through all the many hoops required for it to get a capital conviction. I don't know that the state feels that way; I am just surmising.

But there is another reason why the state may be leaving the death penalty "off the table". I read Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.112. It sets out the standards for attorney representation in capital cases. It says that in Florida, an attorney (whether retained, or appointed, or from the Public Defender's office) is to have 5 or more years of active criminal trial practice in order to be lead counsel on a capital case, and 3 or more years of same in order to be co-counsel on a capital case.

I keep hearing that JB has been practicing for less than 5 years. Anyone know exactly how long he's been a licensed attorney? If he is under 5 years--and I think he is--the state knows that he might become disqualified to represent KC in this case if it is a capital case. And, frankly, I think the state wants JB to be their opponent in this. So I think the state wants to keep this murder case at a level in which JB will stay on it and not be removed due to lack of years of experience.

Cheney Mason is a qualified death penalty atty so there is one on the so-called "scheme team"
KC's case has more evidence-A body at the front end of the case that had evidence of murder (duct tape on the skull)... many of the elements, tough, are the same-A boyfiredn who will talkabout how KC totally lied to him about her family life, a girlfriend (Amy) that will say the same-A mother that will lie for the attorney that will do appauling things (remember the boat incident in the Peterson case?)
Only difference I can think of right off the bat is that Scott tried to roll out and into Mexico. But who knows, if KC had her chance, would CA have financed an escape?
Hey, at least Baez claims his heritage...My grandmother is still mad that Geragos dropped the identifying "ian" from the end of his Armenian surname :)

Yes, I'm sure CA would have bankrolled a escape to Mexico. But only if she could go with her. I'm of the opinion CA doesn't want Casey to be punished by the government (she feels this is a family issue to be dealt with by the "Anthonys" alone) but would relish torturing Casey day in and day out with her constant passive aggressive comments. You only need to read CA's letters to her daughter to get a small glimpse of what she would say and do to Casey if she were free.

One of the most dysfunctional relationships I've ever seen is the one between Casey and Cindy. It puts a love/hate relationship into real context but their relationship leans more towards the hate aspect than love.
The one thing I have not heard about with this case/trial (and if I am wrong please correct me) is the amount of support via protestors,court watchers voicing their opinion at the court house. I followed Laci Peterson's trial and because the family was involved there was a great deal of support for the trial and the outcome. Because there is NOONE to stand up for Caylee I wonder if there has been any organizing of groups to let the jury KNOW when they are coming into and leaving the courthouse, that there are people watching the outcome of this trial and that they want justice for Caylee,despite the fact the "grandmother/grandfather" are sitting in the courtroom in support for Casey. This fact IMHO is a great determining factor on a jury.As a person who has sat on juries,you always look out in the audience for that "support" for the victim.:twocents:


Right I agree. That's why I believe whoever those 12 people will end up being will be the family that Caylee deserved but never got.

Those 12 people, I'm sure, will do what's right by Caylee, something her family will never will do for her.
No worries. I admit I am clueless about that case. I should know better than to take a mere website as fact. The movie also left a lot of room for doubt which is what made me do the internet searches to begin with. Don't feel bad for shooting me down. BELIVE me if anyone was to post something about the KC case that was not fact I would be all over them!! I follow this case in and out, day by day. So I understand the passion behind those that followed the SP case the same way.

THanks for clairifying the info though. Not that I felt bad about SP being on death row. I think he did it. Just thought the evidence used to convict him was a LOT less than what the SA have against KC. Hoping for the same verdict.

1. Lacy's watch and jewerly was pawned and auctioned online (NOT BY SP)

Laci herself pawned some jewelry prior to her death. A watch SIMILAR TO a watch like one Laci had inherited from her grandmother was seen on an ebay auction. It was determined not to be the same watch.

2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.

I followed that case "from Day 1" and never read any report anywhere about this item.

3. The California Highway Patrol receives a tip that a pregnant woman is being held captive in Tracy, close to Modesto, and is being abused. This is never investigated ("Sightings were not a priority" - MPD).

This WAS investigated. Nothing was found there.

4. Laci's uterus has been cut open by someone unskilled in medical procedures

Uterus had not been cut.

5. The fetus and the placenta are both missing

Fetus - a fully formed child - was found. Yes, placenta was missing.

6. Conner's body showed no signs of being premature. (she was 8 months pregnant when last seen alive..)

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

7. He is identified as full term by all witnesses but one. That witness is himself opposed by all other witnesses, both defense and prosecution, and his theory is soundly rejected by his own medical reference (Jeanty).

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

8. Although Laci was not consuming anything with caffeine in it (her friends report), she was found with caffeine in her system. Conner had none in his, implying that she consumed it after he was removed from her body.

When found, Laci had no "systems" left to test for caffeine. But yes, there was some muscle tissue tested and it was positive for caffeine.

9. Laci's clothes were also still tied on her body, something which could not happen unless they were retied after the baby was removed. It also shows she was in the water for a day or two at most.

There were no reports of any clothing being tied on her body. Her skelontonized remains had on a bra and a pair of maternity slcaks.
Re: time in water - her remains were skeletonized

10. It is claimed that Laci's uterus was two to three weeks post partum, showing that she lived at least that long after the baby was removed from her body.

Untrue. Read medical examiner's report.

11. Although Laci's body is simply discarded in the sea, either from the Albany Bulb or more likely from the Richmond Jetty, the body of the baby is carefully laid on the shore at the Richmond Jetty so it can be found and buried. This is clearly the work of someone who cared for the baby.

"Carefully laid??" Oh forgodsake, who wrote this, Jackie Peterson?

Thank you AlwaysShocked. It drives me nutty when "facts" are created and nice people like gamom and the rest of us can get misled. But I think that's why it is important that if we are in any way unsure of the "facts", or of we have a hint that the facts may be in question for some, we need to link to those facts. Obviously, that would be a necessity more in archived cases because in cases like Caylee's, we are all pretty much up to speed.

I also followed Laci's case with fervor and reading that list from the Peterson camp is like reading a list of "facts" written by the Anthonys. It would go something like this:

1. Casey used a nanny for at least two years. She was perfect ten, with curly hair that she sometimes straightened. She had several relatives that could have been tracked down. LE NEVER investigated her whereabouts or her family's whereabouts because they had made up their minds. Caylee talked about Zanny all the time.
2. There was no corpse in Casey's car. It was rotting garbage which LE tampered or allowed to be tampered with. Forensics used to prove there was decomp were disproved by everyone but one expert.
3. There was no body in the woods prior to Casey being put in jail. Forensics show it was placed there after Casey was incarcerated.
4. There was no hair that showed Caylee was dead. It was a hair that could have belonged to anyone in the Anthony family and was decomposing as any hair does when removed from the head.
5. There was no overwhelming amount of chloroform in Casey's trunk - just the normal amount that could have come from pool-soaked clothes, maybe placed there after Caylee went for a swim.
6. There were definite sightings of Caylee at an airport after she was reported missing and after supposed death smells were noted in the car. There were two eyewitnesses, but this was never fully investigated by LE who had already made up their minds.
7. There is no real proof that the remains found were indeed actually Caylees. She could still be alive somewhere.
2. Some lady was found with Lacy's SS Card.

Actually, this one was apparently true, although the rest of the list is just more BS from Lee and Jackie. I followed the case from Christmas Day, 2002 and had never heard it either. Ironically I just read Catherine Crier's book A Deadly Game.

I happened to stumble across it at the library, and didn't even remember that she wrote a book. But it was interesting to go back and read it all in one sequential story instead of in little bits and pieces and rumors and facts jumbled together and twisted by the media.

Anyway, about the SS card...she writes about the robbery by Kim McGregor:

"Later that week, Grogan learned that Scott's neighbor, Kim McGregor, had been identified as the person responsible for the burglary...Faced with the threat of prosecution, McGregor admitted to stealing the video camera and Laci's Social Security card."

[ame=""] A Deadly Game: The Untold Story of the Scott Peterson Investigation (9780060849634): Catherine Crier: Books[/ame]

Also correct is that there is a LOT more evidence on Casey. Not that there wasn't plenty on Scott.

I actually came looking for this thread after finishing the book because I was struck by how eerily alike Scott and Casey are. I know the connection has been made before, and I always agreed, but reading this (especially snippets from his interviews that didn't make it into the media or even the trial) it is astonishing how he lied, lied, lied about stuff he didn't need to lie about, about stuff that would be exposed or verified almost immediately ("My office is just down this corridor.").

Even how Laci and Caylee were both probably "soft kills" (no bloody crime scene ever found) and both dumped in water, the tarp and the garbage bags, the expectation that they'd never be found. The near obsessive cleaning to eliminate any evidence (thanks, Mom!). The utter disbelief by the murderer that thousands of strangers would care about this person that they threw away like garbage, and their own ego coming back to haunt them.

KC's case has more evidence-A body at the front end of the case that had evidence of murder (duct tape on the skull)... many of the elements, tough, are the same-A boyfiredn who will talkabout how KC totally lied to him about her family life, a girlfriend (Amy) that will say the same-A mother that will lie for the attorney that will do appauling things (remember the boat incident in the Peterson case?)
Only difference I can think of right off the bat is that Scott tried to roll out and into Mexico. But who knows, if KC had her chance, would CA have financed an escape?
Hey, at least Baez claims his heritage...My grandmother is still mad that Geragos dropped the identifying "ian" from the end of his Armenian surname :)

KC didnt run. I wonder if Caylee's killer will be revealed at trial, or will KC remain silent and implacate no-one.
1. Casey used a nanny for at least two years. She was perfect ten, with curly hair that she sometimes straightened. She had several relatives that could have been tracked down. LE NEVER investigated her whereabouts or her family's whereabouts because they had made up their minds. Caylee talked about Zanny all the time.
2. There was no corpse in Casey's car. It was rotting garbage which LE tampered or allowed to be tampered with. Forensics used to prove there was decomp were disproved by everyone but one expert.
3. There was no body in the woods prior to Casey being put in jail. Forensics show it was placed there after Casey was incarcerated.
4. There was no hair that showed Caylee was dead. It was a hair that could have belonged to anyone in the Anthony family and was decomposing as any hair does when removed from the head.
5. There was no overwhelming amount of chloroform in Casey's trunk - just the normal amount that could have come from pool-soaked clothes, maybe placed there after Caylee went for a swim.
6. There were definite sightings of Caylee at an airport after she was reported missing and after supposed death smells were noted in the car. There were two eyewitnesses, but this was never fully investigated by LE who had already made up their minds.
7. There is no real proof that the remains found were indeed actually Caylees. She could still be alive somewhere.

I'm not sure they prosecution can refute all of the above, but they will certainly do their best.
KC didnt run. I wonder if Caylee's killer will be revealed at trial, or will KC remain silent and implacate no-one.

I think Caylee's killer has already been revealed. That is what the trial is all about. Do you think she is covering for the 'real' killer?
I'm not sure they prosecution can refute all of the above, but they will certainly do their best.

Okay, you do know that Gitana was just spoofin, right? That list was a joke. Just sayin...
The one fact that immediately leaps to mind as different between Scott Peterson and KC is this:

The likelihood of a wife going jogging and not reported missing for a few hours is high... in fact LE would probably not act on it immediately.

The likelihood of a 3 year old child missing for a month and unreported is miniscule.

IMO.. When LE heard the words "a month" the case against KC began building from that moment, and after following up on her story / debunking her trail of lies, all efforts not focused on Kaylee's recovery were focused on gathering evidence against KC.

Have you ever seen a woman 8.5-9 mos pregnant JOGGING? I knew that was a bunch of hooey.

I voted KC having the most CE, and just plain evidence as well. Her multitude of lies is just astounding.

There is nobody in the Casey Anthony family with even the tiniest hint of the grace and class shown by Laci's mom during the trial of SP. Scotts parents, however, specifically his mom, did hold on to ridiculous lies throughout the investigation and trial like Casey's family did and is still doing to this day.

KC didnt run. I wonder if Caylee's killer will be revealed at trial, or will KC remain silent and implacate no-one.

The killer has already been revealed.
Casey Anthony and no one else.
She has tried to implicate others since day one.
They will keep trying to implicate others, but it won't work.
The killer has already been revealed.
Casey Anthony and no one else.
She has tried to implicate others since day one.
They will keep trying to implicate others, but it won't work.

Who are They? KC's defence team?
Have you ever seen a woman 8.5-9 mos pregnant JOGGING? I knew that was a bunch of hooey.

I voted KC having the most CE, and just plain evidence as well. Her multitude of lies is just astounding.

There is nobody in the Casey Anthony family with even the tiniest hint of the grace and class shown by Laci's mom during the trial of SP. Scotts parents, however, specifically his mom, did hold on to ridiculous lies throughout the investigation and trial like Casey's family did and is still doing to this day.


I don't know where the jogging story came from but it was actually walking the dog, McKenzie in the park which Laci had been doing up until a few weeks prior when she didn't feel well. She got dizzy and had told people about it so friends and family were aware of her usual habits and things. The park had walking and jogging trails though. The neighbor found the dog outside right after Scott left that morning and had a receipt from the store showing the time so that's how she knew exactly how long it had been from the time Scott said he left. Looking at the votes I figure the 6% for SP probably didn't follow that case and this one as closely as I have. Jackie was no where near as bad as Cindy for sure. One thing that comes to mind was the phone recording where she called Scott about a sighting in Oregon. His phone was tapped and picked up his voice after he hung up with his mother played in court in front of her where he is laughing at her and comments something like "yeah, right" indicating of course he knew it wasn't Laci. Unlike Cindy, JP said I can't help Laci and Connor but I can help Scott. I find that very ironic and twisted making the comparison myself and thinking back to Cindy saying she knew where Casey was (jail) it was Caylee she was concerned with. Once she found Caylee she didn't like what she found and has placed herself right beside JP knowing they are guilty. Unlike JP I have to believe that CA thinks it was an accident. I don't know if that's true but I can't imagine it otherwise. My mind cannot comprehend it.
I don't know where the jogging story came from but it was actually walking the dog, McKenzie in the park which Laci had been doing up until a few weeks prior when she didn't feel well. She got dizzy and had told people about it so friends and family were aware of her usual habits and things. The park had walking and jogging trails though. The neighbor found the dog outside right after Scott left that morning and had a receipt from the store showing the time so that's how she knew exactly how long it had been from the time Scott said he left. Looking at the votes I figure the 6% for SP probably didn't follow that case and this one as closely as I have. Jackie was no where near as bad as Cindy for sure. One thing that comes to mind was the phone recording where she called Scott about a sighting in Oregon. His phone was tapped and picked up his voice after he hung up with his mother played in court in front of her where he is laughing at her and comments something like "yeah, right" indicating of course he knew it wasn't Laci. Unlike Cindy, JP said I can't help Laci and Connor but I can help Scott. I find that very ironic and twisted making the comparison myself and thinking back to Cindy saying she knew where Casey was (jail) it was Caylee she was concerned with. Once she found Caylee she didn't like what she found and has placed herself right beside JP knowing they are guilty. Unlike JP I have to believe that CA thinks it was an accident. I don't know if that's true but I can't imagine it otherwise. My mind cannot comprehend it.


And remember on that same phone (tapped) when SP was told it wasn't Laci that was found, but an anchor- He was heard letting out a whistle in relief- that was played in court, too. I heard it and there were lots of looks in the court room that day. He may as well have screamed "Thank god they didn't find her- I hope I put enough anchors around her throat". It was surreal.

Much like ICA- SP made a lot of stupid blunders/lies/mistakes-call them what you like, that got him caught. Not that to those of us, who first started following that initial report, it wasn't completely obvious that he did something to her, just took some time to figure out exactly what. Same thing with ICA- we all knew she did something with Caylee, just took time to figure out exactly what. Like SP, the body always surfaces at some point. These are not genius we're talking about. Nor are they sophisticated killers with any sort of sophisticated plan of action. They are driven by selfishness, greed, convenience and hatred. That kind of criminal is messy and careless.

ICA- had a 31 day lead and had her family been paying attention, there was no way she could have gotten away with that 31 days. This girl was completely dependent on her family for food, shelter and just about everything else. They knew she was in and out of the house taking things. They never met any such nanny, or any of the friends ICA peppered her conversations sign that she had a job even if she lied and said she did- She consistently had NO MONEY. Working people with no bills of their own have money. The signs were there that something was really wrong. Why it took CA and GA, or Lee for that matter, 31 days to decide that night to hunt this girl down and demand answers is still a mystery. The only thing that makes sense is the fight and hence, her leaving. CA figured ICA would come crawling back and promise to be better at the mom thing, but instead, killed the child and hid away until a better plan could be formed. Even calling every night as she now says she did- giving an excuse each time that Caylee was 'detained' therefore unable to talk, is ridiculous. My mother would have flipped a wig if I could not produce my child for that long, even if just by phone. The bells were screaming, yet these people played deaf! WHY?

I digress.
I followed the Peterson case closely and there is more evidence in the Anthony case. Peterson was convicted on his lies and the timeline which no one could overlook. There are a lot of people who say they did not have the physical evidence to convict him and they really did not, except for one hair that may have been Lacy's. But the timeline is incredible and imo it could not be overlooked. And also his lies, and the vigil recording.

In the KC case, there is the stain evidence in the trunk, which was just let it and that is HUGE. We have the 31 days and the June 20th picture of her at Fusion. Those three things are going to do it, imo. Then we have the lies to LE on tape, which is in. And all the other lies that go to the guilt of KC. Oh, yes and the tape. Don't know about air yet, but it is not necessary, they have enough.

They can get a million Jamie Weintraub's on HLN's Jane Velez-M's show (which no one can watch because of the screaming) and it will do nothing but hike up their ratings. The state is going to prosecute and get a conviction and the trial will be over in two months and by August KC will reside at Lowell and then life will change for KC - it will be much harder. IMO
Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony

Sociopaths, narcissistics, interests in crime stories, murder mysteries.
Both did not complete schooling.
Domineering mothers, weak fathers.
An attitude of superiority in both families.
Lies, secrets, denial abounds.
Secret places: Scott's work shed (anchors) Casey's "The Zone" (choroform?)

Both did not want children.
Both required much attention & adoration.

Scott took the passive role with sex.
Casey took the aggressive role.

The backyard pool was probably part of the murder.
Duct tape used to "keep things inside"

Both placed bodies in a familiar place to themselves.
Both bodies recovered near water.

Both addicted to sex and approval.
Both wanted to start a new life...with someone new...immediately.

Both concerned about their images if they left the home.
Would they be seen as "less than"?
Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony

Sociopaths, narcissistics, interests in crime stories, murder mysteries.
Both did not complete schooling.
Domineering mothers, weak fathers.
An attitude of superiority in both families.
Lies, secrets, denial abounds.
Secret places: Scott's work shed (anchors) Casey's "The Zone" (choroform?)

Both did not want children.
Both required much attention & adoration.

Scott took the passive role with sex.
Casey took the aggressive role.

The backyard pool was probably part of the murder.
Duct tape used to "keep things inside"

Both placed bodies in a familiar place to themselves.
Both bodies recovered near water.

Both addicted to sex and approval.
Both wanted to start a new life...with someone new...immediately.

Both concerned about their images if they left the home.
Would they be seen as "less than"?

Not bad. the only things I would say differently is I think she was killed in the garage or put out in the garage and put in the trunk with the tape around her mouth; to keep her from waking up; not to keep things inside.
Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony

Sociopaths, narcissistics, interests in crime stories, murder mysteries.
Both did not complete schooling.
Domineering mothers, weak fathers.
An attitude of superiority in both families.
Lies, secrets, denial abounds.
Secret places: Scott's work shed (anchors) Casey's "The Zone" (choroform?)

Both did not want children.
Both required much attention & adoration.

Scott took the passive role with sex.
Casey took the aggressive role.

The backyard pool was probably part of the murder.
Duct tape used to "keep things inside"

Both placed bodies in a familiar place to themselves.
Both bodies recovered near water.

Both addicted to sex and approval.
Both wanted to start a new life...with someone new...immediately.

Both concerned about their images if they left the home.
Would they be seen as "less than"?

Both of them had interests in crime stories? I didn't know that.

And remember on that same phone (tapped) when SP was told it wasn't Laci that was found, but an anchor- He was heard letting out a whistle in relief- that was played in court, too. I heard it and there were lots of looks in the court room that day. He may as well have screamed "Thank god they didn't find her- I hope I put enough anchors around her throat". It was surreal.

Much like ICA- SP made a lot of stupid blunders/lies/mistakes-call them what you like, that got him caught. Not that to those of us, who first started following that initial report, it wasn't completely obvious that he did something to her, just took some time to figure out exactly what. Same thing with ICA- we all knew she did something with Caylee, just took time to figure out exactly what. Like SP, the body always surfaces at some point. These are not genius we're talking about. Nor are they sophisticated killers with any sort of sophisticated plan of action. They are driven by selfishness, greed, convenience and hatred. That kind of criminal is messy and careless.

ICA- had a 31 day lead and had her family been paying attention, there was no way she could have gotten away with that 31 days. This girl was completely dependent on her family for food, shelter and just about everything else. They knew she was in and out of the house taking things. They never met any such nanny, or any of the friends ICA peppered her conversations sign that she had a job even if she lied and said she did- She consistently had NO MONEY. Working people with no bills of their own have money. The signs were there that something was really wrong. Why it took CA and GA, or Lee for that matter, 31 days to decide that night to hunt this girl down and demand answers is still a mystery. The only thing that makes sense is the fight and hence, her leaving. CA figured ICA would come crawling back and promise to be better at the mom thing, but instead, killed the child and hid away until a better plan could be formed. Even calling every night as she now says she did- giving an excuse each time that Caylee was 'detained' therefore unable to talk, is ridiculous. My mother would have flipped a wig if I could not produce my child for that long, even if just by phone. The bells were screaming, yet these people played deaf! WHY?

I digress.


I followed both cases closely and I'm still unable to answer this question. I was so disgusted at JP and her husband's defense of ISP. I must admit however, CA and GA really, really, make the P's pale in comparison.

One thing is for sure, both ISP and ICA were arrogant about their crimes. Both seemed quite accustomed to lying on a pathological level. The physical and circumstantial evidence in both crimes tied them to their crimes. In ISP's case, with my 20/20 opinion and all, his circumstantial evidence could have been explained away IF he hadn't been such a liar. He tried too hard to account for EVERYTHING. He did this after the fact. ICA is different in that she tried to account for EVERYTHING almost beforehand.

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