Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case had/has more evidence?*POLL ADDED*

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Scott Peterson vs. KC - Which case has/had more evidence in favor of the prosecution?

  • Casey Anthony

    Votes: 645 90.1%
  • Scott Peterson

    Votes: 71 9.9%

  • Total voters
Not bad. the only things I would say differently is I think she was killed in the garage or put out in the garage and put in the trunk with the tape around her mouth; to keep her from waking up; not to keep things inside.

Scott probably didn't want the baby to be expelled.
Casey probably used duct tape when Caylee was placed in 'The Zone'
to make things look like a kidnapping & possibly fluids were coming from Caylee. Wasn't there a steak knife found in car or disposal site?
Scott probably didn't want the baby to be expelled.
Casey probably used duct tape when Caylee was placed in 'The Zone'
to make things look like a kidnapping & possibly fluids were coming from Caylee. Wasn't there a steak knife found in car or disposal site?

The Zone I take it is where Caylee's body was found?

I don't think she would have done that - not KC. She is too fly by night to plan it. I think she used the duct tape to make sure Caylee did not wake up after she put her to sleep with enough chloroform to make even Dr. Vass sit up and take notice (10,000 times the amount left by a decomposing body). So there is no doubt she wanted this child out and out for good. My opinion anyway.

I thought I read something about the tape being placed on the body prior to death and I don't know where I read it. If anyone can help - I could be wrong on that one.

I see what you are saying - the fluids came and then she put the tape over her mouth. Hmmmmmmm.

I don't think KC thought about fluids - she is not that bright. She knows only K-Mart and lying and stealing. She is not the brightest as we can see from her actions. She is not even smart enough to feign sadness when she is brought back to the police station by yuri Melich and J. Allen after the Universal interview. She smiled broadly for her picture. She would not think of covering her up with tape. Also, I don't think you had the purging the second day. I think it was more the 18th and 19th (she rids the body on the 19th). I think she tried to clean it with paper towels and left them in the trunk - another bizarro attempt by KC to clean up and leave it there. Anyway....

There was a steak knife found in the front seat and it was washed by Cindy, HOWEVER, on wftv's evidence page, they have a picture of a knife with what looks like a fiber from duct tape. That tape really sticks. Maybe they took the whole set and analyzed them. But there is definitely a fiber that APPEARS to be from duct tape.

So, what does anyone know about purging. Would it bypass the duct tape from nose and mouth. There was enough fatty acids to leave an impression of Caylee. It came from somewhere. Anyone??
Here you go Beatrice:

The tape was still attached to head hair, and the skull was separate from the other body parts, said Dr. Jan Garavaglia, chief medical examiner for Orange County.

“This duct tape was clearly placed prior to decomposition, keeping the mandible in place,” she says in the report. Garavaglia said animals had scattered the bones after decomposition began. The cause of the child’s death is listed as “homicide by undetermined means.”
KC didnt run. I wonder if Caylee's killer will be revealed at trial, or will KC remain silent and implacate no-one.

Of course she didnt run she was having to much fun partying with friends. Not to mention KC never thought anyone wouldn't take her word for it. I mean after all she was a good liar. Kc wouldn't know how to remain silent and would have no problem throwing someone under the bus to save herself. And yes I do believe Caylee killer will be revealed at trial and will be lucky if she gets LWOP. I often wonder if KC even thinks of Caylee everytime she looks in the mirror. Then I remember of course not because its always about her (KC) :crazy: I voted KA case :)
Imagine if SP was a texter! We'd see more layers to his lying, like we see with KC-- every single person they knew. mo
The Zone I take it is where Caylee's body was found?

I don't think she would have done that - not KC. She is too fly by night to plan it. I think she used the duct tape to make sure Caylee did not wake up after she put her to sleep with enough chloroform to make even Dr. Vass sit up and take notice (10,000 times the amount left by a decomposing body). So there is no doubt she wanted this child out and out for good. My opinion anyway.

I thought I read something about the tape being placed on the body prior to death and I don't know where I read it. If anyone can help - I could be wrong on that one.

I see what you are saying - the fluids came and then she put the tape over her mouth. Hmmmmmmm.

I don't think KC thought about fluids - she is not that bright. She knows only K-Mart and lying and stealing. She is not the brightest as we can see from her actions. She is not even smart enough to feign sadness when she is brought back to the police station by yuri Melich and J. Allen after the Universal interview. She smiled broadly for her picture. She would not think of covering her up with tape. Also, I don't think you had the purging the second day. I think it was more the 18th and 19th (she rids the body on the 19th). I think she tried to clean it with paper towels and left them in the trunk - another bizarro attempt by KC to clean up and leave it there. Anyway....

There was a steak knife found in the front seat and it was washed by Cindy, HOWEVER, on wftv's evidence page, they have a picture of a knife with what looks like a fiber from duct tape. That tape really sticks. Maybe they took the whole set and analyzed them. But there is definitely a fiber that APPEARS to be from duct tape.

So, what does anyone know about purging. Would it bypass the duct tape from nose and mouth. There was enough fatty acids to leave an impression of Caylee. It came from somewhere. Anyone??[/QUOT

From what I read at the Body Farm I'd say ears and eyes.Also rectum and genitals.
The Zone I take it is where Caylee's body was found?

I don't think she would have done that - not KC. She is too fly by night to plan it. I think she used the duct tape to make sure Caylee did not wake up after she put her to sleep with enough chloroform to make even Dr. Vass sit up and take notice (10,000 times the amount left by a decomposing body). So there is no doubt she wanted this child out and out for good. My opinion anyway.

I thought I read something about the tape being placed on the body prior to death and I don't know where I read it. If anyone can help - I could be wrong on that one.

I see what you are saying - the fluids came and then she put the tape over her mouth. Hmmmmmmm.

I don't think KC thought about fluids - she is not that bright. She knows only K-Mart and lying and stealing. She is not the brightest as we can see from her actions. She is not even smart enough to feign sadness when she is brought back to the police station by yuri Melich and J. Allen after the Universal interview. She smiled broadly for her picture. She would not think of covering her up with tape. Also, I don't think you had the purging the second day. I think it was more the 18th and 19th (she rids the body on the 19th). I think she tried to clean it with paper towels and left them in the trunk - another bizarro attempt by KC to clean up and leave it there. Anyway....

There was a steak knife found in the front seat and it was washed by Cindy, HOWEVER, on wftv's evidence page, they have a picture of a knife with what looks like a fiber from duct tape. That tape really sticks. Maybe they took the whole set and analyzed them. But there is definitely a fiber that APPEARS to be from duct tape.

So, what does anyone know about purging. Would it bypass the duct tape from nose and mouth. There was enough fatty acids to leave an impression of Caylee. It came from somewhere. Anyone??[/QUOT

From what I read at the Body Farm I'd say ears and eyes.Also rectum and genitals.

:twocents: Just thought I'd add a detail regarding "purging". Purging is the generalized term used to indicate that bodily fluids are exiting a decedent and has surprised :sick: many a OME tech as he or she TURNS or moves a body from one position to another. :innocent: ANY and ALL open body orifices can "participate" in the action of "purging" or releasing bodily fluids, the oral cavity provides the most frequently encountered experience where saliva/oral fluids may mix with those of the upper GI tract /or frothy fluids from the lungs. As noted above, there is "leakage" from the ocular and aural cavities in addition to bodily fluids from the urethra, vaginal cavity and seepage from the anal cavity. The duct tape would be of little value to eliminate the natural progression of purging and the subsequent decomposition process. The fatty acids occur as further body tissue decomposed vs the primary purge event. BTW: the environment within that trunk (based on the data released about the FL. heat & humidity et al.) was perfect to accelerate the decompositional event :sick: which was PROBABLY a huge surprise to the felon! (and more than likely would be to almost anybody not involved in the fields of LE or forensic science)
I know we just started jury selection, but how does the publicity of this trial so far compare to the Peterson trial? I know that trial was also televised by Court TV/TruTV but what was the national coverage like outside of that channel? Could you avoid it?

(ETA: I was only in 5th/6th grade when that trial was happening, and I remember watching it on TruTV with my mom but I wasn't watching news channels at that age so I couldn't tell you what the coverage was outside of TruTV, which is why I'm asking.)
I know we just started jury selection, but how does the publicity of this trial so far compare to the Peterson trial? I know that trial was also televised by Court TV/TruTV but what was the national coverage like outside of that channel? Could you avoid it?

(ETA: I was only in 5th/6th grade when that trial was happening, and I remember watching it on TruTV with my mom but I wasn't watching news channels at that age so I couldn't tell you what the coverage was outside of TruTV, which is why I'm asking.)

BBM: Way to make me feel old! LOL!

I would say it is very similar. The technology has advanced in the years since Scott was tried, but there is a common thread of exposure.

Scott v Casey

1) Scott's trial was not aired, but Court TV had a reporter texting near constant updates and THAT was aired. Casey's trial will be aired with near constant twitter updates from those in the courtroom.
2) Pretty much wall to wall coverage on Court TV/Tru TV (In Session)
3) Scott had protestors, radio personalities driving through his neighborhood in a van with a megaphone; Casey had the 24/7 webcam and protestors.
4) Both trials have/had a line for seats for the public.
5) Both trials have the *unique* parents of the defendant and a lawyer who can't stop talking.
6) Both defendants talked themselves into a deep hole, and then stopped talking to anyone (although Casey figured this out sooner than Scott did).
7) Cell phones and pings major evidence against both.
8) Both trials have/had sexual components that draw viewers.
9) Both trials involve the death of an innocent child, which draws viewers.
10) Both trials have a young, white, attractive (to some) defendant who makes you :waitasec: about how it all came to this.
11) Both trials have a defense attorney who makes big promises about revealing "the truth" at trial.
12) You could sign up for text updates from Court TV for the Peterson case; you can download the iPhone app for the Anthony case. Or friend WESH on facebook, or follow about a million reporters on twitter.

ICA case has more evidence IMO

Now I am really curious as to what the Defense "Bombshell" is going to be. In Scott Peterson trial, at one point his attorney suggested that Laci was killed by a "ritualistic Satanic cult".
Thanks! I have a few more questions: During the Peterson trial, how much coverage was given by the evening news? How about the 24/7 cable news channels: CNN/FOX/MSNBC? How often did shows like Larry King Live, The O'Reilly Factor, 20/20, Primetime, etc talk about the case? Basically, what was the national television coverage like outside of TruTV? Also, how would you say the media coverage of the Ramsey case compared to the media coverage of the Peterson and Anthony cases?
I think KC's case has more evidence. I do believe that Scott Peterson killed Laci and his family's history has several similarities to the Anthony family like Beatrice mentioned in her post.

One huge difference with KC and Scott is that Scott in many ways had a better history of working and being reliable than KC did. Scott worked three jobs at one point to pay for his college tuition and his career as a salesman was steady. KC was a bigger liar than Scott P in various ways and some of her lies were done just so she could either fit in with friends better or make herself look like a better person.

-She claimed to have attended Valencia Community College and she got away with this lie with most of her friends because they were either attending/attended UCF or other colleges around the Orlando area or were working daily jobs. While she was staying with Tony L and hanging out with friends she tried to impress them by saying that she was planning to get her bachelor's at UCF. She likely said that because Tony and his friends were talking about the jobs they were planning to get after finishing Full Sail
-She claimed to have had a career in event planning and claimed that she could work from home at any time, some of her friends bought this lie and while a few had doubts about it. One of KC's friends Melina Calabrese was attending college and planning a career in event planning, likely KC's lie came from Melina's career plans.

KC and Scott both faltered in their lies. Scott's sister Ann Bird showed several examples of how Scott's stories fell apart in her book Blood Brother. KC's lies fell apart a few times before Caylee's disappearance

-When Casey's friend Cara Brown Pletzer was considering babysitting to earn money while going to grad school and Cara's brother Troy who was also friends with Casey once questioned Casey about how much she was paying her "nanny" and Casey didn't give a clear answer.
-Annie Downing was one of the friends that I mentioned above who began to doubt Casey's "career"
-Friends questioned Casey's claims of who Caylee's father was
Casey has the most evidence ... But I also knew Scott was guilty from the get go as well. The biggest evidence, IIRC, been a long time ago, was the fact he returned to where he dumped the body.
Casey Anthony trial- no doubt in my mind!
I voted Casey. And just like when a lot of folks thought Scott Peterson would walk I had faith they would find him guilty. I feel the same way about Casey Anthony. I have faith in the state attorney and their ability to prove their case, I have faith in the jury to do the right thing. I have a LOT of faith in Judge Perry to make sure everything is done by the letter of the law so the conviction can never be overturned on appeal.

I really believe that Casey Anthony will get the death penalty and I hope she enjoys her time at Lowell right up until they ask her if she would prefer the electric chair or a lethal injection.
I have not watched the whole trial nor followed this case because it's interrupted all the time by interviews and commericals. But I thought the Peterson case was very strong compared to this case. I thought he was lying from the beginning.

This case has so many ups and downs, pushes and pulls, I don't know what to think. I know parents sometimes kill their children, and Casey does seem to be disturbed. From letters I've read between her and her boyfriends, she seems to be a very angry person. Also she is accused of lying about a nanny. But did she? She gives a name, and the nanny says she never heard of Casey or Caylee. If something happened to the child in the nanny's care, I wouldn't be surprised if she did deny it. But is she telling the truth? From the letters Casey exchanged with some boyfriends, she mentions a nanny quite a bit. She also mentions a job. I guess I don't know what to believe. Seems like the job turned out to be a lie. But the nanny, I don't know.

As to the dogs, I'm not sure what they are smelling was a dead human being. Could have been an animal that died or was killed a while back and that's the scent they're smelling. I say this because I raised German Shepherds for many years, (mainly for the show ring) and I was friends with a trainer who trained police dogs, and dogs for different purposes. I watched some of the classes, and dogs make mistakes, so I'm not sure about the dog issue. jmo.

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