Seaching for Anna - #2

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If you haven't watched the documentary 28 - UP I'd encourage you to check it out. A group of children were filmed at 7 and then every 7 years until age 28. It is amazing that who they were at 7 is very much who they are at 28.

I have a 4 week blackout related to my sister being murdered. I can only remember 3 things from this time -- the shape and texture of the floor, a scream (which took me more than 10 years to recognize was me screaming) and holding onto a car door handle unable to let go. Nothing else. I was 12. People find that so strange but to a frightened child a blackout is a good friend. In talking to other children who have trauma related blackouts I've learned that most blackout on relationships and events. Memories remain of nonstressful things but they don't mean much because they have nothing big to "attach" to. Things that seems to remain -- songs, color (like knowing the color of a car or favorite outfit), smells (like someone smelling of a certain perfume) and nonstressful routine things -- like a walking route or feeding an animal. Anna might remember walking to the creek if that was something done routinely.


Thanks for sharing that. I am sorry about your sister.
It is interesting to hear someone who has been "through it" talk about the loss of memory. It is hard for those of us who haven't had that happen to understand what it must be like unless you have been there, so thx for sharing.
I am just catching up as our internet has been down for two days. I so dislike Comcast!

Wow!!!! The thread has been lively and that so makes me so happy!

From the first time we saw a picture of "C", so many here had a "feeling" and I believe that feeling is right. I hope and pray this is the final stop of this long journey for Anna's family. It has been much too long for them. And "C" deserves to have the loving family she apparently missed out on having earlier in her life.

Dr. Doogie....You are the Man! Special thoughts and prayers to you, Annasmom, Annasbro, Joe, Sherlock, Robin, C and the many other people on the forum and working in the background. It's just about time for a group hug!
Cubby, the resemblance in real life is quite remarkable and has been noted by family members on both sides. LE has specifically enjoined us from conducting private DNA testing and we are cooperating with them; however, political representatives here have now asked that the Department of Justice, which is doing the comparisons, expedite matters as much as possible. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has also checked in for a status report. Pray. We'll keep you posted.

I assume you mean your side and GW's side of the family. I'm glad the request to expedite the comparisons has been made. It would not be right to leave those involved and C up in the air endlessly regarding the information.
I am just catching up as our internet has been down for two days. I so dislike Comcast!

Wow!!!! The thread has been lively and that so makes me so happy!

From the first time we saw a picture of "C", so many here had a "feeling" and I believe that feeling is right. I hope and pray this is the final stop of this long journey for Anna's family. It has been much too long for them. And "C" deserves to have the loving family she apparently missed out on having earlier in her life.

Dr. Doogie....You are the Man! Special thoughts and prayers to you, Annasmom, Annasbro, Joe, Sherlock, Robin, C and the many other people on the forum and working in the background. It's just about time for a group hug!

Thank you, and everyone else who has worked so hard on this case for the encouragement, support, and well wishing. I know for a fact that if Anna knows about this forum, she very much appreciates all that everyone has done.

Again, for the record though, C does NOT believe that she is Anna. She has had some memories of things that could be Anna's memories, but she believes that these are her memories, and not Anna's.

Please forgive me if I seem a little negative about all of this, but I want to be careful for C's sake and for all of Anna's family. I do not want to put her in a position where she feels responsible for everyone's disappointment if the results come back that she is not Anna. Like everyone else here, I hope and pray that she IS Anna, but like Dr. Doogie, I have to say that she could very PROBABLY be Anna, but there is still a huge possibility that she is not.
Thank you, and everyone else who has worked so hard on this case for the encouragement, support, and well wishing. I know for a fact that if Anna knows about this forum, she very much appreciates all that everyone has done.

Again, for the record though, C does NOT believe that she is Anna. She has had some memories of things that could be Anna's memories, but she believes that these are her memories, and not Anna's.

Please forgive me if I seem a little negative about all of this, but I want to be careful for C's sake and for all of Anna's family. I do not want to put her in a position where she feels responsible for everyone's disappointment if the results come back that she is not Anna. Like everyone else here, I hope and pray that she IS Anna, but like Dr. Doogie, I have to say that she could very PROBABLY be Anna, but there is still a huge possibility that she is not.

I tend to agree with you on some things. Especially where memories are concerned. I think it's likely, children of certain era's will have similiar memories solely based on clothing trends, toys, childrens activities around at the time. I've also wondered, since Anna was abducted at an age old enough to have some memories, and C was told as a child she was adopted...... C's mom saying she is her biological mother, which would likely mean C would have had to be in the home from infancy OR was there some other explaination. Surely with elder siblings an explaination of some kind had to be shared. I can't wrap my head around a 5 yr old joining a family with elder siblings without some explaination. And those elder siblings sharing information with friends and especially teachers.

Lastly, C mentioned the man in the birth notice is the man she believes to be her biological father. Has C ever had contact with this man? Is he still living? Was he aware of his fathering a daughter? Another avenue, if C and this man were willing would be a dna test between the two. If this man is proven C's biological father, she's likely NOT Anna.

Just another way of looking at things.

And Robin, please let C know she will be in no way responsible for any dissappointments. There have been many ups and downs along the way. Give her our thanks again for her assistance and cooperation with this.
I agree, not a one would hold C responsible for any disappointment! She has been and is going through a lot! There is only love coming her way from each of us, no matter what the outcome.

I have had reservations since day one of C being Anna...I do not believe it is her. That is only my opinion and means nothing.

I am still extremely interested in the little Synanon girl we found on Rose Cole's thread.

In the end, I know all anyone wants is the truth and to find Anna and get this family reunited! I pray for all involved everyday, and will do until this mystery is solved.

I was reading an earlier post talking about the reasons why you all have had to travel the paths you have to get to even this point, and many more roads may have to be travelled before finding the answers, but you are helping and healing along the way...what a blessing you all are!
The possibilty remains that C and Anna are two different people. If we are able to determine C and Anna are the same person, one thing that will be a major adjustment is that she was Anna for only five years and C for thirty-four. In other words, the merging of the two identities into a single history requires everyone to recognize that she was Anna, but is C. I do not know if I am explaining this clearly (I am not even sure if it is clear in my own mind), but if we confirm that the two are actually one, it is C who will emerge as the person that the family will get to know. And I believe that C will be someone the family will be proud to call daughter or sister.
...I have had reservations since day one of C being Anna...I do not believe it is her. That is only my opinion and means nothing.

I am still extremely interested in the little Synanon girl we found on Rose Cole's thread...

Since we are so close to a definitive answer concerning C, it has been difficult for me personally to focus on the other promising directions of investigation. If we conclusively determine that C is not Anna, then we will need to refocus our efforts on such things as the Synanon girl, following up on the teenage tipster who says that she met Anna in 1975, pursuing the possible Kukoda connections, etc. But until we resolve the C question (which could occur any minute or within months), it is hard for me to expend energy outside that issue. Hopefully, if C is Anna, the other issues will become moot.
Certainly, we all wish "C" just love and happiness. We've explored many paths and if she is not Anna we will just move on to the next path. Regarding a 5 year old child coming into a home with other children. I don't think the other kids would have big issues with that if they were told the child was a relative. 30 years ago I don't think teachers or neighbors would have found it odd either. I know that after my uncle died 3 of my younger cousins went to live with relatives for several years until my aunt could finish her nursing degree and no one thought anything odd about it. Money was tight, families were larger than and family took care of family -- even long distance. My parents had moved away from other family because of my father's job but they were still willing to help out family as needed. My cousins came from another state and could have come from anywhere. The new parents could have said anything -- parents died, parents couldn't care for, divorce, lost job, illness, unwed mother who now couldn't provide, adopted. In fact, depending on the story told (like parents killed) it would have been great cover for a child who was upset, depressed, emotional -- that is how you'd expect a child to act that was uprooted. Schools then did not require the same type of paperwork that is required today. Look at the stuff we found with birth certificates for women that were not married! Why someone with multiple children would snatch a child is odd but making up a good story about where that child came from would not be hard. As long as you told your kids the same story you told everyone else I think you'd be fine. I have a 7 year old and if I came home with a 5 year old and told her that it was her new sister because a relative had died she would accept that. We have a big family and I could easily get her to believe it was a relative she'd never known.
Since we are so close to a definitive answer concerning C, it has been difficult for me personally to focus on the other promising directions of investigation. If we conclusively determine that C is not Anna, then we will need to refocus our efforts on such things as the Synanon girl, following up on the teenage tipster who says that she met Anna in 1975, pursuing the possible Kukoda connections, etc. But until we resolve the C question (which could occur any minute or within months), it is hard for me to expend energy outside that issue. Hopefully, if C is Anna, the other issues will become moot.

Yes, certianly understood. Your the leader here bud....just tell us when/what/where and you know you have a team ready to help! Right now, just waiting on the answer on C long again until we know??
Yes, certianly understood. Your the leader here bud....just tell us when/what/where and you know you have a team ready to help! Right now, just waiting on the answer on C long again until we know??

I hope that I was not misunderstood: Anybody can pursue anything that they feel is relevant anytime they choose to (with the rare exception of a situation where extreme caution is required, then we should probably discuss it before proceeding). My comment was only meant to explain why I am currently having difficulty looking into non-C related topics.

A definitive answer concerning C could happen any minute or as long as three more months from now. My stomach jumps each time my phone rings...until I discover that it is a precorded invitation to attend a timeshare spanish. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! :razz:
My stomach jumps each time my phone rings...until I discover that it is a precorded invitation to attend a timeshare spanish. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! :razz:

Doogie, your sense of humor absolutely enlightens, impresses and amazes me. I really DO appreciate it!!!:clap:
I hope that I was not misunderstood: Anybody can pursue anything that they feel is relevant anytime they choose to (with the rare exception of a situation where extreme caution is required, then we should probably discuss it before proceeding). My comment was only meant to explain why I am currently having difficulty looking into non-C related topics.

NO no, I understand...I said what I did cause you really have been the "Lead Investigator" and rightly so. I always have come to you, in this particular case, before pursuing anything because you have been 'in' it since day have a better sense of what should and should not be pursued and when.

We should be clear with this.........and I appreciate you saying that, back when the Synanon girl first came up, it was told that it was a rule out, when it hadn't really been looked into...those of us that thought it may be her moved on based on that statement, we should have stayed on it anyway. We learn as we go.

Stay calm Doogie! You will get through this! I hope you all know sooner than later.
Somewhere in the great and wonderful world of cyber-information, my cellphone number seems to have become associated with someone who speaks spanish. As a rabid "English Only" believer, it infuriates me each time I receive prerecorded phonecalls in espanol. Somewhere, there is a spanish-speaking callcenter manager laughing his a$$ off everytime I get a call...
The possibilty remains that C and Anna are two different people. If we are able to determine C and Anna are the same person, one thing that will be a major adjustment is that she was Anna for only five years and C for thirty-four. In other words, the merging of the two identities into a single history requires everyone to recognize that she was Anna, but is C. I do not know if I am explaining this clearly (I am not even sure if it is clear in my own mind), but if we confirm that the two are actually one, it is C who will emerge as the person that the family will get to know. And I believe that C will be someone the family will be proud to call daughter or sister.

To some extent we are all shaped by our environment and experiences in life. IF 'C' is Anna, she will be different than the Anna that left her home, simply because the experiences she would have had as 'C' will be different. Thus getting to know 'C' would be different than knowing Anna.

In no way should 'C' ever feel responsible for any disappointment. Yes, if it is ruled she is not related to the case there will be disappoinment. But that is not because of anything that 'C' did or did not do. What she did was cooperate and help in ruling in/out a direction in the case.

Stepping up and admitting the possibility was a very brave thing to do. She took a big risk, in that she is risking her life and history as she knows it at present compared to finding out she once had another life. If it is determined she is not Anna, the disappointment will not be at her, only at the fact that the direction did not pan out.

I hope that someday- no matter which direction this lead goes, that 'C' will be comfortable in stopping in to WS and allowing us all to thank her for taking those risks. Because no matter which way it turns out, she did a very valuable service.
The possibilty remains that C and Anna are two different people. If we are able to determine C and Anna are the same person, one thing that will be a major adjustment is that she was Anna for only five years and C for thirty-four. In other words, the merging of the two identities into a single history requires everyone to recognize that she was Anna, but is C. I do not know if I am explaining this clearly (I am not even sure if it is clear in my own mind), but if we confirm that the two are actually one, it is C who will emerge as the person that the family will get to know. And I believe that C will be someone the family will be proud to call daughter or sister.

Absolutely I understand what you mean. I know my situation is very different, but alittle similar. I was one name and part of a family before the age of 5, but became another name and part of another family after that point. Growing up, my family that I grew up with was my FAMILY, but I still had memories of my original family. That was difficult for me. As an adult, after finding my natural family, the only connection we had to each other was the past--those years we were together. They knew me as the original girl, but I knew myself as the girl I became when I was adopted. My natural mother knew me as her daughter, but I did not know her as my mother(This may be different for C--my mother chose to give me up, and of course Anna was taken from her mother). It was very confusing and emotionally wrenching. Only my older sister and I have been able to have a good relationship because we talked about and dealt with the past, but have moved on and now live in the present and future. My biggest word of advice if C turns out to be Anna is that you talk about the past, you emotionally deal with it, and then you embrace who Anna/C has become and live in the present.
I hope that someday- no matter which direction this lead goes, that 'C' will be comfortable in stopping in to WS and allowing us all to thank her for taking those risks. Because no matter which way it turns out, she did a very valuable service.

mysterview:C has checked out WS before, but prefers not to right now. I print a lot of these posts for her, so she really does hear and know about all of her supporters out here, and she appreciates it more than we will ever know. I will print more of our posts today for her viewing tonight. Her folder of printouts is getting to be huge!!!
For C, no matter what the outcome! :blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:
Speaking about the movie "Airplane" (and completely off-topic for this thread):

When the movie Airplane came out in the late 1970's, Annasbro and I went to the opening night at the California Theater on Polk Street in San Francisco. As we were standing in line, a guy with a shaved head came out of the theater and was waiting on the sidewalk for his ride. In the late 1970's, the only two famous people in the world who had a shaved head were Yul Brenner and Telly Savalas. I nudged AB and jokingly said, "Hey, look. It's Telly Savalas." Well, the guy turned toward us and it was Telly Savalas! We revelled for a moment in our star-watching luck, then went in the theater.

Afetr spending a half-hour waiting in line, my first required stop was the men's room. Well, understand that a men's room on Polk Street in SF in the 1970's could be (Insert your analysis of me as a homophobe here.) I decided that the best course of action would be to get in, take care of business, and get the hell out as soon as possible. I entered and immediately went to the far left urinal of a bank of five (No one else was in there at the time). I was forcing myself to finish as quickly as possible when I see out of the corner of my eye a big man come in and stand at the urinal right next to me (leaving the three on the right unoccupied). As I pondered my potential fate as some theatergoers love toy, AB came in and went to the urinal just to the right of the other guy. Now this was just too weird - men's room etiquette states that you ALWAYS go the stall farthest away from whoever else was in there (i.e. I go to stall one, new guy goes to stall five, AB then goes to stall three).

I immediately cut short my relief and rushed over to the sink to wash my hands. I glanced in the mirror, trying to process this weird chain of events when it dawned on me that the big guy who had been standing next to me was Telly Savalas, who had returned to the theater. That explained why AB had stood where he did - so he could someday tell his grandchildren that he had peed next to Telly Savalas. And my homophobic paranoia had blinded me from capitalizing on perhaps the all-time greatest setup for a one-liner. Had I known it was TS standing next to me, I should have glanced over at him and said: "Who loves you, baby?"
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