Searching for Anna - #1

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SherlockJr said:
Quoted from book:

In October 1972, our family and other members of a food-purchasing collective, Farmers’ Feed Hams, put on a melodrama, "The Saga of Spanishtown Sue", in which Anna portrayed a daisy growing in a garden. The production was notable for several reasons. The play epitomized our innocent, cheerful life in Purisima Canyon. Under the guise of comedy, it dealt with a number of opinions regarding landlords, religion and morality. The primary theme, however, was child abduction, a subject we never thought to deal with in real life.

Was this play open to the public? Just a thought, is it possible the couple in the car noticed Anna on stage? Would anyone notice if GW was in the audience? I doubt he would have been there, not wanting to be in her life at all. I'm sure she was as cute as a button!
Sherlock, it was just for members of the food club and their friends and was put on in a private home. GW definitely was not there; there were people there I did not know, but I assume they had been invited.
Anna's mom and Dr. Doogie just a short note to tell you that I disappeared because my computer died and I didn't have access for a month.

I'm back now and have to get all caught up - but will continue to follow up on some of the possibilities I previously unearthed (not great possibilities, but possibilities).

I haven't abandoned Anna
PonderingThings said:
Anna's mom and Dr. Doogie just a short note to tell you that I disappeared because my computer died and I didn't have access for a month.

I'm back now and have to get all caught up - but will continue to follow up on some of the possibilities I previously unearthed (not great possibilities, but possibilities).

I haven't abandoned Anna
Glad you're back, Pondering. I missed you.
I've been wondering about you, too, Pondering. I'm so glad you're back. I even asked one of the other posters if they knew what happened to you. Sorry your PC died. Frightful experience!!
Welcome back, PT. My PC suffered a a slow painful death a few months ago. It wasn't until I finally replaced it that I realized how bad the old one had gotten (20 minutes of dialing to get a connection, being booted of internet after ten minutes, etc.) Life became much more enjoyable with a functionable computer.
I finally received the police report on Anna's case and am sending it to Doogie for his impressions. There are indeed several things we did not know, notably the extent of the physical search for Anna in the days after she disappeared, and also the difficulty legal authorities had locating her birth father. The most notable thing, however, is that there is no entry after January, 1973. Although theoretically the case has been "open" all this time, it seems that nothing at all was done by the authorities after the first two weeks.
Annasmom said:
I finally received the police report on Anna's case and am sending it to Doogie for his impressions. There are indeed several things we did not know, notably the extent of the physical search for Anna in the days after she disappeared, and also the difficulty legal authorities had locating her birth father. The most notable thing, however, is that there is no entry after January, 1973. Although theoretically the case has been "open" all this time, it seems that nothing at all was done by the authorities after the first two weeks.
Very Interesting.
Annasmom said:
The most notable thing, however, is that there is no entry after January, 1973. Although theoretically the case has been "open" all this time, it seems that nothing at all was done by the authorities after the first two weeks.
This is why the accomplishments that we have acheived are so important. I am reworking Chapter 20 of the manuscript (the chapter dealing with the Websleuths search) and the progress that we have made is stunning: the discovery of the attempted abduction by the couple in the car, the smoking gun of the "Final Arrangements" note by George Waters and Brody, the numerous potential matches for Anna that we have found, etc. We are on our own here, and we have risen to the challenge!
I'm absolutely stunned that the police file, which they held on to like the prized "Hope Diamond", hasn't been touched in 33-1/2 years. I'm sorry, but that seems almost unconscionable. Was there absolutely nothing in all of the years since Anna's disappearance that was worthy of a single notation in her file?
not even one single lead in all those years not one single other person that went missing after she did and no notations as can they have a connection? i cannot belive they had a file on anna her case was still open and yet nothing was done. what if one of those police officers had a child that was missing im sure he would want the force or whoever was on the case giving 100% all the time
HeartofTexas said:
I'm absolutely stunned that the police file, which they held on to like the prized "Hope Diamond", hasn't been touched in 33-1/2 years. I'm sorry, but that seems almost unconscionable. Was there absolutely nothing in all of the years since Anna's disappearance that was worthy of a single notation in her file?
There are several parts of the investigation that we know occured that was not included in the files that Annasmom received (Det. McGuire's survellience of the two Georges, an investigation of whether Richard Allen Davis, who lived in the area, may have been involved, etc.). This means one of two things: 1) the files that we received are not the complete files, or 2) the files were sloppily maintained and information was never entered. Either way, it is disappointing that the case has been mishandled.

There is one additional file that we are aware of in the possesion of the District Attorney's office. They evidently did an investigation into whether Anna was Sharon Marshall (she is not). There may be additional information of value in it. We are attempting to get a copy of that file now.
I'm sure that you probably did this but thought that I would mention it just in case. When you request an official copy of a police report be sure that you specifically state that you are requesting all supplements too. If you don't say that then many times all that you will receive are the initial reports. Many departments do an initial report which is just basic information, then put all of the really important information in supplement reports. That is how they get around releasing some of the information that they don't want to realease at that time. It could be that over the years, there were supplements written and you just didn't receive them.
Shadow205, thanks for the tip. We did not ask specifically for any supplements, though we did ask for the "complete" file. If we were weaseled by a technicality like this, that is infuriating.

By the way, I recall that you are/were LE. Am I remembering correctly?
Happily retired Police Officer, thank you! You should have gooten the whole case since you asked for the complete file. However, sometimes those supplements don't get included (and they usually contain the good stuff!)
A quick note for everybody: Annasmom will not be available to view or post on the forum for the next two weeks. Don't worry, there are no medical issues or anything horrible occuring to cause this. She will just be unavailable for internet access during this period. I do have contact information if there are any major developments in the search. :)
For years I was advised by LE that the initial reports were all that was left of the investigation into my father's death of many years ago. It was a closed case and there was no reason to hold onto to any physical evidence or complete case file.

My instinct told me to continue to try and I finally found a very sympathetic detective who located the complete case file. He was so kind that he warned me in advance that the contents were not pleasant (obviously) and expressed his concern for me. He then copied the entire file and sent it to me at no charge.

I will never forget his kindness. Having the file has answered so many questions that it has become almost priceless to me.
As most of you have noticed, things have been slow here for about a week or two. We seem to have reached a lull in the search for Anna, but please do not mistake the lack of recent progress as a weakening of our resolve to persue every lead until we find Anna.

The most exciting prospect that we have right now is the possibility of national TV exposure of Anna's case. This is still in the exploratory stage, but there are some personal connections that may allow us to get Anna's story on a major cable news show. I am witholding details right now because I do not have permission from the person who is working on this angle to discuss the particulars, but it does look promising.

National media exposure may be the necessary step in breaking loose the investigation. Perhaps Anna will see it, perhaps someone with information will see it. It could also open the doors to further media interest.

Meanwhile, keep the faith! We are in this for the long haul.
Doogie, I agree... we're in this for the long haul.

Your news re possible national TV exposure is very exciting. I will keep my fingers crossed that this develops into something very positive.

In the meantime, my silence on Anna's forum means either (1) I am busy with real life, (2) I'm looking for Anna on some of the many adopted forums but haven't found anything, so there's nothing to report, or (3) I'm recuperating from the very sad letdown that Anthony Giordano was not George Brody.
Thanks, HoT. I know that you are working hard on this case and it is appreciated.

Count me in for the long haul too. Even though I have not been posting much doesn't mean I am not still searching every angle that I can think to search. That is great news about the possible national exposure, I can't wait to hear more!

Do you have a picture of Anna's Mom that you can post a link to, preferably one of her about the age that Anna would be now?
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