Searching for Anna - #1

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GraceBlue said:
This is a woman that we determined was not Anna, though so many details did match up (see "Possible Matches" thread - Susan L. Ward posting). She is a very nice lady and I have been able to forward some information that we have uncovered that might be helpful to her in her search.

Great sleuthing in finding this posting (even though it is not Anna), GraceBlue. It is exactly this sort of find that may lead us to her one day!
Dr. Doogie said:
This is a woman that we determined was not Anna, though so many details did match up (see "Possible Matches" thread - Susan L. Ward posting). She is a very nice lady and I have been able to forward some information that we have uncovered that might be helpful to her in her search.

Great sleuthing in finding this posting (even though it is not Anna), GraceBlue. It is exactly this sort of find that may lead us to her one day!

Grr...I google everything like dates, names of people and pets, etc. Sadly, there is much much more information on the internet that when you google it doesnt retrieve the information. I am NOT going to give up! Back to sleuthing!

One question though...were there mountain lions in the area? Again, Saturn was outside so I am sure Saturn would've barked at a mountain lion if there were one. Right?
GraceBlue said:
One question though...were there mountain lions in the area? Again, Saturn was outside so I am sure Saturn would've barked at a mountain lion if there were one. Right?
Saturn was outside and would have probably barked if a lion had been in the immediate area. There may have been mountain lions in the area, but in 1973 the lion population was quite small and shrinking - it wasn't until California outlawed the hunting of lions that their numbers started to increase (as did the frequency of attacks on humans). It should be noted that no puddles of blood or any other sign of an attack were ever found. Certainly an article of clothing or something would have been found that would have indicated an attack if one had occured.
I am re-reading the manuscript that Annasmom wrote. I noticed she mentioned "You walked directly from the gravel driveway into the living room of the house" (describing the property) Was that the 'area' where Anna was playing outside? If so, were sounds be able to be heard if someone was walking on the gravel? Had someone kidnapped Anna, either they would've made a lot of noise running on the gravel or had to drag Anna on the gravel as she struggled to escape? (unless she went willingly) Perhaps, someone came from the path of the back porch? Was that path gravel also? Were both, the front and back paths connected to the gravel driveway? Was there a grass area that the gravel could've been avoided?
Dr. Doogie said:
National media exposure may be the necessary step in breaking loose the investigation. Perhaps Anna will see it, perhaps someone with information will see it. It could also open the doors to further media interest.

Dr. D, I have some experience in this and think I can help. If anyone has suggestions they can post them here or PM you or me or Annasmom.
GraceBlue said:
I am re-reading the manuscript that Annasmom wrote. I noticed she mentioned "You walked directly from the gravel driveway into the living room of the house" (describing the property) Was that the 'area' where Anna was playing outside? If so, were sounds be able to be heard if someone was walking on the gravel? Had someone kidnapped Anna, either they would've made a lot of noise running on the gravel or had to drag Anna on the gravel as she struggled to escape? (unless she went willingly) Perhaps, someone came from the path of the back porch? Was that path gravel also? Were both, the front and back paths connected to the gravel driveway? Was there a grass area that the gravel could've been avoided?
The gravel area was only directly in front of the front door; everything else was either a dirt road (which was wet on that day) or kind of meadow (what we called a yard). But the possibility we think on the most is that Anna walked from the back yard and up a little hill to the paved road to get the mail from the mailbox. She could have been observed from several places within a minute's drive or so from the house, then been pulled into a car from the passenger side (again, unobserved by anyone not standing right there) and driven off west to the Coast Highway,
Annasunc said:
The group purports to be "a registered non-profit Canadian charity," so maybe they would donate their services. However, approaching them would be a bit tricky, and certain relevant information should be withheld that may affect their determining the right (or wrong) "magic number" (if they were/are involved in an ongoing conspiracy, paying for the information instead may not make a difference). I noticed they have a forum ( but most threads need a password to enter; it doesn't appear that a fee needs to be paid to register to use the forum. Anyone feel like developing a strategy?

P.S. Oops, rideforfun already did that in post #314.
Did anyone ever sign up and post any questions on there about Brody or Anna? Also some there might be able to help wtih the names questions. One caution though. When you sign up on a site like that you can never know- whether someone there is too close to the story, or possibly involved in the kidnapping. So the post has to be carefully worded.
Maybe something like looking for George Waters child, his good friend George Brody, child's name Anna.....that type of thing. Could even claim to be a distant cousin of George's or something.
Annasunc said:
Dr. D, I have some experience in this and think I can help. If anyone has suggestions they can post them here or PM you or me or Annasmom.

I could also help out with dealing media or putting together a press kit. Unfortunately, the paper I work for right now is pretty localized so unless there's a Florida tie, I can't help there. But I would totally help in any way I could.
reportertype said:
I could also help out with dealing media or putting together a press kit. Unfortunately, the paper I work for right now is pretty localized so unless there's a Florida tie, I can't help there. But I would totally help in any way I could.
Thank you for this generous offer.
Just popped in here to say I am thinking of Anna tonight.

I'm a PM away if you all need anything.. :)
Can anyone determine this language? I have put it into translators, but still cannot read it. I see the words joka and anna. This is taken from someone's blog.

Kyllä minä aina olen pyrkinyt jonkinlaiseen analyyttiseen katsomiseen, etten
tekisi sitä pelkän katsomisen vuoksi, vaan että siinä olisi mukana pohdintaa
siitä, mikä on se systeemi, joka menee enkä vain anna sen mennä toisesta silmästä
SherlockJr said:
Can anyone determine this language? I have put it into translators, but still cannot read it. I see the words joka and anna. This is taken from someone's blog.

Kyllä minä aina olen pyrkinyt jonkinlaiseen analyyttiseen katsomiseen, etten
tekisi sitä pelkän katsomisen vuoksi, vaan että siinä olisi mukana pohdintaa
siitä, mikä on se systeemi, joka menee enkä vain anna sen mennä toisesta silmästä
Interesting, SherlockJr. I am no linguist (at least not a cunning one), but I suspect that it might be Danish or Dutch (or German, for that matter). If it is Danish, we have a source to translate it.

In addition to Anna and Joka, I also see "Mika", which may be a variation on the familar version of Annasmom's name (Mikie).
SherlockJr said:
Can anyone determine this language? I have put it into translators, but still cannot read it. I see the words joka and anna. This is taken from someone's blog.

Kyllä minä aina olen pyrkinyt jonkinlaiseen analyyttiseen katsomiseen, etten
tekisi sitä pelkän katsomisen vuoksi, vaan että siinä olisi mukana pohdintaa
siitä, mikä on se systeemi, joka menee enkä vain anna sen mennä toisesta silmästä
I have no idea what it says, but it is definitely Finnish. Here is a link to start you off.

Good luck!
As fast as I can research it, Natasha beats me to the punch: the words do seem to be Finnish. Anyone speak Finnishese?
I ran this text through one online translator and came up with goobledy-gook. Anyone know of a good online translater?
OK - hope this helps.
I translated word for word, most of which, don't exist. Here are the words that worked in the translator I used:

kylla - yes
Mina - property/quality
aina - always
Vuoksi - because of, for sake of, on account of

There were a lot of these words that were parts of a word, for instance: Etta

Here are the words that I came up with that ended in 'etta':

koettaa – aim
Koskettaa – touch
Lopetta – accommodate, end, finish, terminate
Olettaa – guess, presume, suppose, surmise
Opettaa – teach
Tallettaa – deposit

There are a few more words that are similar, but I didn't want to go any deeper than I needed to, at this point.
Hope this helps some of you.


this is funny:
tuomita kadotukseen - damn
Ok, I researched all of these words, and here are their definitions, and at the end, a rough translation. I do not speak fin, so this is probably off. Words in parenthesis are what is assumed to be the correct spelling.

Here’s the translator I used:

Kyllä - Yes
minä - I
aina - always
olen – I am
pyrkinyt – (pyrkimys) - aspiration
jonkinlaiseen – (jonkinlainen) – some kind of
analyyttiseen – (analyyttinen) – analytic, holomorphic
katsomiseen – (katsominen) – Consultation, reference, watching
etten – before, for, forth, forward, in front of, on behalf of, to the front
tekisi - ? (there is a phrase ‘eteen ja taakse’ which means back and forth)
sitä – that, the
pelkän – (pelikaani) pelican
katsomisen – (katsominen) – consultation, reference, watching
vuoksi – as a result of, because of, due to, flood tide, for, for sake of, high tide, in the interest of, on account of, owing to
vaan - rather
että - that
siinä – (Note - this is a girls name)
olisi - ?
mukana – about, kept with you, with (there is a phrase ‘olla mukana’, which means be involved in)
pohdintaa - speculation
siitä – ? (there is a phrase ‘siita vaan’ which means go ahead
mikä – that, what, which
on – has, have, is, are
se – it, that, the, he, she
systeemi – (systemaattinen) - systematic
joka – every, that, which, who
menee – (menna) - betake, take (also mine – where to)
enkä - ?
vain - exclusively, just, merely, only, simply
anna – (Note, this is a girls name)
sen – it’s, her, his
mennä - take
toisesta - ?
silmästä – glance, look, glimpse, look, view, survey

rough translation:

‘Yes, I always am aspiring to some kind of analytical reference, back and forth the pelican watching, in the interest of rather that Siina (?) be involved in speculation has it systematic which take only Anna his (?) take a look.’

Looks like a poem or something.
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