Searching For Anna Book: Download and Comments

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I believe that lots of posters here will find oblique references to themselves in the chapter that I wrote. I didn't use any names (real or screen) unless I had permission from that poster. I just figured to err on the side of personal privacy.

LOL! I was just surprised to see myself there... I feel honored to be mentioned "obliquely" or not... :crazy:
Just ordered book, can't wait for it to arrive. A big congratulations to Annasmom, Doogie and all who worked so deligently on it, Anna will be so proud of all of you when she sees how much love went into telling her story.
I just got my book today-it came real fast! Can't wait to start reading it! The cover looks fine-kind of like a Monet painting!
Annasmom, Doogie etc I think it is wonderful that you published this. Still praying Anna finds her way home.
Got my book, well sort of..... My sister let me know she has it this morning. However, it is a birthday present for me so I have to wait an entire MONTH to actually have it in my posession. I sure wish she would give it to me early. I think I may ask she allow my mom to read it first. I have my mom lurking here and reading about Anna.

A whole month, not sure if I can stand it, lol.
I finished reading the book over the weekend. One thing that I was surprised about is that Anna was not mentioned in George Waters obituary. Was this written by Water's family? Why did they not include Anna?
I finished reading the book over the weekend. One thing that I was surprised about is that Anna was not mentioned in George Waters obituary. Was this written by Water's family? Why did they not include Anna?
That is odd...but maybe they couldn't think of away to say it. Preceded in death couldn't work because they didn't know if she was dead...but you'd think they could have said something like "George Waters was the father of Anna" period. Hummm, I better get my book ordered ASAP. :)
That is odd...but maybe they couldn't think of away to say it. Preceded in death couldn't work because they didn't know if she was dead...but you'd think they could have said something like "George Waters was the father of Anna" period. Hummm, I better get my book ordered ASAP. :)

I thought that too, but I reread it several times and thought, why wouldn't they just state father to Anna Waters. It just seemed very odd to me they would completely leave her out.

I know that George Waters had alienated himself from his family by the time Anna went missing, but did his family ever contact him after Anna went missing? Did they speak with him after Brody past away?
I know that George Waters had alienated himself from his family by the time Anna went missing, but did his family ever contact him after Anna went missing? Did they speak with him after Brody past away?

Annasmom can give a definitive answer about this, but I doubt they did have any contact. The alienation was very nasty and complete by the early 1970's - so much so that when Joe Ford went to pickup the BFH from George Waters's brother, the brother showed very little emotion about GW's death.
I finally approved the proof copy of the book, so that means that it will start to be available at the major online retailers such as within 4-6 weeks. Even if you have purchased your copy through Lulu, you can post a review on Amazon (hint, hint). Also, if directing friends to find the book, it is financial helpful to direct them to the link to Lulu through the website - the royalty rate from buying through Lulu is higher than through the online retailers. Thanks!

P.S. As of this writing, we are number 8174 in Lulu's sales rankings (up from somewhere in the 15,000's in the beginng). Considering that no marketing of the book has occurred except by word of mouth, this is a resounding success. Once the book is available through the retailers, we will try to promote it through media outlets.
BTW: Whoever posted the nice review "An Excellent Read" on the Lulu site, thank you.

If you have not posted a review or rating on the site and would like to, you can access this feature through the same page as you ordered the book. Other customers who are surfing the various books available use your reviews to help guide their purchases, so your input of your honest opinion is greatly appreciated.
I finished reading the book over the weekend. One thing that I was surprised about is that Anna was not mentioned in George Waters obituary. Was this written by Water's family? Why did they not include Anna?
I think it was just a matter of not getting into something so complicated and painful for the family. Certainly they showered attention, gifts and love upon Anna even long after George had left home. Anna's paternal grandmother (for whom she was named) just died this week at the age of 94. There was no mention of Anna or George in the obituary, but I think it was for the same reason. The family said that they would be sending me photographs and letters which the grandmother had kept. I know that all this must have weighed on her mind, but she handled it all with great grace and courage.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Annasmom...

It doesn't matter how old they lived to be, they still will be missed for what they added to our lives.
I run a missing persons website as well as a crime forum.Anna was listed as our missing person of the month for July in 2007.I have lurked here since Anna received her own spotlight forum.Unfortunately I am a better lurker than a always find everyone else is at least two steps ahead of me.I wanted to just stop by and let you know I received my copy of Anna's book in the mail today.Not bad it took just over 2 weeks to get to me in Canada.I am now going to sit down and start reading the book.I know a couple of my forum members have also ordered the book as well.No matter where we all are and the thousands of miles between us we understand and share in your loss,we also pray for your family.The day Anna comes home rest assured we will cry with you as well.Please feel free to let us know if there is ever anything we can do to help out.

Bless you all here who have worked so hard to help Anna come home,she will return,and with a new huge family that will greet her with open arms.Everyone on this forum deserves a big pat on the back for all you have done.

Now I am off to read my book.Keep up the great work everyone,you are an inspiration to us all!
I run a missing persons website as well as a crime forum.Anna was listed as our missing person of the month for July in 2007.I have lurked here since Anna received her own spotlight forum.Unfortunately I am a better lurker than a always find everyone else is at least two steps ahead of me.I wanted to just stop by and let you know I received my copy of Anna's book in the mail today.Not bad it took just over 2 weeks to get to me in Canada.I am now going to sit down and start reading the book.I know a couple of my forum members have also ordered the book as well.No matter where we all are and the thousands of miles between us we understand and share in your loss,we also pray for your family.The day Anna comes home rest assured we will cry with you as well.Please feel free to let us know if there is ever anything we can do to help out.

Bless you all here who have worked so hard to help Anna come home,she will return,and with a new huge family that will greet her with open arms.Everyone on this forum deserves a big pat on the back for all you have done.

Now I am off to read my book.Keep up the great work everyone,you are an inspiration to us all!

Alta, thank you for your kind words.
Re the Lulu site: I am not sure they are updating their ratings and reviews, since I have heard of many more than they have posted. (The last update seems to be some time in February.) Any ideas?
I wonder if they moderate their comments.I will go write mine right now and see if it shows up.
I just wrote my review and can see it,can someone look and make sure everyone else can see it please.Thanks!
I just checked the reviews also. I only see 2, one that I posted and the one that Alta posted. It does show 7 votes though. Maybe people are forgetting to submit after they write it?
I'll post a review once I have finished the book and have it in hand. I am still waiting, I get it Sunday! I hated knowing it was in my sisters hands all these weeks waiting, would have been better had she just not mentioned it.

Annasmom, I too am sorry for your loss. How blessed that anna's paternal grandmother lived such a long life and you will be receiving some old letters and memorabilia.

That reminds me of a memory I should add elsewhere.... Also, my nephew had a great great grandmother was living for the first 3 or so years of his life.

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