Seeking Key Info 6/10-6/14 for New Leads

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Great! Thanks, Liltigress. Are you pulling the prairiechicken string? It looks like that may be where it originated.

It looks like that is where it originated, but I posted it according to that poster's statement of adding to the dates on that timeline.
What I wouldn't give for a cell phone ping map 6/10-6/16....:banghead:
What I wouldn't give for a cell phone ping map 6/10-6/16....:banghead:

The other night on one of the news shows (maybe NG?) they were holding that cell ping chart. It's out there, just not sure how to get it. It was briefly shown toward the cameras.
I still think that KC used the murder of the jogger at Blanchard Park on June 9th as her reason for picking that date as the day she last saw Caylee. She had a month to cook up her excuse and during that time period, the Nicole Ganguzza murder was a highly publicized case. She probably thought, "hey, I go to Blanchard Park sometimes, and Caylee loves that park. There was a murderer in the park there that day. I think I'll say that this was the last day I saw Caylee and throw that Blanchard Park connection in there so hopefully people will believe that the murderer also killed Caylee, and maybe Zanny the nanny, too".

I agree. I really really think that there was something to this....I could never understand what was up with her leaving her purse in her car. It always stood out to me as bizarre. Now I hear that Nicole the joggers purse was found in her car?

Damning. Damning Damning.
The Fusion is a sushi restaurant that turns into a night CLUB at night. Casey also knew the people running it. Here's a pic:


This is in a series of pics of the shot girls--I don't think anyone knows the dates, though.

Re: the date......prolly been mentioned but are those Mardi Gras beads the girls are wearing? would that be Feb?
to me that is one of the most heart wrenching pictures.....the phony looking smiles in contrast to a bewildered? uneasy? looking Caylee........have you even noticed that in many of the photos of Caylee she seems to be mimicking that wide, teeth- bearing smile of KC?........jmo
I agree that there is a need to know where Caylee was in the days leading up to the Mt. Dora visit but I was jarred to read that Cindy had refused to cooperate in providing information & giving access regarding that visit. That is passing strange. What was SHE afraid of! And since those are the facts, I'm not sure I would trust what she had to say about keeping Caylee June 10-14. Nevertheless, I have not seen her make statements about this issue and have read nothing quoting her. Important to investigate.
I'd like to add that there are thousands of snowbirds that have second homes here in Florida. I've often wondered if Casey had access to a neighbor's home or family/friends or acquaintances home that may have been vacant during our hot season.
I'd like to add that there are thousands of snowbirds that have second homes here in Florida. I've often wondered if Casey had access to a neighbor's home or family/friends or acquaintances home that may have been vacant during our hot season.

Very interesting. At the risk of spinning out of control here, I have been curious if her ole' pal Kio's job @ American Holiday would've given her access to info about empty properties/condo's in the area.

Going waaaaaaay out on a limb, if Casey had been using the kitchen knife to pop open a door latch, and had bagged up the trash (white bag w/ blue handles, pizza, etc.) when she left, then, no one would be any wiser of her trespass.
Okay, I'm confused...but trying. JamesBond, hope I don't mess up the thread:) Trying to figure out the best place to dig info..i.e., people, places.

1) Does/did any family member or friends associated with all this have a sunpass/Florida toll system device in thier cars. Most Floridians do. Has this been checked? I am sure by LE (I hope!), but do we know any of that info?

2) What happened June 14th? If we know. KC tells CA her and Caylee are going on "mini vacation" Sun. June 8th-Sat. June 14. Any specifics on exactly how Caylee was placed in the possesion of CA for the Sun. June 15th Fathers day visit? SPECULATION: Sat. June 14th...."Hi Mom, we are home...we had fun on Vacation! Oh, your taking Caylee to see Grandpa tomorrow? Cool! Say Hi to him for me". Again, that is SPECULATION on my part. Anyone know how the exchange really happened? I read here alot, but may have missed it.

3) This really bugs me. CA sticks to Mon. June 9th as last time she saw her grandaughter but changes her mind after LE point out Fathers Day visit, thus changing her last day of seeing her Grandaughter to Sun. June 15.

4) If my Grandchild lived with me (he does), and my daughter went away for a mini-vacation for a week, I would be a nervous wreck until they returned (just normal maternal feelings...are they safe...had a car accident, etc.). I would remember thier return. Then, I would remember the last time I saw my grandchild was on Fathers happy to have little one back in my arms, etc....I would remember the smile on my elderly Father's face seeing/spending time with his Great Grand child. It just bugs me CA did not remember this...I mean how do you not remember this? It was a very special day, and you had already not seen your Grandchild for the past week. Then suddenly you don't see her for a month? I would be counting the days since Fathers day. Just this fact strikes me as so strange and unnatural. To me, something is not right here.

All of the above is my personal thoughts/opinions. Yes. 6/10-6/14 is important. Is there a timeline anywhere that we know where/what KC's family members were doing during that time frame?

Very good thread. Hope I stayed on topic!
Okay, I'm confused...but trying. JamesBond, hope I don't mess up the thread:) Trying to figure out the best place to dig info..i.e., people, places.

1) Does/did any family member or friends associated with all this have a sunpass/Florida toll system device in thier cars. Most Floridians do. Has this been checked? I am sure by LE (I hope!), but do we know any of that info?

2) What happened June 14th? If we know. KC tells CA her and Caylee are going on "mini vacation" Sun. June 8th-Sat. June 14. Any specifics on exactly how Caylee was placed in the possesion of CA for the Sun. June 15th Fathers day visit? SPECULATION: Sat. June 14th...."Hi Mom, we are home...we had fun on Vacation! Oh, your taking Caylee to see Grandpa tomorrow? Cool! Say Hi to him for me". Again, that is SPECULATION on my part. Anyone know how the exchange really happened? I read here alot, but may have missed it.

3) This really bugs me. CA sticks to Mon. June 9th as last time she saw her grandaughter but changes her mind after LE point out Fathers Day visit, thus changing her last day of seeing her Grandaughter to Sun. June 15.

4) If my Grandchild lived with me (he does), and my daughter went away for a mini-vacation for a week, I would be a nervous wreck until they returned (just normal maternal feelings...are they safe...had a car accident, etc.). I would remember thier return. Then, I would remember the last time I saw my grandchild was on Fathers happy to have little one back in my arms, etc....I would remember the smile on my elderly Father's face seeing/spending time with his Great Grand child. It just bugs me CA did not remember this...I mean how do you not remember this? It was a very special day, and you had already not seen your Grandchild for the past week. Then suddenly you don't see her for a month? I would be counting the days since Fathers day. Just this fact strikes me as so strange and unnatural. To me, something is not right here.

All of the above is my personal thoughts/opinions. Yes. 6/10-6/14 is important. Is there a timeline anywhere that we know where/what KC's family members were doing during that time frame?

Very good thread. Hope I stayed on topic!

Brilliant! Susanlee. I have to scoot @ the moment, but, THAT'S EXACTLY the kinda curiousity that could generate something helpful for LE!
The not remembering the date she went missing (June 9th or June 16th) always bothers me. They all knew on July 15th it had been a month, (I've given you a month - Cindy/I haven't seen her in 31 days - KC) but they all kept saying June 9th. Doesn't add up.

Reading all the posts KC made sound like a 12 year old trying to 'play with the big kids'. During these crucial days before Caylee disappeared, I think it's important to see where KC's head was. Odd to me she mentions the house in Oveida (sp) and that it is still empty. I sure hope LE has examined all the on-line posts and been to whatever house Amy thinks was being referenced. I say Amy because, well, obviously it does no good to KC anything.

I believe the nursing home correctly ID'd the date of that visit, but are we sure the video was really from the 15th? I'm asking because while the nursing home can place CA there on the 15th, I have serious doubts that Caylee would have been signed in as a visitor on any visit. I'm wondering if the video was really from the 9th, and CA went alone on Father's Day. IF that's the case, then the 6/10-6/14 dates are really the most important ones. GA's account of the girls leaving on Jun 16th is way to rehearsed and planned. No way does a man remember all those details. Even a cop - just doesn't happen.

I'm thinking James Bond may have the real dates in question figured out.
The Fusion is a sushi restaurant that turns into a night CLUB at night. Casey also knew the people running it. Here's a pic:


This is in a series of pics of the shot girls--I don't think anyone knows the dates, though.

That picture IS NOT taken in at the Fusion! Show me a picture of Caylee in the Fusion:doh:
OK--thanks for the clarification! The pics had looked to me like they were in the back room/liquor room of a bar, but on closer inspection, it does look more like a party in a garage.

This pic of Caylee must be from one of the parties Casey took her to that even her friends thought was inappropriate.

If you find out the source of the info that Caylee was at Fusian, that would be great. I've worked in bars during my college years, and it would have been no problem for me to bring my child (if I had one then) into the club at night with a group that knew the management. JMO

I've owned two nightclubs, and I've been in the bar business for 27 years. My family owns a sports bar that serves food until 9:00 PM. At 9PM you must be 21 to enter. Children are NEVER allowed in the lounge area after 9PM because ABC will not only fine you, but they will shut you down.

I also bartended in Daytona Beach in the early 80's and even back then ABC did surprize visits often. I really doubt Caylee was ever in the Fusion at night with all the bouncers, and security around regardless of who she knew.

BTW, That picture looks like it's from someone's house, and Caylee looks like she isn't feeling well at all.JMO
OK let's assume that there is no typo and as of the 9th Casey was living with Amy. If that is true, wasn't Amy living with RM and JP from the 10th - 14th?

However RM said he last saw Caylee on the morning of the 10th. So obviously, if Amy and RM were living together that would have to be the last time Casey and Caylee stayed the night with Amy too by extension.

With either scenario (typo or no typo), the question DOES go back to where was Caylee staying at night from the 10th - 14th?

My guess is that LE know where, they just haven't released this info yet because it isn't relevant to her current charges. Or as of the release date of the 400 pager they were still tracking down that info.
Yeah--if you bother to read my post, I acknowleged someone else corrected me...thanks for the new info.

Sorry if my statement upset you, but it's really getting old reading all of these posts that have no facts to back them up. In the long run, all of this false information is hurting innocent people, and this particular business is suffering because of CASEY and CASEY alone. If I owned the Fusion I'd be furious with all the speculation, accusations, and media attention. The owners were interviewed, and they said business is down 40% thanks to CASEY!

The same thing happened here in San Diego with Dad's which was once a nice family restaurant, sports bar, and night club all in one. During, and after the VanDam/Westerfield case, all of these looky-losers stopped into the bar/restaurant to snoop around, only because Danielle Van Dams parents were "swingers" and Westerfield was in the bar the night Danielle went missing. The bar was labeled as a "swingers" bar, and they went out of business, because after all.....nobody wanted to have a family dinner at a "swingers" bar. New owners came in and named it Game Time Sports Bar. That place went down too because of the history behind Dad's. I almost bought that place until I looked at the total loss acquired over an 18 month period. This once popular fun place to hang out at with your kids, or see the football game, or gather with friends for some live music and dancing, was brought down because of a few patrons with a different lifestyle. I knew every person they pulled into court "just because" they knew Brenda Van Dam, or David Molesterfield, and it was one big circus just like this CASEY case.

Everybody is mentioning the pole dancing, and girls grinding at the Fusion. Folks, that's what they do in nightclubs now. That's how the younger generation partys. Casey couldn't care less that Caylee was missing, but that's not this clubs fault. All of these accusations that other people are involved are hunches, and those hunches are ruining lives. Look at that poor lady Zaneida that WESH news tracked down, and the kid off Casey's MySpace that "used" to live at saw grass, and Tony, Amy, Ricardo, and the list goes on. It's not fair to these people that they are being put under the "armchair detectives" microscope just because they knew Casey Anthony. I think LE has a handle on who's responsible for killing Caylee. If people don't have any facts to back up their hunches they should leave the innocent alone. JMO;)
I've owned two nightclubs, and I've been in the bar business for 27 years. My family owns a sports bar that serves food until 9:00 PM. At 9PM you must be 21 to enter. Children are NEVER allowed in the lounge area after 9PM because ABC will not only fine you, but they will shut you down.

I also bartended in Daytona Beach in the early 80's and even back then ABC did surprize visits often. I really doubt Caylee was ever in the Fusion at night with all the bouncers, and security around regardless of who she knew.

BTW, That picture looks like it's from someone's house, and Caylee looks like she isn't feeling well at all.JMO

I'm really glad that you run good establishments. I have known bar managers/owners who deal cocaine out of the back office. Perhaps there are places that aren't following all the rules? I worked in Texas, and yes, even with visits from TABC and undercover narcotics officers, lots of clubs I worked in and visited were awash in drug sales & drug use in the open. Money was stolen by bartenders, and lots of other illegal activities were going on. This was not a biker bar dive, either.

Groups of bar employees are often patrons on nights off, etc. Casey was dating the night manager/dj at Fusian. It's not beyond belief that she may have had Caylee there. I did not start a rumor on these boards that Caylee was seen at Fusian--that was what I was responding to. I corrected what I said in my post. Please forgive me for making a mistake. I think it is funny that since you've never experienced something, that makes it impossible--that's just not the case.
That picture IS NOT taken in at the Fusion! Show me a picture of Caylee in the Fusion:doh:

Please note both of these ladies where working as shot girls at fusion and the shirts they are wearing are the same shirts they had on when another picture was taken in the backroom -sr- at fusion.

question is can someone tell me who is the female with casey and caylee?

yes- i agree- caylee looks ill--note-in the interview casey sd caylee had one cold ever and was never ill.:slap:

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