Send a Message to Jaycee

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Jaycee honey, one day at a time. The world has a lot to offer you. Relax and enjoy yourself.

Please take a minute to express your thoughts. The more we learn, the more I think our admiration & encouragement is a good thing.
I will never forget hearing about your abduction on the News - I was only 4 years old at the time. I couldn't comprehend what had happened to you, but I have prayed for you every night since and have never forgotten about you. While I am thrilled that your suffering has ended, I know that the road ahead is a long one, and I will continue to pray for you as I have for the past 18 years. You were strong enough to survive the past 18 years, and you are strong enough to survive anything.

18 years ago the nation wept and prayed for a defenseless little girl and her family. We never forgot you. Maybe you got some of your awesome strength and courage from those prayers. Ours were answered when you returned safely at last to your family.

With pride, your Aunt described to us today how you have grown into a beautiful young woman and what a wonderful job you have done with your daughters. You are amazing.

I will continue to keep you and your daughters in my heart and prayers as you begin your new life. Be patient with yourself and those girls as the adjustments will require alot more of that marvelous strength.

Sending you Love!

Pam in Alaska
Jaycee- I am in awe of your story of human resilience and love. I admire you for your strength, your ability to cope and survive under the circumstances you were in, for the love you have for your girls, for educating them and keeping them safe through all these years. Now that you have an 11 year old girl of your own, I bet you can imagine the pain your mom felt when you were taken away from her and can imagine the day you were found was the best day of her whole life.
May you and your girls get to bond with your true family again and enjoy life to the fullest as you deserve.
Don't let anybody judge you, but most importantly, don't judge yourself. You did an amazing job of surviving, and for that, the world admires you, and loves you.

Annette in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Sweet Jaycee,

It has been just a little more then a week and I assume you still wake up in disbelief that you are safe, free with your Mom, family, your daughters and with more opportunities then you imagined. I imagine it is still a dream.

You can watch TV, go on live internet, You can read whatever you want and eat whatever you want, you can look out the window, and never be locked in can take a nice bubble bath and sleep on clean sheets; You can make friends and enjoy extended family.

WOW! it must be like entering a movie script, only it is real.
I read about you every day. I wory for your daughters every day, and I still cry...and smile too. I pray for you all, every day as so many do throughout the world.
You have touched the hearts of so many, and I am sure you will be the reason many laws will be changed to help other young girls in the future so they will never be lost for so long.

You are an innocent child of God, you are a human treasue, you are a gift to behold. Always remember that and never forget it, and teach that to your girls too.
Your Mom too is an amazing gift, treasure her.

In a few years you will have a great book to write We do want to hear your story when you are ready to tell it.
Untill then God Bless your heart, Bless your spirit, Bless your children, and family.
And remember to smile, sing, dance between the tears.
You are healing one day a time.
Just know that your tears are the antifreez of your soul.
and your song/smile is the flower that blooms from your heart.
Let it all be - it is life. :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

I plan to print & send these messages by September 20th. If you want to participate, add yours soon!
Jaycee, I know the past 18 years had to be terrible & I don't think I could be as brave as you are if I was in the same situation. You are such a brave woman & I am so happy that you are back with your family. I know that the road ahead is a long one but I know with your strength, your families love & God's watchful eye that you can get through this. God bless you and your daughters!
Dearest Jaycee, I cannot imagine what you have been through and I cannot imagine how many lives you may have saved by enduring all that you have. You and your daughters are heroes. I wish for you and your daughters a fast, healthy and easy recovery, and the best of what life can bring to anyone should be for you and your real family/
Jaycee, in a horribly trying and difficult situation you showed strength, courage and wisdom beyond your years! You not only survived, but you made it possible for your children to survive and learn!

I pray that you will find peace, happiness and your safe harbour! I am so happy that you are a part of a family that loves you so very much and I join them in their rejoycing your return! God bless you and your family!
Dearest Jaycee,
We all stand in awe of your amazing strength and grace and wish you only the very best future for you and your girls. You and your family are in my prayers daily, We all love you Jaycee.
Hugs, Sarah in Tennessee
Words cannot describe the admiration i have for how you have come thru this. You are an inspiration to everyone!
i hope and pray for all the best for you and your girls. there are a lot of people pulling for you!
I thought long and hard about what to say here.
I admire you, I wish the best for you, I wish the best for your children.
I have said this before to others that have been hurt and I'll say it here to you. You are a survivor, in the sense that you survived all those years. However, at the time, all you could do was survive. Now, you have other options, you can go beyond simple survival, beyond the process of a heartbeat and drawing breath. Now, I want you to tackle life. That is all I wish for you, and for your kids, that your time of simple survival be over, and your life to begin.
Now that we jhave seen her...
It is time to send her more love.................
Jaycee, if you ever read this... What a nice surprise to see your smiling face as you look now, compared to the pictures of you at age 11! Glad to see you find some joy in life. You are a beautiful, strong, brave young woman, go reclaim your life!
I hope you reconnect in time with your old friends and teachers in Lake Tahoe, and with Carl as well...
Sweet Jaycee, :blowkiss:
You were a most wonderful surprise this morning when I saw your photo.
Actually you are a most wonderful surprise of the year.
I did not expect you to have weathered your storm that well;
But I am crying both of excitement as well as of joy, unlike all the other things I have read that had me balling, for you and your children.
I am elated to read you say the words "I Am So Happy" and the entire world is happy you are back :)

I want to wish you more happiness and joy for all the years coming. I know the road ahead is going to have its ups and downs but like I said right from the very beginning "You are a hero" and your girls are so very lucky to have you.

I love that you are ridding horses, cooking and considering a book, I know it will be a great purging and I know the first printing will sell out very fast.
You are always in my heart, and in the hearts of millions.

GOD Bless you Starlit and Angel too.
God bless your mom and step dad, your sister and extended family. You are all an inspiration :blowkiss:

Now it is time for us all to go away and let you live your life. :) and a good life I wish for you all.
sweet beautiful jaycee.

i have spent the last 48 hours or so trying to compose my thoughts as to what to say now that i've seen your pictures, heard your comments and seen what you are up to now.

a few weeks ago, i found an old newspaper article. it was from a year after you were taken from your family. in it it had the contents of of a 5th grade project you made in which you descrbed yourself, who you are, what you love, what you feared, what you needed. you loved horses, cats, animals, you needed your family and your friends. oh and you hated spinach lol.

Seeing you in people, and how your family has adjusted over the last 7 miraculous weeks, i see that you are still the same person in your heart that you were 18 years ago. yes, you've matured, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. but your ordeal never changed the essensce of who you are inside. you still love animals, stil care for horses, still love having your family and friends by your side. do you still hate spinach? lol.

most importantly, that bond that was so great with your mom and your sister back in those days seems only to have grown. it was so heartwarming to see you all together, it makes me proud and excited for all your futures. never forget, when times get rough now, they are all there for you, and in our hearts and souls, we are all here for you too.

i cant imagine what you went thru all those horrible years. but i imagine, when things were at there worst, you thought of the good times. horses and cats and holding little shayna or going fishing with your dad or just sharing a quiet moment with your mom. now you get to experience these things again, and im delighted.

may god bless you, your mom sister, daughters, extended family, and keep you all safe.
you are a hero and an inspiration to me and millions around the world.
best wishes and lots of love :)

Thank you for sharing your picture with all of us!! You were a cute young lady and now you are a beautiful woman. What makes you so unique is the beauty that you carry inside as well as your physical beauty!! It creates a package that makes the world very proud of you!! What a gift you have given us, to see that you are happy!!! The joy bubbles and springs forth from you and your Mom!! Wonderful!!

As you go through your days, know that you, your daughters, your Mom, sister and extended family are in my heart and prayers!! It is difficult to express to you how greatly I admire you for your strength and wisdom!

Have a most wonderful life!!!
you were never able to go past 5th grade.
......but you are far wiser then me.
you are very petite.
......but you tower over me.
you weigh far less then i do
.....yet you are way stronger then me.

with thanksgiving a week away, i'd like to give thanks.

thanks...........that you are safe with your loving family.
thanks that you and your girls never have to endure another holiday without love.
thanks that your healing process has begun.
thanks that this year there wont be an empty space at the holiday table, but, instead, yours will once more be filled and 2 new ones for your girls will be made.

lastly id like to give thanks for the inspiration you are to me. in a world that seems to be continually degrading, you are a strength and a beacon of hope to all of us. :)

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