Sentencing & Alternatives

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What sentence would you prefer if guilty of pre meditated homicide

  • Death Penalty

    Votes: 65 48.5%
  • Life in Prison

    Votes: 39 29.1%
  • Reduced sentence in exchange for location of Kyron

    Votes: 28 20.9%
  • Alternative

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters


"Luck is the residue of design"
Jun 8, 2010
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Just wondering from other discussions over the last few months how many people would approve of the death sentence if someone is found to have committed a capital pre meditated murder versus life in prison, versus a reduced sentence if the perpetrator leads us to Kyron.
I vote for reducing from a death sentence to life, or the better part of life in prison for the return of Kyron's remains, assuming he is no longer with us. This will also give Baby K the chance to work through the reality of what her mother has done and allow her the opportunity to confront the beast and find closure. Terri owes that to Kyron and to baby K. I am sure J. is gonna have a few questions for her too. lets not forget him. we are dealing with 2 children who stand to lose their biological mother which means the emotional damage done by Terri, assuming she did something, is still in its infancy.
I vote for reducing from a death sentence to life, or the better part of life in prison for the return of Kyron's remains, assuming he is no longer with us. This will also give Baby K the chance to work through the reality of what her mother has done and allow her the opportunity to confront the beast and find closure. Terri owes that to Kyron and to baby K. I am sure J. is gonna have a few questions for her too. lets not forget him. we are dealing with 2 children who stand to lose their biological mother which means the emotional damage done by Terri, assuming she did something, is still in its infancy.

Interesting. I voted the same way thinking that if TH can give a location of a body (I hate typing that) then that will remove all doubt that she is guilty and provide closure that might not come from even a guilty verdict based on a largely or totally circumstantial case. If they found the body first, though, I'd be all for the DP if TH is found guilty.
Yes, if a body was found without anyone leading LE to him, I am all for the death penalty.
I feel that despite my desire for the ultimate punishment, the over riding need is for Kyron to be found. So, I'd be willing to see a lesser sentence if that were the only way to bring certain closure to this.

And, who knows...I may change my mind on any given day.

Thank you all for voting.....and explaining your answers. It's been on my mind for some time now.
I voted life in prison. I want the individual to be haunted by what they did for a very long time. Prisons are a wonderful place for child killers, too.
My vote is for the DP if Terri is found to be guilty of premeditating sweet Kyron's death. In my book it's pretty cut & eye for an eye!

As for giving leniency on a sentence in exchange for the location of Kyron's chance in hell! Since my belief is that Kyron's soul has already left his body I would rather opt for justice to be served to the fullest extent vs. giving a Murderer any mercy that she didn't even extend to her victim!
Unpopular stance here (probably)...but I in no way favor the death penalty for anyone. I don't believe in taking a life for a life.

Life in prison - should be life in prison. 3 meals a day, a shower a day, a mattress and a blanket...that's all a prisoner should be entitled to. No phone calls, no mail, no visits. The murderer should be stripped of all rights, comforts and the ability to have contact with the outside world - since that is what they have done to their victim.

But in no way would I want a DP verdict on my hands and have to deal with the karma that comes with making that decision.
Oregon is a very liberal state, yet we do still have the DP. Once in a while a monster shows up in disguise and the DP is the only thing fitting for the circumstances.
Oregon is a very liberal state, yet we do still have the DP. Once in a while a monster shows up in disguise and the DP is the only thing fitting for the circumstances.

That should come in just dandy when Terri is arrested, tried, and convicted for murdering a precious 7-year-old little boy!!
Life with no possibility of parole for the perp, whomever it may be.

Though I won't shed a tear if the perp gets the DP.
Just wondering from other discussions over the last few months how many people would approve of the death sentence if someone is found to have committed a capital pre meditated murder versus life in prison, versus a reduced sentence if the perpetrator leads us to Kyron.


bolded by me. The OP did not name any person and asked a general question. No more snark. Pass on by if you don't want to answer.
Unpopular stance here (probably)...but I in no way favor the death penalty for anyone. I don't believe in taking a life for a life.

Life in prison - should be life in prison. 3 meals a day, a shower a day, a mattress and a blanket...that's all a prisoner should be entitled to. No phone calls, no mail, no visits. The murderer should be stripped of all rights, comforts and the ability to have contact with the outside world - since that is what they have done to their victim.

But in no way would I want a DP verdict on my hands and have to deal with the karma that comes with making that decision.

I respect your opinion about that. I know that this thread shouldn't turn into a pro- anti-DP debate... but I'm still on the fence about the DP even in the worst cases.

I'm pretty much a hard-*advertiser censored* on most things... you do the crime, you do the time... but the DP is one topic with which I still debate internally.

For me it goes back to being a kid when Gary Gilmore was executed before a Utah firing squad. I think I was too young to understand his crime, and much too young to understand why he was executed. That was a confusing time for kids--the late seventies, with the Iran hostage situation, the James Jones cult mass suicide--so much in the news then that was hard for a kid to digest. Anyway, sorry to digress... but I guess that my fence-sitting on the DP stems from an inability to confront the issue philosophically, even 35 years after Gilmore.

Having said that, I certainly don't debate the topic with people who do support it--I've just not reached the place of certainty in my own mind that it's the right sentence, even when it seems so deserved.
Life with no possibility of parole for the perp, whomever it may be.

Though I won't shed a tear if the perp gets the DP.

ITA, life with no possibility of parole, whomever the perp may be.
I don't know that anyone has ever gotten the DP without a body, have they?

Regardless...if LE finds a body and TH is found guilty....I'm all for the DP.

If LE DOESN'T have a body...then I'd be okay with reducing it to LIP w/o Parole in exchange for Kyron's whereabouts.

If TH were to come forward VOLUNTARILY with Kyron's whereabouts AND plead guilty to premeditated murder (not putting the family through a trial)...I'd be okay with LIP with possibility of parole.
I chose reduction for body ...if it were to come to that...I hate typing it, thinking it.

I guess though I would need to know more about what happened to decide what I thought of the DP. until ethan stacey I never supported the DP. I still dont know how I feel about it.
I do not believe in the death penalty, so I would vote for Life in Prison. I do not think it is a bad thing if this conversation explores the death penalty issue. It is crimes like these that cause me to reconsider my feelings about the death penalty. This is where the rubber hits the road.

But still--I think that what Kyron would want is for us to try to understand why his murderer is so depraved, and work towards eliminating the circumstances that create such a monster.
I do not believe in the death penalty, so I would vote for Life in Prison. I do not think it is a bad thing if this conversation explores the death penalty issue. It is crimes like these that cause me to reconsider my feelings about the death penalty. This is where the rubber hits the road.

But still--I think that what Kyron would want is for us to try to understand why his murderer is so depraved, and work towards eliminating the circumstances that create such a monster.


Crimes like what? We don't know what the crime is in this case, yet...
Unpopular stance here (probably)...but I in no way favor the death penalty for anyone. I don't believe in taking a life for a life.

Life in prison - should be life in prison. 3 meals a day, a shower a day, a mattress and a blanket...that's all a prisoner should be entitled to. No phone calls, no mail, no visits. The murderer should be stripped of all rights, comforts and the ability to have contact with the outside world - since that is what they have done to their victim.

But in no way would I want a DP verdict on my hands and have to deal with the karma that comes with making that decision.
Boy! I was reading along and agreeing pretty much until the since that is what they have done to their victim part. Then I saw this as just another take on the eye for an eye.

Maybe it's more cornea for an eye, but I don't think I'm the one for parsing this stuff, so I'll just go for the DP after all in this particular case if the person planned it. We can't keep having this happening, so the risk needs to be higher.

I've always thought we put them away for life to secure ourselves, not so much to take away their life. Nowadays they let out lifers, and I'm also bothered by that. So finally, after so many years a no DP person and thinking about this case and about Ethan Stacy, I've just now defected. They're miserable anyway, which is why they hurt others without a conscience.
Since it's my tax dollars keeping them on death row forever without actually doing the deed, and paying for all the appeals, I think life without the possibility is the preferred method. What they call 'real life' here.

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