Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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The BMW:

1. By the time she was forced to flee Mesa, helping her out financially wasn't something Travis was able or willing to do. His friends have said his flat out refusal to help her any longer was one of the main reasons she had no choice but to leave.

2. Travis was broke himself. He wasn't in the position to essentially give her a $6,000 car he could sell for the cash.

3. Yes, she tried to get it from TA's estate. Of course. As I said, she also tried to claim TA gave her Napoleon. She didn't get the BMW from TA's estate because Chris H was sitting with TA's executor when JA tried to pull her BS to claim the BMW. The executor asked Chris, Chris said no way TA gave it to her, the executor demanded proof, JA sent an email "contract" Chris said was laughable, it was so obviously manufactured by her (another to JA from JA kinda deal).

4. JA claimed at trial that TA had sold it to her and then oops, she accidentally destroyed it. Don't see any reason whatsoever to believe her. There was no contract and no mention of any such agreement in their texts. What does show up in the texts is TA telling her, after she had destroyed the BMW and was back in Yreka, that she needed to start REPAYING him for the car. Not paying, repaying him.

5. As for the UHaul and hooking it up and what he would or would not have allowed. He didn't go with her to pick up the UHaul. Her story would be more believable had he gone. Haven't you ever wondered why she took the BMW to pick up the UHaul, rather than her own car?

JMO, but I think the dolly was for her own car, and that she took the BMW that day because she meant to destroy it. She was in full blown FU mode onher way out of town, including trying to sabotage his meeting PPL quota for March, which would have made him ineligible to go to Cancun.

JMO but I do not think she destroyed the BMW on purpose. She needed it in Yreka. Chris Hughes confirms that Travis sold it to Jodi and the $100/month terms in his book Our Friend Travis.

Travis could have sold the car to anyone. He needed money. He was borrowing money from friends, including Deanna. He could have put it on Craigslist, put an ad in the paper...but he decided to "help" Jodi.

This was an unhealthy co-dependent sexual relationship. They both were addicted to the crisis and dramas.
I don't think Travis was used to Drama like Jodi or crisis, I think she was a new thing for him. I do feel had he been older, wiser, smarter about things he would have seen the red flags and ended it with her Pronto and not let her back time after time. But sometimes that comes with maturity and experience which I do not feel he had. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. She however was a very evil, scheming wench who had used her sex on many occasions with many men and knew how to get to Travis...So very sad!
JMO but I do not think she destroyed the BMW on purpose. She needed it in Yreka. Chris Hughes confirms that Travis sold it to Jodi and the $100/month terms in his book Our Friend Travis.

Travis could have sold the car to anyone. He needed money. He was borrowing money from friends, including Deanna. He could have put it on Craigslist, put an ad in the paper...but he decided to "help" Jodi.

This was an unhealthy co-dependent sexual relationship. They both were addicted to the crisis and dramas.

I've typed a reply twice and have been kicked off twice and have lost my reply twice and have concluded that's my just punishment for being too wordy. :D

So, brief. $100 sale came after she had destroyed the BMW, not before. We'll have to agree to disagree on how his car happened to get blown up (tho ask yourself this-why do you think she drove his car and not hers to pick up the UHaul (he did not come with her)?

I trust TA's friends that by early March TA was no longer willing to help her financially. That's why she had to leave town. Hell, the man didn't even let her sleep in his house the last week she was in Mesa. She slept in the UHaul for the last days., not IMO the unhealthy co-dependent....and addicted to crisis and drama assessment. She is a full blown narcissistic sociopath. Travis was her walking wounded prey. OceanblueEyes and Mindmatters have both written eloquent posts here about what that meant for TA's ability to survive her. He didn't have a chance.
I think Donovan is simply a butch lesbian...

Whatever. The issues here are about credibility, nothing to do with orientation or gender. IMO, there is no credibility attached to this person.

Have you read TA's text records on BK's site? They don't and can't give anywhere near a complete or accurate sense of who Travis was or why he put up with her, but they do provide quite a few clues.

One of the most revealing texts he wrote about the why of it, IMO, was to a friend, I think in early spring '08. He said that he was in a lose-lose situation with her. Ignore her, try to get her to stay away, and he had to deal with days and days of her tears and despair (and according to Sky, her threats of suicide). Give her the attention she demanded and he had to deal with her clinging to him and giving him no room to breath. He said he most often chose the latter because it was easier for him to deal with.

Travis didn't like the drama. He loathed it. It wore him out. By March and from then on he was telling her just that, repeatedly.
ETA- I googled it, never mind :seeya:

Is the manifesto somewhere on WS? Or online?
(I guess I could google, feeling lazy this Fri. night, lol).

Lol. Try reading the manifesto? It's crazy.
I've typed a reply twice and have been kicked off twice and have lost my reply twice and have concluded that's my just punishment for being too wordy. :D

So, brief. $100 sale came after she had destroyed the BMW, not before. We'll have to agree to disagree on how his car happened to get blown up (tho ask yourself this-why do you think she drove his car and not hers to pick up the UHaul (he did not come with her)?

I trust TA's friends that by early March TA was no longer willing to help her financially. That's why she had to leave town. Hell, the man didn't even let her sleep in his house the last week she was in Mesa. She slept in the UHaul for the last days., not IMO the unhealthy co-dependent....and addicted to crisis and drama assessment. She is a full blown narcissistic sociopath. Travis was her walking wounded prey. OceanblueEyes and Mindmatters have both written eloquent posts here about what that meant for TA's ability to survive her. He didn't have a chance.

Sociopaths manipulate/work the target (Travis) into codependent toxic relationships. Travis never did have a chance. This was not his fault. Like he asked her "why did you manipulate me into loving you. I was a good guy.." He says several times he's addicted (co dependent). She tells him she's addicted too. They had a pattern of arguing, making up (sex). He continued contact even after she moved. But by that time she had tired of playing games with the man (in her mind) who had rejected her as not good enough to marry. When threatened with exposure she decided he had to die so she could move on to the next target. Jmo

IIRC the BMW was ruined because it was left in first gear while being towed on the UHaul (Chris Hughes). She drove it (not ruined) to the UHaul. It was being towed because Travis sold it to Jodi. She agreed to pay him $100 month so she would have a car to drive once hers was repossessed. He was not able to help her financially. She had him so upside down he couldn't focus on his work plus the vacations he had paid for.
Sociopaths manipulate/work the target (Travis) into codependent toxic relationships. Travis never did have a chance. This was not his fault. Like he asked her "why did you manipulate me into loving you. I was a good guy.." He says several times he's addicted (co dependent). She tells him she's addicted too. They had a pattern of arguing, making up (sex).

IIRC the BMW was ruined because it was left in first gear while being towed on the UHaul (Chris Hughes). She drove it (not ruined) to the UHaul. It was being towed because Travis sold it to Jodi. She agreed to pay him $100 month so she would have a car to drive once hers was repossessed.

The BMW. Right. The BMW was fine until she --not UHaul- hooked it up and left it in gear before towing it to the highway where the engine and transmission blew up. Thing is, she wasn't leaving town yet, not even on her I'm really really going now (just one more day) schedule. She was driving the UHaul back to TA's house, where it would sit for days as she loaded it then left and left only to return.

So, why drive the BMW to go get the UHaul? She still had her car. And again, there is no indication that TA meant to sell her the car before she destroyed it. Afterwards, he asked her to pay him $100 a month, or whatever she could afford. She didn't even bother to do that- never sent him a dime.

What other choice did he have at that point? He didn't have the money to fix the BMW. After he was killed, the BMW was still there in the garage where it had been towed after she blew it up. It's just as easy to believe he knew she'd never make a payment and he'd deal with getting rid of it later on.

The co-dependency/addiction thing.

All JMO, and I have no special knowledge of abnormal psychology. I don't believe for a minute that JA was addicted to anything. She was exceptionally clear-eyed, IMO, and knew exactly how to manipulate TA into exactly the cycle he described...provoking him into anger which made him feel out of control and weak, guilty and unworthy, and there she was, as she so often described herself, "sweetly and calmly and soothingly" forgiving him, angel that she was, or if it suited her purposes, as TA so perfectly described, equaling his anger with her drama until he came around and realized just how mean and wrong he'd been.

I don't think TA meant addicted in the way you're interpreting it, and in any case, his saying it on May 26 means IMO it really can't be taken at face value. In my moments of lesser-obsession I'm forced to admit we'll never know for sure what was really going on May 26, what she was threatening him with that for him would have come out of left field, and what of what he said to her was an attempt to stay a step ahead of her....

Have you read TA's text records on BK's site? They don't and can't give anywhere near a complete or accurate sense of who Travis was or why he put up with her, but they do provide quite a few clues.

One of the most revealing texts he wrote about the why of it, IMO, was to a friend, I think in early spring '08. He said that he was in a lose-lose situation with her. Ignore her, try to get her to stay away, and he had to deal with days and days of her tears and despair (and according to Sky, her threats of suicide). Give her the attention she demanded and he had to deal with her clinging to him and giving him no room to breath. He said he most often chose the latter because it was easier for him to deal with.

Travis didn't like the drama. He loathed it. It wore him out. By March and from then on he was telling her just that, repeatedly.

Yes. Intellectually he knew she was all drama. Yet he couldn't cut ties. On some level he was addicted to the sex (like his friends and family said). He knew she'd slashed his tires, he knew she followed him, He still let her borrow his car. He still liked the dirty schoolgirl routine. He sold her a car (guaranteeing a few years MORE drama) on a payment plan. Drama is exhausting but it's also exciting...especially the making up. She had him in a pattern and that is what she counted on June 4. IMO when he told her May 26 that he was addicted to her his fate was sealed.

“Jodi was Travis’ drug of choice. Anyone that thinks sex can’t be addictive is nuts,” Alexander’s friend of 11 years, Dave Hall said in an interview.
The BMW. Right. The BMW was fine until she --not UHaul- hooked it up and left it in gear before towing it to the highway where the engine and transmission blew up. Thing is, she wasn't leaving town yet, not even on her I'm really really going now (just one more day) schedule. She was driving the UHaul back to TA's house, where it would sit for days as she loaded it then left and left only to return.

So, why drive the BMW to go get the UHaul? She still had her car. And again, there is no indication that TA meant to sell her the car before she destroyed it. Afterwards, he asked her to pay him $100 a month, or whatever she could afford. She didn't even bother to do that- never sent him a dime.

What other choice did he have at that point? He didn't have the money to fix the BMW. After he was killed, the BMW was still there in the garage where it had been towed after she blew it up. It's just as easy to believe he knew she'd never make a payment and he'd deal with getting rid of it later on.

Where is there information that he sold it to her after it was totaled? It makes no sense. Flores testified and Chris Hughes says it was sold to her because Travis was trying to help her because he knew she would need it to use to get a job in Yreka. $6,000 is a lot to pay for a non working BMW. After it was ruined she still was obligated to pay. Another reason to kill him $6000?! She could leave he Infinity in Mesa. Make the bank come get it. He dad said she'd driven it into the ground anyway by never changing the oil.

We're gonna have to disagree on a passel of points, both factual and interpretative. It's all good. ;)

The last I'll say is a reply to just one of your points- that he knew she'd slashed his tires.

The remarkable thing is that he DIDN'T know that until late April or May. He'd think it and say it, including to Samantha (who had JA's number without ever having to meet the ), but then JA would convince him she had not. He talked with her about the tires on April 1, the first day she said she was leaving that day. She denied slashing them, again, and he believed her, again. Those texts were flat out in equal measure both heart breaking and incredibly frustrating to read.

As I've said here, my core interpretation of what was going on in the gchat on the 26th--one of the primary reasons for his rage-- was that TA had finally understand everything she was and had said was a lie, and that she had kept lying to him even after he had literally BEGGED her to tell him the truth. She had made him doubt his own sense of reality, and that again, was literally intolerable to him. He told her quite plainly on the 26th that he could forgive her anything else, but not the lies.

We're gonna have to disagree on a passel of points, both factual and interpretative. It's all good. ;)

The last I'll say is a reply to just one of your points- that he knew she'd slashed his tires.

The remarkable thing is that he DIDN'T know that until late April or May. He'd think it and say it, including to Samantha (who had JA's number without ever having to meet the ), but then JA would convince him she had not. He talked with her about the tires on April 1, the first day she said she was leaving that day. She denied slashing them, again, and he believed her, again. Those texts were flat out in equal measure both heart breaking and incredibly frustrating to read.

As I've said here, my core interpretation of what was going on in the gchat on the 26th--one of the primary reasons for his rage-- was that TA had finally understand everything she was and had said was a lie, and that she had kept lying to him even after he had literally BEGGED her to tell him the truth. She had made him doubt his own sense of reality, and that again, was literally intolerable to him. He told her quite plainly on the 26th that he could forgive her anything else, but not the lies.

Lol. He knew. IMO. It was part of their toxic relationship pattern that she'd cry and deny, he'd relent and they'd be back to friends with benefits. High drama. He knew. Lisa knew, especially with the anonymous email . That's how sick this whole relationship was. It's very sad.
Maybe this can sort out some of the BMW debate. Not sure of the accuracy, but it may point a direction to go and see what she lied or didn't lie about.

"A defense witness stated the most dangerous time for an abuse victim is when they are trying to leave. If so, Travis's behavior does not fit within the 'pattern of abuse". Jodi borrowed his BMW to pick up her Uhaul just a few days prior to April 3rd when she left. She went alone and was going to pick up a tow dolly to be able to take her Infiniti to Yreka. Jodi put Travis's car on the dolly, left it in first gear, and attempted to tow it back to his house. She blew the engine because she towed it in first gear.

The "pattern of abuse" supports Jodi destroying his $6000 car would have made Travis blow up at her if he were angry she was trying to move away. But, he did not. In fact, Travis did not get mad at all according to Jodi. On a phone interview with Flores, Jodi stated "I trashed his car, and he took it so well." Instead of getting mad, Travis tried to help her get out of having to pay for it. He called his lawyer to see if Uhaul would be responsible, and he called his insurance to see if they would pay. When the answer was no, Travis made a deal with Jodi. He allowed her to make very low minimal payments for the car she destroyed. He told her not to worry about making her payments until she was "on her feet". Such behavior is not the action of a man who would choke her over an argument because he was threatened she was leaving.


Under oath, Jodi told a different story about the BMW deal. She made it sound like she was already buying the BMW before she destroyed the engine. She claimed Travis "pushed it off" on her when he was buying his Prius. Her claim was Travis wanted to sell the car instead of doing a trade-in because it would get him more money. She stated he convinced her to buy his car because she would soon lose hers to repossession. Her credit was too bad to qualify for a loan. Travis purchased his Prius in March. Jodi's journal supports this:
" 3-06-2008 Today I worked. When I was done I got a call from TA. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to get his Prius…"

Jodi's taped interview with Flores supports there was no plan for her to purchase the BMW before she blew the engine. She said "The car deal happened right before I left Mesa". Jodi had to lie on the stand about the timing of the car deal. If she admitted she blew his engine before the deal for her to buy it was made, how can she paint him in a bad light if he didn't even get mad? How can he be a guy to blow up and choke her over an argument because she was leaving him but then at the same time be so passive about her destroying his $6000 car? Especially given the fact she had no means to pay for it.
Where is there information that he sold it to her after it was totaled? It makes no sense. Flores testified and Chris Hughes says it was sold to her because Travis was trying to help her because he knew she would need it to use to get a job in Yreka. $6,000 is a lot to pay for a non working BMW. After it was ruined she still was obligated to pay. Another reason to kill him $6000?! She could leave he Infinity in Mesa. Make the bank come get it. He dad said she'd driven it into the ground anyway by never changing the oil.

I don't remember Flores testifying that TA sold her the car to help her out. How would he know that in any case? Or how would Chris know that? I do know that at least through mid-March TA wasn't being honest with either Chris or Sky about how deeply embedded JA still was in his life. He told Chris in March that the only reason he was taking her to the OKC was that he needed her help paying for gas there, he was so broke. I'm having a bit of difficulty believing Travis would tell Chris that he was willing to help JA out at all, much less to the extent of basically giving her $6k worth of car.

And, if he had sold her the car before she destroyed it, why would she have written in her journal that day that TA wasn't angry about her blowing it up? why would he be, if he had sold it to her? And if TA had sold it to her beforehand, and she had intended to use it in Yreka after she "gave her car back" to the bank, why didn't he let her tow it back there and as you say, have the bank come claim her Infinity in Mesa?

Grrr. Timed out again. Maybe JM knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth, if he checked into what was reported to insurance companies, etc. Otherwise, if there was ever a real sales contract it doesn't exist now. JA's BS contract was dismissed as fraudulent.The only first hand references I've seen are in her March journal (the day she blew it up, no mention before that of buying it), and in later text fights when TA brought it up.
Maybe this can sort out some of the BMW debate. Not sure of the accuracy, but it may point a direction to go and see what she lied or didn't lie about.

"A defense witness stated the most dangerous time for an abuse victim is when they are trying to leave. If so, Travis's behavior does not fit within the 'pattern of abuse". Jodi borrowed his BMW to pick up her Uhaul just a few days prior to April 3rd when she left. She went alone and was going to pick up a tow dolly to be able to take her Infiniti to Yreka. Jodi put Travis's car on the dolly, left it in first gear, and attempted to tow it back to his house. She blew the engine because she towed it in first gear.

The "pattern of abuse" supports Jodi destroying his $6000 car would have made Travis blow up at her if he were angry she was trying to move away. But, he did not. In fact, Travis did not get mad at all according to Jodi. On a phone interview with Flores, Jodi stated "I trashed his car, and he took it so well." Instead of getting mad, Travis tried to help her get out of having to pay for it. He called his lawyer to see if Uhaul would be responsible, and he called his insurance to see if they would pay. When the answer was no, Travis made a deal with Jodi. He allowed her to make very low minimal payments for the car she destroyed. He told her not to worry about making her payments until she was "on her feet". Such behavior is not the action of a man who would choke her over an argument because he was threatened she was leaving.


Under oath, Jodi told a different story about the BMW deal. She made it sound like she was already buying the BMW before she destroyed the engine. She claimed Travis "pushed it off" on her when he was buying his Prius. Her claim was Travis wanted to sell the car instead of doing a trade-in because it would get him more money. She stated he convinced her to buy his car because she would soon lose hers to repossession. Her credit was too bad to qualify for a loan. Travis purchased his Prius in March. Jodi's journal supports this:
" 3-06-2008 Today I worked. When I was done I got a call from TA. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to get his Prius…"

Jodi's taped interview with Flores supports there was no plan for her to purchase the BMW before she blew the engine. She said "The car deal happened right before I left Mesa". Jodi had to lie on the stand about the timing of the car deal. If she admitted she blew his engine before the deal for her to buy it was made, how can she paint him in a bad light if he didn't even get mad? How can he be a guy to blow up and choke her over an argument because she was leaving him but then at the same time be so passive about her destroying his $6000 car? Especially given the fact she had no means to pay for it.

Thank you. That is an interesting article. I suppose she could have changed the story. But either way Travis didn't get mad so not sure how she gained by changing the story
Maybe this can sort out some of the BMW debate. Not sure of the accuracy, but it may point a direction to go and see what she lied or didn't lie about.

"A defense witness stated the most dangerous time for an abuse victim is when they are trying to leave. If so, Travis's behavior does not fit within the 'pattern of abuse". Jodi borrowed his BMW to pick up her Uhaul just a few days prior to April 3rd when she left. She went alone and was going to pick up a tow dolly to be able to take her Infiniti to Yreka. Jodi put Travis's car on the dolly, left it in first gear, and attempted to tow it back to his house. She blew the engine because she towed it in first gear.

The "pattern of abuse" supports Jodi destroying his $6000 car would have made Travis blow up at her if he were angry she was trying to move away. But, he did not. In fact, Travis did not get mad at all according to Jodi. On a phone interview with Flores, Jodi stated "I trashed his car, and he took it so well." Instead of getting mad, Travis tried to help her get out of having to pay for it. He called his lawyer to see if Uhaul would be responsible, and he called his insurance to see if they would pay. When the answer was no, Travis made a deal with Jodi. He allowed her to make very low minimal payments for the car she destroyed. He told her not to worry about making her payments until she was "on her feet". Such behavior is not the action of a man who would choke her over an argument because he was threatened she was leaving.


Under oath, Jodi told a different story about the BMW deal. She made it sound like she was already buying the BMW before she destroyed the engine. She claimed Travis "pushed it off" on her when he was buying his Prius. Her claim was Travis wanted to sell the car instead of doing a trade-in because it would get him more money. She stated he convinced her to buy his car because she would soon lose hers to repossession. Her credit was too bad to qualify for a loan. Travis purchased his Prius in March. Jodi's journal supports this:
" 3-06-2008 Today I worked. When I was done I got a call from TA. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to get his Prius…"

Jodi's taped interview with Flores supports there was no plan for her to purchase the BMW before she blew the engine. She said "The car deal happened right before I left Mesa". Jodi had to lie on the stand about the timing of the car deal. If she admitted she blew his engine before the deal for her to buy it was made, how can she paint him in a bad light if he didn't even get mad? How can he be a guy to blow up and choke her over an argument because she was leaving him but then at the same time be so passive about her destroying his $6000 car? Especially given the fact she had no means to pay for it.

Thanks, Caylee. And, IMO Deborah Moran is hands down one of the best sources available on all things JA related. Her analysis is spot on and thorough, of everything from (no) *advertiser censored* on the computer to JA's May 2 sex texts to herself to why the pedo lie was a lie....
I don't remember Flores testifying that TA sold her the car to help her out. How would he know that in any case? Or how would Chris know that? I do know that at least through mid-March TA wasn't being honest with either Chris or Sky about how deeply embedded JA still was in his life. He told Chris in March that the only reason he was taking her to the OKC was that he needed her help paying for gas there, he was so broke. I'm having a bit of difficulty believing Travis would tell Chris that he was willing to help JA out at all, much less to the extent of basically giving her $6k worth of car.

And, if he had sold her the car before she destroyed it, why would she have written in her journal that day that TA wasn't angry about her blowing it up? why would he be, if he had sold it to her? And if TA had sold it to her beforehand, and she had intended to use it in Yreka after she "gave her car back" to the bank, why didn't he let her tow it back there and as you say, have the bank come claim her Infinity in Mesa?

Grrr. Timed out again. Maybe JM knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth, if he checked into what was reported to insurance companies, etc. Otherwise, if there was ever a real sales contract it doesn't exist now. JA's BS contract was dismissed as fraudulent.The only first hand references I've seen are in her March journal (the day she blew it up, no mention before that of buying it), and in later text fights when TA brought it up.

Chris would know through conversations with Travis. Flores would know because he knew not to just believe whatever Jodi told him. He would check with Travis's friends, especially when there is a check from the suspect for "car payment" in his desk drawer! Jmo
Thank you Hope and Tex. Both of your back and forth are helping me a lot to form my own opinion. You guys are just awesome!!!
Thank you. That is an interesting article. I suppose she could have changed the story. But either way Travis didn't get mad so not sure how she gained by changing the story

Because.....she was asking the jury to believe Travis was going to kill her because she dropped his camera on the floor, but he didn't get angry when she 'accidentally" destroyed his $6k's worth of BMW....
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