Addicted to JODI. His relationship with JODI involved SEX, not much more. I don't think he was a sex addict as in: *advertiser censored*, prostitutes, etc.
He states he's addicted to her, his friends and family do too. I agree with Travis, his family and friends.
Poor Travis. He plays off the 's use of the word addicted, 2 hours into a FU conversation that many believe made her to decide to kill him-- that's how much he didn't express any "addiction" to her--and he does so almost certainly in one last attempt to get her to come clean, but fails.
It's the only time he ever uses that word, but now it is used to reduce all his conflicted feelings for and about her, all of his struggle to extricate himself from her BPD and sociopathic madness without (in his mind) causing her to commit suicide, and without violating his chosen religion's absolute commandment to forgive, to find Christ-qualities in everyone, even the worst of sinners, and without violating his personal, soul-felt credo, that everyone is capable of changing themselves for the better...all of that reduced to the vacuous and ill-fitting term "addiction."
He didn't initiate contact with her between May 22 and June 4, not once, and almost certainly didn't respond to June 3 calls to him.
His stalker with gun and knife surprised him in his own home, after he had made it clear to her he was done, and there is ZERO evidence saying he welcomed her, wasn't scared, wasn't trying to get her out of there in any way he could, nothing except photos of each being naked that may or may not have been taken that day, and which in any case depict nothing whatsoever of his emotional state, other than he was not smiling, and in fact looked like he just woke up.
There is no evidence whatsoever that he gave her permission to take photos of him in the shower, that he was OK with it, or that until he turned to the camera, that he even knew she was there.
And yet.....that word addiction keeps getting slapped on him, up to his last minutes before being slaughtered.
As if he had not finally come to understand who she was, recoiled, told her over 2 hours she was evil, a liar to the core, that he hated her and knew she hated him. As if he didn't refuse to submit to her manipulations after May 22. As if he didn't gather up all his courage to confront her square on, and succeed. As if how he felt in early May and before, his enmeshment in her sociopathy, was immutable.
I feel nothing but sadness for Travis that he didn't break with her for so long, that it took him until May 22 to do so, which left less than 2 weeks to have cleared his mind and heart of her poison.
But in equal measure, I'm awed by his personal strength and honesty, that as destroyed as he felt by her, he confronted her on May 26, told her who she was, and never backed down. Not that day, and IMO, never again.