Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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Pure speculation, but doesn't that sound right? The stuff puts me to sleep pretty quickly, and unlike TA, I'm OK with aspirin and the like. His tolerance would have been much lower.

Maybe. She'd have to hide it in some food or something. But I'm not sure...are Mormons forbidden to take any otc drugs?

I've wondered why she didn't kill him while he slept...put the gun to his head. The only thing is I think she enjoyed using the knife. I think slashing all those tires relieved/released the pressure of her obsessive thoughts. She liked that release. So her plan became in the shower, with a knife, blood going nicely down the drain. No mess.
Risky. Dude fought for his life. Just because she considered him disposable doesn't mean he was going to just sit there and take it.
Except Benadryl doesn't make everyone sleepy. It has the opposite affect on some of us. I was thinking more like some sort of sleep aid.

Also, the fact that the receipt says "health care eligible" might rule out some items (like KY, I'm guessing). Not sure if it's the same in Arizona but in my state OTC pharmacy items that are eligible for reimbursement through a flex-spending account will show up on the receipt with a similar notation.

I forget, did Travis's autopsy tox screens come up with any drug residue in his system?

No antihistamines found. No drugs.
Ethyl alcohol in blood. But due to decomp IIRC
Has it been independently verified by friends or family that Travis even drank coffee? In my experience with the Mormons I know, coffee is a big no-no.

(slaps self on head). duh me. now I have to go look at the thing's writing AGAIN. ;) BRB.
:waitasec: I want to make sure I understand your reply correctly: you don't think that denial was a lie? If so, can you explain your logic as to why you think that particular denial was the truth?

The way I have come to think of her personality/temperament/behavior through the years of following this case, is that pretty much any time she had an opportunity to tell a lie that would benefit her, she did. And pretty much any time Travis "busted" her on something she'd done, she denied it. Heck, at first she even denied being in Mesa on June 4th. And she certainly has never told the truth about what happened that day.

As I understand it, Hope's statement didn't revolve around a truth/lie thing. I believe the point was that Jodi could not have used the excuse she was returning the journals as a way to persuade TA to let her in on June 4, because she had been insisting (truthfully or falsely, and we all know which option is correct) that she hadn't taken them.
Except Benadryl doesn't make everyone sleepy. It has the opposite affect on some of us. I was thinking more like some sort of sleep aid.

Also, the fact that the receipt says "health care eligible" might rule out some items (like KY, I'm guessing). Not sure if it's the same in Arizona but in my state OTC pharmacy items that are eligible for reimbursement through a flex-spending account will show up on the receipt with a similar notation.

I forget, did Travis's autopsy tox screens come up with any drug residue in his system?

I doubt even decaf is allowed since isn't it true that 1-3% of the caffeine remains? In other words it's only 97% caffeine free...
Has it been independently verified by friends or family that Travis even drank coffee? In my experience with the Mormons I know, coffee is a big no-no.

My apologies. I'm wrong about coffee being mentioned in her little scene (page 10 of the letter). No coffee, of course, His family would never have believed her because they knew what I spazzed- TA never drank the stuff.
I doubt even decaf is allowed since isn't it true that 1-3% of the caffeine remains? In other words it's only 97% caffeine free...

That's my understanding. My boss is a fairly by-the-book Mormon and he rarely drinks anything other than water. Sometimes he'll have an herbal tea or juice at a morning meeting, but that's it.

But then again, all the Mormon kids I went to high school with were the biggest partiers and always had booze and drugs at their parties when their parents were out of town.
Maybe. She'd have to hide it in some food or something. But I'm not sure...are Mormons forbidden to take any otc drugs?

I've wondered why she didn't kill him while he slept...put the gun to his head. The only thing is I think she enjoyed using the knife. I think slashing all those tires relieved/released the pressure of her obsessive thoughts. She liked that release. So her plan became in the shower, with a knife, blood going nicely down the drain. No mess.
Risky. Dude fought for his life. Just because she considered him disposable doesn't mean he was going to just sit there and take it.

I think she used the knife for the reason other killers sometimes do- because it makes the killing way more up close and personal, and because she wanted him to suffer.
photo of the front of his house. There is a keycode pad for the garage to the inside left of the double door garage entrance. The interviews indicate that Taylor gave the group of TA's friends the code to enter TA's house through those garage doors. There is one door to inside his house via the garage- the door opens into the laundry room. The laundry room is on the same short hallway as is TA's office and the downstairs guest bathroom.

The knew his garage code, but IMO there is no way she entered his house that night through the garage. By her own admission her regular routine (LOL) was to go through the sidegate into his backyard. From there? he could enter via the sliding glass door, if it wasn't locked, or through his office window, after she took the screen off. My bet is increasingly on his office window,after she knew he had gone upstairs. Going in that way would have made the least noise, and she would have been least visible.

Here's what his street looks like, taken from a video. Notice how obvious a car with an out of state license plate would be, and for that matter, a car parked on the street rather than in a driveway. I watched the video of a guy driving around TA's neighborhood and can't remember seeing any cars parked on the street.

How about the option that she waited in his car in the garage. When he returned from biking, she surprised him and then went into the house with him.

She could have been in the car reading his stuff or logged on to his internet or figuring out the camera.

She could have got hold of his stuff via the doggie door, got the lay of the land regarding roommates, and then retreated to the car. She could have done this while he was out biking. She was probably spying on the house and knew he was out biking.
Yeah. Just looked at autopsy report when La Louve asked
Page 9

Well, there goes that perfectly good theory that was only that. Other than a Benadryl type OTC, I can't imagine what she could have bought that even in her warped brain she might think would be effective in incapacitating him, even slightly.

Maybe the just had a well deserved headache and bought extra strength aspirin.
Damn geevee. Absolutely right. "Otc meds and water"

That's right, forgot about the water...and why would she buy water *twice* since she got it at McD's with the fries if Darryl gave her half a case of water bottles??
Except Benadryl doesn't make everyone sleepy. It has the opposite affect on some of us. I was thinking more like some sort of sleep aid.

Also, the fact that the receipt says "health care eligible" might rule out some items (like KY, I'm guessing). Not sure if it's the same in Arizona but in my state OTC pharmacy items that are eligible for reimbursement through a flex-spending account will show up on the receipt with a similar notation.

I forget, did Travis's autopsy tox screens come up with any drug residue in his system?

Quoting myself to correct Arizona to California WRT where the OTC drugs were purchased.
That's right, forgot about the water...and why would she buy water *twice* since she got it at McD's with the fries if Darryl gave her half a case of water bottles??

Because she was saving the bottled water DB gave her to put out the fire she built using a gas can or two's worth of fuel bought in SLC that she had no other use for except to destroy evidence?
Pure speculation, but doesn't that sound right? The stuff puts me to sleep pretty quickly, and unlike TA, I'm OK with aspirin and the like. His tolerance would have been much lower.

Is there any OTC drug that keeps you awake/alert? For her to take I mean.
Since the defense didn't haul out the CVS receipt and show what was purchased, they apparently didn't need the jury to see what it was either, which is why my thoughts were something that puts a minor question to the sex Midol for cramp relief or something along those lines. Could have just been any pain reliever, I guess, but at 6.37 it was a cheap something.
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